48 research outputs found

    The Stabilized Poincare-Heisenberg algebra: a Clifford algebra viewpoint

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    The stabilized Poincare-Heisenberg algebra (SPHA) is the Lie algebra of quantum relativistic kinematics generated by fifteen generators. It is obtained from imposing stability conditions after attempting to combine the Lie algebras of quantum mechanics and relativity which by themselves are stable, however not when combined. In this paper we show how the sixteen dimensional Clifford algebra CL(1,3) can be used to generate the SPHA. The Clifford algebra path to the SPHA avoids the traditional stability considerations, relying instead on the fact that CL(1,3) is a semi-simple algebra and therefore stable. It is therefore conceptually easier and more straightforward to work with a Clifford algebra. The Clifford algebra path suggests the next evolutionary step toward a theory of physics at the interface of GR and QM might be to depart from working in space-time and instead to work in space-time-momentum.Comment: 14 page

    Interpreting doubly special relativity as a modified theory of measurement

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    In this article we develop a physical interpretation for the deformed (doubly) special relativity theories (DSRs), based on a modification of the theory of measurement in special relativity. We suggest that it is useful to regard the DSRs as reflecting the manner in which quantum gravity effects induce Planck-suppressed distortions in the measurement of the "true" energy and momentum. This interpretation provides a framework for the DSRs that is manifestly consistent, non-trivial, and in principle falsifiable. However, it does so at the cost of demoting such theories from the level of "fundamental" physics to the level of phenomenological models -- models that should in principle be derivable from whatever theory of quantum gravity one ultimately chooses to adopt.Comment: 18 pages, plain LaTeX2

    Generalized commutation relations and Non linear momenta theories, a close relationship

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    A revision of generalized commutation relations is performed, besides a description of Non linear momenta realization included in some DSR theories. It is shown that these propositions are closely related, specially we focus on Magueijo Smolin momenta and Kempf et al. and L.N. Chang generalized commutators. Due to this, a new algebra arises with its own features that is also analyzed.Comment: accepted version in IJMP

    Acoustic black holes for relativistic fluids

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    We derive a new acoustic black hole metric from the Abelian Higgs model. In the non-relativistic limit, while the Abelian Higgs model becomes the Ginzburg-Landau model, the metric reduces to an ordinary Unruh type. We investigate the possibility of using (type I and II) superconductors as the acoustic black holes. We propose to realize experimental acoustic black holes by using spiral vortices solutions from the Navier-stokes equation in the non-relativistic classical fluids.Comment: 16 pages. typos corrected, contents expande

    The cosmological constant from the QCD Veneziano ghost

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    We suggest that the solution to the cosmological vacuum energy puzzle is linked to the infrared sector of the effective theory of gravity interacting with standard model fields, with QCD fields specifically. We work in the framework of low energy quantum gravity as an effective field theory. In particular, we compute the vacuum energy in terms of QCD parameters and the Hubble constant HH such that the vacuum energy is \epsilon_{vac} \sim H \cdot m_q\la\bar{q}q\ra /m_{\eta'} \sim (3.6\cdot 10^{-3} \text{eV})^4, which is amazingly close to the observed value today. The QCD ghost (responsible for the solution of the U(1)AU(1)_A problem) plays a crucial r\^ole in the computation of the vacuum energy, because the ghost's properties at very large but finite distances slightly deviate (as \sim H / \Lqcd ) from their infinite volume Minkowski values. Another important prediction of this framework states that the vacuum energy owes its existence to the asymmetry of the cosmos. Indeed, this effect is a direct consequence of the embedding of our Universe on a non-trivial manifold such as a torus with (slightly) different linear sizes. Such a violation of cosmological isotropy is apparently indeed supported by WMAP, and will be confirmed (or ruled out) by future PLANCK data.Comment: 4 pages, uses revtex4, v2 as publishe

    The Theory of a Quantum Noncanonical Field in Curved Spacetimes

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    Much attention has been recently devoted to the possibility that quantum gravity effects could lead to departures from Special Relativity in the form of a deformed Poincar\`e algebra. These proposals go generically under the name of Doubly or Deformed Special Relativity (DSR). In this article we further explore a recently proposed class of quantum field theories, involving noncanonically commuting complex scalar fields, which have been shown to entail a DSR-like symmetry. An open issue for such theories is whether the DSR-like symmetry has to be taken as a physically relevant symmetry, or if in fact the "true" symmetries of the theory are just rotations and translations while boost invariance has to be considered broken. We analyze here this issue by extending the known results to curved spacetime under both of the previous assumptions. We show that if the symmetry of the free theory is taken to be a DSR-like realization of the Poincar\'e symmetry, then it is not possible to render such a symmetry a gauge symmetry of the curved physical spacetime. However, it is possible to introduce an auxiliary spacetime which allows to describe the theory as a standard quantum field theory in curved spacetime. Alternatively, taking the point of view that the noncanonical commutation of the fields actually implies a breakdown of boost invariance, the physical spacetime manifold has to be foliated in surfaces of simultaneity and the field theory can be coupled to gravity by making use of the ADM prescription.Comment: 9 pages, no figure

    Kinematics of a relativistic particle with de Sitter momentum space

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    We discuss kinematical properties of a free relativistic particle with deformed phase space in which momentum space is given by (a submanifold of) de Sitter space. We provide a detailed derivation of the action, Hamiltonian structure and equations of motion for such free particle. We study the action of deformed relativistic symmetries on the phase space and derive explicit formulas for the action of the deformed Poincare' group. Finally we provide a discussion on parametrization of the particle worldlines stressing analogies and differences with ordinary relativistic kinematics.Comment: RevTeX, 12 pages, no figure

    Modified Dispersion Relations from the Renormalization Group of Gravity

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    We show that the running of gravitational couplings, together with a suitable identification of the renormalization group scale can give rise to modified dispersion relations for massive particles. This result seems to be compatible with both the frameworks of effective field theory with Lorentz invariance violation and deformed special relativity. The phenomenological consequences depend on which of the frameworks is assumed. We discuss the nature and strength of the available constraints for both cases and show that in the case of Lorentz invariance violation, the theory would be strongly constrained.Comment: revtex4, 9 pages, updated to match published versio

    Momentum Spectra for Dynamically Assisted Schwinger Pair Production

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    Recently the dynamically assisted Schwinger mechanism, i.e., electron-positron pair production from vacuum by a combination of laser pulses with different time scales has been proposed. The corresponding results, which suggest that the rate of produced pairs is significantly enhanced by dynamical effects, are verified. Employing the framework of quantum kinetic theory intrinsically enables us to additionally provide momentum space information on the generated positron spectrum.Comment: 6 pages, 7 figure