406 research outputs found
Getting Back to Nature: Feralization in Animals and Plants
Formerly domesticated organisms and artificially selected genes often escape controlled cultivation, but their subsequent evolution is not well studied. In this review, we examine plant and animal feralization through an evolutionary lens, including how natural selection, artificial selection, and gene flow shape feral genomes, traits, and fitness. Available evidence shows that feralization is not a mere reversal of domestication. Instead, it is shaped by the varied and complex histories of feral populations, and by novel selection pressures. To stimulate further insight we outline several future directions. These include testing how ‘domestication genes’ act in wild settings, studying the brains and behaviors of feral animals, and comparative analyses of feral populations and taxa. This work offers feasible and exciting research opportunities with both theoretical and practical applications
Sungai Diski adalah salah satu sungai dibawah wewenang pemerintahan provinsi Sumatera Utara yang melintasi beberapa kecamatan dari kota medan hingga melewati kecamatan Hamparaan Perak Kabupaten Deli Serdang dan bermuara di Sungai Belawan. Apabila dilihat fenomena pada sungai yang panjangnnya 16 km bahwa merupakan salah satu sungai yang berpotensiterjadi banjir pada beberapa titik. Sepanjang badan sungai Diski khususnya yang melewati di kecamatan Hamparan Perak telah dibangun tanggul konstruksi tanah pada sisi kiri dan kanan 1-3 meter.Analisis curah hujan rencana dihitung dengan menggunakan 4 (empat) metode distribusi probabilitas curah hujan yang ditentukan salah satu distribusi probabilitas yang sesuai. Untuk menghitung debit banjir rencana menggunakan metode HSS Nakayasu periode ulang 50 tahun. Data curah hujan yang digunakan adalah data curah hujan harian maksimum pada pos pengamatan curah hujan stasiun Secanggang, stasiun Tandem Hilir, dan stasiun Klumpang dari tahun 2011 – 2020. Untuk pengukuran debit aliran sungai dilakukan pengukuran langsung beberapa penampang melintang dan memanjang pada sungai Diski dan di kecepatan aliran dihitung dengan metode empiris yaitu rumus persamaan R. Manning. Dari hasil analisa, didapatkan bahwa luas daerah aliran sungai (DAS) Diski 56,5 km² dan rata-rata kemiringan dasar sungai adalah 1%. Debit banjir rencana untuk periode ulang 50 tahun berdasarkan metode HSS Nakayasu didapatkan 70,3 m³/det, dan kapasitas maksimum debit aliran sungai yaitu 48 m³/det. Artinya kapasitas penampang sungai eksisting belum mampu mengalirkan debit banjir rencana untuk periode 50 tahun
Predation thresholds for reintroduction of native avifauna following suppression of invasive Brown Treesnakes on Guam
The brown treesnake (BTS) (Boiga irregularis) invasion on Guåhan (in English, Guam) led to the extirpation of nearly all native forest birds. In recent years, methods have been developed to reduce BTS abundance on a landscape scale. To help assess the prospects for the successful reintroduction of native birds to Guåhan following BTS suppression, we modeled bird population persistence based on their life history characteristics and relative sensitivity to BTS predation. We constructed individual-based models and simulated BTS predation in hypothetical founding populations for each of seven candidate bird species. We represented BTS predation risk in two steps: risk of being encountered and risk of mortality if encountered. We link encounter risk from the bird’s perspective to snake contact rates at camera traps with live animal lures, the most direct practical means of estimating BTS predation risk. Our simulations support the well-documented fact that Guåhan’s birds cannot persist with an uncontrolled population of BTS but do indicate that bird persistence in Guåhan’s forests is possible with suppression short of total eradication. We estimate threshold BTS contact rates would need to be below 0.0002–0.0006 snake contacts per bird per night for these birds to persist on the landscape, which translates to an annual encounter probability of 0.07–0.20. We simulated the effects of snake-proof nest boxes for Sihek (Todiramphus cinnamominus) and Såli (Aplonis opaca), but the benefits were small relative to the overall variation in contact rate thresholds among species. This variation among focal bird species in sustainable predation levels can be used to prioritize species for reintroduction in a BTS-suppressed landscape, but variation among these species is narrow relative to the required reduction from current BTS levels, which may be four orders of magnitude higher (\u3e0.18). Our modeling indicates that the required predation thresholds may need to be lower than have yet been demonstrated with current BTS management. Our predation threshold metric provides an important management tool to help estimate target BTS suppression levels that can be used to determine when bird reintroduction campaigns might begin and serves as a model for other systems to match predator control with reintroduction efforts
Analisis Penyuluhan dan Keberdayaan Petani Karet Pola Swadaya di Kabupaten Rokan Hilir, Provinsi Riau
Penelitian ini bertujuan : (1) mendeskripsikan peran penyuluhan terhadap petani karet pola swadaya; (2) mendeskripsikan tingkat keberdayaan petani; (3) mendeskripsikan tingkat ketercapaian tujuan penyuluhan; (4) menganalisis pengaruh peran penyuluhan terhadap keberdayaan; (5) menganalisis pengaruh keberdayaan terhadap ketercapaian tujuan penyuluhan. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan di Kecamatan Pujud dan Kecamatan Tanah Putih Kabupaten Rokan Hilir. Responden penelitian ditentukan menggunakan metode key informan sampling dengan jumlah responden sebanyak 118. Untuk menjawab tujuan pertama, kedua, dan ketiga dari penelitian ini menggunakan likert's scale summated rating (SLR). Untuk menjawab tujuan keempat dan kelima menggunakan structural equation modeling (SEM) dengan program AMOS. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa (1) peran penyuluhan cukup berperan terhadap USAha tani petani karet pola swadaya; (2) tingkat keberdayaan petani di kategorikan berdaya; (3) tujuan penyuluhan telah tercapai yang dilihat dari better farming, better business, dan better living; (4) peran penyuluhan terbukti berpengaruh secara signifikan terhadap tingkat keberdayaan petani; (5) tingkat keberdayaan petani terbukti berpengaruh signifikan terhadap tercapainya tujuan penyuluhan
Outcomes of Recurrent Head and Neck Cutaneous Squamous Cell Carcinoma
Recurrent, advanced stage cutaneous squamous cell carcinoma (cSCC) is uncommon with limited publications on patient outcomes. A retrospective study including patients who underwent surgical resection for recurrent, advanced stage cSCC of the head and neck was performed (n = 72). Data regarding tumor site, stage, treatment, parotid involvement, perineural invasion, positive margins, metastasis, and disease-free survival was analyzed. The majority of patients were male (85%) and presented with recurrent stage III (89%) cSCC. Two-year disease-free survival was 62% and decreased to 47% at 5 years. Parotid involvement, positive margins, nodal metastasis, or the presence of perineural invasion did not correlate with decreased survival (P > .05). Distant metastasis was a strong indicator of poor overall survival (P < .001). Adjuvant postoperative radiotherapy did not improve overall survival (P = .42). Overall survival was poor for patients with advanced recurrent cSCC despite the combined treatment with surgery and radiotherapy
Canine primary cardiac hemangiosarcoma of right atrium in a Rottweiler of eight years old
El hemangiosarcoma es un tumor maligno de origen vascular y es el más frecuente de los tumores cardiacos de los canes. Se presenta el caso de un perro de raza Rottweiler de ocho años de edad, que presentó disnea, mucosas pálidas e intolerancia al ejercicio. A la auscultación cardiaca, los sonidos fueron levemente audibles y el pulso femoral disminuido. Los exámenes de laboratorio evidenciaron trombocitopenia e insuficiencia renal aguda. Se realizaron radiografías y ecografías, diagnosticándose hidropericardio y taponamiento cardiaco. Se realizó una pericardiocentesis, cuyo estudio citológico fue compatible con exudado serosanguinolento. La tomografía axial computarizada del tórax solo identificó aumento de tamaño de la aurícula derecha. Se realizó una toracotomía lateral derecha, identificándose una masa de tipo neoplásica en la aurícula derecha, así como nódulos metastásicos en pericardio y pulmones. El estudio histopatológico diagnosticó un hemangiosarcoma cardiaco primario en aurícula derecha de tipo cavernoso.Haemangiosarcoma is a malignant tumour of vascular origin and it is the most frequent of cardiac tumours in dogs. It is presented the case of a 8-year old Rottweiler dog with dyspnea, pale mucous and intolerance to exercise. Cardiac sounds were slightly perceptible with decreased femoral pulse. Lab tests showed thrombocytopenia, and acute kidney failure. Radiographic and echography tests were carried out identifying only pericardial effusion and cardiac obstruction. Pericardiocentesis was performed which cytology study was compatible with bloodstained serum exudate. A computerized axial tomography in thorax only detected enlargement of the right atrium. A right lateral thoracotomy was performed, identifying a neoplastic mass in the right atrium and several metastatic nodules in lungs and pericardium. The histopathological study diagnosed a primary cardiac hemangiosarcoma in the right atrium of cavernous type
Ectrodactyly in a Beagle: surgical management
Se reporta el caso de un Beagle hembra de 5 meses con cojera del miembro anterior derecho y un defecto de separación entre el segundo y tercer dedo. En el examen radiográfico se observó hipoplasia del hueso carporradial y del segundo metacarpiano, y ausencia del primer dedo. Además, presentó una hendidura con contenido de tejido blando entre el segundo y tercer metacarpiano. Los hallazgos fueron compatibles con ectrodactilia unilateral. Se realizó una cirugía reconstructiva mediante una artrodesis pancarpal, con relleno de hueso esponjoso y utilizando un sistema de fijación esquelética externa. Se restableció completamente la función del miembro a las 10 semanas.The case of a 5-month-old female Beagle with lameness of the right anterior limb and a separation defect between the second and third fingers is reported. In the radiographic examination, hypoplasia of the carporradial bone and of the second metacarpal, and absence of the first finger was observed. In addition, the patient presented a cleft with soft tissue content between the second and third metacarpal. The findings were compatible with unilateral ectrodactyly. Reconstructive surgery was performed through a pancarpal arthrodesis, with cancellous bone filling and using an external skeletal fixation system. The limb’s function was completely restored at 10 weeks
Survival dynamical systems: individual-level survival analysis from population-level epidemic models
In this paper, we show that solutions to ordinary differential equations describing the large-population limits of Markovian stochastic epidemic models can be interpreted as survival or cumulative hazard functions when analysing data on individuals sampled from the population. We refer to the individual-level survival and hazard functions derived from population-level equations as a survival dynamical system (SDS). To illustrate how population-level dynamics imply probability laws for individual-level infection and recovery times that can be used for statistical inference, we show numerical examples based on synthetic data. In these examples, we show that an SDS analysis compares favourably with a complete-data maximum-likelihood analysis. Finally, we use the SDS approach to analyse data from a 2009 influenza A(H1N1) outbreak at Washington State University
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