408 research outputs found

    Development of dispersion strengthened nickel-chromium alloy (Ni-Cr-ThO2) sheet for space shuttle vehicles, part 2

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    Two dispersion strengthened nickel base alloy systems were developed for use at temperatures up to 1204 C(2200 F); TD nickel chromium (TDNiCr) and TD nickel chromium aluminum (TDNiCrA1). They are considered candidate materials for use on the thermal protection systems of the space shuttle and for long term use in aircraft gas turbine engine applications. Improved manufacturing processes were developed for the fabrication of TDNiCr sheet and foil to specifications. Sheet rolling process studies and extrusion studies were made on two aluminum containing alloys: Ni-16%Cr-3.5%A1-2%ThO2 and Ni-16%Cr-5.0%A12%ThO2. Over 1600 kg.(3500 lb.) of plate, sheet, foil, bar and extrusion products were supplied to NASA Centers for technology studies

    Fascial tissue research in sports medicine: from molecules to tissue adaptation, injury and diagnostics.

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    The fascial system builds a three-dimensional continuum of soft, collagen-containing, loose and dense fibrous connective tissue that permeates the body and enables all body systems to operate in an integrated manner. Injuries to the fascial system cause a significant loss of performance in recreational exercise as well as high-performance sports, and could have a potential role in the development and perpetuation of musculoskeletal disorders, including lower back pain. Fascial tissues deserve more detailed attention in the field of sports medicine. A better understanding of their adaptation dynamics to mechanical loading as well as to biochemical conditions promises valuable improvements in terms of injury prevention, athletic performance and sports-related rehabilitation. This consensus statement reflects the state of knowledge regarding the role of fascial tissues in the discipline of sports medicine. It aims to (1) provide an overview of the contemporary state of knowledge regarding the fascial system from the microlevel (molecular and cellular responses) to the macrolevel (mechanical properties), (2) summarise the responses of the fascial system to altered loading (physical exercise), to injury and other physiological challenges including ageing, (3) outline the methods available to study the fascial system, and (4) highlight the contemporary view of interventions that target fascial tissue in sport and exercise medicine. Advancing this field will require a coordinated effort of researchers and clinicians combining mechanobiology, exercise physiology and improved assessment technologies

    Design of dual ligands using excessive pharmacophore query alignment

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    Dual- or multi-target ligands have gained increased attention in the past years due to several advantages, including more simple pharmacokinetic and phamarcodynamic properties compared to a combined application of several drugs. Furthermore multi-target ligands often possess improved efficacy. We present a new approach for the discovery of dual-target ligands using aligned pharmacophore models combined with a shape-based scoring. Starting with two sets of known active compounds for each target, a number of different pharmacophore models is generated and subjected to pairwise graph-based alignment using the Kabsch-Algorithm. Since a compound may be able to bind to different targets in different conformations, the algorithm aligns pairs of pharmacophore models sharing the same features which are not necessarily at the exactly same spatial distance. Using the aligned models, a pharmacophore search on a multi-conformation-database is performed to find compounds matching both models. The potentially “dual” ligands are scored by a shape-based comparison with the known active molecules using ShaEP. Using this approach, we performed a prospective fragment-based virtual screening for dual 5-LO/sEH inhibitors. Both enzymes play an important role in the arachidonic acid cascade and are involved in inflammatory processes, pain, cardiovascular diseases and allergic reactions. Beside several new selective inhibitors we were able to find a compound inhibiting both enzymes in low micromolar concentrations. The results indicate that the idea of aligned pharmacophore models can be successfully employed for the discovery of dual-target ligands

    European Malignant Hyperthermia Group guidelines for investigation of malignant hyperthermia susceptibility

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    It is 30 yr since the British Journal of Anaesthesia published the first consensus protocol for the laboratory diagnosis of malignant hyperthermia susceptibility from the European Malignant Hyperthermia Group. This has subsequently been used in more than 10 000 individuals worldwide to inform use of anaesthetic drugs in these patients with increased risk of developing malignant hyperthermia during general anaesthesia, representing an early and successful example of stratified medicine. In 2001, our group also published a guideline for the use of DNA-based screening of malignant hyperthermia susceptibility. We now present an updated and complete guideline for the diagnostic pathway for patients potentially at increased risk of developing malignant hyperthermia. We introduce the new guideline with a narrative commentary that describes its development, the changes to previously published protocols and guidelines, and new sections, including recommendations for patient referral criteria and clinical interpretation of laboratory finding

    Coulomb fragmentation and Coulomb fission of relativistic heavy-ions and related nuclear structure aspects

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    The Coulomb excitation of 208Pb projectiles has been studied at an energy of 640 A MeV. Cross sections for the excitation of the two-phonon giant dipole resonance were measured for different targets, and show clear evidence for a two-step electromagnetic excitation mechanism. The experimental cross sections exceed those calculated in the harmonic oscillator approximation by a factor of 1.33 ± 0.16. The deduced 27-decay probability is consistent with the expectation in the harmonic limit. Finally, the excitation of the two-phonon giant dipole resonance in the deformed and fissile nucleus 238U is discussed

    Pulsar-wind nebulae and magnetar outflows: observations at radio, X-ray, and gamma-ray wavelengths

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    We review observations of several classes of neutron-star-powered outflows: pulsar-wind nebulae (PWNe) inside shell supernova remnants (SNRs), PWNe interacting directly with interstellar medium (ISM), and magnetar-powered outflows. We describe radio, X-ray, and gamma-ray observations of PWNe, focusing first on integrated spectral-energy distributions (SEDs) and global spectral properties. High-resolution X-ray imaging of PWNe shows a bewildering array of morphologies, with jets, trails, and other structures. Several of the 23 so far identified magnetars show evidence for continuous or sporadic emission of material, sometimes associated with giant flares, and a few possible "magnetar-wind nebulae" have been recently identified.Comment: 61 pages, 44 figures (reduced in quality for size reasons). Published in Space Science Reviews, "Jets and Winds in Pulsar Wind Nebulae, Gamma-ray Bursts and Blazars: Physics of Extreme Energy Release