274 research outputs found

    Relating adults' lives and learning: participation and engagement in different settings

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    This report shows how an understanding of language, literacy andnumeracy as social practices can help practitioners to take account oflearners' lives. It demonstrates how people's histories, currentcircumstances and imagined futures can shape their learning andaffect their level of engagement. The study is based on the research ofthe Adult Learners' Lives project in community settings in Blackburn,Lancaster and Liverpool

    A discourse analysis of trainee teacher identity in online discussion forums

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    Teacher education involves an identity transformation for trainees from being a student to being a teacher. This discourse analysis examined the online discussion board communications of a cohort of trainee teachers to better understand the situated identities of the trainees and how they were presented online. Their discussion board posts were the primary method of communication during placement periods and, as such, provided insight into how the trainees situated their identities in terms of being a student or being a teacher. During the analysis, the community boundaries, language and culture were explored along with the tutor's power and role in the identity transformation process. This involved looking at the lexis used by the students, the use of pronouns to refer to themselves and others such as teachers and pupils, the types of messages allowed in the community and the effect of the tutor's messages on their communication. The research found that the trainees felt comfortable with teaching but did not feel like teachers during the course. Tutors and school teachers need to develop an awareness of the dual nature of trainees' identities and help promote the transition from student to teacher. In the beginning of the course, trainees should be familiarised with teacher vocabulary and practical concepts in addition to pedagogical theory. Towards the end of the course, trainee identity as teachers could be promoted through the use of authentic assessments that mirror real teacher tasks and requirements

    Good images, effective messages? Working with students and educators on academic practice understanding

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    Work at Northumbria University has focussed on activity that extends opportunities for students to engage directly with the skills development necessary for sound academic practice. This has included highly visual campaigns on the "Plagiarism trap", providing access to Turnitin plagiarism detection software, guides and sessions to highlight use of associated referencing tools. Sessions on a variety of topics, such as supporting study skills and reading originality reports, have been provided for students on taught, undergraduate and postgraduate programmes. This provision has included students working on collaborative partners' sites and also those on research programmes. Alongside the activities with students, "designing out" approaches have been embedded in staff development within the educator community at Northumbria. Formative use of Turnitin is integrated throughout programmes and academic practice development is formally recognised within the University Learning and Teaching Strategy's focus on information literacy. This article outlines and reviews these activities in a critical institutional context and evaluates responses from a variety of students and educators to determine how effective these measures have been

    The literacy practices for assessment in the vocational curriculum - the case of Hospitality

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    This article explores two case studies of the literacy practices of assessment in the vocational curriculum. Previous studies have identified learning in the vocational curriculum as being assessment-driven and that subjects often associated with limited levels of literacy actually require multiple literacy practices from students. Drawing upon studies of the literacy practices of assessment in the teaching of Hospitality, the study explores the academic and occupational forms of reading and writing required of students. These literacy practices are often invisible to both students and staff and yet are central to the success of students in relation to attainment. The article suggests that vocational subjects may actually be more demanding in the range of literacies required for assessment than is often considered to be the case


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    The authors assume that the development of a critical awareness of the world ought to be the main objective of all education, including language education. Language awareness programmes ought therefore to help children develop not only operational and descriptive knowledge of the linguistic practices of their world, but also a critical awareness of how these practices are shaped by, and shape, social relationships and relationships of power. In the first part of a two-part paper, the authors show that many existing language awareness proposals and materials are not ‘critical’ in this sense. On the contrary, with a few exceptions, they present the naturalised domain of linguistic practices as a natural domain, a given and common sense reality with social origins which are out of sight. This is true for bilingual, dialectal and diatypic variation. Most current approaches to language awareness present the domain of linguistic practices as a pluralistically harmonious domain; no attention is given to ideological differences or ideological struggles in language, and, in fact, the nexus of language-power-ideology is ignored. Despite their admirable attempts to heighten cross-cultural undertanding and harmony, they appear to underscore the legitimacy of the already legitimated set of existing linguistic practices, and therefore indirectly of the existing power relations which underpin these practices. In the second part of the paper, they briefly explore the notion of Critical Language Analysis (or Critical Linguistics in a generic sense), and indicate how this approach might contribute to more critical Language Awareness programmes. The authors also argue that the diverse objectives which are usually given for Language Awareness programmes appear to be given particular desocialising weightings in actual materials, and suggest a way of articulating the various objectives that might be in agreement with a critical perspective. They end with an example of how Critical Language Awareness can be incorporated into a family history writing project

    Academic drift in vocational qualifications? Explorations through the lens of literacy

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    Retention, attainment and progression have become key issues in post-compulsory education in the UK, as the policy agenda of increasing and widening participation has taken hold. Keeping students in the system, enabling them to gain qualifications and thereby progress to higher level courses is a key educational goal. Yet alongside increasing progression and attainment have emerged discussion of the nature and extent of academic drift within vocational education. This paper seeks to explore these issues in the context of the vocational curriculum in Further Education colleges in Scotland. Using the lens of literacy practices, we explore the ways in which the expectations upon students of the reading and writing associated with learning their subjects can illuminate the nature and extent of academic drift. We indicate evidence to suggest that there is increasing emphasis given to educational rather than occupational relevance in the vocational curriculu

    The Recruitment Agent in Internationalized Higher Education: Commercial Broker and Cultural Mediator

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    The internationalization and marketization of higher education has resulted in U.K. universities’ increasing reliance on recruitment agents to boost international student numbers. This places agents and agencies in a position of considerable influence with regard to the educational choices that students make. These institutional and individual relationships have been investigated from a marketing perspective, contributing knowledge about the influence of recruitment agents on student decision making. However, this approach has limitations with regard to understanding the impact of agents on an international student’s subsequent experience in U.K. higher education. The article suggests that theoretical work on mobility, migration, and ethnographies of communication, including the geopolitics of text production, can provide useful lenses for analyzing how agents help international students navigate the journey into and through U.K. higher education. The notion of “cultural mediator” is introduced to analyze the role played by agents alongside that of commercial broker. We argue that future research, shaped by these alternative theoretical perspectives, may help to bridge the apparent gap in understanding between those working in international offices and those involved in teaching in an internationalized university

    Ab-Initio Calculation of Molecular Aggregation Effects: a Coumarin-343 Case Study

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    We present time-dependent density functional theory (TDDFT) calculations for single and dimerized Coumarin-343 molecules in order to investigate the quantum mechanical effects of chromophore aggregation in extended systems designed to function as a new generation of sensors and light-harvesting devices. Using the single-chromophore results, we describe the construction of effective Hamiltonians to predict the excitonic properties of aggregate systems. We compare the electronic coupling properties predicted by such effective Hamiltonians to those obtained from TDDFT calculations of dimers, and to the coupling predicted by the transition density cube (TDC) method. We determine the accuracy of the dipole-dipole approximation and TDC with respect to the separation distance and orientation of the dimers. In particular, we investigate the effects of including Coulomb coupling terms ignored in the typical tight-binding effective Hamiltonian. We also examine effects of orbital relaxation which cannot be captured by either of these models

    Making visible ‘hidden’ intentions and potential choices: international students in intercultural communication

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    The study reported in this paper examines the experiences of Chinese and Vietnamese international students in engaging in their institutional written discourse at an Australian university. The study highlights the significance of exploring the real accounts of the students as the ‘insiders’ and uncovering students’ individual potential choices and intentions as their ‘seemingly unrecognized’ values in producing their own texts in English as a second language. In particular, based on international students’ reflection on their intentions and potential choices in academic practices, the study signals how the taken-for-granted institutional conventions may contribute to silencing or marginalizing the possibilities for alternative approaches to knowledge and communication within the higher education institutional context

    Developing a Theoretical Framework for Response: Creative Writing as Response in the Year 6 Primary Classroom

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    Focusing on the creative writing of Year 6 boys as they make the transition to Year 7, this article establishes a theoretical model for creative writing as response. In line with Bakhtin’s notion of utterances as ‘interpersonal’ (1986), the model demonstrates the complexity of creative writing – the text is influencing of and influenced by an author’s participation in ‘figured worlds’ (Holland, Lachicotte, Skinner and Cain 1998), but also influencing of and influenced by future respondents. This article suggests that ‘weaker framing’ (Bernstein 2000) in creative writing pedagogy has the potential to alter boys’ identities and refigure their worlds
