7,727 research outputs found

    Further studies of methods for reducing community noise around airports

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    A simplified method of analysis was used in which all flights at a 'simulated' airport were assumed to operate from one runway in a single direction. For this simulated airport, contours of noise exposure forecast were obtained and evaluated. A flight schedule of the simulated airport which is representative of the 23 major U. S. airports was used. The effect of banning night-time operations by four-engine, narrow-body aircraft in combination with other noise reduction options was studied. The reductions in noise which would occur of two- and three-engine, narrow-body aircraft equipped with a refanned engine was examined. A detailed comparison of the effects of engine cutback on takeoff versus the effects of retrofitting quiet nacelles for narrow-body aircraft was also examined. A method of presenting the effects of various noise reduction options was treated

    Grown organic matter as a fuel raw material resource

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    An extensive search was made on biomass production from the standpoint of climatic zones, water, nutrients, costs and energy requirements for many species. No exotic species were uncovered that gave hope for a bonanza of biomass production under culture, location, and management markedly different from those of existing agricultural concepts. A simulation analysis of biomass production was carried out for six species using conventional production methods, including their production costs and energy requirements. These estimates were compared with data on food, fiber, and feed production. The alternative possibility of using residues from food, feed, or lumber was evaluated. It was concluded that great doubt must be cast on the feasibility of producing grown organic matter for fuel, in competition with food, feed, or fiber. The feasibility of collecting residues may be nearer, but the competition for the residues for return to the soil or cellulosic production is formidable

    Ultrasonic Evaluation of Adhesive Bond Strength Using Spectroscopic Techniques

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    In this program statistical analysis of ultrasonically determined parameters was used to identify the features of acoustic wave propagation in adhesively bonded structures which could be used to determine adhesive bond strength. The parameters associated with the interaction of ultrasonic waves with the adhesive-aluminum interfaces and adhesive interlayer which were investigated included bondline transit time, amplitude ratios of reflections from the various interfaces, frequency dependent attenuation and spectral resonance characteristics. Aluminum specimens with both etched and as-received surface preparation were studied. The capabilities of the Fokker bondtester for adhesive strength determination were also assessed. Adaptive learning techniques were used to statistically examine correlation between the observed acoustic properties and shear strength for 394 specimens

    The role of intermolecular coupling in the photophysics of disordered organic semiconductors: Aggregate emission in regioregular polythiophene

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    We address the role of excitonic coulping on the nature of photoexcitations in the conjugated polymer regioregular poly(3-hexylthiophene). By means of temperature-dependent absorption and photoluminescence spectroscopy, we show that optical emission is overwhelmingly dominated by weakly coupled H-aggregates. The relative absorbance of the 0-0 and 0-1 vibronic peaks provides a powerfully simple means to extract the magnitude of the intermolecular coupling energy, approximately 5 and 30 meV for films spun from isodurene and chloroform solutions respectively.Comment: 10 pages, 4 figures, published in Phys. Rev. Let

    Parallel processing technique for acoustic tomography for multilayers

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    Computerized tomography (CT) is one of the most efficient tools for the nondestructive inspection of a material specimen. Depending on the nature of the application (e.g. in medicine, mechanics or geophysics) and of the particular requirements of the situation, different types of radiation (waves) may be used, thus giving different information about the material properties. For example in diagnostic medicine, x-ray transmission CT gives an attenuation map, which allows different tissues to be distinguished. In the case of x-rays, this type of wave passes through an entire material structure in an almost straight line

    Combustion of LOX with H2(sub g) under subcritical, critical, and supercritical conditions (Task 1) and experimental observation of dense spray and mixing of impinging jets (Task 2)

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    The objective was to achieve a better understanding of the combustion processes of liquid oxygen and gaseous hydrogen under broad range of pressure covering subcritical, critical, and supercritical conditions. The scope of the experimental work falls into the following areas: (1) design of the overall experimental setup; (2) modification of an existing windowed high pressure chamber; (3) design of the LOX feeding system; (4) provision of the safety features in the test rig design; (5) LOX cleanliness requirements; (6) cold shock testing; (7) implementation of data acquisition systems; (8) preliminary tests for system checkout; (9) modification of LOX feeding system; and (10) evaporation tests. Progress in each area is discussed

    Shoot growth of woody trees and shrubs is predicted by maximum plant height and associated traits

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    1. The rate of elongation and thickening of individual branches (shoots) varies across plant species. This variation is important for the outcome of competition and other plant-plant interactions. Here we compared rates of shoot growth across 44 species from tropical, warm temperate, and cool temperate forests of eastern Australia.2. Shoot growth rate was found to correlate with a suite of traits including the potential height of the species, xylem-specific conductivity, leaf size, leaf area per xylem cross-section, twig diameter (at 40 cm length), wood density and modulus of elasticity.3. Within this suite of traits, maximum plant height was the clearest correlate of growth rates, explaining 50 to 67% of the variation in growth overall (p p 4. Growth rates were not strongly correlated with leaf nitrogen or leaf mass per unit leaf area.5. Correlations between growth and maximum height arose both across latitude (47%, p p p p < 0.0001), reflecting intrinsic differences across species and sites

    The development and preliminary validation of the Challenge and Threat in Sport (CAT-Sport) Scale

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    This paper outlines the development and preliminary validation of a sport-specific measure of athletes’ experience of challenge and threat. Three independent studies assess the content validity, factor structure, criterion validity and internal consistency of the Challenge and Threat in Sport (CAT-Sport) Scale. In study 1, a group of 25 athletes and two experts assessed the content validity of items derived from existing measures of challenge and threat. Participants examined a pool of 25 items, and were asked to rate the items’ applicability to their experiences of challenge and threat in sport. Items failing to reach applicability of 50% were excluded from further analysis. In study 2, 197 runners completed the 21 items retained from study 1 before competition. A principal components analysis with an oblique, direct oblimin rotation yielded a 12-item, two component solution with items indicative of athletes’ experiences of challenge and threat. In study 3, 201 shooters completed the 12-item CAT-Sport before competition. Confirmatory factor analysis indicated that a 12-item 2-factor correlated model provided acceptable model fit with good internal consistency and criterion validity. Collectively these studies provide support for the CAT-Sport as a measure of athletes’ experience of challenge and threat in anticipation of sport competition

    The risk of telling : a dyadic perspective on romantic partners' responses to child sexual abuse disclosure and their associations with sexual and relationship satisfaction

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    Essai présenté à la Faculté des arts et des sciences en vue de l'obtention du grade de Doctorat en psychologie clinique (D. Psy.)Les survivants d’agression sexuelle à l’enfance (ASE) doivent souvent composer avec les conséquences à long terme de ce trauma. Toutefois, il existe une grande variabilité quant aux impacts individuels de l’ASE. Certains auteurs croient que la réponse obtenue lors du dévoilement de l’ASE aux proches du survivant, pourrait être l’un des déterminants de cette variabilité. Cependant, le dévoilement à l’âge adulte, notamment au partenaire amoureux, a été peu étudié. La présente étude examine les associations entre les réponses des partenaires amoureux au dévoilement, tels que perçues par les survivants, ainsi que la satisfaction sexuelle et conjugale des deux membres du couple, auprès d’un échantillon de 70 couples de la communauté ayant rapporté une ASE et l’ayant dévoilée à leur partenaire. Les participants ont complété des questionnaires auto-rapportés en ligne. Les résultats d’analyses de trajectoire au sein d’un modèle « Actor-Partner Interdependence Model » (APIM) indiquent que les réponses de « soutien émotionnel » de la part des partenaires durant le dévoilement, telles que perçues par les survivants, étaient positivement associées à leur propre satisfaction sexuelle ainsi qu’à celle de leur partenaire. Les réponses de « stigmatisation/se sentir traité différemment » de la part des partenaires, telles que perçues par les survivants, étaient associées à une moins bonne satisfaction conjugale, à la fois pour les survivants et leurs partenaires. Les résultats suggèrent que les réponses des partenaires au dévoilement d’une ASE, tels que perçues par les survivants, peuvent avoir un impact positif autant que négatif sur la satisfaction conjugale et sexuelle des deux partenaires.Survivors of childhood sexual abuse (CSA) often experience adverse trauma-related long term consequences, which vary widely among survivors. Some authors argued that this variability might be explained in part by the response of others to survivors’ disclosure of the CSA. However, disclosure during adulthood has received little empirical attention, in particular, disclosure to a romantic partner. Among 70 community couples who reported CSA and disclosure to their partner, this study examined associations between survivors’ perception of partner responses to their disclosure, and both partners’ sexual and relationship satisfaction. Participants completed self-report questionnaires online. Results of path analyses within an actor-partner interdependence model indicated that survivors’ perceived partner responses of emotional support to disclosure were associated with their own and their partners' higher sexual satisfaction. Survivors’ perceived responses of being stigmatized/treated differently by the partner were associated with their own and their partners’ poorer relationship satisfaction. Findings suggest that survivor-perceived partner responses to the disclosure of CSA can have both a positive and a negative impact on the sexual and relationship satisfaction of both partners