91 research outputs found

    What Does the Geometry of the HβBLR Depend On?

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    We combine our dynamical modeling black-hole mass measurements from the Lick AGN Monitoring Project 2016 sample with measured cross-correlation time lags and line widths to recover individual scale factors, f, used in traditional reverberation-mapping analyses. We extend our sample by including prior results from Code for AGN Reverberation and Modeling of Emission Lines (CARAMEL) studies that have utilized our methods. Aiming to improve the precision of black-hole mass estimates, as well as uncover any regularities in the behavior of the broad-line region (BLR), we search for correlations between f and other AGN/BLR parameters. We find (i) evidence for a correlation between the virial coefficient log10(fmean,σ) and black-hole mass, (ii) marginal evidence for a similar correlation between log10( frms,σ) and black-hole mass, (iii) marginal evidence for an anticorrelation of BLR disk thickness with log10( fmean,FWHM) and log10( frms,FWHM), and (iv) marginal evidence for an anticorrelation of inclination angle with log10( fmean,FWHM), log10( frms,σ), and log10( fmean,σ). Last, we find marginal evidence for a correlation between line-profile shape, when using the root-mean-square spectrum, log10(FWHM/σ)rms, and the virial coefficient, log10( frms,σ), and investigate how BLR properties might be related to line-profile shape using CARAMEL models

    IL-1-induced Bhlhe40 identifies pathogenic T helper cells in a model of autoimmune neuroinflammation

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    The features that define autoreactive T helper (Th) cell pathogenicity remain obscure. We have previously shown that Th cells require the transcription factor Bhlhe40 to mediate experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis (EAE), a mouse model of multiple sclerosis. Here, using Bhlhe40 reporter mice and analyzing both polyclonal and TCR transgenic Th cells, we found that Bhlhe40 expression was heterogeneous after EAE induction, with Bhlhe40-expressing cells displaying marked production of IFN-γ, IL-17A, and granulocyte-macrophage colony-stimulating factor. In adoptive transfer EAE models, Bhlhe40-deficient Th1 and Th17 cells were both nonencephalitogenic. Pertussis toxin (PTX), a classical co-adjuvant for actively induced EAE, promoted IL-1β production by myeloid cells in the draining lymph node and served as a strong stimulus for Bhlhe40 expression in Th cells. Furthermore, PTX co-adjuvanticity was Bhlhe40 dependent. IL-1β induced Bhlhe40 expression in polarized Th17 cells, and Bhlhe40-expressing cells exhibited an encephalitogenic transcriptional signature. In vivo, IL-1R signaling was required for full Bhlhe40 expression by Th cells after immunization. Overall, we demonstrate that Bhlhe40 expression identifies encephalitogenic Th cells and defines a PTX–IL-1–Bhlhe40 pathway active in EAE

    A microRNA profile of human CD8(+) regulatory T cells and characterization of the effects of microRNAs on Treg cell-associated genes.

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    Recently, regulatory T (Treg) cells have gained interest in the fields of immunopathology, transplantation and oncoimmunology. Here, we investigated the microRNA expression profile of human natural CD8(+)CD25(+) Treg cells and the impact of microRNAs on molecules associated with immune regulation. We purified human natural CD8(+) Treg cells and assessed the expression of FOXP3 and CTLA-4 by flow cytometry. We have also tested the ex vivo suppressive capacity of these cells in mixed leukocyte reactions. Using TaqMan low-density arrays and microRNA qPCR for validation, we could identify a microRNA 'signature' for CD8(+)CD25(+)FOXP3(+)CTLA-4(+) natural Treg cells. We used the 'TargetScan' and 'miRBase' bioinformatics programs to identify potential target sites for these microRNAs in the 3'-UTR of important Treg cell-associated genes. The human CD8(+)CD25(+) natural Treg cell microRNA signature includes 10 differentially expressed microRNAs. We demonstrated an impact of this signature on Treg cell biology by showing specific regulation of FOXP3, CTLA-4 and GARP gene expression by microRNA using site-directed mutagenesis and a dual-luciferase reporter assay. Furthermore, we used microRNA transduction experiments to demonstrate that these microRNAs impacted their target genes in human primary Treg cells ex vivo. We are examining the biological relevance of this 'signature' by studying its impact on other important Treg cell-associated genes. These efforts could result in a better understanding of the regulation of Treg cell function and might reveal new targets for immunotherapy in immune disorders and cancer

    The Lick AGN Monitoring Project 2016: Dynamical Modeling of Velocity-Resolved H\b{eta} Lags in Luminous Seyfert Galaxies

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    We have modeled the velocity-resolved reverberation response of the H\b{eta} broad emission line in nine Seyfert 1 galaxies from the Lick Active Galactic Nucleus (AGN) Monitioring Project 2016 sample, drawing inferences on the geometry and structure of the low-ionization broad-line region (BLR) and the mass of the central supermassive black hole. Overall, we find that the H\b{eta} BLR is generally a thick disk viewed at low to moderate inclination angles. We combine our sample with prior studies and investigate line-profile shape dependence, such as log10(FWHM/{\sigma}), on BLR structure and kinematics and search for any BLR luminosity-dependent trends. We find marginal evidence for an anticorrelation between the profile shape of the broad H\b{eta} emission line and the Eddington ratio, when using the root-mean-square spectrum. However, we do not find any luminosity-dependent trends, and conclude that AGNs have diverse BLR structure and kinematics, consistent with the hypothesis of transient AGN/BLR conditions rather than systematic trends

    The Lick AGN Monitoring Project 2016 : dynamical modeling of velocity-resolved Hβ lags in luminous Seyfert galaxies

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    K.H. acknowledges support from STFC grant ST/R000824/1.We have modeled the velocity-resolved reverberation response of the Hβ broad emission line in nine Seyfert 1 galaxies from the Lick Active Galactic Nucleus (AGN) Monitoring Project 2016 sample, drawing inferences on the geometry and structure of the low-ionization broad-line region (BLR) and the mass of the central supermassive black hole. Overall, we find that the Hβ BLR is generally a thick disk viewed at low to moderate inclination angles. We combine our sample with prior studies and investigate line-profile shape dependence, such as log10(FWHM/σ), on BLR structure and kinematics and search for any BLR luminosity-dependent trends. We find marginal evidence for an anticorrelation between the profile shape of the broad Hβ emission line and the Eddington ratio, when using the rms spectrum. However, we do not find any luminosity-dependent trends, and conclude that AGNs have diverse BLR structure and kinematics, consistent with the hypothesis of transient AGN/BLR conditions rather than systematic trends.Publisher PDFPeer reviewe

    The Lick AGN Monitoring Project 2016 : velocity-resolved Hβ lags in luminous Seyfert galaxies

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    Funding: K.H. acknowledges support from STFC grant ST/R000824/1.We carried out spectroscopic monitoring of 21 low-redshift Seyfert 1 galaxies using the Kast double spectrograph on the 3 m Shane telescope at Lick Observatory from April 2016 to May 2017. Targetingactive galactic nuclei (AGN) with luminosities of λLλ(5100 Å) ≈ 1044 erg s−1 and predicted Hβ lags of∼ 20–30 days or black hole masses of 107–108.5 M⊙, our campaign probes luminosity-dependent trends in broad-line region (BLR) structure and dynamics as well as to improve calibrations for single-epoch estimates of quasar black hole masses. Here we present the first results from the campaign, including Hβ emission-line light curves, integrated Hβ lag times (8–30 days) measured against V -band continuum light curves, velocity-resolved reverberation lags, line widths of the broad Hβ components, and virial black hole mass estimates (107.1–108.1 M⊙). Our results add significantly to the number of existing velocity-resolved lag measurements and reveal a diversity of BLR gas kinematics at moderately high AGN luminosities. AGN continuum luminosity appears not to be correlated with the type of kinematics that its BLR gas may exhibit. Follow-up direct modeling of this dataset will elucidate the detailed kinematics and provide robust dynamical black hole masses for several objects in this sample.Publisher PDFPeer reviewe

    MicroRNAs:New players in IBD

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    MicroRNAs (miRNAs) are small non-coding RNAs, 18–23 nucleotides long, which act as post-transcriptional regulators of gene expression. miRNAs are strongly implicated in the pathogenesis of many common diseases, including IBDs. This review aims to outline the history, biogenesis and regulation of miRNAs. The role of miRNAs in the development and regulation of the innate and adaptive immune system is discussed, with a particular focus on mechanisms pertinent to IBD and the potential translational applications

    X-ray investigation of magnetostriction in FeCl2

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    The crystalline parameters a and c of the FeCl2 hexagonal cell have been measured by X-ray diffraction on a powdered specimen. Here we report the values of these parameters at 77 and 300 K, and also their thermal variations between 4.2 and 30 K. The relative variations a30-a4.2/a4.2 and c30-c4.2/c4.2 are (1.1 ± 0.4) × 10 -3 and - (7.2 ± 0.6) x 10-4 respectively. When the temperature goes below the Néel temperature (TT ≅ 23.8 K), the parameters a and c display different kinds of variations. This change is attributed to the magneto-elastic coupling and by using previous experimental data obtained on FeCl2 submitted to mechanical stresses, we determine the derivatives of the magnetic interactions (including crystalline field) versus the diagonal crystal strain tensor components. We estimate the value of the elastic constant C13 to be 1.6 erg/cm3. Moreover the experimental results at our disposal are sufficient for checking the magnetic studies of FeCl 2 submitted to mechanical stresses.Les paramètres cristallins a et c de la maille hexagonale de FeCl 2 ont été mesurés sur une poudre par diffraction de rayons X. On rapporte ici les valeurs de ces paramètres à 77 et 300 K, ainsi que leur évolution entre 4,2 et 30 K. Les variations globales a30-a 4,2/a4,2 et c30-c4,2 /c4,2 ont pour valeurs respectives (1,1 ± 0,4) x 10-3 et - (7,2 ± 0,6) x 10-4. De part et d'autre de la température de Néel (TN ≅ 23,8 K) de ce composé antiferromagnétique, les paramètres a et c présentent des comportements différents. Attribuant ce fait au couplage magnétoélastique, nous déterminons — en utilisant des résultats antérieurs obtenus sur FeCl2 soumis à des contraintes mécaniques — les dérivées des interactions magnétiques (qui comprennent le champ cristallin) en fonction des composantes diagonales du tenseur de déformation du cristal. Nous en estimons à 1,6 erg/cm3 la valeur de la constante élastique C13, qui n'a pas été mesurée jusqu'à présent. De plus, nous disposons de suffisamment de données expérimentales pour tester la qualité des résultats obtenus sur FeCl 2 soumis à des contraintes mécaniques