511 research outputs found

    Gastric intramucosal pH predicts outcome after surgery for ruptured abdominal aortic aneurysm

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    Objective:The mortality associated with repair of ruptured abdominal aortic aneurysms (RAAA) remains obstinately high and many deaths result from multiple organ failure which is likely to be related to splanchnic ischaemia. The aim of this study is to investigate the importance of splanchnic ischaemia in determining outcome from RAAA by comparing gastric intramucosal pH with other methods of assessing the adequacy of splanchnic oxygenation.Design and setting:Prospective cohort of patients following surgery for RAAA admitted to the Intensive Care Unit of Guy's Hospital, London.Outcome measures:Gastric intramucosal pH (pHim) and global haemodynamic, oxygen transport and metabolic variables were measured on admission, at 12 h and at 24 h after admission. Results were compared between survivors and non-survivors and Receiver Operating Characteristic (ROC) curves were constructed to assess the ability of each measurement to predict outcome.Results:The median 24 h APACHE II was 18 and the ICU mortality 45.5%. Gastric pHim was significantly higher in survivors than non-survivors at 24 h (7.42 vs. 7.24, p < 0.01). In survivors who had a low intramucosal pH (pHim) on admission there was a significant improvement over the first 24 h (7.26 to 7.40, p < 0.05), whereas in patients who subsequently died, and had a normal pHim on admission, there was a significant fall in pHim (7.35 to 7.16, p < 0.05). ROC curves showed that gastric pHim was the most sensitive measurement for predicting outcome in these patients.Conclusions:Gastric intramucosal pH is the most reliable indicator of adequacy of tissue oxygenation in patients with RAAA, suggesting that splanchnic ischaemia may have played an important role in determining survival

    Training in oesophageal surgery – The gold standard: A prospective study

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    AbstractIntroductionCompetency in complex oesophagogastric surgery, within the current climate of changes to medical training and reduced hours, requires repeated, focused, hands-on training. We describe the training methods for oesophagectomy in our institution.MethodsAll oesophageal resections under the care of one consultant surgeon are regarded as training cases. When trainees start they are shown the first resection; subsequently, the trainees then perform every case with the consultant scrubbed. Consultant input consists of retraction and tips in difficult situations. All data were collected on a prospective database.ResultsTwo hundered and seventy patients (215 males, median age=64 years) underwent primary oesophagectomy under the consultant, between January 2000 and May 2007. Fifteen resections (6%) were performed solely by the consultant. ASA grading was: I=15, II=154, III=95, IV=5, and unrecorded=1. In-hospital mortality and clinically apparent leak rate was 1.9% (5 deaths) and 6.2% (n=17), respectively. Reoperation was required in 15 patients (5.5%). The median length of hospital stay was 14 days (range=8–95 days). Median lymph node yield was 13 (range=0–64).ConclusionsTrainees under supervision can competently perform an oesophagectomy without compromising patient care. An early hands-on approach leads to a rapid ascent of the learning curve and is essential in today's climate of limited training opportunity

    Genus Two Partition and Correlation Functions for Fermionic Vertex Operator Superalgebras I

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    We define the partition and nn-point correlation functions for a vertex operator superalgebra on a genus two Riemann surface formed by sewing two tori together. For the free fermion vertex operator superalgebra we obtain a closed formula for the genus two continuous orbifold partition function in terms of an infinite dimensional determinant with entries arising from torus Szeg\"o kernels. We prove that the partition function is holomorphic in the sewing parameters on a given suitable domain and describe its modular properties. Using the bosonized formalism, a new genus two Jacobi product identity is described for the Riemann theta series. We compute and discuss the modular properties of the generating function for all nn-point functions in terms of a genus two Szeg\"o kernel determinant. We also show that the Virasoro vector one point function satisfies a genus two Ward identity.Comment: A number of typos have been corrected, 39 pages. To appear in Commun. Math. Phy

    Structural studies into the spin crossover behaviour of Fe(abpt)2(NCS)2 polymorphs B and D

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    The spin-crossover behaviour of [Fe(abpt)2(NCS)2] (abpt = 4-amino-3,5-bis(pyridin-2-yl)-1,2,4-triazole) polymorphs B and D has been studied using single crystal X-ray diffraction to monitor changes in structural features. High pressure single crystal measurements on polymorph B showed that it underwent a monoclinic P21/n (Z′ = 0.5) to triclinic P-1 (Z′ = 2 × 0.5) phase transition between 11.5 and 13.5 kbar, at which point it also starts to undergo a thermally inaccessible spin crossover. In polymorph D which also crystallises in the mononclinic space group P21/n (Z′ = 2 × 0.5) one of the unique Fe centres undergoes a thermal spin transition. It also displays light-induced excited spin-state trapping (LIESST), and a structure has been obtained at 30 K through continuous irradiation with a 670 nm 5 mW CW laser. In addition high pressure single crystal measurements on polymorph D showed a stepped pressure induced spin transition. At ∼9.6 kbar one of the unique Fe centres had undergone a spin transition and by ∼15 kbar both of the unique Fe centres are shown to be essentially low spin, a situation that is thermally inaccessible. Crystallographic data were collected for both polymorphs using variable temperature or high pressure single crystal X-ray diffraction to allow changes in cell parameters, bond lengths and distortion parameters to be monitored for the spin crossover or phase transition

    Clay Sediments from Basaltic Terrains: Implications for Sedimentary Processes on Mars

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    The Mars Science Laboratory (MSL) rover, Curiosity, has been traversing across fluvial, lacustrine, and eolian sedimentary rocks since it touched down in 2012. The CheMin X-ray diffractometer (XRD) on board Curiosity has revealed smectite clay minerals in most fluvio-lacustrine samples and abundant X-ray amorphous materials in all samples analyzed to date. For example, mudstones from the Sheepbed member at the base of the stratigraphic section and the lower part of the Murray formation contain on average ~7 to 20 wt% smectite and ~30 to 46 wt% X-ray amorphous abundances. On Earth, smectite and secondary X-ray amorphous materials are juvenile weathering products that are generated in sedimentary environments and ultimately record the interaction between primary igneous minerals and the hydrosphere, atmosphere, and biosphere. For this study, we investigated glacio-fluvio-eolian sediments generated in basaltic terrains as terrestrial analogs for the mudstones from Gale Crater, Mars. This work focuses on the clay sized sediments (<2 m) from these deposits as this grain size hosts the most mineralogically and geochemically altered detritus in sedimentary environments. The goal of investigating basaltic sedimentation is to create a terrestrial reference frame that sheds light on the paleoclimate and paleoaqueous conditions responsible for shaping the ancient sedimentary environments of Mars (e.g., Gale Crater and Jezero Crater)

    Comparison of the Oxidation State of Fe in Comet 81P/Wild 2 and Chondritic-Porous Interplanetary Dust Particles

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    The fragile structure of chondritic-porous interplanetary dust particles (CP- IDPs) and their minimal parent-body alteration have led researchers to believe these particles originate in comets rather than asteroids where aqueous and thermal alteration have occurred. The solar elemental abundances and atmospheric entry speed of CP-IDPs also suggest a cometary origin. With the return of the Stardust samples from Jupiter-family comet 81P/Wild 2, this hypothesis can be tested. We have measured the Fe oxidation state of 15 CP-IDPs and 194 Stardust fragments using a synchrotron-based x-ray microprobe. We analyzed ~300 nanograms of Wild 2 material - three orders of magnitude more material than other analyses comparing Wild 2 and CP-IDPs. The Fe oxidation state of these two samples of material are >2{\sigma} different: the CP-IDPs are more oxidized than the Wild 2 grains. We conclude that comet Wild 2 contains material that formed at a lower oxygen fugacity than the parent body, or parent bodies, of CP-IDPs. If all Jupiter-family comets are similar, they do not appear to be consistent with the origin of CP-IDPs. However, comets that formed from a different mix of nebular material and are more oxidized than Wild 2 could be the source of CP-IDPs.Comment: Earth and Planetary Science Letters, in pres

    The role of somatosensation in automatic visuo-motor control: a comparison of congenital and acquired sensory loss.

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    Studies of chronically deafferented participants have illuminated how regaining some motor control after adult-onset loss of proprioceptive and touch input depends heavily on cognitive control. In this study we contrasted the performance of one such man, IW, with KS, a woman born without any somatosensory fibres. We postulated that her life-long absence of proprioception and touch might have allowed her to automate some simple visually-guided actions, something IW appears unable to achieve. We tested these two, and two age-matched control groups, on writing and drawing tasks performed with and without an audio-verbal echoing task that added a cognitive demand. In common with other studies of skilled action, the dual task was shown to affect visuo-motor performance in controls, with less well-controlled drawing and writing, evident as increases in path speed and reduction in curvature and trial duration. We found little evidence that IW was able to automate even the simplest drawing tasks and no evidence for automaticity in his writing. In contrast, KS showed a selective increase in speed of signature writing under the dual-task conditions, suggesting some ability to automate her most familiar writing. We also tested tracing of templates under mirror-reversed conditions, a task that imposes a powerful cognitive planning challenge. Both IW and KS showed evidence of a visuo-motor planning conflict, as did the controls, for shapes with sharp corners. Overall, IW was much faster than his controls to complete tracing shapes, consistent with an absence of visuo-proprioceptive conflict, whereas KS was slower than her controls, especially as the corners became sharper. She dramatically improved after a short period of practice while IW did not. We conclude that KS, who developed from birth without proprioception, may have some visually derived control of movement not under cognitive control, something not seen in IW. This allowed her to automate some writing and drawing actions, but impaired her initial attempts at mirror-tracing. In contrast, IW, who lost somatosensation as an adult, cannot automate these visually guided actions

    Perception of body shape and size without touch or proprioception: evidence from individuals with congenital and acquired neuropathy.

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    The degree to which mental representations of the body can be established and maintained without somatosensory input remains unclear. We contrast two "deafferented" adults, one who acquired large fibre sensory loss as an adult (IW) and another who was born without somatosensation (KS). We compared their responses to those of matched controls in three perceptual tasks: first accuracy of their mental image of their hands (assessed by testing recognition of correct hand length/width ratio in distorted photographs and by locating landmarks on the unseen hand); then accuracy of arm length judgements (assessed by judgement of reaching distance), and finally, we tested for an attentional bias towards peri-personal space (assessed by reaction times to visual target presentation). We hypothesised that IW would demonstrate responses consistent with him accessing conscious knowledge, whereas KS might show evidence of responses dependent on non-conscious mechanisms. In the first two experiments, both participants were able to give consistent responses about hand shape and arm length, but IW displayed a better awareness of hand shape than KS (and controls). KS demonstrated poorer spatial accuracy in reporting hand landmarks than both IW and controls, and appears to have less awareness of her hands. Reach distance was overestimated by both IW and KS, as it was for controls; the precision of their judgements was slightly lower than that of the controls. In the attentional task, IW showed no reaction time differences across conditions in the visual detection task, unlike controls, suggesting that he has no peri-personal bias of attention. In contrast, KS did show target location-dependent modulation of reaction times, when her hands were visible. We suggest that both IW and KS can access a conscious body image, although its accuracy may reflect their different experience of hand action. Acquired sensory loss has deprived IW of any subconscious body awareness, but the congenital absence of somatosensation may have led to its partial replacement by a form of visual proprioception in KS

    Maternal psychological distress in primary care and association with child behavioural outcomes at age three

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    Observational studies indicate children whose mothers have poor mental health are at increased risk of socio-emotional behavioural difficulties, but it is unknown whether these outcomes vary by the mothers’ mental health recognition and treatment status. To examine this question, we analysed linked longitudinal primary care and research data from 1078 women enrolled in the Born in Bradford cohort. A latent class analysis of treatment status and self-reported distress broadly categorised women as (a) not having a common mental disorder (CMD) that persisted through pregnancy and the first 2 years after delivery (N = 756, 70.1 %), (b) treated for CMD (N = 67, 6.2 %), or (c) untreated (N = 255, 23.7 %). Compared to children of mothers without CMD, 3-year-old children with mothers classified as having untreated CMD had higher standardised factor scores on the Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire (d = 0.32), as did children with mothers classified as having treated CMD (d = 0.27). Results were only slightly attenuated in adjusted analyses. Children of mothers with CMD may be at risk for socio-emotional and behavioural difficulties. The development of effective treatments for CMD needs to be balanced by greater attempts to identify and treat women

    MGMT gene silencing and benefit from temozolomide in glioblastoma.

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    BACKGROUND: Epigenetic silencing of the MGMT (O6-methylguanine-DNA methyltransferase) DNA-repair gene by promoter methylation compromises DNA repair and has been associated with longer survival in patients with glioblastoma who receive alkylating agents. METHODS: We tested the relationship between MGMT silencing in the tumor and the survival of patients who were enrolled in a randomized trial comparing radiotherapy alone with radiotherapy combined with concomitant and adjuvant treatment with temozolomide. The methylation status of the MGMT promoter was determined by methylation-specific polymerase-chain-reaction analysis. RESULTS: The MGMT promoter was methylated in 45 percent of 206 assessable cases. Irrespective of treatment, MGMT promoter methylation was an independent favorable prognostic factor (P&lt;0.001 by the log-rank test; hazard ratio, 0.45; 95 percent confidence interval, 0.32 to 0.61). Among patients whose tumor contained a methylated MGMT promoter, a survival benefit was observed in patients treated with temozolomide and radiotherapy; their median survival was 21.7 months (95 percent confidence interval, 17.4 to 30.4), as compared with 15.3 months (95 percent confidence interval, 13.0 to 20.9) among those who were assigned to only radiotherapy (P=0.007 by the log-rank test). In the absence of methylation of the MGMT promoter, there was a smaller and statistically insignificant difference in survival between the treatment groups. CONCLUSIONS: Patients with glioblastoma containing a methylated MGMT promoter benefited from temozolomide, whereas those who did not have a methylated MGMT promoter did not have such a benefit