4,664 research outputs found

    Do team processes really have an effect on clinical performance? A systematic literature review

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    Summary There is a growing literature on the relationship between team processes and clinical performance. The purpose of this review is to summarize these articles and examine the impact of team process behaviours on clinical performance. We conducted a literature search in five major databases. Inclusion criteria were: English peer-reviewed papers published between January 2001 and May 2012, which showed or tried to show (i) a statistical relationship of a team process variable and clinical performance or (ii) an improvement of a performance variable through a team process intervention. Study quality was assessed using predefined quality indicators. For every study, we calculated the relevant effect sizes. We included 28 studies in the review, seven of which were intervention studies. Every study reported at least one significant relationship between team processes or an intervention and performance. Also, some non-significant effects were reported. Most of the reported effect sizes were large or medium. The study quality ranged from medium to high. The studies are highly diverse regarding the specific team process behaviours investigated and also regarding the methods used. However, they suggest that team process behaviours do influence clinical performance and that training results in increased performance. Future research should rely on existing theoretical frameworks, valid, and reliable methods to assess processes such as teamwork or coordination and focus on the development of adequate tools to assess process performance, linking them with outcomes in the clinical settin

    Current iodine status and progress over the last decade towards elimination of iodine deficiency in Rajkot District, Gujarat

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    Objective: To find out prevalence of goitre in primary school children; to compare prevalence with previous survey; to determine median urinary iodine concentration; to assess level of iodine in salt samples at household and retail shop level; and to study profile of salt sold at retail shops. Design & Settings: 30 cluster survey study in primary schools of Rajkot district. Subjects: Children studying in 1st to 7th standard. Methods: Total 70 students including five boys and five girls from 1st to 7th standard present in class on the day of visit were selected randomly for Goitre examination, so, total 2100 students were examined in schools. Urine sample was collected from one boy & one girl from each standard in each cluster. From community, 28 students including two boys and two girls from each standard in same age group were examined and also salt samples were tested from their households. From each village, one retail shop was visited and salts were purchased and tested for iodine on the spot with spot kit. Results: Goitre prevalence was found 8.8% among primary school children compare to 5.6% in 1999. As the age increases the Goitre prevalence also increases except in age group of 12 years. Median urinary iodine excretion level was found 110 µg/L. Iodine level >15 ppm was found in 81% salts samples tested at household level. Conclusion: Present study showed mild Goitre prevalence in primary school children in Rajkot district of Gujarat but still iodine content of salt found inadequate at household level

    Systems of Linear Equations over F2\mathbb{F}_2 and Problems Parameterized Above Average

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    In the problem Max Lin, we are given a system Az=bAz=b of mm linear equations with nn variables over F2\mathbb{F}_2 in which each equation is assigned a positive weight and we wish to find an assignment of values to the variables that maximizes the excess, which is the total weight of satisfied equations minus the total weight of falsified equations. Using an algebraic approach, we obtain a lower bound for the maximum excess. Max Lin Above Average (Max Lin AA) is a parameterized version of Max Lin introduced by Mahajan et al. (Proc. IWPEC'06 and J. Comput. Syst. Sci. 75, 2009). In Max Lin AA all weights are integral and we are to decide whether the maximum excess is at least kk, where kk is the parameter. It is not hard to see that we may assume that no two equations in Az=bAz=b have the same left-hand side and n=rankAn={\rm rank A}. Using our maximum excess results, we prove that, under these assumptions, Max Lin AA is fixed-parameter tractable for a wide special case: m2p(n)m\le 2^{p(n)} for an arbitrary fixed function p(n)=o(n)p(n)=o(n). Max rr-Lin AA is a special case of Max Lin AA, where each equation has at most rr variables. In Max Exact rr-SAT AA we are given a multiset of mm clauses on nn variables such that each clause has rr variables and asked whether there is a truth assignment to the nn variables that satisfies at least (12r)m+k2r(1-2^{-r})m + k2^{-r} clauses. Using our maximum excess results, we prove that for each fixed r2r\ge 2, Max rr-Lin AA and Max Exact rr-SAT AA can be solved in time 2O(klogk)+mO(1).2^{O(k \log k)}+m^{O(1)}. This improves 2O(k2)+mO(1)2^{O(k^2)}+m^{O(1)}-time algorithms for the two problems obtained by Gutin et al. (IWPEC 2009) and Alon et al. (SODA 2010), respectively

    Balancing Bounded Treewidth Circuits

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    Algorithmic tools for graphs of small treewidth are used to address questions in complexity theory. For both arithmetic and Boolean circuits, it is shown that any circuit of size nO(1)n^{O(1)} and treewidth O(login)O(\log^i n) can be simulated by a circuit of width O(logi+1n)O(\log^{i+1} n) and size ncn^c, where c=O(1)c = O(1), if i=0i=0, and c=O(loglogn)c=O(\log \log n) otherwise. For our main construction, we prove that multiplicatively disjoint arithmetic circuits of size nO(1)n^{O(1)} and treewidth kk can be simulated by bounded fan-in arithmetic formulas of depth O(k2logn)O(k^2\log n). From this we derive the analogous statement for syntactically multilinear arithmetic circuits, which strengthens a theorem of Mahajan and Rao. As another application, we derive that constant width arithmetic circuits of size nO(1)n^{O(1)} can be balanced to depth O(logn)O(\log n), provided certain restrictions are made on the use of iterated multiplication. Also from our main construction, we derive that Boolean bounded fan-in circuits of size nO(1)n^{O(1)} and treewidth kk can be simulated by bounded fan-in formulas of depth O(k2logn)O(k^2\log n). This strengthens in the non-uniform setting the known inclusion that SC0NC1SC^0 \subseteq NC^1. Finally, we apply our construction to show that {\sc reachability} for directed graphs of bounded treewidth is in LogDCFLLogDCFL

    An alternative approach for construction of strata using quantified sensitivity level

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    The study is investigated on an alternative method for the construction of strata using sensitivity level when the samples are selected with simple random sampling with replacement (SRSWR) and the data are collected by scrambled optional randomization technique on the sensitive characters. Thus, the optional randomized response model , where k is a random variable having value 1 if the response is scrambled and 0 otherwise, was considered for finding out Approximate Optimum Strata Boundaries by minimizing the variance of the estimator  . The cum.   was proposed for finding out Approximate Optimum Strata Boundary in Neyman allocation for the optional scrambled response. This is applicable for wider classes of sampling design and estimators in stratification. The proposed rule on optional scrambled randomized response is efficient and can be used effectively for the construction of optimum strata boundary via Rectangular, Right triangular and Exponential distribution. 

    Use of Fixed Dose Combination (FDC) Drugs in India: Central Regulatory Approval and Sales of FDCs Containing Non-Steroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drugs (NSAIDs), Metformin, or Psychotropic Drugs.

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    In 2012, an Indian parliamentary committee reported that manufacturing licenses for large numbers of fixed dose combination (FDC) drugs had been issued by state authorities without prior approval of the Central Drugs Standard Control Organization (CDSCO) in violation of rules, and considered that some ambiguity until 1 May 2002 about states' powers might have contributed. To our knowledge, no systematic enquiry has been undertaken to determine if evidence existed to support these findings. We investigated CDSCO approvals for and availability of oral FDC drugs in four therapeutic areas: analgesia (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs [NSAIDs]), diabetes (metformin), depression/anxiety (anti-depressants/benzodiazepines), and psychosis (anti-psychotics)

    Novel Load Balancing Optimization Algorithm to Improve Quality-of-Service in Cloud Environment

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    Scheduling cloud resources calls for allocating cloud assets to cloud tasks. It is possible to improve scheduling outcomes by treating Quality of Service (QoS) factors as essential constraints. However, efficient scheduling calls for improved optimization of QoS parameters, and only a few resource scheduling algorithms in the available literature do so. The primary objective of this paper is to provide an effective method for deploying workloads to cloud infrastructure. To ensure that workloads are executed efficiently on available resources, a resource scheduling method based on particle swarm optimization was developed. The proposed method's performance has been measured in the cloud. The experimental results prove the efficiency of the proposed approach in reducing the aforementioned QoS parameters. Several metrics of algorithm performance are used to gauge how well the algorithm performs

    Bose-Einstein condensation of triplons in the S=1 tetramer antiferromagnet K2Ni2(MoO4)3: A compound close to quantum critical point

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    The structure of K2Ni2(MoO4)3 consists of S=1 tetramers formed by Ni^{2+} ions. The magnetic susceptibility chi(T) and specific heat Cp(T) data on a single crystal show a broad maximum due to the low-dimensionality of the system with short-range spin correlations. A sharp peak is seen in chi(T) and Cp(T) at about 1.13 K, well below the broad maximum. This is an indication of magnetic long-range order i.e., the absence of spin-gap in the ground state. Interestingly, the application of a small magnetic field (H>0.1 T) induces magnetic behavior akin to Bose-Einstein condensation (BEC) of triplon excitations observed in some spin-gap materials. Our results demonstrate that the temperature-field (T-H) phase boundary follows a power-law (T-T_{N})propotional to H^(1/alpha) with the exponent 1/alpha close to 2/3, as predicted for BEC scenario. The observation of BEC of triplon excitations in small H infers that K2Ni2(MoO4)3 is located in the proximity of a quantum critical point, which separates the magnetically ordered and spin-gap regions of the phase diagram.Comment: 5 pages, 5 figures, Accepted in Phys. Rev. B Rapid Communication

    31P NMR study of Na2CuP2O7: a S=1/2 two-dimensional Heisenberg antiferromagnetic system

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    The magnetic properties of Na2CuP2O7 were investigated by means of 31P nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR), magnetic susceptibility, and heat capacity measurements. We report the 31P NMR shift, the spin-lattice 1/T1, and spin-spin 1/T2 relaxation-rate data as a function of temperature T. The temperature dependence of the NMR shift K(T) is well described by the S=1/2 square lattice Heisenberg antiferromagnetic (HAF) model with an intraplanar exchange of J/k_B \simeq 18\pm2 K and a hyperfine coupling A = (3533\pm185) Oe/mu_B. The 31P NMR spectrum was found to broaden abruptly below T \sim 10 K signifying some kind of transition. However, no anomaly was noticed in the bulk susceptibility data down to 1.8 K. The heat capacity appears to have a weak maximum around 10 K. With decrease in temperatures, the spin-lattice relaxation rate 1/T1 decreases monotonically and appears to agree well with the high temperature series expansion expression for a S = 1/2 2D square lattice.Comment: 12 pages, 8 figures, submitted to J. Phys.: Cond. Ma

    Sc2Ga2CuO7: A possible quantum spin liquid near the percolation threshold

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    Sc2Ga2CuO7 (SGCO) crystallizes in a hexagonal structure (space group: P63/mmc), which can be seen as an alternating stacking of single and double triangular layers. Combining neutron, x-ray, and resonant x-ray diffraction we establish that the single triangular layers are mainly populated by non-magnetic Ga3+ ions (85% Ga and 15% Cu), while the bi-layers have comparable population of Cu2+ and Ga3+ ions (43% Cu and 57% Ga). Our susceptibility measurements in the temperature range 1.8 - 400 K give no indication of any spin-freezing or magnetic long-range order (LRO).We infer an effective paramagnetic moment μeff = 1.79±0.09 μB and a Curie-Weiss temperature �CW of about −44 K, suggesting antiferromagnetic interactions between the Cu2+(S = 1/2) ions. Low-temperature neutron powder diffraction data showed no evidence for LRO down to 1.5 K. In our specific heat data as well, no anomalies were found down to 0.35 K, in the field range 0-140 kOe. The magnetic specific heat, Cm, exhibits a broad maximum at around 2.5 K followed by a nearly power law Cm/ T� behavior at lower temperatures, with � increasing from 0.3 to 1.9 as a function of field for fields upto 90 kOe and then remaining at 1.9 for fields upto 140 kOe. Our results point to a disordered ground state in SGCO