313 research outputs found

    On-site tests for the detection of potential induced degradation in modules

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    This paper presents different test alternatives which can be used on-site in a PV installation to detect potential induced degradation (PID) in modules. The testing procedures proposed are: thermal imaging; electroluminescence imaging; open circuit voltage measurements; operating voltage measurements; IV curve measurements; and dark IV curve measurements. Advantages and disadvantages of each test are reported

    Parallelization Strategies for Markerless Human Motion Capture

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    Markerless Motion Capture (MMOCAP) is the problem of determining the pose of a person from images captured by one or several cameras simultaneously without using markers on the subject. Evaluation of the solutions is frequently the most time-consuming task, making most of the proposed methods inapplicable in real-time scenarios. This paper presents an efficient approach to parallelize the evaluation of the solutions in CPUs and GPUs. Our proposal is experimentally compared on six sequences of the HumanEva-I dataset using the CMAES algorithm. Multiple algorithm’s configurations were tested to analyze the best trade-off in regard to the accuracy and computing time. The proposed methods obtain speedups of 8× in multi-core CPUs, 30× in a single GPU and up to 110× using 4 GPU

    Resistencia a Tuta absoluta en una entrada de la especie silvestre de tomate Solanum pimpinellifolium

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    2 páginas, 1 figura, 1 tabla.-- Artículo publicado en la revista profesional de sanidad vegetal.-- et al.[EN]: We previously found resistance to pests (twospotted spider mite and whitefly) based on type IV glandular trichomes and acylsucrose production in an accession of the wild tomato species S. pimpinellifolium from the germplasm collection at the Experimental Station La Mayora – CSIC. Resistance to the South American tomato pinworm of that accession and plant materials derived from it was investigated in greenhouse conditions at CNPH (Brasilia, Brazil) and, when Tuta absoluta was introduced into Spain, at Exp. Sta. La Mayora (Málaga, southern Spain). Genotypes carrying type IV glandular trichomes showed reduced pest damage, especially on young, apical leaves. Possibility for control of Tuta by the utilization of resistant tomato cultivars looks forward to future breeding programmes for the trait.[ES]: Una entrada de la especie silvestre de tomate S. pimpinellifolium del banco de germoplasma de la Estación Experimental La Mayora-CSIC presenta resistencia a plagas (araña roja y mosca blanca) merced a sus tricomas glandulares de tipo IV y producción de acilsacarosas. Con el fin de estudiar si esta entrada y otros genotipos de tomate de ella derivados eran también resistentes a T. absoluta, se realizaron experimentos en condiciones de invernadero en CNPH (Brasilia, Brasil) y, una vez que Tuta se introdujo en España, en la E.E. La Mayora (Algarrobo, Málaga). Los genotipos con tricomas de tipo IV sufrieron menores daños por la plaga, especialmente en las hojas apicales, más jóvenes. La posibilidad del control de Tuta mediante la utilización de variedades resistentes queda abierta a futuros programas de mejora genética del carácter.Trabajo financiado por MICINN-FEDER (Proyecto AGL2007-66760-C02-02/AGR).Peer reviewe

    Description of the bioluminescent emission spectrum of \u3ci\u3eBicellonycha amoena\u3c/i\u3e Gorham, 1880 (Coleoptera: Lampyridae) in Guatemala

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    Bicellonycha amoena (Gorham, 1880) (Coleoptera: Lampyridae) usually flies one meter above ground level over grass, water, or open areas, where males produce a simple single flash every 2–4 seconds, having their most active flashing period from mid to late dusk and early night. In addition, nothing else is known about the behavior of this species. We conducted field observations at the “Mayan Golf Club” in Guatemala Department, and Santiago Sacatepéquez, Sacatepéquez Department, Guatemala; and analyzed B. amoena flashes with a spectroscope. Fireflies displayed a lime-green bioluminescence color. The male flash­ing activity began ~30 minutes after sunset and lasted approximately 70 minutes. For B. amoena, the spectral composition of the flash is intermediate between those known from twilight-active fireflies and nocturnal-active fireflies. Bicellonycha amoena (Gorham, 1880) (Coleoptera: Lampyridae) por lo general, vuela a un metro del nivel del suelo sobre pasto, agua o áreas abiertas, donde los machos producen un destello simple cada 2–4 segundos, siendo más activos desde que inicia a oscurecer hasta principios de la noche. Además de esto, no se conoce más sobre el comportamiento de esta especie. Realizamos observaciones de campo en el “Mayan Golf Club” en el Departamento de Guatemala, y en Santiago Sacatepéquez, Departamento de Sacatepéquez, Guatemala; y analizamos los destellos de B. amoena con un espectroscopio. Las luciérnagas mostraron un color de bioluminiscencia verde limón. La actividad de destello del macho comenzó ~30 minutos después de la puesta del sol, y duró aproximadamente 70 minutos. Para B. amoena, la composición espectral de s

    Peritoneal repairing cells: A type of bone marrow derived progenitor cells involved in mesothelial regeneration

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    The peritoneal mesothelium exhibits a high regenerative ability. Peritoneal regeneration is concomitant with the appearance, in the coelomic cavity, of a free-floating population of cells whose origin and functions are still under discussion. We have isolated and characterized this cell population and we have studied the process of mesothelial regeneration through flow cytometry and confocal microscopy in a murine model lethally irradiated and reconstituted with GFP-expressing bone marrow cells. In unoperated control mice, most free cells positive for mesothelin, a mesothelial marker, are green fluorescent protein (GFP). However, 24 hrs after peritoneal damage, free mesothelin+/ GFP+ cells appear in peritoneal lavages. Cultured lavage peritoneal cells show colocalization of GFP with mesothelial (mesothelin, cytokeratin) and fibroblastic markers. Immunohistochemical staining of the peritoneal wall also revealed colocalization of GFP with mesothelial markers and with procollagen-1 and smooth muscle α-actin. This was observed in the injured area as well as in the surrounding not-injured peritoneal surfaces. These cells, which we herein call peritoneal repairing cells (PRC), are very abundant 1 week after surgery covering both the damaged peritoneal wall and the surrounding uninjured area. However, they become very scarce 1 month later, when the mesothelium has completely healed. We suggest that PRC constitute a type of monocyte-derived cells, closely related with the tissue-repairing cells known as 'fibrocytes' and specifically involved in peritoneal reparation. Thus, our results constitute a synthesis of the different scenarios hitherto proposed about peritoneal regeneration, particularly recruitment of circulating progenitor cells and adhesion of free-floating coelomic cells. © 2011 The Authors Journal of Cellular and Molecular Medicine © 2011 Foundation for Cellular and Molecular Medicine/Blackwell Publishing Ltd.(Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación), RD06/0010/0015 (TerCel network, ISCIII), P06-CTS-01614, P08-CTS-03618 (Junta de AndalucÌa) and LSHM-CT-2005–018630 (VI framework, UE)Peer Reviewe

    Improving electrochemical hydrogen evolution of Ag@CN nanocomposites by synergistic effects with α-rich proteins

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    A graphitic carbon nitride nanostructure has been successfully functionalized by incorporation of different silver contents and subsequent modification with an α-rich protein, namely hemoglobin. Mechanochemistry has been employed, as an efficient and sustainable procedure, for the incorporation of the protein. A complete characterization analysis has been performed following a multitechnique approach. Particularly, XPS data exhibited considerable differences in the C 1s region for the Hb/xAg@CN, ensuring the successful protein anchorage on the surface of the graphitic carbon nitride-based materials. The as-synthesized nanomaterials delivered impressive performance toward hydrogen evolution reactions with an overpotential of 79 mV at a current density of 10 mA/cm2 for Hb/20Ag@CN nanohybrids, which is comparable with the most efficient HER electrocatalysts reported in the literature. The outstanding HER properties were associated with the unique synergistic interactions, quantitatively measured, between AgNPs, Hb tertiary architecture, and the graphitic carbon nitride networks

    Propiedades psicométricas del Inventario de Situaciones y Respuestas de Ansiedad Breve (ISRA-B)

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    Introducción y objetivos La ansiedad es la reacción emocional más estudiada, que nos pone en alerta ante la posibilidad de obtener un resultado negativo, por lo que resulta adaptativa en la gran mayoría de las ocasiones, aunque también está en la base de los trastornos emocionales más prevalentes. Por ello, su evaluación ha generado mucha investigación y transferencia. El Inventario de Situaciones y Respuestas de Ansiedad (ISRA) fue desarrollado en España, incluye 22 situaciones (S) y 24 respuestas (R) de ansiedad, que al cruzarlas se forman 224 reactivos (del tipo «en tal S, experimento esta R»). Desde hace más de tres décadas ha sido ampliamente utilizado en la investigación, así como en la práctica, y se han publicado estudios sobre sus propiedades psicométricas en diferentes países. Una versión más breve (ISRA-B) de 46 ítems, sin contenidos cruzados S × R, sino una escala de 22 S y otra de 24 R, con las que evalúan las mismas ocho facetas de la ansiedad, ha mostrado buenas propiedades psicométricas también; sin embargo, existen menos publicaciones psicométricas en población española. El objetivo de este estudio fue analizar las propiedades psicométricas del ISRA-B en España. Método Para ello se contó con 3, 346 voluntarios (36.4% hombres), con edades de 15 a 94 años (media: 30.3; DE: 14.6). Resultados Los resultados confirmaron excelente consistencia interna para Total (.94) y subescala R (.91), buena para S (.89) y sistemas de respuesta Fisiológico (.86) y Cognitivo (.84), y aceptable para Motor (.70). También se encontró buena estabilidad test-retest al cabo de un mes (.78) y buena validez externa al correlacionar .87 con el ISRA original. La estructura factorial del ISRA-B obtenida se adecuó al modelo de Lang de tres sistemas de R y al modelo de Endler de interacción S × R, en los que se basa. Asimismo, se presentan los datos normativos, por sexo y grupo. Conclusión Se concluye que el ISRA-B es válido y confiable, mejora su aplicabilidad respecto al ISRA original, conservando sus propiedades psicométricas. Introduction and objectives: Anxiety is the most studied emotional reaction, which alerts us of the possibility of obtaining a negative result, making it adaptive in the vast majority of cases, although it is also one of the underlying factors of the most prevalent emotional disorders. Therefore, its assessment has generated a lot of research and transfer. The Inventory of Situations and Responses of Anxiety (ISRA) was developed in Spain and it includes 22 situations (S) and 24 responses (R) of anxiety, by which 224 items are formed by crossing them (i.e., «in such Situation, I experience this Reaction»). For more than three decades, it has been widely used in research and practice, and its psychometric properties have been published in different countries. A shorter, 46-item version (ISRA-B), with a 22 S scale plus another of 24 R was developed. The same eight facets of anxiety were assessed, showing good psychometric properties as well. However, there are few publications on the psychometric data using Spanish population. The objective of this study was to analyze the psychometric properties of ISRA-B in Spain. Methods: Three thousand three hundred and forty six volunteers (36.4% men), aged 15 to 94 years (mean: 30.3; SD: 14.6) were included. Results: The results confirmed excellent internal consistency for the Total (.94) and the Responses subscale (0.91), good for the Situations (0.89), as well as the Physiological (, 86) and Cognitive (0.84) response systems, and acceptable for the Motor (0.70). Good test-retest stability was also found after two months (0.78) and good external validity when correlated with the original ISRA (0.87). The results confirm the factor structure of the ISRA-B, adjusted to Lang''s triple response system model and to Endler''s S × R interaction model, on which it is based. Likewise, the normative data are presented, differentiated by sex and group. Conclusions: It is concluded that the ISRA-B is a valid and reliable instrument, which improves its applicability compared to the original ISRA by simplifying its format and number of items, while preserving its psychometric properties

    Evaluación de los impactos en la calidad de la energía por la compensación de potencia reactiva con bancos de condensadores y D-STATCOM

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    This paper presents an assessment of capacitor banks and Distribution Static Compensator (D-STATCOM) with respect to their impact on energy quality. Tests were done with capacitor banks built with electrolytic capacitors commonly used in industrial applications and a D-STATCOM. Experimental tests were performed for power factor correction in order to reduce the reactive power demanded from the electrical grid for inductive-resistive loads. For comparative purposes, the control of the D-STATCOM was set to operate with similar compensation conditions to that of the capacitor banks. Results show that under the same test conditions capacitor banks produce higher Total Harmonic Distortion (THD) than D-STATCOM.Este artículo presenta una evaluación de los bancos de capacitores y el Compensador Estático de Distribución (D-STATCOM) con respecto a su impacto en la calidad de la energía. Las pruebas fueron hechas con bancos de capacitores construidos con capacitores electrolíticos comúnmente usados en aplicaciones industriales y un D-STATCOM. Las pruebas experimentales fueron realizadas para corrección del factor de potencia, con el fin de reducir la potencia reactiva demandada por la red eléctrica con cargas resistivo-inductivas. Por propósitos comparativos, el control del D-STATCOM se programó para operar en similares condiciones de compensación respecto al banco de capacitores. Los resultados muestran que, bajo las mismas condiciones de prueba, los bancos de capacitores producen mayor Distorsión Armónica Total que el D-STATCOM

    Disability and perceived stress in primary care patients with major depression

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    Background: Major depressive disorder (MDD) is highly prevalent in the Spanish primary care (PC) setting and the leading cause of disability in Spain. The aim of this study was to evaluate several key psychometric properties of the Sheehan Disability Scale (SDS) in patients with or without MDD and varying degrees of symptom severity using the Patient Health Questionnaire-9 (PHQ-9). Method: A total of 1, 704 PC patients participating in the PsicAP clinical trial completed the SDS and PHQ-9. We evaluated the factor structure, measurement invariance across gender, internal consistency, and the discriminative and predictive validity. Results: Confirmatory factor analyses revealed a unifactorial model of the SDS containing 4 items (SDS-4) with the best model fit (CFI: .99; GFI: .99; TLI: 96; RMSEA: .10). This model contained the three life domain items (work, family, and social life) plus perceived stress (PS) with significant loadings. The internal consistency of the SDS-4 was acceptable in patients with or without MDD, regardless of symptom severity. The SDS-4 also showed good discriminative capacity and acceptable predictive validity in all subsamples. Conclusions: These findings support the use of the SDS-4 to assess depression-related disability in patients at Spanish primary care centres