209 research outputs found

    Fabrication of High-Aspect Ratio Nanogratings for Phase-based X-ray Imaging

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    Diffractive optical elements such as periodic gratings are fundamental devices in X-ray imaging - a technique that medical, material science and security scans rely upon. Fabrication of such structures with high aspect ratios at the nanoscale creates opportunities to further advance such applications, especially in terms of relaxing X-ray source coherence requirements. This is because typical grating-based X-ray phase imaging techniques (e.g., Talbot self-imaging) require a coherence length of at least one grating period and ideally longer. In this paper, the fabrication challenges in achieving high aspect-ratio nanogratings filled with gold are addressed by a combination of laser interference and nanoimprint lithography, physical vapor deposition, metal assisted chemical etching (MACE), and electroplating. This relatively simple and cost-efficient approach is unlocked by an innovative post-MACE drying step with hexamethyldisilazane, which effectively minimizes the stiction of the nanostructures. The theoretical limits of the approach are discussed and, experimentally, X-ray nanogratings with aspect ratios >40 demonstrated. Finally, their excellent diffractive abilities are shown when exposed to a hard (12.2 keV) monochromatic x-ray beam at a synchrotron facility, and thus potential applicability in phase-based X-ray imaging.Comment: 27 pages, 5 figures in main text, plus supporting informatio

    Generic flow profiles induced by a beating cilium

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    We describe a multipole expansion for the low Reynolds number fluid flows generated by a localized source embedded in a plane with a no-slip boundary condition. It contains 3 independent terms that fall quadratically with the distance and 6 terms that fall with the third power. Within this framework we discuss the flows induced by a beating cilium described in different ways: a small particle circling on an elliptical trajectory, a thin rod and a general ciliary beating pattern. We identify the flow modes present based on the symmetry properties of the ciliary beat.Comment: 12 pages, 6 figures, to appear in EPJ

    The cooperative behaviour of antimicrobial peptides in model membranes

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    A systematic analysis of the hypothesis of the antimicrobial peptides' (AMPs) cooperative action is performed by means of full atomistic molecular dynamics simulations accompanied by circular dichroism experiments. Several AMPs from the aurein family (2.5,2.6, 3.1), have a similar sequence in the first ten amino acids, are investigated in different environments including aqueous solution, trifluoroethanol (TFE), palmitoyloleoylphosphatidylethanolamine (POPE), and palmitoyloleoylphosphatidylglycerol (POPG) lipid bilayers. It is found that the cooperative effect is stronger in aqueous solution and weaker in TFE. Moreover, in the presence of membranes, the cooperative effect plays an important role in the peptide/lipid bilayer interaction. The action of AMPs is a competition of the hydrophobic interactions between the side chains of the peptides and the hydrophobic region of lipid molecules, as well as the intra peptide interaction. The aureins 2.5-COOH and 2.6-COOH form a hydrophobic aggregate to minimize the interaction between the hydrophobic group and the water. Once that the peptides reach the water/lipid interface the hydrophobic aggregate becomes smaller and the peptides start to penetrate into the membrane. In contrast, aurein 3.1-COOH forms only a transient aggregate which disintegrates once the peptides reached the membrane, and it shows no cooperativity in membrane penetratio

    Splitting and blaming: The psychic life of neoliberal executive women

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    The aim of the article is to explore the psychic life of executive women under neoliberalism using psychosocial approaches. The article shows how, despite enduring unfair treatment and access to opportunities, many executive women remain emotionally invested in upholding the neoliberal ideal that if one perseveres, one shall be successful, regardless of gender. Drawing on psychosocial approaches, we explore how the accounts given by some executive women of repudiation, as denying gender inequality, and individualization, as subjects completely agentic, are underpinned by the unconscious, intertwined processes of splitting and blaming. Women sometimes split off undesirable aspects of the workplace, which repudiates gender inequality, or blame other women, which individualizes failure and responsibility for change. We explain that splitting and blaming enable some executive women to manage the anxiety evoked from threats to the neoliberal ideal of the workplace. This article thereby makes a contribution to existing postfeminist scholarship by integrating psychosocial approaches to the study of the psychic life of neoliberal executive women, by exploring why they appear unable to engage directly with and redress instances of gender discrimination in the workplace

    A review of the renal system and diurnal variations of renal activity in livestock

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    Kidneys are the main organs regulating water-electrolyte homeostasis in the body. They are responsible for maintaining the total volume of water and its distribution in particular water spaces, for electrolyte composition of systemic fluids and also for maintaining acid-base balance. These functions are performed by the plasma filtration process in renal glomeruli and the processes of active absorption and secretion in renal tubules, all adjusted to an 'activity-rest' rhythm. These diurnal changes are influenced by a 24-hour cycle of activity of hormones engaged in the regulation of renal activity. Studies on spontaneous rhythms of renal activity have been carried out mainly on humans and laboratory animals, but few studies have been carried out on livestock animals. Moreover, those results cover only some aspects of renal physiology. This review gives an overview of current knowledge concerning renal function and diurnal variations of some renal activity parameters in livestock, providing greater understanding of general chronobiological processes in mammals. Detailed knowledge of these rhythms is useful for clinical, practical and pharmacological purposes, as well as studies on their physical performance

    Multi-year interlaboratory exercises for the analysis of illicit drugs and metabolites in wastewater:development of a quality control system

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    Thirty-seven laboratories from 25 countries present the development of an inter-laboratory testing scheme for the analysis of seven illicit drug residues in standard solutions, tap- and wastewater. Almost 10 000 concentration values were evaluated: triplicates of up to five samples and 26 laboratories per year. The setup was substantially improved with experiences gained across the six repetitions (e.g. matrix type, sample conditions, spiking levels). From this, (pre-)analytical issues (e.g. pH adjustment, filtration) were revealed for specific analytes which resulted in formulation of best-practice protocols for inter-laboratory setup and analytical procedures. The results illustrate the effectiveness of the inter-laboratory setup to assess laboratory performance in the framework of wastewater-based epidemiology. The exercise proved that measurements of laboratories were of high quality (>80% satisfactory results for six out of seven analytes) and that analytical follow-up is important to assist laboratories in improving robustness of wastewater-based epidemiology results