416 research outputs found

    Streptococcus suis in German pig holdings—conventional and molecular detection

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    Streptococcus suis (S. suis) is a zoonotic agent worldwide. Pigs are the main reservoir, mostly asymptomatic. Humans get the infection by contact and consumption of contaminated meat and meat products. In this study, samples from 38 pig carcasses fit for human consumption from 17 holdings were arbitrarily selected. From each carcass, seven tissue samples were taken and examined for the presence of S. suis, using conventional microbiology and PCR. In addition, virulence-associated factors (epf, arcA, sly, mrp) were tested with PCR. More isolates were PCR-positive for S. suis as compared to conventional testing, mostly in samples from the heart and from the mandibular lymphnodes. All isolates were epf negative, combinations of arcA, sly and mrp were found in some isolates. Six isolates were positive for arcA and mrp, five for arcA and sly. For three isolates the triple combination arcA + mrp + sly was found. These isolates originated from different pigs

    Tracing back to Sources of MAIC Using Farm records and Lab Techniques

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    For the implementation of tracing back systems (particular agents, unwanted observation and other), detection techniques should be available. For MAIC, a step-by-step approach was established, combining visual observation, lab based PCR-identification, tracing back to the farm of origin and finally the search for potential ports of entry

    Options to relieve the transport network and to shift road traffic to environmentally sounder means of traffic. Summary

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    Towards an integrative model of C4 photosynthetic subtypes: insights from comparative transcriptome analysis of NAD-ME, NADP-ME, and PEP-CK C-4 species

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    C4 photosynthesis affords higher photosynthetic carbon conversion efficiency than C3 photosynthesis and it therefore represents an attractive target for engineering efforts aiming to improve crop productivity. To this end, blueprints are required that reflect C4 metabolism as closely as possible. Such blueprints have been derived from comparative transcriptome analyses of C3 species with related C4 species belonging to the NAD-malic enzyme (NAD-ME) and NADP-ME subgroups of C4 photosynthesis. However, a comparison between C3 and the phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase (PEP-CK) subtype of C4 photosynthesis is still missing. An integrative analysis of all three C4 subtypes has also not been possible to date, since no comparison has been available for closely related C3 and PEP-CK C4 species. To generate the data, the guinea grass Megathyrsus maximus, which represents a PEP-CK species, was analysed in comparison with a closely related C3 sister species, Dichanthelium clandestinum, and with publicly available sets of RNA-Seq data from C4 species belonging to the NAD-ME and NADP-ME subgroups. The data indicate that the core C4 cycle of the PEP-CK grass M. maximus is quite similar to that of NAD-ME species with only a few exceptions, such as the subcellular location of transfer acid production and the degree and pattern of up-regulation of genes encoding C4 enzymes. One additional mitochondrial transporter protein was associated with the core cycle. The broad comparison identified sucrose and starch synthesis, as well as the prevention of leakage of C4 cycle intermediates to other metabolic pathways, as critical components of C4 metabolism. Estimation of intercellular transport fluxes indicated that flux between cells is increased by at least two orders of magnitude in C4 species compared with C3 species. In contrast to NAD-ME and NADP-ME species, the transcription of photosynthetic electron transfer proteins was unchanged in PEP-CK. In summary, the PEP-CK blueprint of M. maximus appears to be simpler than those of NAD-ME and NADP-ME plants

    Comprehensive transcriptome analysis of the highly complex Pisum sativum genome using next generation sequencing

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The garden pea, <it>Pisum sativum</it>, is among the best-investigated legume plants and of significant agro-commercial relevance. <it>Pisum sativum </it>has a large and complex genome and accordingly few comprehensive genomic resources exist.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>We analyzed the pea transcriptome at the highest possible amount of accuracy by current technology. We used next generation sequencing with the Roche/454 platform and evaluated and compared a variety of approaches, including diverse tissue libraries, normalization, alternative sequencing technologies, saturation estimation and diverse assembly strategies. We generated libraries from flowers, leaves, cotyledons, epi- and hypocotyl, and etiolated and light treated etiolated seedlings, comprising a total of 450 megabases. Libraries were assembled into 324,428 unigenes in a first pass assembly.</p> <p>A second pass assembly reduced the amount to 81,449 unigenes but caused a significant number of chimeras. Analyses of the assemblies identified the assembly step as a major possibility for improvement. By recording frequencies of Arabidopsis orthologs hit by randomly drawn reads and fitting parameters of the saturation curve we concluded that sequencing was exhaustive. For leaf libraries we found normalization allows partial recovery of expression strength aside the desired effect of increased coverage. Based on theoretical and biological considerations we concluded that the sequence reads in the database tagged the vast majority of transcripts in the aerial tissues. A pathway representation analysis showed the merits of sampling multiple aerial tissues to increase the number of tagged genes. All results have been made available as a fully annotated database in fasta format.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>We conclude that the approach taken resulted in a high quality - dataset which serves well as a first comprehensive reference set for the model legume pea. We suggest future deep sequencing transcriptome projects of species lacking a genomics backbone will need to concentrate mainly on resolving the issues of redundancy and paralogy during transcriptome assembly.</p

    AXL and CAV-1 play a role for MTH1 inhibitor TH1579 sensitivity in cutaneous malignant melanoma

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    Cutaneous malignant melanoma (CMM) is the deadliest form of skin cancer and clinically challenging due to its propensity to develop therapy resistance. Reactive oxygen species (ROS) can induce DNA damage and play a significant role in CMM. MTH1 protein protects from ROS damage and is often overexpressed in different cancer types including CMM. Herein, we report that MTH1 inhibitor TH1579 induced ROS levels, increased DNA damage responses, caused mitotic arrest and suppressed CMM proliferation leading to cell death both in vitro and in an in vivo xenograft CMM zebrafish disease model. TH1579 was more potent in abrogating cell proliferation and inducing cell death in a heterogeneous co-culture setting when compared with CMM standard treatments, vemurafenib or trametinib, showing its broad anticancer activity. Silencing MTH1 alone exhibited similar cytotoxic effects with concomitant induction of mitotic arrest and ROS induction culminating in cell death in most CMM cell lines tested, further emphasizing the importance of MTH1 in CMM cells. Furthermore, overexpression of receptor tyrosine kinase AXL, previously demonstrated to contribute to BRAF inhibitor resistance, sensitized BRAF mutant and BRAF/NRAS wildtype CMM cells to TH1579. AXL overexpression culminated in increased ROS levels in CMM cells. Moreover, silencing of a protein that has shown opposing effects on cell proliferation, CAV-1, decreased sensitivity to TH1579 in a BRAF inhibitor resistant cell line. AXL-MTH1 and CAV-1-MTH1 mRNA expressions were correlated as seen in CMM clinical samples. Finally, TH1579 in combination with BRAF inhibitor exhibited a more potent cell killing effect in BRAF mutant cells both in vitro and in vivo. In summary, we show that TH1579-mediated efficacy is independent of BRAF/NRAS mutational status but dependent on the expression of AXL and CAV-1
