1,014 research outputs found

    Parallelized Particle and Gaussian Sum Particle Filters for Large Scale Freeway Traffic Systems

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    Large scale traffic systems require techniques able to: 1) deal with high amounts of data and heterogenous data coming from different types of sensors, 2) provide robustness in the presence of sparse sensor data, 3) incorporate different models that can deal with various traffic regimes, 4) cope with multimodal conditional probability density functions for the states. Often centralized architectures face challenges due to high communication demands. This paper develops new estimation techniques able to cope with these problems of large traffic network systems. These are Parallelized Particle Filters (PPFs) and a Parallelized Gaussian Sum Particle Filter (PGSPF) that are suitable for on-line traffic management. We show how complex probability density functions of the high dimensional trafc state can be decomposed into functions with simpler forms and the whole estimation problem solved in an efcient way. The proposed approach is general, with limited interactions which reduces the computational time and provides high estimation accuracy. The efciency of the PPFs and PGSPFs is evaluated in terms of accuracy, complexity and communication demands and compared with the case where all processing is centralized

    Properties of Factorial Cumulant to Factorial Moment Ratio

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    It is shown that the ratio of factorial cumulant moments to factorial moments for a multiplicity distribution truncated in the tail reveals oscillations in sign similar to those observed in experimental data. It is suggested that this effect be taken into account in the analysis of data in order to obtain correct physical information on the multiplicity distributions.Comment: (LaTeX + epsfig, 8 pages including 3 PostScript figures, all encoded via uufiles), DFTT 46/9

    Clan Structure Analysis and Rapidity Gap Probability

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    Clan structure analysis in rapidity intervals is generalized from negative binomial multiplicity distribution to the wide class of compound Poisson distributions. The link of generalized clan structure analysis with correlation functions is also established. These theoretical results are then applied to minimum bias events and evidentiate new interesting features, which can be inspiring and useful in order to discuss data on rapidity gap probability at TEVATRON and HERA.Comment: (14 pages in Plain TeX plus 5 Postscript Figures, all compressed via uufiles) DFTT 28/9

    11 beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase type 1 regulates glucocorticoid-induced insulin resistance in skeletal muscle

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    OBJECTIVE: Glucocorticoid excess is characterized by increased adiposity, skeletal myopathy, and insulin resistance, but the precise molecular mechanisms are unknown. Within skeletal muscle, 11beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase type 1 (11beta-HSD1) converts cortisone (11-dehydrocorticosterone in rodents) to active cortisol (corticosterone in rodents). We aimed to determine the mechanisms underpinning glucocorticoid-induced insulin resistance in skeletal muscle and indentify how 11beta-HSD1 inhibitors improve insulin sensitivity. \ud RESEARCH DESIGN AND METHODS: Rodent and human cell cultures, whole-tissue explants, and animal models were used to determine the impact of glucocorticoids and selective 11beta-HSD1 inhibition upon insulin signaling and action. \ud RESULTS: Dexamethasone decreased insulin-stimulated glucose uptake, decreased IRS1 mRNA and protein expression, and increased inactivating pSer307^{307} insulin receptor substrate (IRS)-1. 11beta-HSD1 activity and expression were observed in human and rodent myotubes and muscle explants. Activity was predominantly oxo-reductase, generating active glucocorticoid. A1 (selective 11beta-HSD1 inhibitor) abolished enzyme activity and blocked the increase in pSer307^{307} IRS1 and reduction in total IRS1 protein after treatment with 11DHC but not corticosterone. In C57Bl6/J mice, the selective 11beta-HSD1 inhibitor, A2, decreased fasting blood glucose levels and improved insulin sensitivity. In KK mice treated with A2, skeletal muscle pSer307^{307} IRS1 decreased and pThr308^{308} Akt/PKB increased. In addition, A2 decreased both lipogenic and lipolytic gene expression.\ud CONCLUSIONS: Prereceptor facilitation of glucocorticoid action via 11beta-HSD1 increases pSer307^{307} IRS1 and may be crucial in mediating insulin resistance in skeletal muscle. Selective 11beta-HSD1 inhibition decreases pSer307^{307} IRS1, increases pThr308^{308} Akt/PKB, and decreases lipogenic and lipolytic gene expression that may represent an important mechanism underpinning their insulin-sensitizing action

    Spatial vegetation patterns and neighborhood competition among woody plants in an East African savanna

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    The majority of research on savanna vegetation dynamics has focused on the coexistence of woody and herbaceous vegetation. Interactions among woody plants in savannas are relatively poorly understood. We present data from a 10-year longitudinal study of spatially explicit growth patterns of woody vegetation in an East African savanna following exclusion of large herbivores and in the absence of fire. We examined plant spatial patterns and quantified the degree of competition among woody individuals. Woody plants in this semi-arid savanna exhibit strongly clumped spatial distributions at scales of 1 - 5 m. However, analysis of woody plant growth rates relative to their conspecific and heterospecific neighbors revealed evidence for strong competitive interactions at neighborhood scales of up to 5 m for most woody plant species. Thus, woody plants were aggregated in clumps despite significantly decreased growth rates in close proximity to neighbors, indicating that the spatial distribution of woody plants in this region depends on dispersal and establishment processes rather than on competitive, density-dependent mortality. However, our documentation of suppressive effects of woody plants on neighbors also suggests a potentially important role for tree-tree competition in controlling vegetation structure and indicates that the balanced-competition hypothesis may contribute to well-known patterns in maximum tree cover across rainfall gradients in Africa

    Hawking radiation of nonsingular black holes in two dimensions

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    In this letter we study the process of Hawking radiation of a black hole assuming the existence of a limiting physical curvature scale. The particular model is constructed using the Limiting Curvature Hypothesis (LCH) and in the context of two-dimensional dilaton gravity. The black hole solution exhibits properties of the standard Schwarzschild solution at large values of the radial coordinate. However, near the center, the black hole is nonsingular and the metric becomes that of de Sitter spacetime. The Hawking temperature is calculated using the method of complex paths. We find that such black holes radiate eternally and never completely evaporate. The final state is an eternally radiating relic, near the fundamental scale, which should make a viable dark matter candidate. We briefly comment on the black hole information loss problem and the production of such black holes in collider experiments.Comment: 8 pages, 4 figures; minor revisions; references added; version to appear in JHE

    On kinematics and dynamics of independent pion emission

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    Multiparticle boson states, proposed recently for 'independently' emitted pions in heavy ion collisions, are reconsidered in standard second quantized formalism and shown to emerge from a simplistic chaotic current dynamics. Compact equations relate the density operator, the generating functional of multiparticle counts, and the correlator of the external current to each other. 'Bose-Einstein-condensation' is related to the external pulse. A quantum master equation is advocated for future Monte-Carlo simulations.Comment: 10 pages LaTeX, Sec.7 adde

    Food additives: Sodium benzoate, potassium sorbate, azorubine, and tartrazine modify the expression of NFκB, GADD45α, and MAPK8 genes

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    It has been reported that some of the food additives may cause sensitization, inflammation of tissues, and potentially risk factors in the development of several chronic diseases. Thus, we hypothesized that expressions of common inflammatory molecules – known to be involved in the development of various inflammatory conditions and cancers – are affected by these food additives. We investigated the effects of commonly used food preservatives and artificial food colorants based on the expressions of NFκB, GADD45α, and MAPK8 (JNK1) from the tissues of liver. RNA was isolated based on Trizol protocol and the activation levels were compared between the treated and the control groups. Tartrazine alone could elicit effects on the expressions of NFκB (p = 0.013) and MAPK8 (p = 0.022). Azorubine also resulted in apoptosis according to MAPK8 expression (p = 0.009). Preservatives were anti-apoptotic in high dose. Sodium benzoate (from low to high doses) dose-dependently silenced MAPK8 expression (p = 0.004 to p = 0.002). Addition of the two preservatives together elicited significantly greater expression of MAPK8 at half-fold dose (p = 0.002) and at fivefold dose (p = 0.008). This study suggests that some of the food preservatives and colorants can contribute to the activation of inflammatory pathways

    Correlations of electrons from heavy flavor decay in p+p, d+Au and Au+Au collisions

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    In relativistic heavy ion collisions heavy flavor probes are crucial to understand the interactions between partons and the produced hot nuclear matter. Measurements in p+p collisions provide information about how the heavy quarks are produced and fragment and in d+Au collisions are sensitive to possible effects from cold nuclear matter. Azimuthal correlation measurements involving heavy flavor probes are complementary to single particle spectra measurements and provide additional information about production and interactions of heavy quarks. Measurements of electrons with heavy flavor decay with other hadrons from the event can provide information about how the heavy quark interacts with the produced matter and can be compared to similar measurements from light hadron correlations. Correlations between electrons from heavy flavor decay with muons, also from heavy flavor decay, can provide further information about heavy flavor production and cold nuclear matter effects in d+Au collisions with a very clean signal. We present PHENIX results for electron-hadron correlations in p+p and Au+Au collisions and electron-muon correlations in p+p and d+Au collisions and discuss the implications of these measurements