31 research outputs found

    New methods applied to interpretations of pollen data in the Holocene - selected examples from the last decade

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    The results of palynological analyses of the Holocene deposits and modern pollen deposition in Poland and Finland are used to illustrate the progress in pollen analysis - the main palaeoecological method. The increased potential of modern palaeoecology for reconstruction of vegetation and for drawing conclusions on other environmental variables (climate, water conditions, landscape, anthropogenic disturbances) is demonstrated. Pollen analysis - develops at present interpretive tools for precise reconstruction of the structure and composition of vegetation and climate conditions. The progress consists in the quantitative presentation of pollenvegetation-climate relationships based on the examination of modern pollen deposition. The application of numerical analyses to pollen data allows correlating pollen spectrum features with the landscape/vegetation type. Special attention is paid to the Holocene vegetation changes of the transitional zone between boreal forest and tundra in the areas subjected to weak anthropopression (e.g. Lapland), which reflect climatic changes. Databases of modern pollen analogues are based on analysis of samples of surface mosses and contents of Tauber traps. These traps are used in Poland in investigations conducted as a part of the Pollen Monitoring Programme (http://pmp.oulu.fi). The correlation of Tauber-trap data with aerobiological ones contributes to understanding of the relationship between pollen production and climate elements. Additionally, the precise C 14 dating allows a near-annual resolution in fossil deposits to be obtained more frequently. Due to time scales comprising hundreds of years, pollen analysis can provide means to resolve questions inaccessible for direct observation

    Methods for evaluating the technical performance of reclaimed bricks

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    Reusing deconstructed materials and components can help to decrease the environmental burden of buildings. To safely reuse reclaimed items in new construction, methods are needed to reliably identify the essential technical properties of the deconstructed products. This paper looks at salvaged bricks and examines different indirect test methods to assess their properties. The explored test methods include visual observation, pitch of a sound, ultrasonic pulse velocity (UPV), and thin section. Reclaimed clay bricks and calcium silicate bricks were used in the research. They originated from four different buildings and from different kinds of structures. New bricks of the same kinds were also tested for reference. The assessed properties entail initial rate of water absorption, water absorption capacity, compressive strength, and freeze-thaw durability. The results show that it is possible to assess the deviation of properties and sort out exceptional bricks from a series with visual observation and pitch of a sound. The deviation of different properties can also be assessed with the help of UPV. A correlation was found between UPV and water absorption, compressive strength and freeze-thaw durability. Lower UPV values mean higher water absorption capacity and vice versa. Compressive strength of bricks is clearly lower when the UPV value is low and higher when the UPV is high. Bricks with lower UPV values ( 3.0 km/s) were found to be non-durable. Between the mentioned two values, the freeze-thaw durability varied. Thin section was only used to assess freeze-thaw durability and it was found to be unreliable as a method.publishedVersionPeer reviewe

    Investointien tehokas lupamenettely säädetyn aikarajan puitteissa

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    Työssä selvitettiin mahdollisuuksia rajata investointeihin liittyvien lupamenettelyjen viranomaistoimintojen käsittelyaika enintään vuoteen. Lähtökohtana oli lupaprosessien ja -päätösten laadun säilyttäminen vähintään nykytasolla. Pisimmät lupakäsittelyajat liittyvät ympäristölupiin ja kaivoslupiin. Lupakäsittelyjä voidaan nopeuttaa eri keinoin. Käsittelyajan sääntely voi perustua esimerkiksi käsittelyajan arvioimiseen ja siitä tiedottamiseen taikka lupakäsittelyn määräajasta, ajan laskemissäännöistä, poikkeamismahdollisuuksista sekä määräajan ylityksen seuraamuksista säätämiseen. Selvityksessä on kuvattu, miten eri vaihtoehdot voitaisiin toteuttaa ja minkälaisia vaikutuksia niillä olisi toiminnanharjoittajiin, viranomaisiin ja asianosaisiin. Mikäli investointihankkeen kaikki luvat halutaan rajata käsiteltäviksi yhdessä vuodessa, tulisi ns. yhden luukun lakia ja sen piiriin kuuluvien erillislakien lupamenettelyjä yhdentää huomattavasti nykyistä pitemmälle. Erillisissä lupakäsittelyissä yhden vuoden määräaika on haastavinta saavuttaa ympäristö- ja kaivosluvissa. Lainsäädännön muuttamisen ohella on useita muita keinoja lyhentää lupakäsittelyjen kestoa kuten ohjauksen ja käsittelyprosessien parantaminen, viranomaisyhteistyön lisääminen ja erikoistuminen, ennakkoneuvonnan vahvistaminen sekä hakemusten sähköisten käsittelyjärjestelmien integraatio.Tämä julkaisu on toteutettu osana valtioneuvoston selvitys- ja tutkimussuunnitelman toimeenpanoa. (tietokayttoon.fi) Julkaisun sisällöstä vastaavat tiedon tuottajat, eikä tekstisisältö välttämättä edusta valtioneuvoston näkemystä

    Contribution of astrocytes to familial risk and clinical manifestation of schizophrenia

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    Previous studies have implicated several brain cell types in schizophrenia (SCZ), but the genetic impact of astrocytes is unknown. Considering their high complexity in humans, astrocytes are likely key determinants of neurodevelopmental diseases, such as SCZ. Human induced pluripotent stem cell (hiPSC)-derived astrocytes differentiated from five monozygotic twin pairs discordant for SCZ and five healthy subjects were studied for alterations related to high genetic risk and clinical manifestation of SCZ in astrocyte transcriptomics, neuron-astrocyte co-cultures, and in humanized mice. We found gene expression and signaling pathway alterations related to synaptic dysfunction, inflammation, and extracellular matrix components in SCZ astrocytes, and demyelination in SCZ astrocyte transplanted mice. While Ingenuity Pathway Analysis identified SCZ disease and synaptic transmission pathway changes in SCZ astrocytes, the most consistent findings were related to collagen and cell adhesion associated pathways. Neuronal responses to glutamate and GABA differed between astrocytes from control persons, affected twins, and their unaffected co-twins and were normalized by clozapine treatment. SCZ astrocyte cell transplantation to the mouse forebrain caused gene expression changes in synaptic dysfunction and inflammation pathways of mouse brain cells and resulted in behavioral changes in cognitive and olfactory functions. Differentially expressed transcriptomes and signaling pathways related to synaptic functions, inflammation, and especially collagen and glycoprotein 6 pathways indicate abnormal extracellular matrix composition in the brain as one of the key characteristics in the etiology of SCZ.Peer reviewe

    Luonnonmaantiedettä visuaalisesti ja virtuaalisesti

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    Discovering physical geography, Alan F. Arbogast, New York (2007

    Luonnonmaantiedettä visuaalisesti ja virtuaalisesti

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    Discovering physical geography, Alan F. Arbogast, New York (2007