282 research outputs found

    Pitkään kotona - kuntoutuksen avullako? : Tutkimus ryhmämuotoisesta vanhuskuntoutuksesta

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    Tämän tutkimuksen tavoitteena oli selvittää, miten ikäihmisten ryhmämuotoinen kuntoutus toteutuu kuntoutuslaitoksessa ja miten he kokevat sen. Tutkimus on tehty laadullisella, etnografisella tutkimusotteella, jolloin tutkimus on mahdollista tehdä monipuolisin menetelmin, analyyttisin näkökulmin ja aineistoin, jotka on tuotettu kenttätyöllä olosuhteissa, joissa tutkimukseen osallistuvat ihmiset elävät. Tutkimusprosessissa on keskeisenä osallistuminen, havainnointi ja kokemukset. Tutkimuksessa on hyödynnetty useita tutkimussuuntia, kuten työorganisaatioiden kulttuurista sosiaalitutkimusta, kuntoutusta, geriatriaa ja gerontologiaa sekä kasvatustiedettä. Tutkimusaineisto on kerätty osallistumalla kuntoutuslaitosten arkeen sekä haastattelemalla kuntoutuslaitoksen työntekijöitä, kuntoutujia sekä kunnan työntekijöitä ja videoimalla kuntoutuksen ryhmätyö- ja tiimitilanteita vuoden 2003 aikana. Työ eteni aineistolähtöisesti laajeten havainnoilla ja videoaineistoilla kuntoutuksen työkulttuurin, gerontologian ja pedagogiikan soveltuvia teorioita ja termejä käyttämällä. Tutkimuksen mukaan moniammatilliset tiimit onnistuivat hyvin vanhusten tilannearvioissa ja sen pohjalta tehtävissä tavoitteenasetteluissa. Ryhmämuotoisessa kuntoutuksessa on vaikea toteuttaa asiakaslähtöistä työotetta ja soveltaa vanhuspedagogiikkaa. Kuntoutujaryhmän heterogeenisuus ja erilaiset tarpeet vaikeuttivat ryhmäilmiöiden hyödyntämistä. Vanhukset arvostivat saamaansa kuntoutusta. He olivat tutustuneet suureen joukkoon ihmisiä, kokeneet asioita yhdessä ja saaneet vertaistukea. He olivat saaneet apua ja noudattivat saamiaan ohjeita. Odotukset olivat kuitenkin virittyneet useampiin kuntoutuksen jälkeisiin tilaisuuksiin tai tapahtumiin kuin nyt kunnassa järjestettyihin.15,00 euro

    High daily energy expenditure of incubating shorebirds on High Arctic tundra: a circumpolar study

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    1. Given the allometric scaling of thermoregulatory capacity in birds, and the cold and exposed Arctic environment, it was predicted that Arctic-breeding shorebirds should incur high costs during incubation. Using doubly labelled water (DLW), daily energy expenditure (DEE) during incubation was measured in eight shorebird species weighing between 29 and 142 g at various sites in the Eurasian and Canadian High Arctic. The results are compared with a compilation of similar data for birds at lower latitudes. 2. There was a significant positive correlation between species average DEE and body mass (DEE (kJ day−1) = 28·12 BM (g)^0·524, r^2 = 0·90). The slopes of the allometric regression lines for DEE on body mass of tundra-breeding birds and lower latitude species (a sample mostly of passerines but including several shorebirds) are similar (0·548 vs 0·545). DEE is about 50% higher in birds on the tundra than in temperate breeding areas. 3. Data for radiomarked Red Knots for which the time budgets during DLW measurements were known, indicated that foraging away from the nest on open tundra is almost twice as costly as incubating a four-egg clutch. 4. During the incubation phase in the High Arctic, tundra-breeding shorebirds appear to incur among the highest DEE levels of any time of the year. The rates of energy expenditure measured here are among the highest reported in the literature so far, reaching inferred ceilings of sustainable energy turnover rates.

    The networked seceder model: Group formation in social and economic systems

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    The seceder model illustrates how the desire to be different than the average can lead to formation of groups in a population. We turn the original, agent based, seceder model into a model of network evolution. We find that the structural characteristics our model closely matches empirical social networks. Statistics for the dynamics of group formation are also given. Extensions of the model to networks of companies are also discussed

    Dynamic scaling regimes of collective decision making

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    We investigate a social system of agents faced with a binary choice. We assume there is a correct, or beneficial, outcome of this choice. Furthermore, we assume agents are influenced by others in making their decision, and that the agents can obtain information that may guide them towards making a correct decision. The dynamic model we propose is of nonequilibrium type, converging to a final decision. We run it on random graphs and scale-free networks. On random graphs, we find two distinct regions in terms of the "finalizing time" -- the time until all agents have finalized their decisions. On scale-free networks on the other hand, there does not seem to be any such distinct scaling regions

    Evolution of Rogue Waves in Interacting Wave Systems

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    Large amplitude water waves on deep water has long been known in the sea faring community, and the cause of great concern for, e.g., oil platform constructions. The concept of such freak waves is nowadays, thanks to satellite and radar measurements, well established within the scientific community. There are a number of important models and approaches for the theoretical description of such waves. By analyzing the scaling behavior of freak wave formation in a model of two interacting waves, described by two coupled nonlinear Schroedinger equations, we show that there are two different dynamical scaling behaviors above and below a critical angle theta_c of the direction of the interacting waves below theta_c all wave systems evolve and display statistics similar to a wave system of non-interacting waves. The results equally apply to other systems described by the nonlinear Schroedinger equations, and should be of interest when designing optical wave guides.Comment: 5 pages, 2 figures, to appear in Europhysics Letter

    Fractal Profit Landscape of the Stock Market

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    We investigate the structure of the profit landscape obtained from the most basic, fluctuation based, trading strategy applied for the daily stock price data. The strategy is parameterized by only two variables, p and q. Stocks are sold and bought if the log return is bigger than p and less than -q, respectively. Repetition of this simple strategy for a long time gives the profit defined in the underlying two-dimensional parameter space of p and q. It is revealed that the local maxima in the profit landscape are spread in the form of a fractal structure. The fractal structure implies that successful strategies are not localized to any region of the profit landscape and are neither spaced evenly throughout the profit landscape, which makes the optimization notoriously hard and hypersensitive for partial or limited information. The concrete implication of this property is demonstrated by showing that optimization of one stock for future values or other stocks renders worse profit than a strategy that ignores fluctuations, i.e., a long-term buy-and-hold strategy.Comment: 12 pages, 4 figure

    Through the labyrinth of yesteryears

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    Background Allergy to dog (Canis familiaris) is a worldwide common cause of asthma and allergic rhinitis. However, dander extract in routine diagnostics is not an optimal predictor of IgE-mediated dog allergy. Our objective was to evaluate saliva as an allergen source for improved diagnostics of allergy to dog. Methods IgE-binding proteins in dog saliva and dander extract were analysed by immunoblot and mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) using pooled or individual sera from dog-allergic patients (n=13). Sera from 59 patients IgE positive to dander and 55 patients IgE negative to dander but with symptoms to dog were analysed for IgE against saliva and dander by ELISA. Basophil stimulation with dog saliva and dander extract was measured by flow cytometry among three dog-allergic patients. Additionally, IgE-binding protein profiles of saliva from different breeds were investigated by immunoblot. Results Greater number and diversity of IgE-binding proteins was found in saliva compared to dander extract and varied among dog breeds. In saliva, Can f 1, 2, 3 and 6 were identified but also four new saliva allergen candidates. The majority of the 59 dog danderpositive sera (n=44) were IgE positive to dog saliva. Among patients IgE negative to dander, but with symptoms to dog, 20% were IgE positive to saliva. The biological activity of saliva was confirmed by basophil degranulation. Conclusions Dog saliva is an allergen source for improved diagnostics of dog allergy. The IgE-binding protein profile of saliva from different dogs varies.Supplementary material: [http://cherry.chem.bg.ac.rs/handle/123456789/3488

    Social and cultural origins of motivations to volunteer a comparison of university students in six countries

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    Although participation in volunteering and motivations to volunteer (MTV) have received substantial attention on the national level, particularly in the US, few studies have compared and explained these issues across cultural and political contexts. This study compares how two theoretical perspectives, social origins theory and signalling theory, explain variations in MTV across different countries. The study analyses responses from a sample of 5794 students from six countries representing distinct institutional contexts. The findings provide strong support for signalling theory but less so for social origins theory. The article concludes that volunteering is a personal decision and thus is influenced more at the individual level but is also impacted to some degree by macro-level societal forces