1,191 research outputs found

    Alien Registration- Laberge, Marie Louise R. (Auburn, Androscoggin County)

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    Static Torsion Testing and Modeling of a Variable Thickness Hybrid Composite Bull Gear

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    Torsional strength of a variable thickness hybrid gear web was measured by performing static testing on the part in a large torsion test frame. The outer rim of the hybrid gear web was fixed to the bottom of the test frame and loading was applied to the web through a shaft. The test setup included the installation of digital image correlation (DIC) systems to obtain deformation and strain measurements from the surfaces of the hybrid gear web and the mechanical test equipment to ensure reliability of the test. The results indicated that the variable thickness hybrid gear web achieved approximately twice the torsional strength compared to that of previous hybrid gear designs. The DIC analysis showed significantly more straining of the loading shaft than the actual test article. Additionally, the results demonstrated the importance and affect that the metallic, lobed interlock features had on the principal strain and out-of-plane displacement fields. The analysis revealed that the fixed outer rim was in fact rotating and a rigid body motion compensation (RBMC) function was computed to determine the actual rotation of the hub and composite web relative to the outer rim. Modeling simulations were performed for the variable thickness hybrid gear web and correlated well with the RBMC rotational deformation seen in the DIC analysis. In addition to benchmarking the load capacity of the hybrid gear web, measuring its strength is useful information to define the parameters needed for dynamic, endurance, and other testing of the part

    Renovation-Year Forage Quality of Grass Pastures Sod-Drilled With Kura Clover

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    Including legumes can enhance yield, quality, and animal performance potential of grass pastures. Kura clover is an exceptionally winter hardy forage legume with high forage quality (Taylor & Smith, 1998). However, its seedling vigor is poor. Herbicide sod suppression prior to sod drilling enabled kura clover to establish in the north central USA and eastern Canada (Cuomo et al., 2001; Laberge et al., 2005), but its percentage of renovation-year forage yield was less than for sod-seeded red or white clover. The objective of this study was to determine the influence of herbicide suppression and clover species on renovation-year forage quality of grass pastures sod-drilled with Kura clover versus red or white clover

    Exact solutions for a mean-field Abelian sandpile

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    We introduce a model for a sandpile, with N sites, critical height N and each site connected to every other site. It is thus a mean-field model in the spin-glass sense. We find an exact solution for the steady state probability distribution of avalanche sizes, and discuss its asymptotics for large N.Comment: 10 pages, LaTe

    Novel Quenched Disorder Fixed Point in a Two-Temperature Lattice Gas

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    We investigate the effects of quenched randomness on the universal properties of a two-temperature lattice gas. The disorder modifies the dynamical transition rates of the system in an anisotropic fashion, giving rise to a new fixed point. We determine the associated scaling form of the structure factor, quoting critical exponents to two-loop order in an expansion around the upper critical dimension dc=7_c=7. The close relationship with another quenched disorder fixed point, discovered recently in this model, is discussed.Comment: 11 pages, no figures, RevTe

    Étude démographique et généalogique de deux maladies héréditaires au Saguenay

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    La population du Saguenay est depuis longtemps reconnue pour l’ampleur des problèmes génétiques auxquels elle fait face. S’agissant en particulier de maladies récessives comme la tyrosinémie, l’ataxie de Friedreich (forme Charlevoix-Saguenay), le rachitisme ou l’agénésie du corps calleux, on a imputé les fortes incidences observées à divers facteurs comme les nombreux mariages consanguins, la stabilité de la population, un effet fondateur particulièrement accentué, un modèle particulier d’immigration, etc. Cependant, les analyses que nous avons commencé à réaliser à l’aide du fichier de population construit par SOREP obligent à réviser ces énoncés. La construction des généalogies par ordinateur et l’étude des comportements démographiques à l’aide de la reconstitution automatique des familles permettent en effet des analyses rétrospectives très approfondies et livrent des aperçus qui étaient hors de portée jusqu’à ce jour. L’enquête que nous rapportons ici revêt un caractère expérimental ; c'était la première fois que nous tentions une utilisation rigoureuse du fichier de population dans cette direction. Les résultats obtenus ont d’ores et déjà des retombées sur le conseil génétique et, en outre, ils modifient substantiellement notre perception de la dynamique démographique au Saguenay.The population of the Saguenay has long been known for the magnitude of the genetic problems it faces. In particular, since the problem is one of recessive illnesses such as tyrosinemia, Friedreich's ataxia (Charlevoix-Saguenay type), rickets or agenesis of corpus callosum, the strong observed effects have been ascribed to several factors such as the numerous mariages between blood relatives, the stability of the population, a particularly strong founder effect, a specific model of immigration, etc. However, the analysis we have begun to carry out with the aid of SOREP's population data base, forces us to revise these statements. The computer construction of genealogies and the study of demographic behaviour using automatic family reconstruction allow, indeed, for very thorough retrospective analyses, and deliver insights that, to this day, were out of reach. The survey on which we report is of an experimental nature; it was the first time we attempted a rigorous use of the population data base, for such purposes. The results obtained have already had an impact on underlying assumptions in the field of genetics, and moreover, they have substantially changed our perception of the demographic dynamics of the Saguenay.Hace tiempo que la población saguenayense es reputada por la envergadura de los problemas genéticos que enfrenta. Se trata particularmente de las enfermedades recesivas como la tirosinemia, la ataxia de Friedreich (tipo Charlevoix-Saguenay), el raquitismo o la agenesia del cuerpo calloso, cuya alta frecuencia se ha atribuido a diversos factores tales como el alto numero de uniones consanguíneas, la estabilidad de la población, un efecto "fundador" especialmente acentuado, un patrón particular de migración, etc. No obstante, los análisis que hemos comenzado a realizar gracias al archivo de población elaborado por SOREP (Sociedad de Investigaciones acerca de las Poblaciones), compelen a examinar de nuevo estos enunciados. La creación de genealogías por medio del computador y el estudio de los coiportamientos demográficos a través de la reconstitución automática de las familias, permiten elaborar análisis retrospectivos refinados que ofrecen una visión que antes estaba fuera de nuestro alcance. La investigación, de la cual damos cuenta en este articulo, es de carácter experimental; por primera ocasión intentamos el uso minucioso del archivo de población en este sentido. Los resultados obtenidos tienen ya su resonancia en la orientación que prodigan los genetistas, además de que modifican substancialmente nuestra percepción acerca de la dinámica demográfica del Saguenay

    The blinking spotlight of attention

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    Increasing evidence suggests that attention can concurrently select multiple locations; yet it is not clear whether this ability relies on continuous allocation of attention to the different targets (a "parallel" strategy) or whether attention switches rapidly between the targets (a periodic "sampling" strategy). Here, we propose a method to distinguish between these two alternatives. The human psychometric function for detection of a single target as a function of its duration can be used to predict the corresponding function for two or more attended targets. Importantly, the predicted curves differ, depending on whether a parallel or sampling strategy is assumed. For a challenging detection task, we found that human performance was best reflected by a sampling model, indicating that multiple items of interest were processed in series at a rate of approximately seven items per second. Surprisingly, the data suggested that attention operated in this periodic regime, even when it was focused on a single target. That is, attention might rely on an intrinsically periodic process

    Review of the k-Body Embedded Ensembles of Gaussian Random Matrices

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    The embedded ensembles were introduced by Mon and French as physically more plausible stochastic models of many--body systems governed by one--and two--body interactions than provided by standard random--matrix theory. We review several approaches aimed at determining the spectral density, the spectral fluctuation properties, and the ergodic properties of these ensembles: moments methods, numerical simulations, the replica trick, the eigenvector decomposition of the matrix of second moments and supersymmetry, the binary correlation approximation, and the study of correlations between matrix elements.Comment: Final version. 29 pages, 4 ps figures, uses iopart.st
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