1,351 research outputs found

    A search for interstellar molecules in the spectra of highly reddened stars

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    A total of ten stars were observed with cameras of the International Ultraviolet Explorer (IUE) in both high and low dispersion. One star, X Persei (HD 24534, 6.0 BE), was analyzed in detail. Ultraviolet observations of the column densities of CO match those derived from the radio to within a factor of 4, with the difference probably due to the larger beam size of the radio measurement and the assumption of a thermal population in the rotational levels of CO. Upper limits are given to the log column densities for OH, HCl, and CH2 of 14.0, 12.3 and 12.8. The carbon abundance was found to be about solar with a possible depletion of about a factor of 2. With precautions concerning both noise and correct background, the IUE can be used for studies of interstellar molecules

    Estimating good discrete partitions from observed data: symbolic false nearest neighbors

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    A symbolic analysis of observed time series data requires making a discrete partition of a continuous state space containing observations of the dynamics. A particular kind of partition, called ``generating'', preserves all dynamical information of a deterministic map in the symbolic representation, but such partitions are not obvious beyond one dimension, and existing methods to find them require significant knowledge of the dynamical evolution operator or the spectrum of unstable periodic orbits. We introduce a statistic and algorithm to refine empirical partitions for symbolic state reconstruction. This method optimizes an essential property of a generating partition: avoiding topological degeneracies. It requires only the observed time series and is sensible even in the presence of noise when no truly generating partition is possible. Because of its resemblance to a geometrical statistic frequently used for reconstructing valid time-delay embeddings, we call the algorithm ``symbolic false nearest neighbors''

    Distinct magnetotransport and orbital fingerprints of chiral bobbers

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    While chiral magnetic skyrmions have been attracting significant attention in the past years, recently, a new type of a chiral particle emerging in thin films −- a chiral bobber −- has been theoretically predicted and experimentally observed. Here, based on theoretical arguments, we provide a clear pathway to utilizing chiral bobbers for the purposes of future spintronics by uncovering that these novel chiral states possess inherent transport fingerprints that allow for their unambiguous electrical detection in systems comprising several types of chiral states. We reveal that unique transport and orbital characteristics of bobbers root in the non-trivial magnetization distribution in the vicinity of the Bloch points, and demonstrate that tuning the details of the Bloch point topology can be used to drastically alter the emergent response properties of chiral bobbers to external fields, which bears great potential for engineering chiral dynamics and cognitive computing.Comment: Supplementary available upon reques

    Fatigue in long-duration travel diaries

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    This paper introduces a new long-duration travel diary survey undertaken in a small town and rural environment, which complements the existing urban Mobidrive survey of 1999. Policy-making is dominated by the 1-day view of the world provided by the usual diaries. Long-duration surveys can balance this by highlighting the strong intrapersonal variance in choices, modes used and other aspects of travel behaviour. They also allow us to gain an understanding of the activity space of the travellers. The new 2003 Thurgau data followed the protocol of the earlier study, but developed the set of questions further. These new questions concerned the social context of respondents as well as trip-related items, such as planning horizon of the activity, previous frequency of visits or the groups involved in the trip or activity. The descriptive and model-based analysis of the data showed that respondent fatigue is not an issue in either survey. Where significant deviations from a steady number of reported trips were found, they showed positive tendencies, i.e. learning. The skill accrued in the intensive round of contacts between respondent and interviewer is significant. Papers on travel diaries tend not to report interviewer effects, although their impacts are clearly discernable. The analysis shows that the four interviewers employed in this survey had a substantial effect on the number of reported trip

    Sudbury project (University of Muenster-Ontario Geological Survey): Summary of results - an updated impact model

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    In 1984 the Ontario Geological Survey initiated a research project on the Sudbury structure (SS) in cooperation with the University of Muenster. The project included field mapping (1984-1989) and petrographic, chemical, and isotope analyses of the major stratigraphic units of the SS. Four diploma theses and four doctoral theses were performed during the project (1984-1992). Specific results of the various investigations are reported. Selected areas of the SS were mapped and sampled: Footwall rocks; Footwall breccia and parts of the sublayer and lower section of the Sudbury Igneous Complex (SIC); Onaping Formation and the upper section of the SIC; and Sudbury breccia and adjacent Footwall rocks along extended profiles up to 55 km from the SIC. All these stratigraphic units of the SS were studied in substantial detail by previous workers. The most important characteristic of the previous research is that it was based either on a volcanic model or on a mixed volcanic-impact model for the origin of the SS. The present project was clearly directed toward a test of the impact origin of the SS without invoking an endogenic component. In general, our results confirm the most widely accepted stratigraphic division of the SS. However, our interpretation of some of the major stratigraphic units is different from most views expressed. The stratigraphy of the SS and its new interpretation is given as a basis for discussion

    A role for fast rhythmic bursting neurons in cortical gamma oscillations in vitro

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    Basic cellular and network mechanisms underlying gamma frequency oscillations (30–80 Hz) have been well characterized in the hippocampus and associated structures. In these regions, gamma rhythms are seen as an emergent property of networks of principal cells and fast-spiking interneurons. In contrast, in the neocortex a number of elegant studies have shown that specific types of principal neuron exist that are capable of generating powerful gamma frequency outputs on the basis of their intrinsic conductances alone. These fast rhythmic bursting (FRB) neurons (sometimes referred to as "chattering" cells) are activated by sensory stimuli and generate multiple action potentials per gamma period. Here, we demonstrate that FRB neurons may function by providing a large-scale input to an axon plexus consisting of gap-junctionally connected axons from both FRB neurons and their anatomically similar counterparts regular spiking neurons. The resulting network gamma oscillation shares all of the properties of gamma oscillations generated in the hippocampus but with the additional critical dependence on multiple spiking in FRB cells

    Histopathologic and Biochemical Responses in Arctic Marine Bivalve Molluscs Exposed to Experimentally Spilled Oil

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    Following two experimental spills of chemically dispersed and undispersed crude oil in shallow bays on the northwest coast of Baffin Island, Canadian Arctic, the bivalve molluscs Mya truncata and Macoma calcarea accumulated significant amounts of petroleum hydrocarbons in bays receiving dispersed oil and in those receiving crude oil alone (Boehm et all., 1987). Following the spills, Mya released accumulated hydrocarbons more rapidly than Macoma. ... The results of the biochemical analyses indicate that Mya from the four bays were not severely stressed by either dispersed oil or oil alone. Immediately after the spill, clams from the dispersal oil bays were nearly normal, while those from the bay receiving oil alone appeared stressed. These results seem to corroborate results from analytical chemistry and histopathology: that the acute effects of dispersed oil are greater than those of undispersed oil, but effects of undispersed oil on infaunal molluscs develop more slowly and persist longer than those from dispersed oil.Key words: oil spill, dispersant, Mya truncata, Macoma calcarea, histopathology, biochemistry, neoplasia, free amino acids, glycogen, parasitesMots clés: marée noire, agent de dispersion, Mya truncata, Macoma calcarea, histopathologie, biochimie, néoplasme, acides aminés libres, glycogène, parasite

    Can simple rules control development of a pioneer vertebrate neuronal network generating behavior?

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    How do the pioneer networks in the axial core of the vertebrate nervous system first develop? Fundamental to understanding any full-scale neuronal network is knowledge of the constituent neurons, their properties, synaptic interconnections, and normal activity. Our novel strategy uses basic developmental rules to generate model networks that retain individual neuron and synapse resolution and are capable of reproducing correct, whole animal responses. We apply our developmental strategy to young Xenopus tadpoles, whose brainstem and spinal cord share a core vertebrate plan, but at a tractable complexity. Following detailed anatomical and physiological measurements to complete a descriptive library of each type of spinal neuron, we build models of their axon growth controlled by simple chemical gradients and physical barriers. By adding dendrites and allowing probabilistic formation of synaptic connections, we reconstruct network connectivity among up to 2000 neurons. When the resulting "network" is populated by model neurons and synapses, with properties based on physiology, it can respond to sensory stimulation by mimicking tadpole swimming behavior. This functioning model represents the most complete reconstruction of a vertebrate neuronal network that can reproduce the complex, rhythmic behavior of a whole animal. The findings validate our novel developmental strategy for generating realistic networks with individual neuron- and synapse-level resolution. We use it to demonstrate how early functional neuronal connectivity and behavior may in life result from simple developmental "rules," which lay out a scaffold for the vertebrate CNS without specific neuron-to-neuron recognition

    Random planar graphs and the London street network

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    In this paper we analyse the street network of London both in its primary and dual representation. To understand its properties, we consider three idealised models based on a grid, a static random planar graph and a growing random planar graph. Comparing the models and the street network, we find that the streets of London form a self-organising system whose growth is characterised by a strict interaction between the metrical and informational space. In particular, a principle of least effort appears to create a balance between the physical and the mental effort required to navigate the city

    GABA-enhanced collective behavior in neuronal axons underlies persistent gamma-frequency oscillations

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    Gamma (30–80 Hz) oscillations occur in mammalian electroencephalogram in a manner that indicates cognitive relevance. In vitro models of gamma oscillations demonstrate two forms of oscillation: one occurring transiently and driven by discrete afferent input and the second occurring persistently in response to activation of excitatory metabotropic receptors. The mechanism underlying persistent gamma oscillations has been suggested to involve gap-junctional communication between axons of principal neurons, but the precise relationship between this neuronal activity and the gamma oscillation has remained elusive. Here we demonstrate that gamma oscillations coexist with high-frequency oscillations (>90 Hz). High-frequency oscillations can be generated in the axonal plexus even when it is physically isolated from pyramidal cell bodies. They were enhanced in networks by nonsomatic -aminobutyric acid type A (GABAA) receptor activation, were modulated by perisomatic GABAA receptor-mediated synaptic input to principal cells, and provided the phasic input to interneurons required to generate persistent gamma-frequency oscillations. The data suggest that high-frequency oscillations occurred as a consequence of random activity within the axonal plexus. Interneurons provide a mechanism by which this random activity is both amplified and organized into a coherent network rhythm
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