477 research outputs found

    Repetitive spinal motor neuron discharges following single transcranial magnetic stimulation: relation to dexterity

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    Transcranial magnetic stimulation allows to study the properties of the human corticospinal tract non-invasively. After a single transcranial magnetic stimulus, spinal motor neurons (MNs) sometimes fire not just once, but repetitively. The biological significance of such repetitive MN discharges (repMNDs) is unknown. To study the relation of repMNDs to other measures of cortico-muscular excitability and to physiological measures of the skill for finely tuned precision movements, we used a previously described quadruple stimulation (QuadS) technique (Z'Graggen et al. 2005) to quantify the amount of repMNDs in abductor digiti minimi muscles (ADMs) on both sides of 20 right-handed healthy subjects. Skillfulness for finger precision movements of both hands was assessed using a finger tapping task. In 16 subjects, a follow-up examination was performed after training of either precision movements (n=8) or force (n=8) of the left ADM. The size of the QuadS response (amplitude and area ratios) was greater in the dominant right hand than in the left hand (QuadS amplitude ratio: 47.1±18.1 versus 37.7±22.0%, Wilcoxon test: P<0.05; QuadS area ratio: 49.7±16.2% versus 36.9±23.0%, Wilcoxon test: P<0.05), pointing to a greater amount of repMNDs. Moreover, the QuadS amplitude and area increased significantly after finger precision training, but not after force training. This increase of repMNDs correlated significantly with the increase in performance in the finger tapping task. Our results demonstrate that repMNDs are related to handedness and therefore probably reflect supraspinal excitability differences. The increase of repMNDs after skills training but not after force training supports the hypothesis of a supraspinal origin of repMND

    Experimental and Numerical Study of the Dispersion and Transport of Automobile Exhaust Gases from Highways

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    This paper describes examples of modelling and of measurements of the dispersion and transport of exhaust gases from automobiles on a highway. Model runs were performed by a large-eddy-simulation model. The measurements were carried through by the DLR environmental research aircraft lee-side of the highway between München and Augsburg

    Presbyterian Imitation Practices in Zachary Boyd’s Nebuchadnezzars Fierie Furnace

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    The university administrator, preacher and poet Zachary Boyd (1585–1653) relied heavily on epithets and similes borrowed from Josuah Sylvester's poetry when composing his scriptural versifications Zion's Flowers(c. 1640?). The composition of Boyd's adaptation of Daniel 3, Nebuchadnezzars Fierie Furnace, provides an unusually lucid example of the reading and imitation practices of a mid-seventeenth-century Scottish Presbyterian in the years preceding civil war. This article begins by re-considering a manuscript transcription of Fierie Furnace held at the British Library previously described as an anonymous playtext from the early 1610s, then establishes the nature of Boyd's reliance on Sylvester by analyzing holograph manuscripts held at Glasgow University Library, a sermon Boyd wrote on the same theme, and the copy of Sylvester's Devine Weekes, and Workes that Boyd probably used.Arts and Humanities Research Counci

    A clinical study of motor evoked potentials using a triple stimulation technique

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    Amplitudes of motor evoked potentials (MEPs) are usually much smaller than those of motor responses to maximal peripheral nerve stimulation, and show marked variation between normal subjects and from one stimulus to another. Consequently, amplitude measurements have low sensitivity to detect central motor conduction failures due to the broad range of normal values. Since these characteristics are mostly due to varying desynchronization of the descending action potentials, causing different degrees of phase cancellation, we applied the recently developed triple stimulation technique (TST) to study corticospinal conduction to 489 abductor digiti minimi muscles of 271 unselected patients referred for possible corticospinal dysfunction. The TST allows resynchronization of the MEP, and thereby a quantification of the proportion of motor units activated by the transcranial stimulus. TST results were compared with those of conventional MEPs. In 212 of 489 sides, abnormal TST responses suggested conduction failure of various degrees. By contrast, conventional MEPs detected conduction failures in only 77 of 489 sides. The TST was therefore 2.75 times more sensitive than conventional MEPs in disclosing corticospinal conduction failures. When the results of the TST and conventional MEPs were combined, 225 sides were abnormal: 145 sides showed central conduction failure, 13 sides central conduction slowing and 67 sides both conduction failure and slowing. It is concluded that the TST is a valuable addition to the study of MEPs, since it improves detection and gives quantitative information on central conduction failure, an abnormality which appears to be much more frequent than conduction slowing. This new technique will be useful in following the natural course and the benefit of treatments in disorders affecting central motor conductio

    Amine-based solvents for exfoliating graphite to graphene outperform the dispersing capacity of N-methyl-pyrrolidone and surfactants

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    Four organic amine-based solvents were discovered which enable direct exfoliation of graphite to produce high-quality and oxygen-free graphene nanosheets. These solvents outperform previously used solvents and additives such as N-methyl-pyrrolidone and surfactants in terms of their dispersing capacity. The resulting dispersions allow the facile fabrication of zeolitic imidazolate framework (ZIF)–graphene nanocomposites with remarkable CO2 storage capability

    Sedimentological evidence for pronounced glacial‐interglacial climate fluctuations in NE Tibet in the latest Pliocene to early Pleistocene

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    The intensification of Northern Hemisphere glaciation (iNHG) and uplift of the Tibetan Plateau have been argued to be among the main drivers of climate change in midlatitude Central Asia during the Pliocene/Pleistocene. While most proxy records that support this hypothesis are from regions outside the Tibetan Plateau (such as from the Chinese Loess Plateau), detailed paleoclimatic information for the plateau itself during that time has yet remained elusive. Here we present a temporally highly resolved (~500 years) sedimentological record from the Qaidam Basin situated on the northeastern Tibetan Plateau that shows pronounced glacial‐interglacial climate variability during the interval from 2.7 to 2.1 Ma. Glacial (interglacial) intervals are generally characterized by coarser (finer) grain size, minima (maxima) in organic matter content, and maxima (minima) in carbonate content. Comparison of our results with Earth's orbital parameters and proxy records from the Chinese Loess Plateau suggests that the observed climate fluctuations were mainly driven by changes in the Siberian High/East Asian winter monsoon system as a response to the iNHG. They are further proposed to be enhanced by the topography of the Tibetan Plateau and its impact on the position and intensity of the westerlies

    Забезпечення розвитку інноваційності промислових підприємств при активізації інтелектуального капіталу суспільства

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    Проаналізовано стан і умови інноваційної діяльності підприємств в Україні. Досліджено проблеми неефективності державної політики в економічній сфері щодо розвитку інноваційності промислових підприємств. Розроблено пропозиції з удосконалення структури і напрямів діяльності державної політики щодо розвитку інноваційності промислових підприємств при активізації інтелектуального капіталу суспільства.Проанализированы состояние и условия инновационной деятельности предприятий в Украине. Исследованы проблемы неэффективности государственной политики в экономической сфере относительно развития инновационности промышленных предприятий. Разработаны предложения по усовершенствованию структуры и направлений деятельности государственной политики относительно развития инновационности промышленных предприятий при активизации интеллектуального капитала.The state and terms of innovative activity of enterprises in Ukraine are analyzed. Problems of inefficiency of public policy are investigated in an economic sphere in relation to innovativeness development of industrial enterprises. Suggestions for the improvement of structure and directions public policy activity in relation to innovativeness development of the industrial enterprises during activation of the society intellectual capital are worked out

    Sediment history mirrors Pleistocene aridification in the Gobi Desert (Ejina Basin, NW China)

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    Central Asia is a large-scale source of dust transport, but it also held a prominent changing hydrological system during the Quaternary. A 223 m long sediment core (GN200) was recovered from the Ejina Basin (synonymously Gaxun Nur Basin) in NW China to reconstruct the main modes of water availability in the area during the Quaternary. The core was drilled from the Heihe alluvial fan, one of the world's largest alluvial fans, which covers a part of the Gobi Desert. Grain-size distributions supported by endmember modelling analyses, geochemical-mineralogical compositions (based on XRF and XRD measurements), and bioindicator data (ostracods, gastropods, pollen and non-pollen palynomorphs, and n-alkanes with leaf-wax delta D) are used to infer the main transport processes and related environmental changes during the Pleistocene. Magnetostratigraphy supported by radionuclide dating provides the age model. Grain- size endmembers indicate that lake, playa (sheetflood), fluvial, and aeolian dynamics are the major factors influencing sedimentation in the Ejina Basin. Core GN200 reached the pre-Quatemary quartz- and plagioclase-rich "Red Clay" formation and reworked material derived from it in the core bottom. This part is overlain by silt-dominated sediments between 217 and 110 m core depth, which represent a period of lacustrine and playa-lacustrine sedimentation that presumably formed within an endorheic basin. The upper core half between 110 and 0 m is composed of mainly silty to sandy sediments derived from the Heihe that have accumulated in a giant sediment fan until modem time. Apart from the transition from a siltier to a sandier environment with frequent switches between sediment types upcore, the clay mineral fraction is indicative of different environments. Mixed-layer clay minerals (chlorite/smectite) are increased in the basal Red Clay and reworked sediments, smectite is indicative of lacustrine-playa deposits, and increased chlorite content is characteristic of the Heihe river deposits. The sediment succession in core GN200 based on the detrital proxy interpretation demonstrates that lake-playa sedimentation in the Ejina Basin has been disrupted likely due to tectonic events in the southern part of the catchment around 1 Ma. At this time Heihe broke through from the Hexi Corridor through the Heli Shan ridge into the northern Ejina Basin. This initiated the alluvial fan progradation into the Ejina Basin. Presently the sediment bulge repels the diminishing lacustrine environment further north. In this sense, the uplift of the hinterland served as a tipping element that triggered landscape transformation in the northern Tibetan foreland (i.e. the Hexi Corridor) and further on in the adjacent northern intracontinental Ejina Basin. The onset of alluvial fan formation coincides with increased sedimentation rates on the Chinese Loess Plateau, suggesting that the Heihe alluvial fan may have served as a prominent upwind sediment source for it

    On Poincare and logarithmic Sobolev inequalities for a class of singular Gibbs measures

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    This note, mostly expository, is devoted to Poincar{\'e} and log-Sobolev inequalities for a class of Boltzmann-Gibbs measures with singular interaction. Such measures allow to model one-dimensional particles with confinement and singular pair interaction. The functional inequalities come from convexity. We prove and characterize optimality in the case of quadratic confinement via a factorization of the measure. This optimality phenomenon holds for all beta Hermite ensembles including the Gaussian unitary ensemble, a famous exactly solvable model of random matrix theory. We further explore exact solvability by reviewing the relation to Dyson-Ornstein-Uhlenbeck diffusion dynamics admitting the Hermite-Lassalle orthogonal polynomials as a complete set of eigenfunctions. We also discuss the consequence of the log-Sobolev inequality in terms of concentration of measure for Lipschitz functions such as maxima and linear statistics.Comment: Minor improvements. To appear in Geometric Aspects of Functional Analysis -- Israel Seminar (GAFA) 2017-2019", Lecture Notes in Mathematics 225