556 research outputs found

    Alpine Timberlines in the Americas and Their Interpretation

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    The literature of plant geography has long contained references to the facts that (1) in progressing from the poles toward the equator, alpine timberline increases in elevation above sea level, and that (2) the elevation of this timberline exhibits considerable variation at any one latitude on different mountain systems. More recently a third fact concerning the geography of this vegetation boundary has been documented; the latitude-altitude relationship is not rectilinear

    Immediate effects of microclimate modification enhance native shrub encroachment

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    Shrubs have become more dense and expanded beyond their range all over the world for a variety of reasons including increased temperatures, overgrazing, and alteration of historical fire regime. Native shrubs have been encroaching on Virginia barrier island grasslands for over half a century for unknown reasons. Species composition, soil nutrients, leaf area index (LAI), and ground and air temperature were recorded across the shrub to grass transition and at free-standing shrubs in a coastal grassland in order to determine the effect of shrub encroachment on plant community and microclimate. Species richness was significantly lower inside shrub thickets. Soil water content, organic matter, nitrogen (N), carbon (C), and LAI were higher in shrub thickets and free-standing shrubs compared to grasslands. Summer and fall maximum temperatures were lower and more moderate where shrubs were present. Fall and winter minimum temperatures were highest inside shrub thickets. Native shrubs impact microclimate and species composition immediately upon encroachment. These shrubs lower overall species composition, increase soil nutrients and moisture, moderate summer temperature, and increase winter temperature, which has consequences on a larger scale. As barrier islands are critical for protecting marsh and mainland habitats, understanding this mechanism for shrub expansion is important to predict future encroachment of shrubs and displacement of grassland habitat

    Spectral Reflectance as a Covariate for Estimating Pasture Productivity and Composition

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    Pasturelands are inherently variable. It is this variability that makes sampling as well as characterizing an entire pasture difficult. Measurement of plant canopy reflectance with a ground-based radiometer offers an indirect, rapid, and noninvasive characterization of pasture productivity and composition. The objectives of this study were (i) to determine the relationships between easily collected canopy reflectance data and pasture biomass and species composition and (ii) to determine if the use of pasture reflectance data as a covariate improved mapping accuracy of biomass, percentage of grass cover, and percentage of legume cover across three sampling schemes in a central Iowa pasture. Reflectance values for wavebands most highly correlated with biomass, percentage of grass cover, and percentage of legume cover were used as covariates. Cokriging was compared with kriging as a method for estimating these parameters for unsampled sites. The use of canopy reflectance as a covariate improved prediction of grass and legume percentage of cover in all three sampling schemes studied. The prediction of above-ground biomass was not as consistent given that improvement with cokriging was observed with only one of the sampling schemes because of the low amount of spatial continuity of biomass values. An overall improvement in root mean square error (RMSE) for predicting values for unsampled sites was observed when cokriging was implemented. Use of rapid and indirect methods for quantifying pasture variability could provide useful and convenient information for more accurate characterization of time consuming parameters, such as pasture composition

    Nitrogen addition and ecosystem functioning: Both species abundances and traits alter community structure and function

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    Increased nutrient inputs can cause shifts in plant community composition and plant functional traits, both of which affect ecosystem function. We studied community- and species-level leaf functional trait changes in a full factorial nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P), and potassium (K) fertilization experiment in a semi-arid grassland. Nitrogen was the only nutrient addition to significantly affect leaf functional traits, and N addition increased community-weighted specific leaf area (SLA) by 19%, leaf chlorophyll content by 34%, height by 26%, and leaf dry matter content (LDMC) decreased by 11% while leaf thickness and toughness did not change significantly. At the species level, most species contributed to the community-weighted trait and increased in SLA, chlorophyll, height, and LDMC with N addition. These intraspecific changes in functional traits account for 51–71% of the community-level changes in SLA, chlorophyll, plant height, and LDMC. The remaining change is due to species abundance changes; the two most abundant species (Bouteloua gracilis and Carex filifolia) decreased in abundance with N addition while subdominant species increased in abundance. We also found annual variation in SLA, chlorophyll, plant height, and LDMC to be as important in influencing traits as N addition, likely due to differences in precipitation. Aboveground net primary productivity (ANPP) did not change significantly with N addition. However, N addition caused a 34% increase in leaf area index (LAI) and a 67% increase in canopy chlorophyll density. We demonstrate that nitrogen-induced changes in both functional traits and species abundances magnify ANPP changes in LAI and canopy chlorophyll density. Therefore, ANPP underestimates N addition-induced ecosystem-level changes in the canopy vegetation

    The Dynamics of Nestedness Predicts the Evolution of Industrial Ecosystems

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    In economic systems, the mix of products that countries make or export has been shown to be a strong leading indicator of economic growth. Hence, methods to characterize and predict the structure of the network connecting countries to the products that they export are relevant for understanding the dynamics of economic development. Here we study the presence and absence of industries at the global and national levels and show that these networks are significantly nested. This means that the less filled rows and columns of these networks' adjacency matrices tend to be subsets of the fuller rows and columns. Moreover, we show that nestedness remains relatively stable as the matrices become more filled over time and that this occurs because of a bias for industries that deviate from the networks' nestedness to disappear, and a bias for the missing industries that reduce nestedness to appear. This makes the appearance and disappearance of individual industries in each location predictable. We interpret the high level of nestedness observed in these networks in the context of the neutral model of development introduced by Hidalgo and Hausmann (2009). We show that, for the observed fills, the model can reproduce the high level of nestedness observed in these networks only when we assume a high level of heterogeneity in the distribution of capabilities available in countries and required by products. In the context of the neutral model, this implies that the high level of nestedness observed in these economic networks emerges as a combination of both, the complementarity of inputs and heterogeneity in the number of capabilities available in countries and required by products. The stability of nestedness in industrial ecosystems, and the predictability implied by it, demonstrates the importance of the study of network properties in the evolution of economic networks.Comment: 26 page

    Seasonal patterns and controls on net ecosystem CO2 exchange in a boreal peatland complex

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    We measured seasonal patterns of net ecosystem exchange (NEE) of CO2 in a diverse peatland complex underlain by discontinuous permafrost in northern Manitoba, Canada, as part of the Boreal Ecosystems Atmosphere Study (BOREAS). Study sites spanned the full range of peatland trophic and moisture gradients found in boreal environments from bog (pH 3.9) to rich fen (pH 7.2). During midseason (July‐August, 1996), highest rates of NEE and respiration followed the trophic sequence of bog (5.4 to −3.9 μmol CO2 m−2 s−1) \u3c poor fen (6.3 to −6.5 μmol CO2 m−2 s−1) \u3c intermediate fen (10.5 to −7.8 μmol CO2 m−2 s−1) \u3c rich fen (14.9 to −8.7 μmol CO2m−2 s−1). The sequence changed during spring (May‐June) and fall (September‐October) when ericaceous shrub (e.g., Chamaedaphne calyculata) bogs and sedge (Carex spp.) communities in poor to intermediate fens had higher maximum CO2 fixation rates than deciduous shrub‐dominated (Salix spp. and Betula spp.) rich fens. Timing of snowmelt and differential rates of peat surface thaw in microtopographic hummocks and hollows controlled the onset of carbon uptake in spring. Maximum photosynthesis and respiration were closely correlated throughout the growing season with a ratio of approximately 1/3 ecosystem respiration to maximum carbon uptake at all sites across the trophic gradient. Soil temperatures above the water table and timing of surface thaw and freeze‐up in the spring and fall were more important to net CO2 exchange than deep soil warming. This close coupling of maximum CO2 uptake and respiration to easily measurable variables, such as trophic status, peat temperature, and water table, will improve models of wetland carbon exchange. Although trophic status, aboveground net primary productivity, and surface temperatures were more important than water level in predicting respiration on a daily basis, the mean position of the water table was a good predictor (r2 = 0.63) of mean respiration rates across the range of plant community and moisture gradients. Q10 values ranged from 3.0 to 4.1 from bog to rich fen, but when normalized by above ground vascular plant biomass, the Q10 for all sites was 3.3

    Wetland Bird Abundance and Safety Implications for Military Aircraft Operations

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    Wetlands with associated avifauna can pose a substantial hazard to aviation safety, potentially increasing bird–aircraft collision (strike) risk when located near air operations areas.We modeled year-round use by wetland avifauna of Drummond Flats Wildlife Management Area (Drummond Flats), a wetland complex located within 10 km of Vance Air Force Base (AFB), Enid, Oklahoma, USA. Our objectives were to 1) quantify seasonal avifauna abundances at Drummond Flats; 2) test a priori models reflecting use by bird species recognized as hazardous to aviation safety relative to environmental factors including flooded wetland habitat and vegetation cover; 3) use these models to predict maximal expected abundances of wetland avifauna during flood conditions; and 4) compare our findings with reported bird strikes at Vance AFB. Drought conditions influenced avian use during our study. Of the species expected to respond predictably to flooded wetland habitat, only ducks (Anatinae) occurred in numbers conducive to modeling. Using zero inflated Poisson models, we found that duck abundance was positively associated with permanent wetland habitat type and, excluding winter, available habitat area (i.e., standing water); whereas, \u3e50% vegetation cover was negatively correlated with abundance. No model predicted \u3e97.2 ducks/ha for any habitat type, except during winter. Our models also identified potential peaks in abundance not evident from raw count data, emphasizing the benefits of this approach. Identifying factors driving abundances also enables targeted management of hazardous species. Further, we found double-sampling to be a practical method for assessing detection bias during avian surveys at wetlands. Restricting to obligate wetland species associated with Drummond Flats, we found 1 strike/184,212 flight-hours, which was an order of magnitude lower than the average for U.S. civil aircraft (1990–2014). Thus, under drought conditions, bird use of Drummond Flats likely did not elevate strike risk for Vance AFB aircraft operations

    Sage‐Grouse Breeding and Late Brood‐Rearing Habitat Guidelines in Utah

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    Delineation, protection, and restoration of habitats provide the basis for endangered and threatened species recovery plans. Species recovery plans typically contain guidelines that provide managers with a scientific basis to designate and manage critical habitats. As such, habitat guidelines are best developed using data that capture the full diversity of ecological and environmental conditions that provide habitat across the species’ range. However, when baseline information, which fails to capture habitat diversity, is used to develop guidelines, inconsistencies and problems arise when applying those guidelines to habitats within an ecologically diverse landscape. Greater sage‐grouse (Centrocercus urophasianus; sage‐ grouse) populations in Utah, USA, reflect this scenario—published range‐wide habitat guidelines developed through a literature synthesis did not include data from the full range of the species. Although all sage‐ grouse are considered sagebrush obligates (Artemisia spp.), the species occupies a diversity of sagebrush communities from shrub‐dominated semideserts in the southwest to more perennial grass‐dominated sagebrush‐steppe in the northeast portions of their distribution. Concomitantly, local ecological site and environmental conditions may limit the ability of managers to achieve broader range‐wide habitat guidelines. We combined microsite habitat vegetation parameters from radiomarked sage‐grouse nest and brood locations with state‐wide spatially continuous vegetation, climatic, and elevation data in a cluster analysis to develop empirically based sage‐grouse habitat guidelines that encompass the range of ecological and environmental variation across Utah. Using this novel approach, we identified 3 distinct clusters of sage‐grouse breeding (i.e., nesting and early brood‐rearing) and late brood‐rearing habitats in Utah. For each cluster, we identified specific vegetation recommendations that managers can use to assess sage‐grouse breeding and late brood‐rearing habitat. Our results provide relevant guidelines to Utah’s sage‐grouse populations and are feasible given the unique ecological variation found therein. This approach may have application to other species that occupy diverse habitats and physiographic regions

    Potential for Post-Fire Recovery of Greater Sage-Grouse Habitat

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    In the western United States, fire has become a significant concern in the management of big sagebrush (Artemisia tridentata Nutt.) ecosystems. This is due to large‐scale increases in cover of the fire‐prone invasive annual cheatgrass (Bromus tectorum L.) and, concurrently, concerns about declining quantity and quality of habitat for Greater Sage‐grouse (Centrocercus urophasianus). The prevailing paradigm is that fire results in a loss of sage‐grouse habitat on timescales relevant to conservation planning (i.e., 1–20 yr), since sagebrush cover can take many more years to recover post‐fire. However, fire can have effects that improve sage‐grouse habitat, including stimulating perennial grass and forb production. The conditions under which fire results in the permanent loss or enhancement of sage‐grouse habitat are not well understood. We used long‐term data from the Utah Division of Wildlife Resources Range Trend Project to assess short‐term (1–4 yr post‐treatment) and long‐term (6–10 yr post‐treatment) effects of fire on vegetation cover at 16 sites relative to sage‐grouse habitat vegetation guidelines. Sagebrush cover remained low post‐fire at sites considered historically unsuitable for sage‐grouse (10%) pre‐fire sagebrush cover, sagebrush cover decreased to10% cover. Post‐fire sagebrush cover was positively related to elevation. Across all sites, perennial grasses and forbs increased in cover to approximately meet the habitat vegetation guidelines for sage‐grouse. Cheatgrass cover did not change in response to fire, and increased perennial grass cover appears to have played an important role in suppressing cheatgrass. Our results indicate that, while fire poses a potential risk for sage‐grouse habitat loss and degradation, burned sites do not necessarily need to be considered permanently altered, especially if they are located at higher elevation, have high sagebrush cover pre‐fire, and are reseeded with perennial grasses and forbs post‐fire. However, our results confirm that fire at more degraded sites, for example, those wit

    How mammalian predation contributes to tropical tree community structure

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    The recruitment of seedlings from seeds is the key demographic transition for rain forest trees. Though tropical forest mammals are known to consume many seeds, their effects on tree community structure remain little known. To evaluate their effects, we monitored 8000 seeds of 24 tree species using exclosure cages that were selectively permeable to three size-classes of mammals for up to 4.4 years. Small and medium-bodied mammals removed many more seeds than did large mammals, and they alone generated beta diversity and negative density dependence, whereas all mammals reduced diversity and shaped local species composition. Thus, small and medium-bodied mammals more strongly contributed to community structure and promoted species coexistence than did large mammals. Given that seedling recruitment is seed-limited for most species, alterations to the composition of the community of mammalian seed predators is expected to have long-term consequences for tree community structure in tropical forests