395 research outputs found

    Expectation-Maximization Binary Clustering for Behavioural Annotation

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    We present a variant of the well sounded Expectation-Maximization Clustering algorithm that is constrained to generate partitions of the input space into high and low values. The motivation of splitting input variables into high and low values is to favour the semantic interpretation of the final clustering. The Expectation-Maximization binary Clustering is specially useful when a bimodal conditional distribution of the variables is expected or at least when a binary discretization of the input space is deemed meaningful. Furthermore, the algorithm deals with the reliability of the input data such that the larger their uncertainty the less their role in the final clustering. We show here its suitability for behavioural annotation of movement trajectories. However, it can be considered as a general purpose algorithm for the clustering or segmentation of multivariate data or temporal series.Comment: 34 pages main text including 11 (full page) figure

    Clavo de bloqueo Gamma: experiencia inicial y resultados

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    Se ha estudiado una serie de 243 fracturas de cadera tratadas mediante clavo Gamma en un período de 3 años y medio. Se analiza el estado general previo del paciente, tiempo de intervención quirúrgica, comienzo de deambulación y tiempo de hospitalización, haciendo especial énfasis en las complicaciones. El 72% de los pacientes comenzaron la deambulación durante la primera semana y la consolidación se consiguió en un plazo medio de 9 semanas. La complicación intraopcratoria más frecuente fue la inserción de los tornillos distales (15% de los casos); otras complicaciones relacionadas con la técnica fueron 2 perforaciones capitales, 5 fracturas diafisarias durante la intervención o la estancia hospitalaria y 5 extrusiones del tornillo de cuello. Como complicaciones tardías tuvimos 2 infecciones, 4 fracturas diafisarias, 1 fractura subcapital, 1 necrosis cefálica y una rotura del clavo. Como conclusión, el clavo Gamma es un buen método de osteosíntesis para las fracturas inestables del macizo trocantéreo y fracturas subtrocantéreas, aunque precisa una técnica muy cuidadosa.A serie of 243 hip fractures treated with Gamma nail in a period of 3.5 years was reviewed. The patient previous general condition, surgical time, time for total weight-bearing, hospitalization period, and complications were analized. Weight-bearing begun during first week in 72% of all patients and 9 weeks was the average time of consolidation of the fractures. The most frecuent surgical complication was insertion of distal screws (15%), other technique complications were 2 capital perforations, 5 femoral shaft fractures during surgery or hospitalization period and 5 cut-out of the lag screw. Two infections, 4 femoral shaft fractures, 1 femoral neck fracture, 1 aseptic necrosis of femoral head and 1 material failure were late complications. As conclusion, the Gamma nail is a good method of osteosynthesis for unstable trochanteric and subtrochanteric fractures, although it needs a careful technique

    Smile esthetic evaluation of mucogingival reconstructive surgery

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    To assess the difference in smile esthetic impact of Coronally Advanced Flap (CAF) with or without the adjunct of a collagen matrix (CMX) used as root coverage procedures. Subjects with esthetic demands showing multiple upper gingival recessions of at least 2 mm, without interproximal attachment loss and cervical abrasion no more than 1 mm were recruited and randomized to CAF plus CMX or CAF alone. The Smile Esthetic Index (SEI) was adopted to quantify the quality of the smile recorded at baseline and 12 months after treatment for each treatment group. In addition, between group difference in the SEI was calculated. 24 Patients were treated and analysed. At baseline, mean gingival recession depths were 2.3 ± 0.7 mm for Test group and 2.6 ± 1.0 mm for Control group. After 1 year, the residual recession depth was 0.3 ± 0.4 mm in the CAF + CMX group and 0.6 ± 0.3 mm in the control group. The SEI at baseline was 8.1 ± 1.0 and 7.9 ± 0.7 for Test and Control group, respectively. The between groups difference at 12 months in SEI was 0.4 (95% C.I. − 0.0 to 0.8, P = 0.0697). Twelve months after treatment, CAF + CMX provided a similar SEI compared to CAF alone and the adjunct of a collagen matrix did not show a different impact on the smile esthetic appearance

    Natural or Palatal Positioning of Immediate Post-extraction Implants in the Aesthetic Zone? Five-year Outcomes of a Multicentre Randomised Controlled Trial

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    PURPOSE. To evaluate whether there is a difference in aesthetic outcomes when positioning immediate post-extractive implants in the “central” position (where the natural tooth would be in relation to adjacent teeth/implants) as opposed to roughly 3 mm more pala-tally. MATERIALS AND METHODS. Just after tooth extraction, 20 patients requiring one single immediate maxillary post-extraction implant, from second premolar to second premolar, were randomly allocated to receive one implant positioned in either the natural “central” position (central group; 10 patients), or about 3 mm more palatally (palatal group; 10 pa-tients) according to a parallel-group design at two different centres. When needed, sites were reconstructed, and bone-to-implant gaps were filled with granules of anorganic bovine bone and covered by resorbable collagen barriers. Implants were left submerged for 4 months and rehabilitated with provisional crowns, replaced after 4 months by definitive metal-ceramic crowns. Patients were followed up to 5 years after loading. Outcome measures were: crown and implant failures; complications; aesthetics, assessed using the pink aesthetic score (PES); peri-implant marginal bone level changes; and patient satisfaction, recorded by blinded assessors. RESULTS. Three patients from each group dropped out within 3 years after loading. Five years after loading, there were no significant differences between the two groups in median PES score, assessed by a blind assessor, (central: 10 [IQR: 5.5], palatal: 8.5 [IQR: 6.75], median difference =-1.0; 95% CI:-7.0 to 4.0; P = 0.571); median bone level (central: 0.45 mm [IQR: 1.76], palatal: 0.45 mm [IQR: 1.93], median difference = 0 mm; 95% CI:-1.7 to 3.0; P = 1.000); bone level changes (central: 0.15 mm [IQR: 0.70], palatal:-0.05 mm [IQR: 1.23], median difference =-0.20 mm; P = 0.471); implant failures (one in each group, 14%, difference in proportion = 0.00; 95% CI:-0.39 to 0.39; P = 1.000); or complications (two palatal group patients and one central group patient, difference in proportion = 0.14; 95% CI:-0.28 to 0.52; P = 1.000). Furthermore, patients from both groups were equally satisfied with both function and aesthetics (both P = 0.699). CONCLUSIONS. These preliminary results suggest that positioning of immediate post-ex-traction implants 3 mm more palatally may not, in fact, improve aesthetics; however, the sample size of the present study was very limited, and larger trials are therefore required to confirm or refute these findings

    Evaluation of the MODIS Albedo Product over a Heterogeneous Agricultural Area

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    In this article, the Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) Bidirectional Reflectance Distribution Function (BRDF)/Albedo product (MCD43) is evaluated over a heterogeneous agricultural area in the framework of the Earth Observation: Optical Data Calibration and Information Extraction (EODIX) project campaign, which was developed in Barrax (Spain) in June 2011. In this method, two models, the RossThick-LiSparse-Reciprocal (RTLSR) (which corresponds to the MODIS BRDF algorithm) and the RossThick-Maignan-LiSparse-Reciprocal (RTLSR-HS), were tested over airborne data by processing high-resolution images acquired with the Airborne Hyperspectral Scanner (AHS) sensor. During the campaign, airborne images were retrieved with different view zenith angles along the principal and orthogonal planes. Comparing the results of applying the models to the airborne data with ground measurements, we obtained a root mean square error (RMSE) of 0.018 with both RTLSR and RTLSR-HS models. The evaluation of the MODIS BRDF/Albedo product (MCD43) was performed by comparing satellite images with AHS estimations. The results reported an RMSE of 0.04 with both models. Additionally, taking advantage of a homogeneous barley pixel, we compared in situ albedo data to satellite albedo data. In this case, the MODIS albedo estimation was (0.210 +/- 0.003), while the in situ measurement was (0.204 +/- 0.003). This result shows good agreement in regard to a homogeneous pixel

    Impact of mineral dust on short wave and long wave radiation: evaluation of different vertically resolved parameterization sin 1-D radiative transfer computations

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    Aerosol radiative properties are investigated in southeastern Spain during a dust event on 16–17 June 2013 in the framework of the ChArMEx/ADRIMED (Chemistry-Aerosol Mediterranean Experiment/Aerosol Direct Radiative Impact on the regional climate in the MEDiterranean region) campaign. Particle optical and microphysical properties from ground-based sun/sky photometer and lidar measurements, as well as in situ measurements on board the SAFIRE ATR 42 French research aircraft, are used to create a set of different levels of input parameterizations, which feed the 1-D radiative transfer model (RTM) GAME (Global Atmospheric ModEl). We consider three datasets: (1) a first parameterization based on the retrievals by an advanced aerosol inversion code (GRASP; Generalized Retrieval of Aerosol and Surface Properties) applied to combined photometer and lidar data, (2) a parameterization based on the photometer columnar optical properties and vertically resolved lidar retrievals with the two-component Klett–Fernald algorithm, and (3) a parameterization based on vertically resolved optical and microphysical aerosol properties measured in situ by the aircraft instrumentation. Once retrieved, the outputs of the RTM in terms of both shortwave and longwave radiative fluxes are compared against ground and in situ airborne measurements. In addition, the outputs of the model in terms of the aerosol direct radiative effect are discussed with respect to the different input parameterizations. Results show that calculated atmospheric radiative fluxes differ no more than 7 % from the measured ones. The three parameterization datasets produce a cooling effect due to mineral dust both at the surface and the top of the atmosphere. Aerosol radiative effects with differences of up to 10 W m−2 in the shortwave spectral range (mostly due to differences in the aerosol optical depth) and 2 W m−2 for the longwave spectral range (mainly due to differences in the aerosol optical depth but also to the coarse mode radius used to calculate the radiative properties) are obtained when comparing the three parameterizations. The study reveals the complexity of parameterizing 1-D RTMs as sizing and characterizing the optical properties of mineral dust is challenging. The use of advanced remote sensing data and processing, in combination with closure studies on the optical and microphysical properties from in situ aircraft measurements when available, is recommended.This work is part of the ChArMEx project supported by CNRS-INSU, ADEME, Météo-France, and CEA in the framework of the multidisciplinary program MISTRALS (Mediterranean Integrated STudies at Regional And Local Scales; http://mistrals-home.org/, last access: 15 January 2018). Lidar measurements were supported by the ACTRIS (Aerosols, Clouds, and Trace Gases Research Infrastructure Network) Research Infrastructure Project funded by the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation program under grant agreement no. 654109. The Barcelona team acknowledges the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (project TEC2015-63832-P) and EFRD (European Fund for Regional Development); the Department of Economy and Knowledge of the Catalan autonomous government (grant 2014 SGR 583) and the Unidad de Excelencia Maria de Maeztu (project MDM-2016-0600) financed by the Spanish Agencia Estatal de Investigación. The authors also thank the Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities (ref. CGL2017-90884-REDT). This work was also supported by the Juan de la Cierva-Formación program (grant FJCI-2015-23904). Paola Formenti and Cyrielle Denjean acknowledge the support of the French National Research Agency (ANR) through the ADRIMED program (contract ANR-11-BS56-0006)

    Citizen science provides a reliable and scalable tool to track disease-carrying mosquitoes

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    Recent outbreaks of Zika, chikungunya and dengue highlight the importance of better understanding the spread of disease-carrying mosquitoes across multiple spatio-temporal scales. Traditional surveillance tools are limited by jurisdictional boundaries and cost constraints. Here we show how a scalable citizen science system can solve this problem by combining citizen scientists'' observations with expert validation and correcting for sampling effort. Our system provides accurate early warning information about the Asian tiger mosquito (Aedes albopictus) invasion in Spain, well beyond that available from traditional methods, and vital for public health services. It also provides estimates of tiger mosquito risk comparable to those from traditional methods but more directly related to the human-mosquito encounters that are relevant for epidemiological modelling and scalable enough to cover the entire country. These results illustrate how powerful public participation in science can be and suggest citizen science is positioned to revolutionize mosquito-borne disease surveillance worldwide

    A Semiconducting Bi2O2(C4O4) Coordination Polymer Showing a Photoelectric Response

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    This document is the Accepted Manuscript version of a Published Work that appeared in final form in Inorganic Chemistry, copyright © American Chemical Society after peer review and technical editing by the publisher. To access the final edited and published work see https://doi.org/10.1021/acs.inorgchem.9b03290.[EN] Inorganic semiconductors are extensively considered to be among the most promising materials to convert solar light into electricity or chemical energy owing to their efficiency in the separation of photoinduced electron/hole. Bismuth oxides, and, in particular, those built up of [Bi2O2](2+) layers, show an efficient charge separation and, thus, high photocatalytic activities. To explore a possible synergetic effect of bismuth metallic nodes combined with the electron-rich linker squarate, Bi2O2(C4O4) or IEF-3 (an IMDEA Energy framework) was hydrothermally prepared and adequately characterized. As determined from the X-ray structure, [Bi2O2](2+) layers are interconnected by squarate ligands, having a pronounced effect of the 6s(2) lone pair on the bismuth local environment. IEF-3 shows high thermal and chemical robustness at industrially relevant model aggressive media. A large panel of physicochemical methods were applied to recognize IEF-3 as an UV-absorbing n-type semiconductor, showing a photocurrent response comparable to that of alpha-Bi2O3, offering further possibilities for tuning its electrochemical properties by modifying the ligand. In this way, the well-known compositional and structural versatility of coordination polymers may be applied in the future to fine-tune metal-organic semiconductor systems.The authors acknowledge Ra-Phuel (Grant ENE2016-79608-C2-1-R), Ramon y Cajal Grant RYC-2014-15039 (Ministerio de Ciencia, Investigacion y Universidades), and Fundacion Ramon Areces (H + MOFs) for financial support. S.N. is thankful for financial support by the Fundacion Ramon Areces (XVIII Concurso Nacional para la Adjudicacion de Ayudas a la Investigacion en Ciencias de la Vida y de la Materia, 2016), Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovacion y Universidades project (Project RTI2018-099482-A-I00), and Generalitat Valenciana grupos de investigacion consolidables 2019 (ref: AICO/2019/214) project. H.G. is thankful for financial support by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation (Severo Ochoa SEV2016 and RTI2018-890237-CO2-1), and Generalitat Valenciana (Prometeo 2017/083) is also gratefully acknowledged.Babaryk, AA.; Contreras Almengor, OR.; Cabrero-Antonino, M.; Navalón Oltra, S.; García Gómez, H.; Horcajada, P. (2020). A Semiconducting Bi2O2(C4O4) Coordination Polymer Showing a Photoelectric Response. Inorganic Chemistry. 59(6):3406-3416. https://doi.org/10.1021/acs.inorgchem.9b03290S34063416596Lund, H. (2007). Renewable energy strategies for sustainable development. 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    First detection of Aedes japonicus in Spain: An unexpected finding triggered by citizen science

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    Background: Aedes japonicus is an invasive vector mosquito from Southeast Asia which has been spreading across central Europe since the year 2000. Unlike the Asian Tiger mosquito (Aedes albopictus) present in Spain since 2004, there has been no record of Ae. japonicus in the country until now. Results: Here, we report the first detection of Ae. japonicus in Spain, at its southernmost location in Europe. This finding was triggered by the citizen science platform Mosquito Alert. In June 2018, a citizen sent a report via the Mosquito Alert app from the municipality of Siero in the Asturias region (NW Spain) containing pictures of a female mosquito compatible with Ae. japonicus. Further information was requested from the participant, who subsequently provided several larvae and adults that could be classified as Ae. japonicus. In July, a field mission confirmed its presence at the original site and in several locations up to 9 km away, suggesting a long-time establishment. The strong media impact in Asturias derived from the discovery raised local participation in the Mosquito Alert project, resulting in further evidence from surrounding areas. Conclusions: Whilst in the laboratory Ae. japonicus is a competent vector for several mosquito-borne pathogens, to date only West Nile virus is a concern based on field evidence. Nonetheless, this virus has yet not been detected in Asturias so the vectorial risk is currently considered low. The opportunity and effectiveness of combining citizen-sourced data to traditional surveillance methods are discussed