125 research outputs found

    Photon propagation in noncommutative QED with constant external field

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    We find dispersion laws for the photon propagating in the presence of mutually orthogonal constant external electric and magnetic fields in the context of the θ\theta -expanded noncommutative QED. We show that there is no birefringence to the first order in the noncommutativity parameter % \theta . By analyzing the group velocities of the photon eigenmodes we show that there occurs superluminal propagation for any direction. This phenomenon depends on the mutual orientation of the external electromagnetic fields and the noncommutativity vector. We argue that the propagation of signals with superluminal group velocity violates causality in spite of the fact that the noncommutative theory is not Lorentz-invariant and speculate about possible workarounds

    Coherent state quantization of paragrassmann algebras

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    By using a coherent state quantization of paragrassmann variables, operators are constructed in finite Hilbert spaces. We thus obtain in a straightforward way a matrix representation of the paragrassmann algebra. This algebra of finite matrices realizes a deformed Weyl-Heisenberg algebra. The study of mean values in coherent states of some of these operators lead to interesting conclusions.Comment: We provide an erratum where we improve upon our previous definition of odd paragrassmann algebra

    Nilpotent noncommutativity and renormalization

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    We analyze renormalizability properties of noncommutative (NC) theories with a bifermionic NC parameter. We introduce a new 4-dimensional scalar field model which is renormalizable at all orders of the loop expansion. We show that this model has an infrared stable fixed point (at the one-loop level). We check that the NC QED (which is one-loop renormalizable with usual NC parameter) remains renormalizable when the NC parameter is bifermionic, at least to the extent of one-loop diagrams with external photon legs. Our general conclusion is that bifermionic noncommutativity improves renormalizablility properties of NC theories.Comment: 5 figures, a reference adde

    A Guide to Text Analysis with Latent Semantic Analysis in R with Annotated Code: Studying Online Reviews and the Stack Exchange Community

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    In this guide, we introduce researchers in the behavioral sciences in general and MIS in particular to text analysis as done with latent semantic analysis (LSA). The guide contains hands-on annotated code samples in R that walk the reader through a typical process of acquiring relevant texts, creating a semantic space out of them, and then projecting words, phrase, or documents onto that semantic space to calculate their lexical similarities. R is an open source, popular programming language with extensive statistical libraries. We introduce LSA as a concept, discuss the process of preparing the data, and note its potential and limitations. We demonstrate this process through a sequence of annotated code examples: we start with a study of online reviews that extracts lexical insight about trust. That R code applies singular value decomposition (SVD). The guide next demonstrates a realistically large data analysis of Stack Exchange, a popular Q&A site for programmers. That R code applies an alternative sparse SVD method. All the code and data are available on github.com

    In Candida parapsilosis the ATC1 gene encodes for an acid trehalase involved in trehalose hydrolysis, stress resistance and virulence

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    An ORF named CPAR2-208980 on contig 005809 was identified by screening a Candida parapsilosis genome data base. Its 67% identity with the acid trehalase sequence from C. albicans (ATC1) led us to designate it CpATC1. Homozygous mutants that lack acid trehalase activity were constructed by gene disruption at the two CpATC1 chromosomal alleles. Phenotypic characterization showed that atc1Δ null cells were unable to grow on exogenous trehalose as carbon source, and also displayed higher resistance to environmental challenges, such as saline exposure (1.2 M NaCl), heat shock (42°C) and both mild and severe oxidative stress (5 and 50 mM H2O2). Significant amounts of intracellular trehalose were specifically stored in response to the thermal upshift in both wild type and mutant strains. Analysis of their antioxidant activities revealed that catalase was only triggered in response to heat shock in atc1Δ cells, whereas glutathione reductase was activated upon mild oxidative stress in wild type and reintegrant strains, and in response to the whole set of stress treatments in the homozygous mutant. Furthermore, yeast cells with double CpATC1 deletion were significantly attenuated in non-mammalian infection models, suggesting that CpATC1 is required for the pathobiology of the fungus. Our results demonstrate the involvement of CpAtc1 protein in the physiological hydrolysis of external trehalose in C. parapsilosis, where it also plays a major role in stress resistance and virulence