2,651 research outputs found

    The technology base for agile manufacturing

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    The effective use of information is a critical problem faced by manufacturing organizations that must respond quickly to market changes. As product runs become shorter, rapid and efficient development of product manufacturing facilities becomes crucial to commercial success. Effective information utilization is a key element to successfully meeting these requirements. This paper reviews opportunities for developing technical solutions to information utilization problems within a manufacturing enterprise and outlines a research agenda for solving these problems

    The effect of orientation of retinal configuration upon accommodation and convergence

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    The effect of orientation of retinal configuration upon accommodation and convergenc

    Experimental evaluation of confidence interval procedures in sequential steady-state simulation

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    Sequential analysis of simulation output is generally accepted as the most efficient way for securing representativeness of samples of collected observations. In this scenario a simulation experiment is stopped when the relative precision of estimates, defined as the relative width of confidence intervals at an assumed confidence level, reaches the required level. This paper deals with the statistical correctness of the methods proposed for estimating confidence intervals for mean values in sequential steady-state stochastic simulation. We formulate basic rules that should be followed in proper experimental analysis of coverage of different steadystate interval estimators. Our main argument is that such analysis should be done sequentially. The numerical results of our preliminary coverage analysis of the method of Spectral Analysis (SA/HW) and Nonoverlapping Batch Means are presented, and compared with those obtained by traditional, non-sequential approaches

    A statistical method for retrospective cardiac and respiratory motion gating of interventional cardiac x-ray images

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    Purpose: Image-guided cardiac interventions involve the use of fluoroscopic images to guide the insertion and movement of interventional devices. Cardiorespiratory gating can be useful for 3D reconstruction from multiple x-ray views and for reducing misalignments between 3D anatomical models overlaid onto fluoroscopy. Methods: The authors propose a novel and potentially clinically useful retrospective cardiorespiratory gating technique. The principal component analysis (PCA) statistical method is used in combination with other image processing operations to make our proposed masked-PCA technique suitable for cardiorespiratory gating. Unlike many previously proposed techniques, our technique is robust to varying image-content, thus it does not require specific catheters or any other optically opaque structures to be visible. Therefore, it works without any knowledge of catheter geometry. The authors demonstrate the application of our technique for the purposes of retrospective cardiorespiratory gating of normal and very low dose x-ray fluoroscopy images. Results: For normal dose x-ray images, the algorithm was validated using 28 clinical electrophysiology x-ray fluoroscopy sequences (2168 frames), from patients who underwent radiofrequency ablation (RFA) procedures for the treatment of atrial fibrillation and cardiac resynchronization therapy procedures for heart failure. The authors established end-systole, end-expiration, and end-inspiration success rates of 97.0%, 97.9%, and 97.0%, respectively. For very low dose applications, the technique was tested on ten x-ray sequences from the RFA procedures with added noise at signal to noise ratio (SNR) values of √50, √10, √8, √6, √5, √2 and √1 to simulate the image quality of increasingly lower dose x-ray images. Even at the low SNR value of √2, representing a dose reduction of more than 25 times, gating success rates of 89.1%, 88.8%, and 86.8% were established. Conclusions: The proposed technique can therefore extract useful information from interventional x-ray images while minimizing exposure to ionizing radiation. © 2014 American Association of Physicists in Medicine

    Вимоги видавничого відділу ІМФЕ ім. М. Т. Рильського до оформлення авторами рукописів

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    Industrial parts are manufactured to tolerances as no production process is capable of delivering perfectly identical parts. It is unacceptable that a plan for a manipulation task that was determined on the basis of a CAD model of a part fails on some manufactured instance of that part, and therefore it is crucial that the admitted shape variations are systematically taken into account during the planning of the task. We study the problem of orienting a part with given admitted shape variations by means of pushing with a single frictionless jaw. We use a very general model for admitted shape variations that only requires that any valid instance must contain a given convex polygon PI while it must be contained in another convex polygon PE. The problem that we solve is to determine, for a given h, the sequence of h push actions that puts all valid instances of a part with given shape variation into the smallest possible interval of final orientations. The resulting algorithm runs in O(hn) time, where n=|PI|+|PE|

    Identification of a Bacterial Type III Effector Family with G Protein Mimicry Functions

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    SummaryMany bacterial pathogens use the type III secretion system to inject “effector” proteins into host cells. Here, we report the identification of a 24 member effector protein family found in pathogens including Salmonella, Shigella, and enteropathogenic E. coli. Members of this family subvert host cell function by mimicking the signaling properties of Ras-like GTPases. The effector IpgB2 stimulates cellular responses analogous to GTP-active RhoA, whereas IpgB1 and Map function as the active forms of Rac1 and Cdc42, respectively. These effectors do not bind guanine nucleotides or have sequences corresponding the conserved GTPase domain, suggesting that they are functional but not structural mimics. However, several of these effectors harbor intracellular targeting sequences that contribute to their signaling specificities. The activities of IpgB2, IpgB1, and Map are dependent on an invariant WxxxE motif found in numerous effectors leading to the speculation that they all function by a similar molecular mechanism