1,009 research outputs found

    The Effects of the Division of the City of Lloydminster by the Alberta-Saskatchewan Inter-Provincial Boundary

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    L'article expose les conséquences, sur le développement de Lloydminster, de la localisation de la ligne frontière Alberta - Saskatchewan qui coupe cette cité en deux. Les problèmes de la duplication des services et des équipements publics encourageaient, dans les premières années d'existence de la communauté, les essais de fusion des deux parties de Lloydminster. Cette fusion a été accomplie en 1930, et la cité fonctionne sous une législation spéciale, le « Lloydminster Charter ». Les inefficacités inhérentes à cette division subsistent encore, en particulier pour le gouvernement municipal, de même que les désavantages pour les activités commerciales, parce que la législation provinciale de l'Alberta ou de la Saskatchewan s'applique aux individus, selon le côté de la ligne frontière où ils résident, travaillent, font leurs achats, ou possèdent des industries. La taxe de vente levée par le gouvernement de la Saskatchewan reste un problème pour les marchands et les habitants. La majeure partie du développement commercial et industriel se situe à l'ouest de la cité, c'est-à-dire en Alberta. Les sociétés industrielles et les marchands, les gens de métier et les habitants veulent que la cité soit située entièrement en Alberta ou entièrement en Saskatchewan pour supprimer les inefficacités et les irritations qui résultent de la division de la cité par la ligne frontière.The paper traces the effects of the superimposed inter-provincial boundary line on the development of Lloydminster. Duplication of public services, and other difficulties encouraged early efforts to amalgamate the community under one jurisdiction. This was accomplished in 1930 and the city is operated under special legislation which is called the « Lloydminster Charter ». Inherent inefficiencies still remain for civic government as well as disadvantages for private enterprises as the provincial legislation of Alberta or Saskatchewan prevails depending upon which side of the boundary a person resides, works, shops, or an economic enterprise is located. The sales tax levied on most purchases by the Saskatchewan Government remains a problem for retailers and citizens. Most of the commercial and industrial development is occurring on the Alberta side of the City. There is evidence that industrial and commercial companies, professional people and residents, would prefer the City to be either in Alberta or Saskatchewan in order to eradicate the inefficiencies and irritations caused by the division of the city by the boundary

    Simulation of truncated normal variables

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    We provide in this paper simulation algorithms for one-sided and two-sided truncated normal distributions. These algorithms are then used to simulate multivariate normal variables with restricted parameter space for any covariance structure.Comment: This 1992 paper appeared in 1995 in Statistics and Computing and the gist of it is contained in Monte Carlo Statistical Methods (2004), but I receive weekly requests for reprints so here it is

    Delayed Self-Synchronization in Homoclinic Chaos

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    The chaotic spike train of a homoclinic dynamical system is self-synchronized by re-inserting a small fraction of the delayed output. Due to the sensitive nature of the homoclinic chaos to external perturbations, stabilization of very long periodic orbits is possible. On these orbits, the dynamics appears chaotic over a finite time, but then it repeats with a recurrence time that is slightly longer than the delay time. The effect, called delayed self-synchronization (DSS), displays analogies with neurodynamic events which occur in the build-up of long term memories.Comment: Submitted to Phys. Rev. Lett., 13 pages, 7 figure

    Experimental control of single-mode laser chaos by using continuous, time-delayed feedback

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    Control of chaos in the single-mode optically pumped far-infrared (NH3)-N-15 laser is experimentally demonstrated using continuous time-delay control. Both the Lorenz spiral chaos and the detuned period-doubling chaos exhibited by the laser have been controlled. While the laser is in the Lorenz spiral chaos regime the chaos has been controlled both such that the laser output is cw, with corrections of only a fraction of a percent necessary to keep it there, and to period one. The laser has also been controlled while in the period-doubling chaos regime, to both the period-one and -two states

    D3-brane action in a supergravity background: the fermionic story

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    Using the kappa-symmetric action for a D3-brane, we study the interaction between its world-volume fermions and a bosonic type IIB supergravity background preserving 4-dimensional Lorentz invariance. We find that the renormalizable terms in the action include only coupling between the fermions and the 3-form flux in the combination *G_3-iG_3, which is zero for a class of supersymmetric and nonsupersymmetric solutions. We also find the magnetic and electric dipole moments for the fermions, which are proportional to the derivative of the dilaton-axion. We show that different gauges to fix the kappa-symmetry give the same interaction terms, and prove that these terms are also SL(2,R) self-dual. We interpret our results in terms of N=1 supersymmetric gauge theory on the D-brane.Comment: 23 pages. Minor corrections, references adde

    Avaliação de estratégias de produção em agricultura irrigada no perímetro de irrigação do Gorutuba.

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    Apresenta-se aqui o relatório de projeto de pesquisa, parcialmente financiado pelo Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico, CNPq, que teve como objetivo gerar uma base de informações para dar suporte a decisões relativas ao manejo da irrigação e ao planejamento para o perímetro de irrigação do Gorutuba. O relatório compreende o período de 10 de agosto de 2005 a 10 de agosto de 2007. Informações técnicas e econômicas de cinco culturas perenes e quinze anuais foram levantadas na literatura internacional, nacional e local e em relatórios do distrito de irrigação Gorutuba e da Codevasf. Séries históricas de dados de clima foram obtidas na Embrapa Milho e Sorgo. Amostras de solo foram coletadas em quatro propriedades representativas de pequeno e grande produtor e as análises físicas e químicas realizadas nos laboratórios da Embrapa. Os coeficientes técnicos dos custos de produção foram obtidos junto ao distrito de irrigação Jaíba, sendo considerados similares aos verificados no perímetro Gorutuba. Consideraram-se valores médios para os custos dos fatores de produção para o Norte de Minas Gerais, atualizados para dezembro de 2006. Consideraram-se os custos de água de irrigação praticados no perímetro e os preços de venda dos produtos foram ajustados com base em uma série histórica, corrigida pelo IPCA, obtida junto aos distritos de irrigação, Emater-MG e Codevasf e preços recebidos no Ceasa-MG, em diferentes épocas do ano. Os requerimentos totais de irrigação (RIT) e as produtividades relativas totais (YRT) foram obtidos mediante simulações com o modelo MCID. Posteriormente, essas informações foram empregadas nos estudos de otimização de padrão de cultivo, associados à análise de risco, na definição de coeficientes técnicos relativos à função objetivo e na definição de restrições no modelo de programação linear. Visando demonstrar a aplicação das ferramentas de otimização de padrão de cultivo e de requerimento de água, foram construídos dois modelos de programação linear (MPL), sendo que a cada um destes MPL ?s foi associada uma análise de risco. Para proceder as análises de risco empregou-se o programa P-Risco, no qual algumas variáveis de entrada e de saída são estocásticas, tendo a elas associada uma distribuição de probabilidade. Duas propriedades, uma de 200 ha e outra de 11 ha, foram utilizadas como estudos de caso, com base em cenários de produção hipotéticos. As análises demonstraram a capacidade das ferramentas propostas para o planejamento e para o auxílio à tomada de decisões em propriedades de perímetros irrigados.bitstream/item/61027/1/doc-73.pd

    Projection methods in conic optimization

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    There exist efficient algorithms to project a point onto the intersection of a convex cone and an affine subspace. Those conic projections are in turn the work-horse of a range of algorithms in conic optimization, having a variety of applications in science, finance and engineering. This chapter reviews some of these algorithms, emphasizing the so-called regularization algorithms for linear conic optimization, and applications in polynomial optimization. This is a presentation of the material of several recent research articles; we aim here at clarifying the ideas, presenting them in a general framework, and pointing out important techniques