961 research outputs found

    Structural response of SSME turbine blade airfoils

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    Reusable space propulsion hot gas-path components are required to operate under severe thermal and mechanical loading conditions. These operating conditions produce elevated temperature and thermal transients which results in significant thermally induced inelastic strains, particularly, in the turbopump turbine blades. An inelastic analysis for this component may therefore be necessary. Anisotropic alloys such as MAR M-247 or PWA-1480 are being considered to meet the safety and durability requirements of this component. An anisotropic inelastic structural analysis for an SSME fuel turbopump turbine blade was performed. The thermal loads used resulted from a transient heat transfer analysis of a turbine blade. A comparison of preliminary results from the elastic and inelastic analyses is presented


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    MUH. ABDUL AZIZ ALI R, (59440823). Penerapan Konsep Manajemen Berbasis Sekolah (MBS) Hubungannya dengan Mutu Pendidikan, Skripsi, Program Studi Ilmu Pendidikan Sosial, Fakultas Tarbiyah IAIN Syekh Nurjati Cirebon. Pendidikan yang berkualitas merupakan syarat mutlak untuk mencapai tujuan pembangunan nasional, dengan demikian pendidikan akan mencetak sumber daya manusia yang unggul dan mampu bersaing. Banyak upaya pemerintah dalam menigkatkan mutu pendidikan, antara lain dengan adanya otonomi daerah atau desentralisasi yang dalam dunia pendidikan menghasilkan Manajemen Berbasis Sekolah (MBS). Skripsi ini membahas mengenai MBS dalam sebuah lembaga pendidikan, yakni berkaitan dengan Penerapan MBS dalam meningkatkan mutu pendidikan di MTs Al-Ikhlas Limbangan Losari Brebes. Tujuan dalam penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui konsep Manajemen Berbasis Sekolah (MBS) di MTs Al-Ikhlas, untuk mengetahui seberapa besar mutu pendidikan di MTs Al-Ikhlas, dan untuk mengetahui sejauhmana hubungan antara penerapan Konsep Manajemen Berbasis Sekolah dengan Mutu Pendidikan di MTs Al-Ikhlas. Dalam kerangka pemikiran penelitian ini Manajemen Berbasis Sekolah bertujuan untuk membuat sekolah dapat lebih mandiri dalam memberdayakan sekolah melalui pemberian kewenangan (otonomi), fleksibilitas yang lebih besar terhadap sekolah dalam mengelola sumber daya dan mendorong partisipasi warga sekolah dan masyarakat untuk meningkatkan mutu pendidikan, sehingga mencapai target yang telah yang telah disepakati bersama. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini antara lain: Metode observasi pada objek penelitian memberikan banyak kontribusi dalam penelitian ini, wawancara dengan kepala sekolah, study dokumentasi dan dengan menyebarkan kuesioner kepada responden untuk dapat mencapai hasil yang akurat sehingga hasilnya dapat dipertanggungjwabakan. Berdasarkan analisi deskriptif persentasi diketahui bahwa Konsep Manajemen Berbasis Sekolah di MTs Al – Ikhlas Limbangan Losari Brebes termasuk dalam kategori sangat kuat yaitu 93,8%. Berdasarkan analisa data, diperoleh asil uji korelasi dimana nilai r hitung sebesar 0,875 nilai ini menunjukan adanya korelasi yang kuat atau tinggi. Dari hasil Koefisien Determinasi diperoleh nilai sebesar 76,5% yang berarti bahwa penerapan konsep manajemen berbasis sekolah dapat menjelaskan keragaman mempengaruhi Mutu Pendidikan di MTs Al – Ikhlas Limbangan Losari Brebes sebesar 76,5%, sedangkan sisanya 23,5% persen di jelaskan oleh variable lain. Dari uji t diperoleh bahwa thitung > ttabel yaitu 6,751 > 1,78 artinya signifikan. Signifikan disini berarti Ha diterima dan Ho ditolak, artinya Adanya hubungan antara penerapan konsep manajemen berbasis sekolah dengan mutu pendidkian di MTs Al – Ikhlas Limbangan Losari Brebes pada taraf signifikan 95% dan taraf kesalahan 5%. Kata kunci : Hubungan, MBS, Mutu Pendidika

    Management of Emissions at Abu Dhabi Gas Liquefaction Company

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    Gas industries in the United Arab Emirates are vastly growing in order to mainly cope with the increasing demand for energy productions as well as for the wise utilization of gas associate with the crude oil. Environmental problems coupled with gas employment necessitates the development of a management techniques that can lead to better control of emissions from gas processing companies since some of these emissions are unavoidable for safety reasons. This study suggests a framework to be used to control emissions from Abu Dhabi Gas Liquefaction Company (ADGAS) in Das Island, which represents a typical major gas processing company in the region, through investigations of the impact of introducing a modification scheme, within the unit processes, on the quality of the surrounding atmosphere. A baseline study for current emissions and ground level concentrations of four pollutants (sulphur dioxide, nitrogen oxides, carbon monoxide and particulates) was established. A computer model was then used to simulate the proposed modifications in order to reduce ground level concentrations that exceed regulatory standards. Two main approaches were considered to minimize ground level concentrations. First, reducing flow of gas into the flares by adding compressors to recover any excess gas from going into the flares during operations. Second, upgrading sulphur recovery units to a higher efficiency and some other reduction can also be accomplished through sweetening of fuel gas directed to utilities. The study concluded that the rates of emitted gas at ADGAS Liquefied Natural Gas Plant are exceeding the exposure limits under all emergency and current normal operation conditions. Gas turbines and boilers were proved to be the major sources for nitrogen oxides and carbon monoxide, while both sulphur recovery units and gas turbines are contributing to the emission of sulphur dioxide. In the meantime, upgrading of the sulphur recovery units to 97.5% resulted in 30% decrease in sulphur dioxide concentration. A significant decrease in nitrogen oxides and carbon monoxide as well as particulate concentrations resulted from adding a third boil-off-gas compressor

    Management of Emissions at Abu Dhabi Gas Liquefaction Company

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    Gas industries in the United Arab Emirates are vastly growing in order to mainly cope with the increasing demand for energy productions as well as for the wise utilization of gas associate with the crude oil. Environmental problems coupled with gas employment necessitates the development of a management techniques that can lead to better control of emissions from gas processing companies since some of these emissions are unavoidable for safety reasons. This study suggests a framework to be used to control emissions from Abu Dhabi Gas Liquefaction Company (ADGAS) in Das Island, which represents a typical major gas processing company in the region, through investigations of the impact of introducing a modification scheme, within the unit processes, on the quality of the surrounding atmosphere. A baseline study for current emissions and ground level concentrations of four pollutants (sulphur dioxide, nitrogen oxides, carbon monoxide and particulates) was established. A computer model was then used to simulate the proposed modifications in order to reduce ground level concentrations that exceed regulatory standards. Two main approaches were considered to minimize ground level concentrations. First, reducing flow of gas into the flares by adding compressors to recover any excess gas from going into the flares during operations. Second, upgrading sulphur recovery units to a higher efficiency and some other reduction can also be accomplished through sweetening of fuel gas directed to utilities. The study concluded that the rates of emitted gas at ADGAS Liquefied Natural Gas Plant are exceeding the exposure limits under all emergency and current normal operation conditions. Gas turbines and boilers were proved to be the major sources for nitrogen oxides and carbon monoxide, while both sulphur recovery units and gas turbines are contributing to the emission of sulphur dioxide. In the meantime, upgrading of the sulphur recovery units to 97.5% resulted in 30% decrease in sulphur dioxide concentration. A significant decrease in nitrogen oxides and carbon monoxide as well as particulate concentrations resulted from adding a third boil-off-gas compressor

    Clinical study of tubectomy and it’s complications

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    Background: Tubectomy is most accepted method of contraception in India. Female sterilization may be performed in several ways such as abdominal tubal ligation, laparoscopic and hysteroscopic methods. Although considered as minor and safe procedure, complications leading to even death have been reported. So, this study was taken up to study complications of different types of tubal ligation. Objective of this study was to study complications of different types of tubal ligation.Methods: This is a prospective analytical study over the period of 18 months. This study includes all cases that have reported or referred as female sterilization complication.Results: At study institute both laparoscopic tubal ligation (TL) and abdominal tubal ligation are done. During the period of 18 months, 50 cases of tubectomy complications were noted at our institute, out of 40 cases (80%) were of abdominal method and rest 10 (20%) were of laparoscopic method. In 33 cases (66%) sterilization was performed at primary health centre. 3 cases of death reported in this study.Conclusions: At study institute both laparoscopic tubal ligation (TL) and abdominal tubal ligation are done. During the period of 18 months, 50 cases of tubectomy complications were noted at our institute, out of 40 cases (80%) were of abdominal method and rest 10 (20%) were of laparoscopic method. In 33 cases (66%) sterilization was performed at primary health centre. 3 cases of death reported in this study

    Strengthening of prism beam by using NSM technique with roots planted in concrete

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    This paper presents experimental results of four prismatic concrete reinforced beam and strengthened by NSM (Near surface mounted) FRP (Fiber Reinforced Polymer) reinforced technique, with additional roots planted in the concrete. The strengthening technique causes load capacity of beams to increase from (6%-8%).A decrease in mid-span deflection was also observed from (4%-5%).Using this technique gave increasing in flexural beam resistant under the same conditions and this increasing was also noted in shear beam resistant

    Crack-Detection Experiments on Simulated Turbine Engine Disks in NASA Glenn Research Center's Rotordynamics Laboratory

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    The development of new health-monitoring techniques requires the use of theoretical and experimental tools to allow new concepts to be demonstrated and validated prior to use on more complicated and expensive engine hardware. In order to meet this need, significant upgrades were made to NASA Glenn Research Center s Rotordynamics Laboratory and a series of tests were conducted on simulated turbine engine disks as a means of demonstrating potential crack-detection techniques. The Rotordynamics Laboratory consists of a high-precision spin rig that can rotate subscale engine disks at speeds up to 12,000 rpm. The crack-detection experiment involved introducing a notch on a subscale engine disk and measuring its vibration response using externally mounted blade-tip-clearance sensors as the disk was operated at speeds up to 12 000 rpm. Testing was accomplished on both a clean baseline disk and a disk with an artificial crack: a 50.8-mm- (2-in.-) long introduced notch. The disk s vibration responses were compared and evaluated against theoretical models to investigate how successful the technique was in detecting cracks. This paper presents the capabilities of the Rotordynamics Laboratory, the baseline theory and experimental setup for the crack-detection experiments, and the associated results from the latest test campaign

    Robson ten groups classification system for caesarean section audit: are our operation theatre registers RTGC enabled?

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    Background: Rising caesarean section rate is a global problem. Robson ten groups classification (RTGC) system of audit has been recommended as the first step towards planning strategies to reduce caesarean section rate. Getting data for this audit is often difficult. If operation theatre (OT) registers are maintained properly this would become easy. The study proposes to know if enough information is available in the operation theatre registers to get caesarean section data for ten groups of Robson classification system. To suggest changes in OT register format for future convenience.Methods: We studied data from 100 consecutive caesarean section entries in OT registers from two medical college institutions to know if the information recorded is adequate to classify these 100 caesarean sections into ten groups given by Robson. Last 100 caesarean section entries into the OT register during the period 1st April 2018 till 31st March 2019 were studied.Results: Presentation of the foetus was the only factor which could be clearly known for all 100 cases. Labour onset whether spontaneous or induced was the least recorded observation in traditional operation theatre registers. The next information which was commonly not recorded was the labour status (woman in labour or not in labour) at the time of caesarean section.Conclusions: For Robson’s classification of caesarean sections to become useful tool to guide strategies in reducing caesarean sections we need to modify format of our OT registers. Traditional OT registers do not provide enough information to categorize caesarean section cases into Robson ten groups. Missing information makes caesarean section audit imperfect or impossible. We suggest a format for it to be incorporated into the operation theatre registers of centres providing maternity services

    A cross-sectional study of hypertensive outpatients to determine the necessity of asking about erectile dysfunction symptoms.

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    Background: Erectile dysfunction (ED) is common amongst hypertensive men. Hypertensive patients often attribute it to antihypertensive drugs, although conflicting evidence linking ED with antihypertensive medication exists. The objectives were to determine the prevalence and severity of ED, the type of treatment sought, and the risk factors for ED among hypertensive men. Method: A cross-sectional survey conducted over six months from June to November 2008 at University Kebangsaan, Malaysia Medical Centre, Kuala Lumpur. Inclusion criteria included hypertensive men above 30 years old, with essential hypertension for at least three months. We excluded diabetics, a history of pelvic surgery and known psychiatric illnesses. The International Index of Erectile Function-5 (IIEF-5) assessment was used with a standardised checklist. We analysed data using SPSS, to assess the prevalence and association of ED with selected variables. Results: Of the 200 participants screened, 35.5% perceived that they had ED. However, prevalence increased to 69% after screening using an IIEF-5 questionnaire. Forty-eight per cent were reported to have moderate-tosevere ED. ED was significantly associated with age (p-value = 0.0001). No significant associations were found between ED and the duration of the hypertension (p-value = 0.505), hypertension control (p-value > 0.05), smoking status (p-value = 0.858) or number of antihypertensive medication taken (p-value > 0.05). Among perceived and proven ED patients, traditional medicines were mainly used for treatment (18.3% and 17.2% respectively). Conclusion: ED is a problem among hypertensive patients. It was associated with age but not with hypertension duration, control, number of antihypertensive drugs or smoking. Physicians should enquire about ED symptoms in hypertensive patients, as most of them resorted to self-treatment with traditional medicines