1,032 research outputs found

    Happiness Scale Interval Study. Methodological Considerations

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    The Happiness Scale Interval Study deals with survey questions on happiness, using verbal response options, such as ‘very happy’ and ‘pretty happy’. The aim is to estimate what degrees of happiness are denoted by such terms in different questions and languages. These degrees are expressed in numerical values on a continuous [0,10] scale, which are then used to compute ‘transformed’ means and standard deviations. Transforming scores on different questions to the same scale allows to broadening the World Database of Happiness considerably. The central purpose of the Happiness Scale Interval Study is to identify the happiness values at which respondents change their judgment from e.g. ‘very happy’ to ‘pretty happy’ or the reverse. This paper deals with the methodological/statistical aspects of this approach. The central question is always how to convert the frequencies at which the different possible responses to the same question given by a sample into information on the happiness distribution in the relevant population. The primary (cl)aim of this approach is to achieve this in a (more) valid way. To this end, a model is introduced that allows for dealing with happiness as a latent continuous random variable, in spite of the fact that it is measured as a discrete one. The [0,10] scale is partitioned in as many contiguous parts as the number of possible ratings in the primary scale sums up to. Any subject with a (self-perceived) happiness in the same subinterval is assumed to select the same response. For the probability density function of this happiness random variable, two options are discussed. The first one postulates a uniform distribution within each of the different subintervals of the [0,10] scale. On the basis of these results, the mean value and variance of the complete distribution can be estimated. The method is described, including the precision of the estimates obtained in this way. The second option assumes the happiness distribution to be described as a beta distribution on the interval [0,10] with two shape parameters (α and β). From their estimates on the basis of the primary information, the mean value and the variance of the happiness distribution in the population can be estimated. An illustration is given in which the method is applied to existing measurement results of 20 surveys in The Netherlands in the period 1990–2008. The results clarify our recommendation to apply the model with a uniform distribution within each of the category intervals, in spite of a better validity of the alternative on the basis of a beta distribution. The reason is that the recommended model allows to construct a confidence interval for the true but unknown population happiness distribution. The paper ends with a listing of actual and potential merits of this approach, which has been described here for verbal happiness questions, but which is also applicable to phenomena which are measured along similar lines

    Budgeting for Environmental Health Services in Healthcare Facilities: A Ten-Step Model for Planning and Costing

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    Environmental health services (EHS) in healthcare facilities (HCFs) are critical for safe care provision, yet their availability in low- and middle-income countries is low. A poor understanding of costs hinders progress towards adequate provision. Methods are inconsistent and poorly documented in costing literature, suggesting opportunities to improve evidence. The goal of this research was to develop a model to guide budgeting for EHS in HCFs. Based on 47 studies selected through a systematic review, we identified discrete budgeting steps, developed codes to define each step, and ordered steps into a model. We identified good practices based on a review of additional selected guidelines for costing EHS and HCFs. Our model comprises ten steps in three phases: planning, data collection, and synthesis. Costing-stakeholders define the costing purpose, relevant EHS, and cost scope; assess the EHS delivery context; develop a costing plan; and identify data sources (planning). Stakeholders then execute their costing plan and evaluate the data quality (data collection). Finally, stakeholders calculate costs and disseminate findings (synthesis). We present three hypothetical costing examples and discuss good practices, including using costing frameworks, selecting appropriate indicators to measure the quantity and quality of EHS, and iterating planning and data collection to select appropriate costing approaches and identify data gaps

    Influence of Context on Item Parameters in Forced-Choice Personality Assessments

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    A fundamental assumption in computerized adaptive testing (CAT) is that item parameters are invariant with respect to context – items surrounding the administered item. This assumption, however, may not hold in forced-choice (FC) assessments, where explicit comparisons are made between items included in the same block. We empirically examined the influence of context on item parameters by comparing parameter estimates from two FC instruments. The first instrument was compiled of blocks of three items, whereas in the second, the context was manipulated by adding one item to each block, resulting in blocks of four. The item parameter estimates were highly similar. However, a small number of significant deviations were observed, confirming the importance of context when designing adaptive FC assessments. Two patterns of such deviations were identified, and methods to reduce their occurrences in a FC CAT setting were proposed. It was shown that with a small proportion of violations of the parameter invariance assumption, score estimation remained stable

    Household water use and greywater management in Khulna city, Bangladesh

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    While substantial progress has been made in improving water and sanitation services in low- and middle-income countries, aligned basic services such as greywater, stormwater, and solid waste management have progressed little in recent decades. Data was collected in Khulna city, Bangladesh via a household survey (n = 192) of low-income areas exploring domestic water use and greywater volumes, characteristics, and disposal practices. Most households (71%) use a piped water supply for domestic purposes, supplemented by seasonal rainwater harvesting (26%) and greywater use (13%). Of the total water used by households (mean: 594 L/household/day and equivalent to 116 L/person/day), approximately 58% becomes greywater through bathing, dishwashing, religious practices, handwashing, laundry, and mopping. Greywater produced ranges from 61-1274 L/household/day, with a mean of 345 L/household/day and equivalent to 78.4 L/person/day. Greywater characteristics vary depending on the activity, individual behaviours and any products used during cooking, bathing, or cleaning. After generation, households dispose greywater to open drains (67%), nearby waterbodies (17%) directly to the ground (9%), or decentralised wastewater treatment system (7%). Without services for greywater management, greywater disposal may have considerable public and environmental health implications, necessitating careful attention and oversight from service-providers and stakeholders beyond the household-level

    Boundary Condition Study for the Juncture Flow Experiment in the NASA Langley 14x22-Foot Subsonic Wind Tunnel

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    Because future wind tunnel tests associated with the NASA Juncture Flow project are being designed for the purpose of CFD validation, considerable effort is going into the characterization of the wind tunnel boundary conditions, particularly at inflow. This is important not only because wind tunnel flowfield nonuniformities can play a role in integrated testing uncertainties, but also because the better the boundary conditions are known, the better CFD can accurately represent the experiment. This paper describes recent investigative wind tunnel tests involving two methods to measure and characterize the oncoming flow in the NASA Langley 14- by 22-Foot Subsonic Tunnel. The features of each method, as well as some of their pros and cons, are highlighted. Boundary conditions and modeling tactics currently used by CFD for empty-tunnel simulations are also described, and some results using three different CFD codes are shown. Preliminary CFD parametric studies associated with the Juncture Flow model are summarized, to determine sensitivities of the flow near the wing-body juncture region of the model to a variety of modeling decisions

    Does global progress on sanitation really lag behind water? An analysis of global progress on community- and household-level access to safe water and sanitation.

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    Safe drinking water and sanitation are important determinants of human health and wellbeing and have recently been declared human rights by the international community. Increased access to both were included in the Millennium Development Goals under a single dedicated target for 2015. This target was reached in 2010 for water but sanitation will fall short; however, there is an important difference in the benchmarks used for assessing global access. For drinking water the benchmark is community-level access whilst for sanitation it is household-level access, so a pit latrine shared between households does not count toward the Millennium Development Goal (MDG) target. We estimated global progress for water and sanitation under two scenarios: with equivalent household- and community-level benchmarks. Our results demonstrate that the "sanitation deficit" is apparent only when household-level sanitation access is contrasted with community-level water access. When equivalent benchmarks are used for water and sanitation, the global deficit is as great for water as it is for sanitation, and sanitation progress in the MDG-period (1990-2015) outstrips that in water. As both drinking water and sanitation access yield greater benefits at the household-level than at the community-level, we conclude that any post-2015 goals should consider a household-level benchmark for both

    Nuclear Vav3 is required for polycomb repression complex-1 activity in B-cell lymphoblastic leukemogenesis

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    Acute B-cell lymphoblastic leukemia (B-ALL) results from oligo-clonal evolution of B-cell progenitors endowed with initiating and propagating leukemia properties. The activation of both the Rac guanine nucleotide exchange factor (Rac GEF) Vav3 and Rac GTPases is required for leukemogenesis mediated by the oncogenic fusion protein BCR-ABL. Vav3 expression becomes predominantly nuclear upon expression of BCR-ABL signature. In the nucleus, Vav3 interacts with BCR-ABL, Rac, and the polycomb repression complex (PRC) proteins Bmi1, Ring1b and Ezh2. The GEF activity of Vav3 is required for the proliferation, Bmi1-dependent B-cell progenitor self-renewal, nuclear Rac activation, protein interaction with Bmi1, mono-ubiquitination of H2A(K119) (H2AK119Ub) and repression of PRC-1 (PRC1) downstream target loci, of leukemic B-cell progenitors. Vav3 deficiency results in de-repression of negative regulators of cell proliferation and repression of oncogenic transcriptional factors. Mechanistically, we show that Vav3 prevents the Phlpp2-sensitive and Akt (S473)-dependent phosphorylation of Bmi1 on the regulatory residue S314 that, in turn, promotes the transcriptional factor reprogramming of leukemic B-cell progenitors. These results highlight the importance of non-canonical nuclear Rho GTPase signaling in leukemogenesis.This project was funded by the National Institutes of Health Grants R01-CA273016 (N.N.N. and J.A.C.) and U54-DK126108 (J.A.C.), the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society of North America (J.A.C and N.N.N.; and N.N.N. and J.A.C.), and William Lawrence & Blanche Hughes Foundation (J.A.C. and N.N.)

    Examining the effects of Lighting Effects on Peripheral Devices for Visual User Notifications

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    The ubiquitous and pervasive use of lighting effects embedded into peripheral hardware has gained popularity through it’s use in Triple-A video game titles such as Call of Duty and the availability of software development kits (SDK) from leading manufacturers. A preliminary NASA TLX experiment was performed to examine the effect that notifications displayed on a peripheral device has, in comparison to traditional dialog notifications. This research will prove useful to create notification design guidance for these devices

    Compton Scattering from \u3csup\u3e4\u3c/sup\u3eHe at 61 MeV

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    The Compton scattering cross section from 4He has been measured with high statistical accuracy over a scattering angle range of 40∘−159∘ using a quasimonoenergetic 61-MeV photon beam at the High Intensity Gamma-Ray Source. The data are interpreted using a phenomenological model sensitive to the dipole isoscalar electromagnetic polarizabilities (αs and βs) of the nucleon. These data can be fit with the model using values of αs and βs that are consistent with the currently accepted values. These data will serve as benchmarks of future calculations from effective field theories and lattice quantum chromodynamics
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