174 research outputs found


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    Contains table of contents for Section 4, an introduction and abstracts of nine doctoral dissertations

    Patterns of Chemical Diversity in the Mediterranean Sponge Spongia lamella

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    The intra-specific diversity in secondary metabolites can provide crucial information for understanding species ecology and evolution but has received limited attention in marine chemical ecology. The complex nature of diversity is partially responsible for the lack of studies, which often target a narrow number of major compounds. Here, we investigated the intra-specific chemical diversity of the Mediterranean sponge Spongia lamella. The chemical profiles of seven populations spreading over 1200 km in the Western Mediterranean were obtained by a straightforward SPE-HPLC-DAD-ELSD process whereas the identity of compounds was assessed by comparison between HPLC-MS spectra and literature data. Chemical diversity calculated by richness and Shannon indexes differed significantly between sponge populations but not at a larger regional scale. We used factor analysis, analysis of variance, and regression analysis to examine the chemical variability of this sponge at local and regional scales, to establish general patterns of variation in chemical diversity. The abundance of some metabolites varied significantly between sponge populations. Despite these significant differences between populations, we found a clear pattern of increasing chemical dissimilarity with increasing geographic distance. Additional large spatial scale studies on the chemical diversity of marine organisms will validate the universality or exclusivity of this pattern

    Activation of mutated TRPA1 ion channel by resveratrol in human prostate cancer associated fibroblasts (CAF)

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    Previous studies showed the effects of resveratrol (RES) on several cancer cells, including prostate cancer (PCa) cell apoptosis without taking into consideration the impact of the tumor microenvironment (TME). The TME is composed of cancer cells, endothelial cells, blood cells and cancer-associated fibroblasts (CAF), the main source of growth factors. The latter cells might modify in the TME the impact of RES on tumor cells via secreted factors. Recent data clearly show the impact of CAF on cancer cells apoptosis resistance via secreted factors. However, the effects of RES on PCa CAF have not been studied so far. We have investigated here for the first time the effects of RES on the physiology of PCa CAF in the context of TME. Using a prostate cancer CAF cell line and primary cultures of CAF from prostate cancers, we show that RES activates the N-terminal mutated Transient Receptor Potential Ankyrin 1 (TRPA1) channel leading to an increase in intracellular calcium concentration and the expression and secretion of growth factors (HGF and VEGF) without inducing apoptosis in these cells. Interestingly, in the present work, we also show that when the prostate cancer cells were co-cultured with CAF, the RES-induced cancer cell apoptosis was reduced by 40%, an apoptosis reduction canceled in the presence of the TRPA1 channel inhibitors. The present work highlights CAF TRPA1 ion channels as a target for RES and the importance of the channel in the epithelial-stromal crosstalk in the TME leading to resistance to the RES-induced apoptosis

    Liver, spleen, pancreas and kidney involvement by human fascioliasis: imaging findings

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    BACKGROUND: Fasciola hepatica primarily involves the liver, however in some exceptional situations other organs have been reported to be involved. The ectopic involvement is either a result of Parasite migration or perhaps eosinophilic reaction. CASE PRESENTATION: Here we report a known case of multiple myeloma who was under treatment with prednisolone and melphalan. He was infected by Fasciola hepatica, which involved many organs and the lesions were mistaken with metastatic ones. DISCUSSION: Presented here is a very unusual case of the disease, likely the first case involving the pancreas, spleen, and kidney, as well as the liver

    Neue linguistische Methoden und arbeitstechnische Verfahren in der Erschliessung der ägyptischen Grammatik

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    15 páginas, 1 tabla, 6 figuras.Does diversity beget diversity? Diversity includes a diversity of concepts because it is linked to variability in and of life and can be applied to multiple levels. The connections between multiple levels of diversity are poorly understood. Here, we investigated the relationships between genetic, bacterial, and chemical diversity of the endangered Atlanto-Mediterranean sponge Spongia lamella. These levels of diversity are intrinsically related to sponge evolution and could have strong conservation implications. We used microsatellite markers, denaturing gel gradient electrophoresis and quantitative polymerase chain reaction, and high performance liquid chromatography to quantify genetic, bacterial, and chemical diversity of nine sponge populations. We then used correlations to test whether these diversity levels covaried. We found that sponge populations differed significantly in genetic, bacterial, and chemical diversity. We also found a strong geographic pattern of increasing genetic, bacterial, and chemical dissimilarity with increasing geographic distance between populations. However, we failed to detect significant correlations between the three levels of diversity investigated in our study. Our results suggest that diversity fails to beget diversity within a single species and indicates that a diversity of factors regulates a diversity of diversities, which highlights the complex nature of the mechanisms behind diversityResearch funded by grants from the Agence Nationale de la Recherche (ECIMAR), from the Spanish Ministry of Science and Technology SOLID (CTM2010-17755) and Benthomics (CTM2010-22218-C02-01) and the BIOCAPITAL project (MRTN-CT-2004-512301) of the European Union. This is a contribution of the Consolidated Research Group ‘‘Grupo de Ecologı´a Bento´nica,’’ SGR2009-655.Peer reviewe

    A reference microsatellite kit to assess for genetic diversity of Sorghum bicolor (Poaceae)

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    Premise of the study: Discrepancies in terms of genotyping data are frequently observed when comparing simple sequence repeat (SSR) data sets across genotyping technologies and laboratories. This technical concern introduces biases that hamper any synthetic studies or comparison of genetic diversity between collections. To prevent this for Sorghum bicolor, we developed a control kit of 48 SSR markers. • Methods and Results: One hundred seventeen markers were selected along the genome to provide coverage across the length of all 10 sorghum linkage groups. They were tested for polymorphism and reproducibility across two laboratories (Centre de Cooperation Internationale en Recherche Agronomique pour le Developpement [CIRAD], France, and International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics [ICRISAT], India) using two commonly used genotyping technologies (polyacrylamide gel–based technology with LI-COR sequencing machines and capillary systems with ABI sequencing apparatus) with DNA samples from a diverse set of 48 S. bicolor accessions. • Conclusions: A kit for diversity analysis (http://sat.cirad.fr/sat/sorghum_SSR_kit/) was developed. It contains information on 48 technically robust sorghum microsatellite markers and 10 DNA controls. It can further be used to calibrate sorghum SSR genotyping data acquired with different technologies and compare those to genetic diversity reference