620 research outputs found

    Tutela de evidência : teoria da cognição análise econômica do direito processual e comentários sobre o novo CPC [2.ed.]

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    - Divulgação dos SUMÁRIOS das obras recentemente incorporadas ao acervo da Biblioteca Ministro Oscar Saraiva do STJ. Em respeito à lei de Direitos Autorais, não disponibilizamos a obra na íntegra.- Localização na estante: 347.919.6(81) B666

    “Then it is crucial to get some external person with respectability to the meetings”: Mothering practices and collaboration with teachers and professionals to secure their autistic children’s schooling and professional services – Bourdieusian class analysis

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    Markmið rannsóknarinnar var að skoða reynslu mæðra af samskiptum við kennara og annað fagfólk á menntavettvangi í ljósi ólíkrar stéttarstöðu. Meginefniviður rannsóknarinnar er sex hálfopin einstaklingsviðtöl við mæður grunnskólabarna á einhverfurófi og tvö upplýsingaviðtöl við sérfræðinga á vettvangi stjórnsýslu. Kenningarammi Bourdieu var nýttur til að greina hvernig bakgrunnur mæðranna, með áherslu á efnahags-, menningar- og félagsauð, markaði stöðu þeirra, samskipti og væntingar á vettvangi menntunar. Kerfisbundið aðgengi mæðranna að ráðgjöf og stuðningi varð minna, að eigin mati, eftir því sem barnið varð eldra, en þá fór auður þeirra og óformlegt aðgengi að skipta meira máli, og ljóst varð að mæður í millistétt stóðu þá betur að vígi. Félagsauður skipti sköpum og umbreytti stöðu móður í lægri stétt. Félagsauður barst í gegnum sterk fjölskyldutengsl, vinatengsl, tengsl við vinnufélaga og kunningja, og/eða tengsl við aðra foreldra með börn á einhverfurófi. Ólíkur menningarauður birtist í mismiklu a) sjálfsöryggi í samskiptum, b) þekkingu á leikreglum menntavettvangsins og c) virkni í samskiptum við kennara og sérfræðinga. Það er mat höfunda að nauðsynlegt sé að samhæfa betur kerfið milli skólastiga og tryggja að þar sé þekking á stéttamun og tekið sé tillit til hans. Víkka þarf út skilgreiningar á stéttarhugtakinu þannig að það nái einnig til félags- og menningarauðs og beita eigindlegri nálgun til að ná betur að greina ferli, bjargráð og aðgerðir sem ýta undir eða minnka stéttamun og birtingarmyndir hans í íslensku menntakerfi.In Iceland, social class is an understudied field of research in terms of social justice in education. The theoretical purpose of the research was to explore class disposition of mothers of children with learning disabilities in relation to their experience of schooling by using Pierre Bourdieu‘s theoretical framework. Bourdieu’s concepts of habitus, field and capital are used to explore how mothering practices and resources are shaped by their class position, as well as how the education field of compulsory schooling opens up possibilities to some while closing them to others. The practical purposes of this research were to explore parental experience of the school and professional services concerning the education of their autistic child, as well as communication with their child’s teachers and other professionals at school. This research is a pilot study in preparation for a more extensive research project on Parental practices, choices and responsibilities within the Icelandic education field, designed and led by the first author, financed by The University of Iceland Research Fund and the Icelandic Equality Fund. In this paper the theoretical and methodological framework of the project is introduced and used to analyse a small dataset, collected for the MA-thesis of the second author, comprising a total of eight semi-structured interviews. The main interviewees were six mothers of children with autism spectrum disorder, and supplementary interviews were taken with a project manager of inclusive education at the Reykjavík Municipality educational office and a worker from a grassroots consultancy centre (Icel. Sjónarhóll) for parents of children with special needs. This research is a pilot study in preparation for a more extensive research project on Parental practices, choices and responsibilities within the Icelandic education field, designed and led by the first author, financed by The University of Iceland Research Fund and the Icelandic Equality Fund. In this paper the theoretical and methodological framework of the project is introduced and used to analyse a small dataset, collected for the MA-thesis of the second author, comprising a total of eight semi-structured interviews. The main interviewees were six mothers of children with autism spectrum disorder, and supplementary interviews were taken with a project manager of inclusive education at the Reykjavík Municipality educational office and a worker from a grassroots consultancy centre (Icel. Sjónarhóll) for parents of children with special needs. The mothers who participated in the research belonged to two distinctive class groups in terms of education and occupation. Three counted as middle-class. They had tertiary education degrees, worked as professionals and were married to their children’s fathers who had a similar class position. The lower-class mothers had GCSE or A level equivalent education; two of them struggled with health issues and were not participating in the labour market. None of the three lived with the child´s father and he took no part in the upbringing of the child. Two of them were single mothers and one was co-habiting with a new partner. In a Bourdieusian class analysis the data indicated a clear division between the mothers in terms of economic, cultural and social capital. The SEN-industry in Iceland has intensified and in the compulsory schools access to resources is not guaranteed, resulting in growing insecurity among the mothers with regard to obtaining the services of a paraprofessional to conduct a personalized special-ed programme for their child. This was especially the case after they joined secondary school. Subsequently, parental class resources and capital turned out to be more important. Overall, the middle-class mothers exhibited more confidence in their communication with the school. However, the culture of intensive parenting is rather young in Icelandic education, so all of the mothers were quite afraid of being seen as too pushy and demanding for their children. One of the main contributions of this research is exhibited in the title of this paper. The title is a quote from a middle-class mother, who felt strongly about the importance of having someone with respectability alongside her in the school- and at professional-meetings, in order to obtain needed services and interventions for her child. The middle-class mothers perceived that acquaintance with people who had high enough symbolic capital was helpful in moving things forward for their child. One of the lower-class mothers boosted her social capital by starting to work in her children’s school which gave her invaluable insight into the rules of the game in the field of education and had ground-breaking effects for her child. However, such knowledge and overview was easily accessible to the middle class mothers as they enjoyed more valuable connections through relatives, friends, acquaintances and parent associations.Peer Reviewe

    “Between a rock and a hard place“: Teachers’ experience of professional autonomy for inclusive practice with 14-16 year old students at compulsory school level in Iceland

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    Hér er fjallað um reynslu kennara á unglingastigi grunnskóla af því að vinna í anda stefnu um skóla án aðgreiningar. Tekin voru eigindleg viðtöl við sex umsjónarkennara í jafnmörgum grunnskólum í fjórum bæjarfélögum á höfuðborgarsvæðinu. Niðurstöður leiddu í ljós að þeir upplifðu miklar skorður af völdum: a) formgerðar grunnskólans á efri stigum sem þeim þótti hafa tekið mun minni breytingum í átt að skóla án aðgreiningar en yngri stig grunnskólans, b) tiltekinna menntastrauma og stefna sem þeim fannst vinna gegn skóla án aðgreiningar og loks c) skorts á faglegum stuðningi í takt við starfsaðstæður þeirra. Það var skoðun kennaranna að jaðarsetning sumra nemenda yrði meira afgerandi eftir því sem á skólagönguna liði. Kennararnir upplifðu sig oft og tíðum eins og milli steins og sleggju þar sem þeim væri gert erfitt um vik að tengja hlutverk sitt sem umsjónarkennarar þekkingu og björgum sem þeir hefðu yfir að ráða. Hjá öllum viðmælendunum kom fram að faglegt sjálfstæði hefði rýrnað og björgum fækkað á síðustu árum, sem rekja mætti til aukinnar markaðs- og stjórnunarvæðingar, og lítið svigrúm gæfist fyrir vangaveltur um siðferðilegt hlutverk og inntak skólans. Kennurunum varð tíðrætt um mikilvægi þess að þeir væru hafðir með í ráðum í hvers kyns stefnumótun í kennslu.Inclusive education is based on core values of human rights, democracy and equality. The research question is inspired by the authors’ experience of how some students move silently closer to the social margins as they draw nearer to the end of compulsory education in spite of the teacher’s full intention and effort that all students feel equally valued and active participants from beginning until the end of compulsory school. In the Icelandic Compulsory Education Act (Lög um grunnskóla nr. 91/2008) it is stated that any form of alienation is rejected and the aim is to protect students who for any reasons are socially vulnerable or in danger of not gaining full access to everyday school life. The aim of this research is to explore teachers’ experience of inclusive teaching of students in secondary classroom settings (14-16 year-old). The macro structures, as well as policy and institutional features are the main focus, and how these shape and influence teachers’ professional autonomy, ideals and values. This is a qualitative interview study. Six semi-structured interviews were conducted with teachers in six compulsory schools in four different municipalities which were all part of the metropolitan area of Reykjavík. The schools were located in socially different areas of the Reykjavík metropolitan area. The socio-cultural classroom situation was different for each of the teachers as can be gathered from their narratives. All the teachers shared a long-term professional experience (15 years or more), as well as being positive and proactive towards inclusive education. Results indicate that teachers feel openness to schooling practices and opportunities for inclusivity diminish closer to the end of compulsory schooling. The teachers sometimes felt stuck between a rock and a hard place as it was made difficult for them to balance their role between being a classroom teacher and their working conditions and resources. All participants felt that formal access to resources was delivered and defined by other professions, as for example how much and what kind of assistance or support is needed. Teachers’ ideas of democracy in education with active student participation were clearly defined but had no resonance with the individualization that emphasizes competition and, as a result, often works against the ideology of the inclusive school and its educational principles. Values that do not pertain to rules of the market are marginalized and there is little space for questions on the content and ethical value of schools, teachers and other influences on school work. Teachers mentioned the importance of their direct participation in policy making or agenda pertaining to teaching. There was a clear call for increased flexibility in the school framework, smaller classes and more emphasis on offering art and craftPeer Reviewe

    Results of cholecystectomies 2003-2010 in a small hospital in Iceland

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    Tilgangur: Gallblöðrutaka er ein af algengustu aðgerðunum í almennum skurðlækningum. Tilgangur rannsóknarinnar var að meta árangur gallblöðrutöku á Heilbrigðisstofnun Vesturlands (HVE) á Akranesi. Efniviður og aðferðir: Rannsóknin var afturskyggn og tók til allra sjúklinga sem gengust undir gallblöðrutöku á HVE á Akranesi frá 1. janúar 2003 til 31. desember 2010. Upplýsingum var safnað úr sjúkraskrám af á HVE Akranesi, Landspítala og Domus Medica. Niðurstöður: 378 sjúklingar gengust undir gallblöðrutöku á tímabilinu, þar af 280 konur (74%) og var meðalaldur 49,6 ár. Aðgerðirnar voru að meirihluta valaðgerðir (87%) og var aðgerðartími 46 mínútur (miðgildi, bil: 17-240). Legutími var 2 dagar (miðgildi, bil: 1-31). Röntgenmyndataka af gallvegum í aðgerð var framkvæmd hjá 93 af 378 sjúklingum (25%). Röntgenrannsókn á gallvegum og brisgangi með holsjá var síðar framkvæmd hjá 22 af þeim 93 sjúklingum (23%) vegna gallsteina í megingallrás. Tveimur aðgerðum var breytt yfir í opna aðgerð (0,5%).Tíðni alvarlegra fylgikvilla var 2,4%, þar af fengu fjórir (1,1%) sjúklingar djúpa sýkingu og 5 (1,3%) fengu gallleka. Sjúklingar með sögu um gallblöðrubólgu voru marktækt líklegri til að fá alvarlega fylgikvilla (p=0,007). Enduraðgerð var framkvæmd hjá þremur sjúklingum vegna gallleka. Enginn sjúklingur hlaut alvarlegan skaða á gallrás. Enginn sjúklingur lést af völdum aðgerðar. Eftirlit var framkvæmt fjórum vikum eftir aðgerð hjá 254 sjúklingum (67%) en af þeim höfðu 13 (5%) væg einkenni frá kviðarholi. Ályktun: Árangur af gallblöðrutökum á HVE á Akranesi er mjög góður og vel sambærilegur við árangur sem greint er frá í fyrri rannsóknum bæði hérlendis og erlendis. Abstract AIM: Cholecystectomy is a common procedure in general surgery. The aim of this study was to retrospectivly assess the results of cholecystectomies performed in Akranes Hospital (AH), a small hospital in Iceland. MATERIAL AND METHODS: This retrospective study included all patients that underwent a cholecystectomy in AH from 1 January 2003 to 31 December 2010. Patient records were reviewed from AH, as well as from Landspitali University Hospital and Domus Medica. RESULTS: 378 operations were performed. 74% of the patients were women and the mean age was 49.6 years. The majority of operations were elective (87%) and the median operative time was 46 minutes (range: 17-240). The median length of stay was 2 days (range: 1-31). Intra-operative cholangiography (IOC) was performed in 93 of 378 patients (25%). Endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography, ERCP, was performed consecutively in 22 of those 93 patients (23%). The conversion rate to open surgery was 0.5%. The rate of serious complications was 2.4% of which four (1.1%) patients had a deep infection and 5 (1.3%) had a bile leakage postoperatively. Patients with cholecystitis had an increased risk of serious complications (p=0.007). Reoperation was performed on three patients who had bile leakage. No patient had a serious bile duct injury and mortality was 0%. 254 (67%) patients had 4 week control postoperatively where 13 patients (5%) had mild gastrointestinal symptoms. CONCLUSION: The results of cholecystectomies in AH are very good and comparable to the results of national and international studies. Key words: laparoscopic cholecystectomy, intra-operative cholangiography, choledocholithiasis, endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography, complications. Correspondence: Marta Ros Berndsen, [email protected]

    Rehabilitation of pure alexia:A review

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    Acquired reading problems caused by brain injury (alexia) are common, either as a part of an aphasic syndrome, or as an isolated symptom. In pure alexia, reading is impaired while other language functions, including writing, are spared. Being in many ways a simple syndrome, one would think that pure alexia was an easy target for rehabilitation efforts. We review the literature on rehabilitation of pure alexia from 1990 to the present, and find that patients differ widely on several dimensions, such as alexia severity and associated deficits. Many patients reported to have pure alexia in the reviewed studies, have associated deficits such as agraphia or aphasia and thus do not strictly conform to the diagnosis. Few studies report clear and generalisable effects of training, none report control data, and in many cases the reported findings are not supported by statistics. We can, however, tentatively conclude that Multiple Oral Re-reading techniques may have some effect in mild pure alexia where diminished reading speed is the main problem, while Tacile-Kinesthetic training may improve letter identification in more severe cases of alexia. There is, however, still a great need for well-designed and controlled studies of rehabilitation of pure alexia

    O uso de traços comportamentais na explicação da persistência discente em cursos de licenciatura ofertados na modalidade à distância pela UFES

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    A presente pesquisa compõe o Projeto de Pesquisa Modelo hierárquico dos antecedentes do comportamento de persistência discente em cursos superiores na modalidade a distância, juntamente com a dissertação Traços de personalidade e persistência discente em cursos de graduação na modalidade a distância, defendida no PPGGP/UFES. Pertence à área de concentração em Gestão de Operações no Setor Público, por buscar compreender o fenômeno da persistência discente em cursos EAD da UFES e propor medidas que possibilitem reduzir a evasão nesses cursos. Trata-se de uma pesquisa quantitativa, com o propósito de investigar os traços de personalidade que explicam a persistência discente nos cursos de Licenciatura em Ciências Biológicas, Física, Pedagogia e Química, ofertados na modalidade a distância EAD pela UFES, fazendo uso do Modelo Metateórico de Motivação e Personalidade 3M, de Mowen (2000). Foi realizada pesquisa bibliográfica sobre esse modelo e as teorias de evasão e persistência discentes, sendo a coleta de dados realizada por levantamento de campo do tipo survey, com questionário estruturado, alcançando 169 respostas válidas. Os dados foram analisados por regressões lineares múltiplas no software Statistical Package for the Social Sciences SPSS, confirmando 14 das 32 hipóteses delimitadas. Os resultados confirmam a possibilidade de uso do modelo 3M para a compreensão da Persistência Discente, comprovando que os traços de personalidade exercem influência de forma hierárquica, do traço mais abstrato ao mais superficial, a saber: Conscienciosidade, Introversão e Necessidade de Excitação (elementares), Orientação para Tarefas e Autoeficácia (compostos) e Satisfação (situacional) sobre o comportamento da Persistência Discente (superficial). Por fim, é apresentada, no apêndice D, proposta de manual para orientação na interpretação das hipóteses confirmadas para a persistência discente em cursos ofertados na modalidade EAD pela UFES, no qual são analisadas, individualmente, as 14 hipóteses confirmadas após aplicação do questionário estruturado aos cursos EAD objetos da pesquisa. Palavras-chave: persistência discente, ensino superior, educação a distância, modelo 3M, modelo hierárquico, traços de personalidade, gestão pública.The present research composes the Research Project "Hierarchical model of the antecedent of the persistence behavior of students in higher courses in the distance modality", together with the dissertation "Personality traits and student persistence in undergraduate courses in distance modality", defended in the PPGGP / UFES. It belongs to the area of concentration in Operations Management in the Public Sector, for seeking to understand the phenomenon of student persistence in EAD courses of the UFES and propose measures that enable to reduce evasion in these courses. This is a quantitative research with the purpose of investigating the personality traits that explain the persistence of undergraduate courses in Biological Sciences, Physics, Pedagogy and Chemistry, offered in the distance modality - EAD by UFES, using the Model Motive of Motivation and Personality - 3M, de Mowen (2000). A bibliographical research was carried out on this model and the theories of student evasion and persistence. The data collection was done by field survey, with a structured questionnaire, reaching 169 valid answers. Data were analyzed by multiple linear regressions in the Statistical Package for the Social Sciences - SPSS, confirming 14 of the 32 delimited hypotheses. The results confirm the possibility of using the 3M model to understand "Persistence", proving that personality traits influence hierarchically, from the most abstract to the most superficial, namely: Conscientiousness, Introversion and Need for Excitement (elementary), Task and Self-efficacy Guidance (composite) and (Situational) Satisfaction on the behavior of Student (Surface) Persistence. Finally, Appendix D proposes a manual for guidance in interpreting the confirmed hypotheses for student persistence in courses offered in the EAD modality by the UFES, in which the 14 confirmed hypotheses after the application of the structured questionnaire are analyzed individually. EAD research objects

    Mandalas, entre lenguaje y dispositivo de comunicación

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    A más de 50 años, Cortázar y su novela Rayuela nos siguen interpelando: ¿Qué hubiera sido de Rayuela si Cortázar lo hubiera nombrado Mandala, como lo pensó en un comienzo? Si bien nunca lo sabremos, Jaime Alazraki en uno de los prólogos de Rayuela la resalta como una novela que “responde a un humanismo orientado a crear una nueva conciencia del hombre y de la vida” y agrega: “Si el Mandala es el producto de un artista, como lo es Rayuela, su propósito trasciende su origen para convertirse en vehículo al servicio de todos”. (Alazraki, 2009: 188) Y en este “vehículo al servicio de todos” empezamos a profundizar en este trabajo que tiene a los Mandalas entre lenguaje y dispositivo de Comunicación como protagonista. Esta investigación considerará los aspectos artísticos y espirituales/ religiosos de los Mandalas pero buscamos ir más allá, ir al encuentro de esta conversación propuesta.Fil: Da Rós Albano, Ana. Universidad Nacional de Rosario. Facultad de Ciencia Política y Relaciones Internacionales. Escuela de Comunicación Social; Argentina

    Satisfação dos funcionários que trabalham em uma empresa de Criciúma que possui plano de carreira

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    Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso apresentado para obtenção do grau de Bacharel, no curso de Administração de Empresas, da Universidade do Extremo Sul Catarinense, UNESC.O maior desafio das organizações é aumentar a produtividade alcançando a eficiência e satisfação dos colaboradores. Os novos profissionais gostam de desafios e motivações. O objetivo do trabalho foi identificar o nível de satisfação dos funcionários de uma empresa que possui plano de carreira definido. A metodologia quanto aos fins pode ser caracterizada como descritiva e quanto aos meios de investigação, a pesquisa foi bibliográfica e estudo de caso, onde foi aplicado um questionário caracterizado como censo na empresa em estudo. Com os resultados, observou-se que todos os colaboradores da TopWay se sentem motivados em trabalhar na mesma, porém é uma questão que a empresa nunca pode deixar de lado, pois os índices podem cair. A maioria dos funcionários está satisfeita com os seus líderes e grande parte de quem já trabalhou em empresa sem plano de carreira, se sentia desmotivado. A empresa é aberta para ouvir ideias, porém precisa melhorar esta comunicação, também se faz necessário rever a forma como a organização promove seus funcionários. Após a análise, foi possível identificar que a empresa que implanta um plano de carreira cria uma motivação para a maioria dos colaboradores, entretanto a organização precisa comunicá-los e lembrá-los, para que não caia no esquecimento e o nível de motivação continue

    O estudo da responsabilidade social no turismo : um estudo multicaso em cursos superiores de Turismo

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    Orientador : José Manoel GândaraMonografia (especialização) - Universidade Federal do Paraná, Setor de Ciencias Humanas Letras e Artes, Curso de Especializaçao em Planejamento e Gestão do TurismoInclui bibliografi

    Fungemia and other invasive fungal infections in Icelandic children. A nationwide study

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    Neðst á síðunni er hægt að nálgast greinina í heild sinni með því að smella á hlekkinn View/OpenIntroduction: Invasive fungal infections are increasing in incidence. Among those who are at increased risk of fungal blood stream infections (fungemia) and disseminated fungal infections are premature infants and immunosuppressed children. These infections are associated with high morbidity and mortality. Invasive fungal infections have not yet been studied in Iceland. Material and methods: We studied all cases of fungemia and/or disseminated fungal infections in Icelandic children (16 years) during a 20 year period. Histopathology reports and autopsies were reviewed. Information on predisposing factors, symptoms, treatment and outcome was collected. All obtainable fungal blood stream isolates were subcultured and their susceptibility to common antifungals determined. Results: In the 20 year period from 1980-1999, 19 episodes of invasive fungal infections were diagnosed in 18 infants and children in Iceland. Twelve episodes of fungemia occured in 11 children and the nationwide annual incidence increased from 0.28 to 1.90 cases/100,000/year (p=0.037) during the study period. Half of the children were premature infants. All patients had a central venous catheter at the time of blood culture and most had received intravenous antibiotics or corticosteroids. Candida albicans was the most commonly isolated species (nine of 12 episodes, 75%). In addition to patients with fungemia, three children were diagnosed with disseminated fungal infection by histology or autopsy. Two cases of fungal meningitis, without fungemia, were identified. Furthermore, two children had invasive infections with Aspergillus fumigatus and both patients survived. Three children (3/16; 19%) with invasive Candida-infections died. Conclusions: In this study of invasive fungal infections among Icelandic children we demonstrate that the incidence of fungemia has risen significantly in the past 20 years. Diagnosis of invasive fungal infections can be complicated and negative blood cultures do not exclude disseminated infection. Given the high attributable mortality, timely diagnosis and aggressive treatment is extremely important.Inngangur: Tíðni ífarandi sveppasýkinga fer vaxandi víðast hvar í hinum vestræna heimi. Fyrirburar og ónæmisbæld börn eru í hættu á að fá blóðsýkingar af völdum sveppa og í kjölfarið dreifðar sýkingar. Sýkingar af þessum toga hafa í för með sér háa dánartíðni. Þær hafa ekki verið rannsakaðar hjá börnum hérlendis. Efniviður og aðferðir: Farið var yfir sjúkraskrár allra barna 16 ára og yngri á Íslandi er greindust með blóðsýkingar og/eða dreifðar sýkingar af völdum ger- og myglusveppa á árunum 1980-1999. Niðurstöður krufninga og vefjarannsókna voru einnig kannaðar. Skráðar voru upplýsingar um áhættuþætti, einkenni, meðferð og afdrif sjúklinga. Allir tiltækir sveppastofnar voru ræktaðir og næmi þeirra fyrir sveppalyfjum kannað. Niðurstöður: Alls greindust 18 börn með 19 ífarandi sveppasýkingar á þessu 20 ára tímabili. Tólf blóðsýkingar greindust hjá 11 börnum og jókst nýgengið marktækt á rannsóknartímabilinu úr 0,28 í 1,90 sýkingar á 100.000 börn á ári (p=0,037). Tæpur helmingur barna með blóðsýkingu voru fyrirburar. Öll börn með sannaða blóðsýkingu voru með djúpa æðaleggi og flest höfðu fengið næringu í æð, sýklalyf og barkstera. Candida albicans ræktaðist í níu tilvikum af 12 (75%). Þrjú börn af 11 fengu dreifða sýkingu. Til viðbótar greindust þrjú börn með dreifða Candida sýkingu við krufningu eða vefjarannsókn. Að auki fengu tvö börn heilahimnubólgu af völdum Candida albicans án sannaðrar blóðsýkingar. Tvö börn greindust með ífarandi sýkingar af völdum myglusveppsins Aspergillus fumigatus og læknuðust þau bæði. Þrjú börn af þeim 16 sem fengu ífarandi Candida sýkingar létust. Ályktanir: Þessi rannsókn á ífarandi sveppasýkingum hjá börnum er sú fyrsta er nær til heillar þjóðar. Veruleg hækkun hefur orðið á nýgengi sveppasýkinga í blóði hjá börnum hérlendis á síðastliðnum 20 árum. Greining alvarlegra sveppasýkinga er oft torveld og neikvæð blóðræktun útilokar ekki dreifða sýkingu. Í ljósi hækkandi nýgengis og hárrar dánartíðni er mikilvægt að hafa umræddar greiningar í huga hjá mikið veikum börnum