380 research outputs found

    Evaluación de la patogenicidad del nematodo Heterorhabditis bacteriophora en larvas de Cosmopolites sordidus

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    La necesidad de disminuir el excesivo número de aplicaciones de insecticidas por sus efectos adversos sobre el medio ambiente y la salud humana ha inducido a buscar otras alternativas en el combate a insectos-plaga,como es el uso de agentes de control biológico. Existen varias razones que limitan la aceptación por el agricultor el control biológico; entre ellas: los controladores biológicos son de lenta acción, el agricultor no ve resultados inmediatos, no son de fácil aplicación a diferencia de los pesticidas químicos. Actualmente, ha crecido el interés por hacer investigación en el control biológico y los resultados que se han obtenido son escasos aunque las perspectivas son enormes. Al respecto el Instituto Nacional Autónomo de Investigaciones Agropecuarias y el Centro Internacional de la Papa han aislado e identificado 28 poblaciones de nematodos entomo- patógenos La mayor parte corresponden a aislamientos de cultivo de papa en rotación con otro cultivo (Hernández et al.,2006)

    Prismatic dissection of a cube into six equivalent triangular pyramids

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    En este artículo se realiza un análisis constructivo, global y unificador de la descomposición de un cubo en pirámides cuadradas y triangulares. Un problema clásico del que se encuentran soluciones regulares aisladas e inconexas y del que, aquí, se hace un completo y detallado recubrimiento descriptivo de su solución. Un recorrido que en particular detalla la respuesta a cómo realizar la partición prismática de un cubo en seis pirámides triangulares equivalentes.In this article a constructive, global and unifying analysis of the dissection of a cube into square and triangular pyramids is made. A classic problem, which regular, isolated and disconnected solutions are found and here a complete and detailed descriptive covering of their solution is performed. A tour that particularly details the answer to how to carry out the prismatic partition of a cube into six equivalent triangular pyramids

    Environmental drivers of diurnal visits by transient predatory fishes to Caribbean patch reefs

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    Video cameras recorded the diurnal visitation rates of transient (large home range) piscivorous fishes to coral patch reefs in The Bahamas and identified 11 species. Visits by bar jack Caranx ruber, mutton snapper Lutjanus analis, yellowtail snapper Ocyurus chrysurus, barracuda Sphyraena barracuda and cero Scomberomorus regalis were sufficiently frequent to correlate with a range of biophysical factors. Patch-reef visitation rates and fish abundances varied with distance from shore and all species except S. regalis were seen more frequently inshore. This pattern is likely to be caused by factors including close proximity to additional foraging areas in mangroves and on fore-reefs and higher abundances close to inshore nursery habitats. Visitation rates and abundances of C. ruber, L. analis, O. chrysurus and S. regalis also varied seasonally (spring v. winter), possibly as fishes responded to temperature changes or undertook spawning migrations. The abundance of each transient predator species on the patch reefs generally exhibited limited diurnal variability, but L. analis was seen more frequently towards dusk. This study demonstrates that the distribution of transient predators is correlated spatially and temporally with a range of factors, even within a single lagoon, and these drivers are species specific. Transient predators are considered an important source of mortality shaping reef-fish assemblages and their abundance, in combination with the biomass of resident predators, was negatively correlated with the density of prey fishes. Furthermore, transient predators are often targeted by fishers and understanding how they utilize seascapes is critical for protecting them within reserves

    ERP and Economic Influence on the Development of Business

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    The use of software in business has become very significant, thanks to this business have access to a progressive technological development, as a result you get great benefits in optimizing processes and information. This research work emphasizes on the ERP and its economic influence in business, an unknown subject for many people. The realization of this research will help understand how it has contributed ERP largely to the development of enterprises, through the creation of systems that are responsible for optimizing most processes within companies to obtain a gradual enterprise-level development. Through documentary research it has been able to gather information from scientific papers, journals, academic papers, among others, which will help to better understand the problem to find a solution. Of enterprises or industries. The result of this research shows that ERP applied in companies have largely improved the process optimization and cost reduction and improved management practices efficiency, therefore a constant business development is produced

    Photosensitivity Color-Center Model for Ge-Doped Silica Preforms

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    A new photosensitivity physical model for Ge-doped silica preforms based on color-center photoreactions is presented. Simulation results are in close agreement with experimental results obtained by several condensed matter physics research groups working in this field, suggesting that the photoreactions of this model may, indeed, describe the physical processes involved in Ge-doped silica preform photosensitivity. The proposed photosensitivity model is defined by two differential equations that describe the temporal evolution of a set of color-center concentrations. The first is a modification of a very fast reversible reaction previously proposed by Fujimaki et al., where the reaction precursor has a different chemical structure (it is a neutral oxygen divacancy NODV unrelated to the previously proposed germanium lone pair center GLPC). The chemical structure of this precursor defect explains the generation of nonintrinsic neutral oxygen monovacancy ðNOMVÞ color centers. These centers are transformed into GeE0 defects by means of a second nonlinear reaction. This justifies the slow increase in the absorption peak experimentally measured at 6.3 eV, which had no satisfactory explanation.Ministerio de Ciencia y Tecnología TIC2001-2969-C03-0

    Proyecto Canals: inmersión digital de los materiales de Maria Antònia Canals

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    Parte de la labor educativa de María Antonia Canals ha quedado reflejada en el conjunto de materiales manipulativos que ha elaborado y compilado durante su extenso periodo docente. Desde el Proyecto Descartes se ha abordado la producción de recursos TIC que buscan contribuir a la difusión y conocimiento de esos materiales, pero introduciendo una perspectiva enmarcada en el uso educativo de dichas tecnologías y su funcionamiento en ordenadores, tabletas y smartphones gracias a la herramienta DescartesJS. Una inmersión digital que, si bien obliga a una reinterpretación, refleja y recoge la experiencia y guía educativa de la profesora Canals. Aquí se presentan 375 objetos de aprendizaje interactivos del Proyecto Canals: canales cartesianos hacia el conocimiento


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    Since van der Waals' first publication, a lot of equations of state have been proposed to represent the PVT behavior of pure compounds, as is the case with GEOS3C, which is a new form of generalized cubic equation of state that uses a temperature function dependent on three adjustable empirical parameters. In order to obtain the parameters that lead to the lowest errors of vapor pressure and saturated liquid volume predictions, it is possible to turn this problem into a multiobjective optimization problem. In this context, a modified MOPSO algorithm was employed. This method has the main advantage to provide a set of solutions that show the existing conflict in the attempt to minimize the properties of interest. Substances from different chemical families were used to evaluate the methodology proposed in this work and comparisons against experimental data were made. Results showed that the values obtained through multiobjective optimization for GEOS3C adjustable parameters provide better or equivalent predictions for all calculated thermodynamic properties. In addition, it was possible to observe a correlation between the parameters in the viable regions of the Pareto fronts: C1 assuming a constant value, whereas C2 and C3 are linearly dependent on each othe


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    The α-shape algorithm is a very common option to extract building boundaries from LiDAR data. This algorithm is normally executed in 2D space considering a parameter α as a binary classifier which controls the distinctiveness of points whether or not they belong to the object boundary. For point cloud data, this parameter is directly related to the local point density and the level of detail of building boundaries. Studies that have explored this concept usually consider a unique parameter α to extract all buildings in the dataset. However, the point density can have a considerable variation along the point cloud and, in this case, the use a global parameter may not be the best choice. Alternatively, this paper proposes a data-driven method that estimates a local parameter for each building. The method evaluation considered six test areas with different levels of complexity, selected from a LiDAR dataset acquired over the city of Presidente Prudente/Brazil. From the qualitative and quantitative analysis, it could be seen that the proposed method generated better results than when a global parameter is used. The proposed method was also able to withstand density variation among the LiDAR data, having a positional accuracy around 0.22 m, against 0.40 m of global parameter

    Recomendações técnicas para a reprodução do tambaqui.

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    Das espécies nativas brasileiras, o tambaqui (Colossoma macropomum) é a mais produzida em cativeiro. Quase a totalidade da produção desse animal puro ocorre nos estados da região Norte do Brasil, com destaque para Rondônia. No Mato Grosso, existe grande produção do híbrido tambacu (tambaqui x pacu-caranha, Piaractus mesopotamicus). Isso se deve à popularidade do pacu-caranha na bacia do rio Paraguai e do repasse de tecnologia, no início dos anos 1980, do Centro Nacional de Pesquisa e Conservação de Peixes Continentais (Cepta), que recomendava a produção do híbrido com o objetivo de explorar o potencial de crescimento do tambaqui associado à resistência do pacu a temperaturas amenas. Atualmente, outro híbrido bastante produzido é o tambatinga, cruzamento de duas espécies amazônicas (tambaqui x pirapitinga, Piaractus brachypomus) com características produtivas parecidas com as do tambacu, mas com destaque para a cor prateada e o opérculo avermelhado, os quais chamam a atenção do consumidor. Desse modo, este manual vai tratar exclusivamente da tecnologia aplicada à reprodução do tambaqui, desenvolvida pela UFRGS, UEM e UFMT com apoio da Embrapa, por meio do Programa de Melhoramento Genético de Organismos Aquáticos, no âmbito do projeto AQUABRASIL.bitstream/item/83462/1/Doc-212-RecomendacoesTecnicasReproducaoTambaqui.pd