98 research outputs found


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    Penggunaan internet yang terus meningkat memicu pertumbuhan aktivitas media sosial. Salah satu media sosial yang tumbuh pesat saat ini adalah Line. 3 tahun setelah kemunculan Line, melalui statistik ditunjukkan bahwa Line memiliki sebanyak 470 juta orang lebih pengguna di seluruh dunia dan memiliki jumlah download seluruh aplikasi Line yang mencapai 1 miliar kali download di seluruh dunia. Penelitian ini untuk mengetahui faktor-faktor apa saja yang mempengaruhi keputusan masyarakat Kota Bandung dalam memilih media sosial Line. Teori yang digunakan adalah teori Stimulus-organism-respon theory dan teori media sosial. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskriptif untuk membuat gambaran secara sistematis, faktual dan akurat mengenai fakta-fakta, sifat-sifat serta hubungan antar fenomena yang diselidiki. Dilakukan survey kepada 180 orang masyarakat Kota Bandung yang terpilih menggunakan teknik multistage cluster sampling. Data yang terkumpul kemudian diolah dengan menggunakan metode analisis faktor dengan bantuan SPSS 20. Penelitian ini menghasilkan tiga faktor yang menjadi faktor pemilihan media sosial Line di wilayah Bandung yang diperoleh melalui proses analisis faktor. Ketiga faktor tersebut adalah faktor Jaringan Interaksi sebesar 49,744% dan faktor Informasi Pengguna sebesar 18,191% dan faktor Arsip sebesar 17,852%. Total keseluruhan adalah 85,787% sehingga terdapat faktor lain sebesar 14,213% yang juga dimiliki oleh pengguna dalam melakukan pemilihan media sosial Line di wilayah Bandung. Kata Kunci: new media, media sosial, komunikasi, analisis fakto

    Analisis Pertumbuhan Teknologi, Produk Domestik Bruto, Dan Ekspor Sektor Industri Kreatif Indonesia

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    Creative industries are seen to be important for the economic well-being, proponents suggesting that human creativity is the ultimate economic resource. This research seeks to explore the technology progress measured by total factor productivity (TFP) growth of creative industry in Indonesia, analyze how external factors influence GDP of creative industry (education, TFP growth, the number of companies, the number of labors, and government policy), and analyze the causality between GDP and export of creative industry using Granger Causality Test. This research uses panel data, representing pooled of time series data (year 2006-2013) and cross section data (14 subsectors of creative industry). The results shows that (1) TFP growth of 4 creative industry subsectors are negative: architecture, interactive games, computer programs, and research and development; (2) factors influencing the GDP of creative industry positively: education, TFP growth, the number of labors, and government policy; (3) there is two-way-causality between GDP and export of creative industry

    Analisis Pertumbuhan Teknologi, Produk Domestik Bruto, Dan Ekspor Sektor Industri Kreatif Indonesia

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    Creative industries are seen to be important for the economic well-being, proponents suggesting that human creativity is the ultimate economic resource. This research seeks to explore the technology progress measured by total factor productivity (TFP) growth of creative industry in Indonesia, analyze how external factors influence GDP of creative industry (education, TFP growth, the number of companies, the number of labors, and government policy), and analyze the causality between GDP and export of creative industry using Granger Causality Test. This research uses panel data, representing pooled of time series data (year 2006-2013) and cross section data (14 subsectors of creative industry). The results shows that (1) TFP growth of 4 creative industry subsectors are negative: architecture, interactive games, computer programs, and research and development; (2) factors influencing the GDP of creative industry positively: education, TFP growth, the number of labors, and government policy; (3) there is two-way-causality between GDP and export of creative industry

    Peptidylarginine deiminases 2 and 4 modulate innate and adaptive immune responses in TLR-7-dependent lupus.

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    The peptidylarginine deiminases PAD2 and PAD4 are implicated in the pathogenesis of several autoimmune diseases. PAD4 may be pathogenic in systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) through its role in neutrophil extracellular trap (NET) formation that promotes autoantigen externalization, immune dysregulation, and organ damage. The role of this enzyme in mouse models of autoimmunity remains unclear, as pan-PAD chemical inhibitors improve clinical phenotype, whereas PAD4-KO models have given conflicting results. The role of PAD2 in SLE has not been investigated. The differential roles of PAD2 and PAD4 in TLR-7-dependent lupus autoimmunity were examined. Padi4-/- displayed decreased autoantibodies, type I IFN responses, immune cell activation, vascular dysfunction, and NET immunogenicity. Padi2-/- mice showed abrogation of Th subset polarization, with some disease manifestations reduced compared with WT but to a lesser extent than Padi4-/- mice. RNA sequencing analysis revealed distinct modulation of immune-related pathways in PAD-KO lymphoid organs. Human T cells express both PADs and, when exposed to either PAD2 or PAD4 inhibitors, displayed abrogation of Th1 polarization. These results suggest that targeting PAD2 and/or PAD4 activity modulates dysregulated TLR-7-dependent immune responses in lupus through differential effects of innate and adaptive immunity. Compounds that target PADs may have potential therapeutic roles in T cell-mediated diseases

    Fear of Birth Defects Is a Major Barrier to Soil-Transmitted Helminth Treatment (STH) for Pregnant Women in the Philippines

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    The World Health Organization recommends anthelminthic treatment for pregnant women after the first trimester in soil-transmitted helminth (STH) endemic regions to prevent adverse maternal-fetal consequences. Although studies have shown the high prevalence of infection in the Philippines, no research has evaluated deworming practices. We hypothesized that pregnant women are not receiving deworming treatment and we aimed to identify barriers to World Health Organization guideline implementation. We conducted key informant interviews with local Department of Health (DOH) administrators, focus group discussions with nurses, midwives, and health care workers, and knowledge, attitudes, and practices surveys with women of reproductive age to elicit perspectives about deworming during pregnancy. Key informant interviews revealed that healthcare workers were not deworming pregnant women due to inadequate drug supply, infrastructure and personnel as well as fear of teratogenicity. Focus group discussions showed that healthcare workers similarly had not implemented guidelines due to infrastructure challenges and concerns for fetal malformations. The majority of local women believed that STH treatment causes side effects (74.8%) as well as maternal harm (67.3%) and fetal harm (77.9%). Women who were willing to take anthelminthics while pregnant had significantly greater knowledge as demonstrated by higher Treatment Scores (mean rank 146.92 versus 103.1, z = −4.40, p<0.001) and higher Birth Defect Scores (mean rank 128.09 versus 108.65, z = −2.43, p = 0.015). This study concludes that World Health Organization guidelines are not being implemented in the Philippines. Infrastructure, specific protocols, and education for providers and patients regarding anthelminthic treatment are necessary for the successful prevention of STH morbidity and mortality among pregnant women

    The Early Youth Engagement in first episode psychosis (EYE-2) study: pragmatic cluster randomised controlled trial of implementation, effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of a team-based motivational engagement intervention to improve engagement

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    Background: Early Intervention in Psychosis (EIP) services improve health outcomes for young people with psychosis in the medium–long term, but 25% of young people disengage in the first 12 months with costs to their mental health, families, society and the NHS. This study will evaluate the effectiveness, cost-effectiveness and implementation of a team-based motivational Early Youth Engagement (EYE-2) intervention. Method: The study design is a cluster randomised controlled trial (RCT) with economic evaluation, comparing the EYE-2 intervention + standardised EIP service to standardised EIP service alone, with randomisation at the team level. A process evaluation will evaluate the delivery of the intervention qualitatively and quantitatively across contexts. The setting is 20 EIP teams in 5 sites: Manchester, South London, East Anglia, Thames Valley and Hampshire. Participants are young people (14–35 years) with first episode psychosis, and EIP staff. The intervention is the team-based motivational engagement (EYE-2) intervention, delivered alongside standardised EIP services, and supported by additional training, website, booklets and social groups. The comparator is the standardised EIP service. Both interventions are delivered by EIP clinicians. The primary outcome is time to disengagement (time in days from date of allocation to care coordinator to date of last contact following refusal to engage with EIP service, or lack of response to EIP contact for a consecutive 3-month period). Secondary outcomes include mental and physical health, deaths, social and occupational function, recovery, satisfaction and service use at 6, 12, 18 and 24 months. A 12-month within-trial economic evaluation will investigate cost-effectiveness from a societal perspective and from an NHS perspective. Discussion: The trial will provide the first test of an engagement intervention in standardised care, with the potential for significant impact on the mental health and wellbeing of young people and their families, and economic benefits for services. The intervention will be highly scalable, supported by the toolkit including manuals, commissioning guide, training and resources, adapted to meet the needs of the diverse EIP population, and based on an in-depth process evaluation. Trial registration: ISRCTN 51629746 prospectively registered 7th May 2019. Date assigned 10th May 2019

    Learning to reason over scene graphs: a case study of finetuning GPT-2 into a robot language model for grounded task planning

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    Long-horizon task planning is essential for the development of intelligent assistive and service robots. In this work, we investigate the applicability of a smaller class of large language models (LLMs), specifically GPT-2, in robotic task planning by learning to decompose tasks into subgoal specifications for a planner to execute sequentially. Our method grounds the input of the LLM on the domain that is represented as a scene graph, enabling it to translate human requests into executable robot plans, thereby learning to reason over long-horizon tasks, as encountered in the ALFRED benchmark. We compare our approach with classical planning and baseline methods to examine the applicability and generalizability of LLM-based planners. Our findings suggest that the knowledge stored in an LLM can be effectively grounded to perform long-horizon task planning, demonstrating the promising potential for the future application of neuro-symbolic planning methods in robotics
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