90 research outputs found

    Fargo-Moorhead Quota Club Records, 1925-2009

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    The Fargo-Moorhead Quota Club was founded in 1925. Quotarians are known especially for their service to deaf, hard-of-hearing, and speech-impaired individuals and disadvantaged women and children. The club records document the activities of the organization from 1925-1975. The majority of the collection is comprised of the club?s meeting minutes, scrapbooks, and events

    Rancang Bangun Maximum Power Point Tracking (MPPT) Menggunakan Algoritma Free Search Krill Herd (FSKH) pada Sistem Pompa Air Tenaga Matahari

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    Penelitian ini mengusulkan algoritma modifikasi Perturb and Observed (P&O) yang disebut Recurrence P&O (RP&O) dan modifikasi algoritma Krill Herd (KH) yang dicampur dengan pencarian bebas menjadi Free Search Krill Herd (FSKH) sebagai Maximum Power Point Tracking (MPPT) sitem panel surya. Panel surya telah dimodelkan dan diuji untuk menghasilkan kurva karakteristik panel surya. Beberapa pola penutupan sel panel surya telah dilakukan untuk mengetahui pengaruh letak dan luas bayangan pada panel surya. Sebuah prototipe sistem pompa air tenaga matahari juga telah dibangun dan diuji pada kondisi normal dan kondisi berbayang atau Partial Shading Condition (PSC). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa RP&O dapat melacak daya optimum pada beberapa pola PSC dan lebih cepat 35% dibandingkan P&O pada kondisi normal. P&O selalu terjebak pada solusi lokal dan tidak dapat melacak daya optimal pada kondisi berbayang. Algoritma FSKH selalu dapat melacak daya optimum pada kondisi normal dan berbayang. Perolehan debit air selalu berbanding lurus dengan daya panel surya. ================================================================= This research proposes a modified algorithm of Perturb and Observed (P&O) called Recurrence P&O (RP&O) and modification algorithm KH mixed with a Free Search into Free Search Krill Herd (FSKH) as Maximum Power Point Tracking (MPPT). The solar panel has been modeled and tested to obtain the characteristic curve of photovoltaic. Some patterns of cell solar panel closure have been tested to determine the effect of the location and the extent of the shadow on the solar panel characterictic curve. A prototype solar water pumps have also been built and tested in normal conditions and the Partial Shading Condition (PSC). The results showed that the RP&O can track the optimal power in some patterns PSC and 35% faster than P&O in normal conditions. P&O is always stuck on a local solution and can not track optimum power in shaded conditions. FSKH can track the optimum power at nomal and shaded conditions. The water obtained is also proportional to the power output from PV array

    Accountability and Audit in the Saudi Arabian Government Sector

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    The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia was founded in 1932 by King Abdul Aziz who led the people of Arabia from a state of nomadism and tribal rivalry to a settled agricultural community, relatively poor but with a sense of citizenship. Less than fifty years later oil has made this nation one of the richest in the world, with a strong sense of urgency to use those riches wisely, but with a severe shortage of skilled manpower. This thesis is a study of the system of accountability and audit in the government sector of Saudi Arabia to-day. The analysis shows that the system is not able to meet the demands made upon it. A scheme for reform is suggested, drawing upon a comparative study of Anglo-American experience of control of "big government", but taking account also of the unique Saudi situation. In Chapter I, the system of government and administration in Saudi Arabia is outlined. In Chapter II, the regulations governing financial control and auditing in the Saudi government sector are studied in more detail. In Chapter III, evidence is reviewed relating to. how this financial control system works in practice; sources include the writer's own experience as an auditor and financial manager, the annual report of the General Auditing Bureau, some correspondence between the General Auditing Bureau and the writer, as a financial manager, and a questionnaire answered by 4+3 respondents, (auditors, financial comptrollers, financial managers, chief accountants) and interviewing © government officials. Chapter IV, is a comparative study, especially of Anglo American systems, and a consideration of their relevance to the Saudi, situation. Chapter V draws out the weaknesses of the present Saudi system and suggests a programme of improvement; the key factor in this is the breaking of. the "vicious circle" of lack of time and of skilled personnel to improve systems because they are overworked operating existing cumbersome and ineffective systems

    Quasi Z-Source Inverter as MPPT on Renewable Energy using Grey Wolf Technique

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    Z-Source Inverter (ZSI) is famous power converter who has capability to deal with voltage sags, improved power factor and wide voltage range of output. Quasi Z Source Inverter (QZSI) is the modern ZSI who has continuous current of input and can reduce stress of the passive component. This paper proposes simple boost QZSI circuit as Maximum Power Point Tracking (MPPT) using Grey Wolf Optimization (GWO) algorithm in photovoltaic system. Grey Wolf algorithm has been compared with the Perturb and Observed (P&O) technique for gaining the maximum power from the sun. Both techniques can get the optimum power of solar panel not only at constant sun light condition but also under varying irradiance levels. The value of average power obtained from GWO technique is greater than P&O. Although the value of solar radiation changes, the output voltage remains stable and both algorithms carry on obtaining optimal power of the sun

    Pengembangan dan Pelatihan Sistem Informasi Pemantau dan Pelaporan Perilaku Siswa MI-MTS Swasta Al-Huda Malang

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    Aspek kognitif dan psikomotorik seringkali menjadi fokus utama yang ditingkatkan di banyak sekolah, sementara aspek afektif siswa yang berpengaruh terhadap sikap dan perilaku siswa sedikit kurang diperhatikan. Di MI Al Huda Malang, siswa tidak hanya dididik untuk menjadi individu yang berkarakter qurani melalui kegiatan ibadah dan muamalah, tetapi juga harus berjiwa pancasilais, serta tanggap dengan perubahan ilmu dan teknologi. Namun, sampai saat ini bentuk penyampaian kondisi sikap dan perilaku siswa masih dilakukan dengan cara konvensional, yaitu melalui surat dan pesan pribadi oleh guru/bagian konseling. Hal ini bisa menjadikan keterlambatan penyampaian dan kemungkinan tidak tersampaikan (surat hilang/ siswa lupa memberikan kepada orang tuanya) sangat besar. Salah satu penyebabnya karena belum terbentuk pemahaman dan keterampilan SDM tentang penggunaan sistem informasi tata tertib siswa ketika hendak diimplementasikan di sekolah MI-MTs Al Huda Malang. Oleh karena itu, diperlukan pengembangan sebuah sistem informasi tata tertib siswa untuk memantau perilaku dan sikap siswa di sekolah, serta sosialisasi dan pelatihan cara pemanfaatan sistem informasi tersebut. Kegiatan Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat (PKM) ini bertujuan untuk mengembangkan sistem informasi, memberikan sosialisasi dan pelatihan kepada guru beserta tenaga pendidik tentang sistem informasi tata tertib siswa untuk memantau sikap dan perilaku siswa saat belajar di sekolah akan dilakukan. Tahapan-tahapan metode PKM yang digunakan adalah: 1) analisis kebutuhan dan situasi; 2) perencanaan dan pengembangan sistem informasi; 3) pengembangan buku pedoman penggunaan sistem informasi; 4) pengenalan dan pelatihan sistem informasi; dan 5) evaluasi hasil pelatihan. Kegiatan PKM ini menghasilkan sebuah sistem informasi yang dapat diakses secara online sebagai bentuk sarana informasi digital, serta peningkatan keahlian yang dimiliki oleh guru dan tenaga pendidik dalam mengelola dan mengembangkan sistem informasi di MI-MTs Al Huda, Kota Malang. Dengan demikian, diharapkan sikap dan perilaku siswa dapat terpantau dengan efektif dan efisien sehingga berdampak pada perbaikan dan perubahan perilaku siswa yang menjadi semakin lebih baik dan berakhlak

    Combined Computational Intelligence Approach for the Power System Optimization Problem

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    This paper presents an adoption of a natural phenomenon as Thunderstorm Algorithm (TA) which is applied to solve a problem of the power production composition under various constraints. This work also introduces artificial salmon tracking algorithm (ASTA) for defining the optimal strategy of the power system on the power consumption. Both algorithms are tested on the IEEE-62 bus system as a selected structure for the mathematical cased model. By considering all parameters, results show that ASTA can be applied to predict the power consumption and TA also has good performances while searching the optimal solution. Moreover, the power production can be presented throughout an economic dispatch problem. Technically, this computation demonstrates the optimal solution with fast convergence and short time consumption. These processes also perform smooth and stable characteristics for the searching completion

    Management of the Sickle Cell Trait: An Opinion by Expert Panel Members.

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    The number of individuals with the sickle cell trait exceeds 300 million worldwide, making sickle cell disease one of the most common monogenetic diseases globally. Because of the high frequency of sickle cell disease, reproductive counseling is of crucial importance. In addition, unlike other carrier states, Sickle Cell Trait (SCT) seems to be a risk factor for several clinical complications, such as extreme exertional injury, chronic kidney disease, and complications during pregnancy and surgery. This expert panel believes that increasing knowledge about these clinical manifestations and their prevention and management can be a useful tool for all healthcare providers involved in this issue

    Morbidity and mortality of sickle cell disease patients is unaffected by splenectomy: evidence from three decades of follow-up in a high-income setting

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    Sickle cell disease (SCD) is a globally widespread hereditary red cell disorder characterized by the production of pathological hemoglobin S (HbS).1 Patients with SCD include homozygous subjects for HbS (SS) and compound heterozygotes with HbS/HbC (SC) or HbS/β+/0-thalassemia (Sβ0/β+). In Italy, SCD is endemic with HbS/β+/0-thalassemia being prevalent in areas of southern Italy. In the last two decades, the number of SCD patients across Italy has increased due to migration from sub-Saharan Africa and th

    Current challenges in the management of patients with sickle cell disease - A report of the Italian experience

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    Sickle cell disease (SCD) is an inherited red blood cell disorder caused by a structural abnormality of hemoglobin called sickle hemoglobin (HbS). Clinical manifestations of SCD are mainly characterized by chronic hemolysis and acute vaso-occlusive crisis, which are responsible for severe acute and chronic organ damage. SCD is widespread in sub-Saharan Africa, in the Middle East, Indian subcontinent, and some Mediterranean regions. With voluntary population migrations, people harboring the HbS gene have spread globally. In 2006, the World Health Organization recognized hemoglobinopathies, including SCD, as a global public health problem and urged national health systems worldwide to design and establish programs for the prevention and management of SCD. Herein we describe the historical experience of the network of hemoglobinopathy centers and their approach to SCD in Italy, a country where hemoglobinopathies have a high prevalence and where SCD, associated with different genotypes including f-thalassemia, is present in the native population
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