3,384 research outputs found

    Tectonic implications of paleontologic dating of Cretaceous-Danian sections of Eastern Cuba

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    The sedimentary rocks intercalated in volcanic and metavolcanic sections of Mayarí-Baracoa and Sierra del Purial Mountains (Eastern Cuba), yielded Cretaceous through Danian microfossils. In the Mayarí Mountains the Téneme Fm consists of basalts and hyaloclastites with minor intercalations of well-bedded foliated limestone and shaly limestone that in the type area contain a Turonian or early Coniacian planktonic foraminifera assemblage. In the Morel area (Moa-Baracoa massif), back-arc pillow basalts with ribbon cherts include a late Turonian or Coniacian limestone bed intercalated with interbedded organic-rich calcareous shales near the top. The upper part of the Coniacian (?)-Campanian Santo Domingo Fm crops out west of Moa and it consists of finegrained well-bedded volcaniclastic rocks with two intercalated lenses of coarse-grained impure biocalcirudites to biocalcarenites. These rocks yielded a mixed penecontemporaneous planktonic and benthonic microfossil assemblage attributed to the lower part of the late Campanian (Globotruncanita calcarata Zone). At Sierra del Purial, crystalline limestones embedded within the metavulcano-sedimentary Río Baracoa section (Purial metamorphic complex) yielded Campanian microfossils. The Maastrichtian Yaguaneque (=Cañas) limestones crop out extensively in both Mayarí-Baracoa and Purial Mountains. All the formations previously mentioned unconformably overlie and tectonically intermingle with the late Maastrichtian-early Danian clastic rocks of the Mícara and La Picota Fms. Our new dates demonstrate that in the Greater Antilles the PIA (Primitive Island Arc-tholeiite) recorded by the Téneme Fm would be Late Cretaceous in age in opposition to the Lower Cretaceous age proposed for the PIA basalts. The protolith of the Purial metamorphic complex is probably Maastrichtian-early Danian, but certainly Campanian and older in age. This fact suggests that the metamorphism that affected the Purial rocks took place probably in the late Maastrichtian and was coeval with the detachment, exhumation and emplacement of mafic-ultramafic thrust-sheet bodies. This event recorded in Eastern Cuba/Western Hispaniola and Guatemala might have been related to the insertion of thick oceanic ridges into the subduction zone

    Chromomagnetic Dipole Moment of the Top Quark Revisited

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    We study the complete one-loop contributions to the chromagnetic dipole moment Δκ\Delta\kappa of the top quark in the Standard Model, two Higgs doublet models, topcolor assited technicolor models (TC2), 331 models and extended models with a single extra dimension. We find that the SM predicts Δκ=−0.056\Delta\kappa = - 0.056 and that the predictions of the other models are also consitent with the constraints imposed on Δκ\Delta\kappa by low-energy precision measurements.Comment: 20 pages, 5 figures, Updat

    Las tensiones internacionales en Asia-Pacífico

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    USA, as the main imperialist power at a global level has interests throughout the planet and even in outer space, but today it is the region they call Indo-Pacific where they concentrate their strategic interests and their main military contingents, because there is the country that they consider their main strategic rival, the RPCh, which also has important ties with another adversary, the Russian Federation. It is important to mean that the United States is also involved in two of the most important confl icts that aff ect the Asian region: Afghanistan and the Korean Peninsula. They also refer to maritime and border disputes, and other transnational challenges or threats, that aff ect the region.EE.UU. como principal potencia imperialista a nivel global tiene intereses en todo el planeta e incluso en el espacio exterior, pero en la actualidad es en la región que ellos denominan Indo Pacífico donde concentran sus intereses estratégicos y sus principales contingentes militares, pues allí se encuentra el país que consideran su principal rival estratégico, la RPCh, la cual además tiene importantes lazos con otro adversario, la Federación de Rusia. Es necesario signifi car que EE.UU. está involucrado, además, en dos de los más importantes confl ictos que afectan a esta área geográfi ca: Afganistán y la Península Coreana. También es conveniente señalar las disputas marítimas y fronterizas, y otros desafíos o amenazas transnacionales, que afectan a ese conjunto de naciones

    Evolution of Mental Health Online Strategies from the Early Stage of the COVID-19 Pandemic to the Pre-Vaccination Period

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    Background: The COVID-19 outbreak and its consequent quarantines, containment measures and social distancing imposed by authorities worldwide has caused an increase of psychological responses such as depression, abuse use, insomnia, post-traumatic stress symptoms, anger, anxiety, grief or confusion. This situation has fostered the implementation of new strategies like remote therapy to maintain the continuity of mental health (MH) care. Several international organizations (World Health Organization, the United Nations and the American Psychiatric Association) are focused on addressing the recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic, ensuring availability of emergency MH services, strengthening social cohesion, reducing the isolation, and promoting psychological support, as well as protecting human rights. This research aims to assess the evolution of online MH strategies and recommendations to cope with psychological impact of COVID-19 since early stages of the pandemic to pre-vaccination period. Methods: A sample of 24 online documents was analysed to assess their structural evolution from April 2020 to June 2021. Each document was analysed separately by two researchers. The questionnaire, developed by Almeda et al. (2021), was used to assess the content of these documents. This instrument consists of 39 items organized in seven domains (D) D1) Symptoms, D2) Mental disorders, D3) COVID-19 general information, D4) MH strategies and MH topics, D5) MH strategies and MH-related topics, D6) MH recommendations and MH topics and D7) MH recommendations and MH-related topics. To assess the structural evolution of the document in the selected periods, a T-Student for related samples was used. Results: Statistically significant differences with a negligible effect size were found in D1+D2 domains (t(23) = 3, p = 0.006, d = 0.18). An increasing concern on bereavement, sleeping problems and loneliness symptoms has been highlighted together with a greater interest on schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, chronic pain and obsessivecompulsive disorder. Statistically significant differences with negligible size effect were also found when the questions related to COVID-19 have been analysed (D3-D7;t(23) = 2.24, p = 0.035, d = 0.19). All COVID-19 information items have increased (D3) as also happened in most of the MH strategies and MH-related topics (80%;D5). In D7, D4 and D6 domains, a small increase in the information provided is highlighted. From an international point of view, England, Australia, New Zealand and Mexico are the countries with the highest rate of improvement in their strategies, followed by Ireland and Spain with small improvements. Finally, the information in the online documents of the rest of the countries remains stable. Conclusions: Online MH strategies and recommendations have improved during the pandemic period only in specific countries, especially in Mexico. Due to the high rate of mortality, bereavement has played a key role in the set of symptoms included. Globally speaking, the analysed countries are making efforts to address MH remotely, as it is evidenced in their online strategies

    Timed Automata Semantics for Visual e-Contracts

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    C-O Diagrams have been introduced as a means to have a more visual representation of electronic contracts, where it is possible to represent the obligations, permissions and prohibitions of the different signatories, as well as what are the penalties in case of not fulfillment of their obligations and prohibitions. In such diagrams we are also able to represent absolute and relative timing constraints. In this paper we present a formal semantics for C-O Diagrams based on timed automata extended with an ordering of states and edges in order to represent different deontic modalities.Comment: In Proceedings FLACOS 2011, arXiv:1109.239

    FAM-1 Borehole: first results from the scientific drilling of the Alhama de Murcia Fault, Betic Cordillera, Spain

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    We present the preliminary results of the borehole FAM-1 a 175 m depth scientific drilling of the Alhama de Murcia fault. The borehole was drilled close to La Torrecilla rambla three km SW of Lorca where the fault zone shearing is more concentrated and it is dominated by well-developed clay rich fault gouge. To select the drilling point and to perform a prognosis of it, three trenches were excavated crossing the fault zone that allowed us to determine the detailed 3D structure of the fault zone. We have collected more than 100 m of unaltered high quality fault rock to be studied using mineralogical and microtectonic analysis, and geomechanical testing that will improve the knowledge of the influence of tectonic microfabric and mineralogy in the seismogenic behavior of the AMF. The borehole FAM-1 and the seismic monitoring borehole FamSis-1 constitute the first stage of a future geological-geophysical observatory for monitoring the activity of the AMF.This research is part of the INTERGEO project: CGL2013-47412-C2-1-P.Peer Reviewe

    Caracterización morfológica, textural y composicional de las partículas de oro reveladas en placeres marinos de las playas Mejías y Jiguaní (NE de Cuba Oriental)

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    En este trabajo se describen los principales rasgos morfológicos, texturales y composicionales de las partículas de oro presentes en los placeres marinos costeros de las playas Mejías y Jiguaní, Cuba. Las partículas de oro estudiadas en ambos depósitos, son muy finas, mostrando formas tabulares predominantes; en ocasiones aparecen muy aplastadas, formando especies de laminillas o hojuelas, observándose, a través de las imágenes de electrones etrodispersados,partículas con texturas internas muy complejas , así como cariado de los granos. Las partículas están compuestas por subgranos de composición diferente,correspondientes a aleaciones naturales de Electrum, oro nativo y oro mercurial en ambos placeres y aleaciones de Au-Cu (tetraauricuprido) en el Placer Jiguaní. Estos subgranos frecuentemente se encuentran alterados en sus bordes. Esta alteración consiste predominantemente en un enriquecimiento en oro con relación a la plata
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