237 research outputs found

    Condicionantes de la estructura industrial en el sector energético de los países de la UE

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    Este trabajo sintetiza las nuevas tendencias en regulación energética (electricidad, gas y productos petrolíferos) e identifica factores clave que en combinación con las reglas establecidas explican las actitudes de las compañías líderes en el negocio energético. Estas actitudes también tienen consecuencias en los resultados de la competencia y la estructura de la industria. Las conclusiones tratan de identificar tendencias para el futuro. ________________________________________This work presents the new tendencies in energy regulation (electricity, gas and oil products) and identify the key facts which combined with the present established rules explains the main attitudes of the leader companies in the energy business. These attitudes have also consequences in the present competition performance and industrial structure. Conclusions try to identify future tendencies

    IntelliFlow : um enfoque proativo para adicionar inteligência de ameaças cibernéticas a redes definidas por software

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    Orientador: Christian Rodolfo Esteve RothenbergDissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Faculdade de Engenharia Elétrica e de ComputaçãoResumo: Segurança tem sido uma das principais preocupações enfrentadas pela computação em rede principalmente, com o aumento das ameaças à medida que a Internet comercial e economias afins crescem rapidamente. Tecnologias de virtualização que permitem serviços em nuvem em escala colocam novos desafios para a segurança das infraestruturas computacionais, exigindo novos mecanismos que combinem o best-of-breed para reagir contra as metodologias de ataque emergentes. Nosso trabalho busca explorar os avanços na Cyber Threat Intelligence (CTI) no contexto da arquitetura de redes definidas por software, ou em inglês, Software Defined Networking (SDN). Enquanto a CTI representa uma abordagem recente para o combate de ameaças baseada em fontes confiáveis, a partir do compartihamento de informação e conhecimento sobre atividades criminais virtuais, a SDN é uma tendência recente na arquitetura de redes computacionais baseada em princípios de modulação e programabilidade. Nesta dissertação, nós propomos IntelliFlow, um sistema de detecção de inteligência para SDN que segue a abordagem proativa usando OpenFlow para efetivar contramedidas para as ameaças aprendidas a partir de um plano de inteligência distribuida. Nós mostramos a partir de uma implementação de prova de conceito que o sistema proposto é capaz de trazer uma série de benefícios em termos de efetividade e eficiência, contribuindo no plano geral para a segurança de projetos de computação de rede modernosAbstract: Security is a major concern in computer networking which faces increasing threats as the commercial Internet and related economies continue to grow. Virtualization technologies enabling scalable Cloud services pose further challenges to the security of computer infrastructures, demanding novel mechanisms combining the best-of-breed to counter certain types of attacks. Our work aims to explore advances in Cyber Threat Intelligence (CTI) in the context of Software Defined Networking (SDN) architectures. While CTI represents a recent approach to combat threats based on reliable sources, by sharing information and knowledge about computer criminal activities, SDN is a recent trend in architecting computer networks based on modularization and programmability principles. In this dissertation, we propose IntelliFlow, an intelligent detection system for SDN that follows a proactive approach using OpenFlow to deploy countermeasures to the threats learned through a distributed intelligent plane. We show through a proof of concept implementation that the proposed system is capable of delivering a number of benefits in terms of effectiveness and efficiency, altogether contributing to the security of modern computer network designsMestradoEngenharia de ComputaçãoMestre em Engenharia Elétrica159905/2013-3CNP

    Combined stereomicroscope and SEM disentangle the fine morphology of the undescribed larva and puparium of the hoverfly Milesia crabroniformis (Fabricius, 1775) (Diptera: Syrphidae)

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    With over 80 species, Milesia Latreille, 1804 is a hoverfly genus (Diptera: Syrphidae) is found in all continents except for Australia and the Antarctica. However, little is known about its life cycle and biology. The three Milesia species for which early stages are known have saproxylic larvae, suggesting that the larvae of all other Milesia species are also saproxylic. The early stages of the three Milesia species occurring in Europe are undescribed. Milesia crabroniformis (Fabricius, 1775), a mimic of the hornet Vespa crabro Linnaeus, 1758, is the largest hoverfly in Europe and is listed as Least Concern in the IUCN European Red List of Hoverflies. We here report the first early stages of Milesia ever found in Europe, describing them and their breeding sites. Larvae of M. crabroniformis were collected in water-filled tree holes of live chestnut trees (Castanea sativa Mill.) in Málaga, Southern Spain in 2020-2021. Various studies based on stereomicroscope and scanning electron microscopy (SEM) techniques have proven useful in diagnosing hoverfly early stages by the observation of their fine morphology. Thus, these techniques were also used here to characterize the second (L2) and third (L3) stage larvae of M. crabroniformis, as well as the puparium. A Leica M205 C binocular stereomicroscope and a Jeol JSM-ITH500HR SEM were used. The head skeleton and chaetotaxy of the L3 larva were described and illustrated. Adjustments to the diagnosis of the larvae of Milesia are proposed based on the number of hooks from the primary row of the main group of hooks. The new early stages are compared with those of other Milesia hoverflies, as well as with those of the sister group Spilomyia Meigen, 1803. The knowledge of the larval biology and breeding sites of saproxylic insects is useful for implementing forest management measures and species’ conservation programs.This work belongs to the ‘Fauna Ibérica’ Project (PGC2018-095851-A-C65) of the Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities. Antonio Ricarte’s position (UATALENTO17-18) at the University of Alicante is funded by the “Vicerrectorado de Investigación y Transferencia del Conocimiento”. Student grant of José Orengo’s was funded by the University of Alicante (UAFPU2019B-57). Javier Quinto’s position were funded by Andalusian Regional Government (PP.PEI.IDF2019.001) and the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation (PID2020-115140RB-I00). This work is part of a PhD thesis of the first author

    Informe técnico de las actividades mineras de la Empresa Comunal de Servicios Múltiples (ECOSEM) dentro del área de seguridad y operación – en CIA Argentum

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    La función del área de seguridad y operaciones radica básicamente en la necesidad que tiene el mundo globalizado en que vivimos y las organizaciones que deben buscar anticiparse y adaptarse a los cambios permanentes logrando el máximo aprovechamiento de los recursos. Por ello es importante lograr el compromiso de las empresas frente a compromisos de seguridad y salud ocupacional de sus trabajadores, teniendo en cuenta que el talento humano es el factor relevante para la producción de bienes y servicios y para ello se requiere del desarrollo e implementación de sistemas de certificación en un sistema de seguridad y salud ocupacional que tuviera un alcance global, a través de las distintas normas, estas que contienen estándares internacionales relacionados con la seguridad y salud ocupacional

    Principios económicos y jurídicos de las tarifas en los servicios públicos

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    En países de nuestro entorno, con una sociedad civil desarrollada, con un ingreso per cápita alto, con una apertura exterior razonable y unos mecanismos de mercado bastante desarrollados, los precios regulados son habituales en circunstancias en las que se producen fallos del mercado de difícil solución (las más de las veces debido a restricciones insalvables en la oferta) o a que se producen externalidades socialmente indeseadas. Pero también son instrumento de política industrial nada despreciable al poder asegurar un input razonable en aquellas actividades en que esos costes son un factor clave de su éxito competitivo.In countries around us, with a developed civil society, with a high per capita income, with reasonable external openness and fairly developed market mechanisms, regulated prices are common in circumstances in which there are market failures that are difficult to solve (most of the time due to insurmountable restrictions in supply) or because socially unwanted externalities are produced. But they are also a not insignificant instrument of industrial policy as they can ensure a reasonable input in those activities in which these costs are a key factor in their competitive success

    Estructura y estrategias de los servicios de inteligencia

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    A lo largo de la última década se ha hecho más perceptible la necesidad de promover la acción de la Comunidad de Inteligencia en cuanto a entidad que aúna los esfuerzos y trabajos en materia de inteligencia, con el objetivo de maximizar las capacidades de cada Estado de prevenir y dar respuesta ante las posibles amenazas externas. De este concepto esencial parte la presente investigación que pretende conocer la evolución de los servicios de seguridad, tanto en España como en el ámbito internacional. Por consiguiente, el objetivo general es analizar la estructura y las estrategias de los servicios de inteligencia en la lucha contra el terrorismo. A partir de una revisión sistemática que arrojó una muestra de 22 artículos, pudieron analizarse estas estrategias. Tanto los esfuerzos en materia de cooperación, colaboración y coordinación, al igual que las reformas en el ámbito del conocimiento fueron las estrategias que mayor relevancia presentaron. El aumento de recursos y de presupuesto destinado a los servicios de inteligencia y la seguridad también es de notoria relevancia, seguido de las mejoras en las estructuras. De esta manera puede comprenderse que, a partir del 11S, las estrategias que se aplicaron en materia de seguridad y servicios de inteligencia fueron múltiples, pero todas se enfocan en la prevención de riesgos, en la optimización y mejora de los recursos, en el fortalecimiento de las relaciones regionales e internacionales, y la divulgación de información e investigaciones. Se concluye que es necesario seguir avanzando, respondiendo a las demandas de la sociedad y adecuándose a los avances tecnológicosOver the last decade, the need to promote the action of the Intelligence Community as an entity that unites efforts and work in intelligence matters has become more perceptible, with the aim of maximizing the capacities of each State to prevent and respond to possible external threats. This essential concept is the starting point of this research, which aims to discover the evolution of security services, both in Spain and internationally. Therefore, the general objective is to analyze the structure and strategies of the intelligence services in the fight against terrorism. From a systematic review that yielded a sample of 22 articles, these strategies could be analyzed. Both the efforts in terms of cooperation, collaboration and coordination, as well as the reforms in the field of knowledge were the strategies that presented the greatest relevance. The increase in resources and budget allocated to intelligence and security services is also of notable importance, followed by improvements in structures. In this way, it can be understood that, as of 9/11, the strategies that were applied in matters of security and intelligence services were multiple, but all of them focus on risk prevention, on optimizing and improving resources, on strengthening of regional and international relations, and the dissemination of information and research. It is concluded that it is necessary to continue advancing, responding to the demands of society and adapting to technological advances

    Jugar a extinguir ensambles: importancia de las oquedades de los árboles para la biodiversidad de insectos saproxílicos

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    The assessment of the relation between species diversity, species interactions and stability is a major goal for conservation strategies of saproxylic insects in Iberian Mediterranean woodlands. In these woodlands, tree hollows in standing living trees are key microhabitats for saproxylic biodiversity. We assess the variation in the tree hollow-saproxylic insect network among three woodland sites in the Cabañeros National Park (Spain), and evaluate their implications for saproxylic assemblages’ persistence, through simulations of three possible scenarios of loss of tree hollow microhabitats. The composition of tree hollows is closely related to biotic and ecological complexity of saproxylic networks, and together exhibit positive effects on network stability. By other side, different scenarios entail different reorganizations of saproxylic diversity of species and interactions, and the variation of the main interacting attributes. Woodlands providing higher proportion of large tree hollows are less sensitive to microhabitat loss. Conservation strategies for saproxylic insects in Iberian Mediterranean woodlands should consider woodland composition and configuration as key factors in the selection of priority conservation areas

    Evidence for Lymphatic Aβ Clearance in Alzheimer’s Transgenic Mice

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    Evidence has shown that lymphatic drainage contributes to removal of debris from the brain but its role in the accumulation of amyloid β peptides (Aβ) has not been demonstrated. We examined the levels of various forms of Aβ in the brain, plasma and lymph nodes in a transgenic model of Alzheimer’s disease (AD) at different ages. Herein, we report on the novel finding that Aβ is present in the cervical and axillary lymph nodes of AD transgenic mice and that Aβ levels in lymph nodes increase over time, mirroring the increase of Aβ levels observed in the brain. Aβ levels in lymph nodes were significantly higher than in plasma. At age 15.5 months, there was a significant increase of monomeric soluble Aβ40 (p=0.003) and Aβ42 (p=0.05) in the lymph nodes over the baseline values measured at 6 months of age. In contrast, plasma levels of Aβ40 showed no significant changes (p=0.68) and plasma levels Aβ42 significantly dropped (p=0.02) at the same age. Aβ concentration was low to undetectable in splenic lymphoid tissue and several other control tissues including heart, lung, liver, kidneys and intestine of the same animals, strongly suggesting that Aβ peptides in lymph nodes are derived from the brain

    Facilitation Among Saproxylic Insects Inhabiting Tree Hollows in a Mediterranean Forest: The Case of Cetonids (Coleoptera: Cetoniidae) and Syrphids (Diptera: Syrphidae)

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    Tree hollows offer an ideal niche for saproxylic insects in mature Mediterranean forests, where Diptera and Coleoptera are the richest groups. Co-occurrence is frequently observed among many species of both groups in these microhabitats, and some of these species have been considered to facilitate the presence of other species by acting as ecosystem engineers. One of the systems that is found in Mediterranean tree hollows is formed by cetonid (Coleoptera: Cetoniidae) and syrphid (Diptera: Syrphidae) larvae. Here, cetonid larvae feed on wood and litter and produce a substrate that is easier to decompose. To assess the possible role of these larvae as facilitating agents for the saproxylic guild, we studied whether the presence of saprophagous Syrphidae inside tree hollows is associated with the activity of cetonid larvae. Furthermore, in laboratory conditions, we tested whether cetonid larvae activity can improve the development and fitness of the saprophagous syrphid species. Our results show that “cetonid activity” was the variable that best explained the presence of saprophagous syrphid species in natural conditions. Myathropa florea (L., 1758) was one of the species most influenced by this activity. The laboratory experiment gave similar results, demonstrating that an enriched substrate with Cetonia aurataeformis Curti, 1913 larval feces improves syrphid larval growth rate and fitness of adults (measured as longer wing length) of M. florea.Financial support was provided by the Spanish Minister of Science and Innovation (CGL2008-04472, CGL2009-09656, CG L2011-23658, CGL2012-31669) and the Generalitat Valenciana (PROMETEO/2013/034 Project). I.R.S.G. was supported by Grisolia fellowships of the Generalitat Valencian