5,246 research outputs found

    Proximity Effect Enhancement Induced by Roughness of SN Interface

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    Critical temperature reduction ΔTc\Delta T_c is considered for a thin film of a layered superconductor (S) with a rough surface covered by a thick layer of a normal metal (N). The roughness of the SN interface increases the penetration of electrons from the normal metal into the superconductor and leads to an enhancement of the proximity effect. The value of ΔTc\Delta T_c induced by the roughness of the SN interface can be much higher than ΔTc\Delta T_c for a film with a plain surface for an extremely anisotropic layered superconductor with the coherence lengths ξa,ξbξc\xi_a,\xi_b\gg\xi_c.Comment: 2 page

    Experimental evidence of ageing and slow restoration of the weak-contact configuration in tilted 3D granular packings

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    Granular packings slowly driven towards their instability threshold are studied using a digital imaging technique as well as a nonlinear acoustic method. The former method allows us to study grain rearrangements on the surface during the tilting and the latter enables to selectively probe the modifications of the weak-contact fraction in the material bulk. Gradual ageing of both the surface activity and the weak-contact reconfigurations is observed as a result of repeated tilt cycles up to a given angle smaller than the angle of avalanche. For an aged configuration reached after several consecutive tilt cycles, abrupt resumption of the on-surface activity and of the weak-contact rearrangements occurs when the packing is subsequently inclined beyond the previous maximal tilting angle. This behavior is compared with literature results from numerical simulations of inclined 2D packings. It is also found that the aged weak-contact configurations exhibit spontaneous restoration towards the initial state if the packing remains at rest for tens of minutes. When the packing is titled forth and back between zero and near-critical angles, instead of ageing, the weak-contact configuration exhibits "internal weak-contact avalanches" in the vicinity of both the near-critical and zero angles. By contrast, the stronger-contact skeleton remains stable

    Quasiparticle states of the Hubbard model near the Fermi level

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    The spectra of the t-U and t-t'-U Hubbard models are investigated in the one-loop approximation for different values of the electron filling. It is shown that the four-band structure which is inherent in the case of half-filling and low temperatures persists also for some excess or deficiency of electrons. Besides, with some departure from half-filling an additional narrow band of quasiparticle states arises near the Fermi level. The dispersion of the band, its bandwidth and the variation with filling are close to those of the spin-polaron band of the t-J model. For moderate doping spectral intensities in the new band and in one of the inner bands of the four-band structure decrease as the Fermi level is approached which leads to the appearance of a pseudogap in the spectrum.Comment: 8 pages, 7 figure

    Constructive solution of highly effective photoenergy module: development and experimental testing

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    Based on experimental study and computermodeling of working temperature influence on the efficiency of Chinese production silicon solar cells identified temperature dependence of efficiency shows the feasibility of using Chinese production Si-SC in the construction of photovoltaic thermal system, which together with the heat pump is part of a combined system for hot water supply, heating and air conditioning. Based on a detailed analysis of the working temperature influence on the efficiency of photovoltaic processes that determine the solar cells work, it has been developed the optimal construction and technological solution of hybrid solar generated module, the main feature ofwhich is the heat exchange block, designed to reduce the solar cells working temperature. The experimental testing of hybrid modules samples equipped with developed cooling system, high-voltage part of power take-off system demonstrates their reliability and high efficiency which allow to achieve the such module efficiency up to 18.5 %.На основе экспериментального исследования в комплексе с компьютерным моделированием влияния рабочей температуры на эффективность кремниевых солнечных элементов китайского производства выявлена температурная зависимость их эффективности. Температурная зависимость показывает целесообразность использования солнечных элементов китайского производства в составе фотоэлектрической тепловой системы, которая вместе с тепловым насосом является частью комбинированной системы горячего водоснабжения, отопления и кондиционирования воздуха. На основе детального анализа влияния рабочей температуры на эффективность фотоэлектрических процессов, определяющих работу солнечных элементов, было разработано оптимальное конструктивно-технологическое решение гибридного солнечного генерирующего модуля, основной особенностью которого является теплообменный блок, предназначен для снижения рабочей температуры солнечных элементов. Экспериментальные испытания образцов таких модулей, оснащенных разработанной системой охлаждения и высоковольтной системой отбора мощности, демонстрируют их надежность и высокую эффективность, позволяющие достичь КПД гибридного модуля до 18,5 %

    Boundary resistance in magnetic multilayers

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    Quasiclassical boundary conditions for electrochemical potentials at the interface between diffusive ferromagnetic and non-magnetic metals are derived for the first time. An expression for the boundary resistance accurately accounts for the momentum conservation law as well as essential gradients of the chemical potentials. Conditions are established at which spin-asymmetry of the boundary resistance has positive or negative sign. Dependence of the spin asymmetry and the absolute value of the boundary resistance on the exchange splitting of the conduction band opens up new possibility to estimate spin polarization of the conduction band of ferromagnetic metals. Consistency of the theory is checked on existing experimental data.Comment: 8 pages, 3 figures, designed using IOPART styl

    Superradiance from an ultrathin film of three-level V-type atoms: Interplay between splitting, quantum coherence and local-field effects

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    We carry out a theoretical study of the collective spontaneous emission (superradiance) from an ultrathin film comprised of three-level atoms with VV-configuration of the operating transitions. As the thickness of the system is small compared to the emission wavelength inside the film, the local-field correction to the averaged Maxwell field is relevant. We show that the interplay between the low-frequency quantum coherence within the subspace of the upper doublet states and the local-field correction may drastically affect the branching ratio of the operating transitions. This effect may be used for controlling the emission process by varying the doublet splitting and the amount of low-frequency coherence.Comment: 15 pages, 5 figure

    Reforestation of Brown Coal Dumps in Bashkortostan: Characteristics of the Soil and the Condition of Birch (Betula pendula Roth) Stands (Results of a 35-year Experiment)

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    In 1980–1984, reforestation of the dumps of the Kumertau brown coal deposit (Republic of Bashkortostan, Russia) was carried out. Birch stands were created on the dumps of overburdened rocks. The authors studied the agrochemical properties of soils, described the state of birch stands and established the patterns of metalaccumulation in birch organs 35 years after reforestation. It is established that 35 years after planting birch trees on the dumps, the trees are characterized as ‘healthy’. The concentration of copper, zinc, lead and cadmium in birch organs changes in the following sequence: root system > bark > shoots > leaves. Soil formation processes are noted in birch stands on dumps. The upper (0–20 cm) soil layer acidity shifted bytwo units to the acidic side. There is a slight decrease in the content of phosphorus and the exchange forms of calcium and magnesium. Thus, birch is a promising tree species for the reforestation of mining industry dumps. Keywords: dumps, reforestation, Betula pendula Roth, metal accumulation, soil formation processe

    Transport properties of 2H-NbSe 2 synthesized by selenization of Nb thin films

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    A novel method for the synthesis of 2H-NbSe2 thin films by selenization of precursor Nb thin films is reported. The polycrystalline films grow predominantly in the hexagonal 2H-NbSe2 phase with bulk lattice constants. Their remarkable microstructure consists of a three-dimensional network of flake-like grains substantially stacked vertically on the substrate. The electronic transport between 1.2 K and 300 K in zero and applied magnetic fields up to 14 T has been extensively studied. The study comprises resistivity, magnetoresistance, Hall coefficient, upper critical field, and critical current density. The results are discussed taking account of the coexisting charge-density-wave and superconducting phases

    Magnetotransport of SrIrO₃ films on (110) DyScO₃

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    Epitaxial perovskite (110) oriented SrIrO3(SIO) thin films were grown by pulsed laser deposition on (110) oriented DyScO3(DSO) substrateswith various film thicknesst(2 nm1 increases with decreasingTand is especially pronounced for the thinnest films, whichlikewise display a hysteretic field dependence belowT∗≈3 K. The coercive fieldHcamounts to 2-5 T. Both,T∗andHcare very similar to themagnetic ordering temperature and coercivity of DSO which strongly suggests substrate-induced mechanism as a reason for the anisotropicmagnetotransport in the SIO film