233 research outputs found

    Radiogenic heat production drives Cambrian–Ordovician metamorphism of the Curnamona Province, south-central Australia: Insights from petrochronology and thermal modelling

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    Multi-mineral petrochronology can effectively track changes in the thermochemical environment experienced by rocks during metamorphism. We demonstrate this concept using garnet–chlorite schists from the Walter-Outalpa Shear Zone of the southern Curnamona Province, South Australia, which reveal a cryptic and protracted (c. 39 Myr) record of high thermal gradient metamorphism. Petrochronological data including in situ monazite U–Pb and garnet Lu–Hf and Sm–Nd dating suggest elevated geotherms were persistent between at least c. 519–480 Ma, throughout the duration of garnet growth. Additional in situ xenotime U–Pb dating implies that partial garnet breakdown occurred between c. 480–440 Ma, likely induced by fluid-rock interaction or exhumation. Although metamorphism temporally overlaps with the timing of the regional Delamerian Orogeny (c. 520–480 Ma), the thermal mechanism to sustain elevated temperatures has remained enigmatic. One-dimensional thermal models are used to appraise the role of radiogenic heat production in driving the observed high thermal gradient metamorphism. The models reveal that with only modest crustal thickening during orogenesis, the endogenous radiogenic heat production hosted within the basement rocks could plausibly provide the thermal impetus for metamorphism

    New forms of chromosome polymorphism in Deschampsia antarctica Desv. from the Argentine islands of the Maritime Antarctic region

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    Cytogenetic analysis of D. antarctica plants from the Argentine Islands of the Maritime Antarctic region was performed. Chromosome number 2n = 26 was determined for most of the samples. New forms of chromosome polymorphism for the species were demonstrated for the first time. In particular, the plants from Darboux Island were found, to have some cells that contained one supernumerary B-chromosome along with 26 chromosomes of a regular set. The plants from Great Yalour Island were determined to be mixoploid – the number of chromosomes ranged from 13 to 39. The occurrence of new and unknown earlier karyotypic forms of D. antarctica might have resulted from increased genome instability due to the extreme environmental conditions in the Argentine Islands region.Проведено цитогенетичний аналіз рослин D. antarctica з регіону Аргентинських островів Прибережної Антарктики. Для більшості досліджених зразків встановлено хромосомне число 2n = 26. Вперше для виду показано нові форми хромосомної мінливості. Зокрема, в клітинах апікальної меристеми рослин з острова Дарбо, окрім 26 хромосом основного набору, виявлено одну додаткову В-хромосому. Для рослин з о. Великий Ялур показано наявність міксоплоїдії: розмах мінливості за числом хромосом становив від 13 до 39 хромосом. Поява нових, невідомих раніше форм хромосомної мінливості D. antarctica може бути наслідком підвищеної геномної нестабільності, зумовленої екстремальними умовами зростання в районі Аргентинських островів.Проведен цитогенетический анализ растений D. antarctica из региона Аргентинских островов Прибрежной Антарктики. Для большинства исследованных образцов установлено хромосомное число 2n = 26. Впервые для вида показаны новые формы хромосомной изменчивости. В частности, в клетках апекальной меристемы растений с острова Дарбо, кроме 26 хромосом основного набора, обнаружена одна дополнительная В-хромосома. Для растений с о. Большой Ялур показано наличие миксоплоидии: размах изменчивости по числу хромосом составлял от 13 до 39 хромосом. Появление новых, неизвестных ранее форм хромосомной изменчивости D. antarctica может быть следствием повышенной геномной нестабильности, обусловленной экстремальными условиями роста в районе Аргентинских островов

    Nuclear genome stability in long-term cultivated callus lines of Fagopyrum tataricum (L.) Gaertn

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    © 2017 Betekhtin et al. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.Long-term cultivated Fagopyrum tataricum (L.) Gaertn. (Tartary buckwheat) morphogenic and non-morphogenic callus lines are interesting systems for gaining a better understanding of the mechanisms that are responsible for the genetic stability and instability of a plant tissue culture. In this work, we used histological sections and transmission electron microscopy to identify and describe the morphology of the nuclei of all of the analysed callus lines. We demonstrated that the embryogenic callus cells had prominent round nuclei that did not contain heterochromatin clumps in contrast to the non-morphogenic callus lines, in which we found nuclei that had multiple lobes. Flow cytometry analysis revealed significant differences in the relative DNA content between the analysed calli. All of the analysed morphogenic callus lines had peaks from 2C to 8C as compared to the nonmorphogenic callus lines, whose peaks did not reflect any regular DNA content and exceeded 8C and 16C for the line 6p1 and 16C and 32C for the callus line 10p2A. The results showed that non-morphogenic calli are of an aneuploid nature. The TUNEL test enabled us to visualise the nuclei that had DNA fragmentation in both the morphogenic and non-morphogenic lines. We revealed significantly higher frequencies of positively labelled nuclei in the non-morphogenic lines than in the morphogenic lines. In the case of the morphogenic lines, the highest observed frequency of TUNEL-positive nuclei was 7.7% for lines 2-3. In the non-morphogenic calli, the highest level of DNA damage (68.5%) was revealed in line 6p1. These results clearly indicate greater genome stability in the morphogenic lines

    Identification of the chromosome complement and the spontaneous 1R/1V translocations in allotetraploid Secale cereale × Dasypyrum villosum hybrids through cytogenetic approaches

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    Genome modifications that occur at the initial interspecific hybridization event are dynamic and can be consolidated during the process of stabilization in successive generations of allopolyploids. This study identifies the number and chromosomal location of ribosomal DNA (rDNA) sites between Secale cereale, Dasypyrum villosum, and their allotetraploid S. cereale × D. villosum hybrids. For the first time, we show the advantages of FISH to reveal chromosome rearrangements in the tetraploid Secale × Dasypyrum hybrids. Based on the specific hybridization patterns of ribosomal 5S, 35S DNA and rye species-specific pSc200 DNA probes, a set of genotypes with numerous Secale/Dasypyrum translocations of 1R/1V chromosomes were identified in successive generations of allotetraploid S. cereale × D. villosum hybrids. In addition we analyse rye chromosome pairs using FISH with chromosome-specific DNA sequences on S. cereale × D. villosum hybrids

    Search for Event Rate Modulation in XENON100 Electronic Recoil Data

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    We have searched for periodic variations of the electronic recoil event rate in the (2-6) keV energy range recorded between February 2011 and March 2012 with the XENON100 detector, adding up to 224.6 live days in total. Following a detailed study to establish the stability of the detector and its background contributions during this run, we performed an un-binned profile likelihood analysis to identify any periodicity up to 500 days. We find a global significance of less than 1 sigma for all periods suggesting no statistically significant modulation in the data. While the local significance for an annual modulation is 2.8 sigma, the analysis of a multiple-scatter control sample and the phase of the modulation disfavor a dark matter interpretation. The DAMA/LIBRA annual modulation interpreted as a dark matter signature with axial-vector coupling of WIMPs to electrons is excluded at 4.8 sigma.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figure

    DNA methylation patterns of Brachypodium distachyon chromosomes and their alteration by 5-azacytidine treatment

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    Sequential immunolocalisation of 5-methylcytosine (5-MeC) and fluorescence in situ hybridisation with chromosome-specific BAC clones were performed on Brachypodium distachyon mitotic metaphase chromosomes to determine specific DNA methylation patterns of each chromosome in the complement. In the majority of cells examined, chromosomes Bd4 and Bd5, which bear the loci of 5S and 35S ribosomal DNA, respectively, had characteristic 5-MeC patterns. In contrast, the distribution of 5-MeC along the metacentric chromosome pairs Bd1, Bd2 and Bd3 was more variable. There were numerous differences in distribution of methylated sites between homologous chromosomes as well as between chromosome arms. Some chromosome sites, such as pericentromeric regions, were highly methylated in all chromosomes. Additionally, the influence of a hypomethylating agent, 5-azacytidine, on B. distachyon chromosome methylation patterns was confirmed. It was found that some chromosome pairs underwent demethylation more easily than others, but there was no apparent regularity in demethylation of particular chromosome segments

    FISH in analysis of gamma ray-induced micronuclei formation in barley

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    A micronucleus test in combination with fluorescent in situ hybridization (FISH) using telomere-, centromere-specific probes and 5S and 25S rDNA was used for a detailed analysis of the effects of gamma ray irradiation on the root tip meristem cells of barley, Hordeum vulgare (2n = 14). FISH with four DNA probes was used to examine the involvement of specific chromosomes or chromosome fragments in gamma ray-induced micronuclei formation and then to explain their origin. Additionally, a comparison of the possible origin of the micronuclei induced by physical and chemical treatment: maleic hydrazide (MH) and N-nitroso-N-methylurea (MNU) was done. The micronuclei induced by gamma ray could originate from acentric fragments after chromosome breakage or from whole lagging chromosomes as a result of a dysfunction of the mitotic apparatus. No micronuclei containing only centromeric signals were found. An application of rDNA as probes allowed it to be stated that 5S rDNA–bearing chromosomes are involved in micronuclei formation more often than NOR chromosomes. This work allowed the origin of physically- and chemically-induced micronuclei in barley cells to be compared: the origin of micronuclei was most often from terminal fragments. FISH confirmed its usefulness in the characterization of micronuclei content, as well as in understanding and comparing the mechanisms of the actions of mutagens applied in plant genotoxicity

    Search for Two-Neutrino Double Electron Capture of 124^{124}Xe with XENON100

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    Two-neutrino double electron capture is a rare nuclear decay where two electrons are simultaneously captured from the atomic shell. For 124^{124}Xe this process has not yet been observed and its detection would provide a new reference for nuclear matrix element calculations. We have conducted a search for two-neutrino double electron capture from the K-shell of 124^{124}Xe using 7636 kg\cdotd of data from the XENON100 dark matter detector. Using a Bayesian analysis we observed no significant excess above background, leading to a lower 90 % credibility limit on the half-life T1/2>6.5×1020T_{1/2}>6.5\times10^{20} yr. We also evaluated the sensitivity of the XENON1T experiment, which is currently being commissioned, and find a sensitivity of T1/2>6.1×1022T_{1/2}>6.1\times10^{22} yr after an exposure of 2 t\cdotyr.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figure

    Removing krypton from xenon by cryogenic distillation to the ppq level

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    The XENON1T experiment aims for the direct detection of dark matter in a cryostat filled with 3.3 tons of liquid xenon. In order to achieve the desired sensitivity, the background induced by radioactive decays inside the detector has to be sufficiently low. One major contributor is the β\beta-emitter 85^{85}Kr which is an intrinsic contamination of the xenon. For the XENON1T experiment a concentration of natural krypton in xenon nat\rm{^{nat}}Kr/Xe < 200 ppq (parts per quadrillion, 1 ppq = 1015^{-15} mol/mol) is required. In this work, the design of a novel cryogenic distillation column using the common McCabe-Thiele approach is described. The system demonstrated a krypton reduction factor of 6.4\cdot105^5 with thermodynamic stability at process speeds above 3 kg/h. The resulting concentration of nat\rm{^{nat}}Kr/Xe < 26 ppq is the lowest ever achieved, almost one order of magnitude below the requirements for XENON1T and even sufficient for future dark matter experiments using liquid xenon, such as XENONnT and DARWIN

    Interplay of ribosomal DNA Loci in nucleolar dominance: dominant NORs are up-regulated by chromatin dynamics in the wheat-rye system

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    Background: Chromatin organizational and topological plasticity, and its functions in gene expression regulation, have been strongly revealed by the analysis of nucleolar dominance in hybrids and polyploids where one parental set of ribosomal RNA (rDNA) genes that are clustered in nucleolar organizing regions (NORs), is rendered silent by epigenetic pathways and heterochromatization. However, information on the behaviour of dominant NORs is very sparse and needed for an integrative knowledge of differential gene transcription levels and chromatin specific domain interactions. Methodology/Principal Findings: Using molecular and cytological approaches in a wheat-rye addition line (wheat genome plus the rye nucleolar chromosome pair 1R), we investigated transcriptional activity and chromatin topology of the wheat dominant NORs in a nucleolar dominance situation. Herein we report dominant NORs up-regulation in the addition line through quantitative real-time PCR and silver-staining technique. Accompanying this modification in wheat rDNA trascription level, we also disclose that perinucleolar knobs of ribosomal chromatin are almost transcriptionally silent due to the residual detection of BrUTP incorporation in these domains, contrary to the marked labelling of intranucleolar condensed rDNA. Further, by comparative confocal analysis of nuclei probed to wheat and rye NORs, we found that in the wheat-rye addition line there is a significant decrease in the number of wheat-origin perinucleolar rDNA knobs, corresponding to a diminution of the rDNA heterochromatic fraction of the dominant (wheat) NORs. Conclusions/Significance: We demonstrate that inter-specific interactions leading to wheat-origin NOR dominance results not only on the silencing of rye origin NOR loci, but dominant NORs are alsomodified in their transcriptional activity and interphase organization. The results show a cross-talk between wheat and rye NORs, mediated by ribosomal chromatin dynamics, revealing a conceptual shift from differential amphiplasty to ‘mutual amphiplasty’ in the nucleolar dominance process.This work was supported by the Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia (projects POCI/BIA-BDE/57575/2004 to M.S. and POCI/BIA-BCM/59389/2004 to N.N.