1,858 research outputs found

    A note on the spatial behavior for the generalized Tricomi equation

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    AbstractThis short note is devoted to the study of the spatial decay estimates for the solutions of the generalized Tricomi equation. The relevance of this kind of study is that we obtain the decay for an equation which can be elliptic, parabolic and hyperbolic depending on the different points of the region. This equation is relevant in the study of fluids as well as for the anti-plane deformations of prestressed functionally graded linear elastic solids

    On the stability in phase-lag heat conduction with two temperatures

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    We investigate the well-posedness and the stability of the solutions for several Taylor approximations of the phase-lag two-temperature equations.We give conditions on the parameters which guarantee the existence and uniqueness of solutions as well as the stability and the instability of the solutions for each approximationPeer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Scaling relation for determining the critical threshold for continuum percolation of overlapping discs of two sizes

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    We study continuum percolation of overlapping circular discs of two sizes. We propose a phenomenological scaling equation for the increase in the effective size of the larger discs due to the presence of the smaller discs. The critical percolation threshold as a function of the ratio of sizes of discs, for different values of the relative areal densities of two discs, can be described in terms of a scaling function of only one variable. The recent accurate Monte Carlo estimates of critical threshold by Quintanilla and Ziff [Phys. Rev. E, 76 051115 (2007)] are in very good agreement with the proposed scaling relation.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    Servicios de salud pública en San Salvador: diseño de instrumento de medición

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    El presente estudio tenía como objetivo hacer una evaluación de la calidad de atención en los servicios de salud en la ciudad de San Salvador. Para ello, se diseñó un instrumento a partir del modelo teórico sugerido por Donabedian (1966) que contiene las dimensiones de estructura, proceso-resultado y accesibilidad. Es un estudio descriptivo mediante encuesta (León y Montero, 2007), un diseño retrospectivo; la muestra es no probabilística de tipo incidental, constituida por 1,210 personas entre hombres (42.1%) y mujeres (57.9%) con edad media de 32.5 años. Entre los resultados se tienen que el cuestionario (ECASS) posee adecuadas propiedades psicométricas de fiabilidad y validez. Así mismo, se encontró que existen diferencias significativas en la calidad de atención en salud entre los centros de atención privada y los públicos, indicando que es de mejor calidad la atención en los centros privados. Algunos indicadores considerados como negativos son: mala atención en el sistema de salud público salvadoreño (63.4%), los tiempos de espera entre una cita y otra, son muy largos (70.8%), en el sistema de salud público el acceso al médico especialista es sumamente difícil (68.4%). Estos resultados pueden ayudar al sistema de salud ha implementar mejoras en el proceso de atención en salud pública.La presente investigación fue subvencionada por la Universidad Tecnológica de El Salvador. Agradezco sinceramente a los estudiantes de psicología de la asignatura Seminario de Investigación por su valioso apoyo y participación en la recolección y tabulación de los datos. Las solicitudes de información, separatas y otros documentos relativos al presente estudio pueden hacerlos a la dirección postal: calle Arce, 1020, Universidad Tecnológica de El Salvador, Vicerrectoría de Investigación y Proyección Social, Dirección de Investigaciones, edificio José Martí, 2ª planta, o al correo electrónico [email protected] Tecnológica de El Salvado

    Spatial and structural stability in thermoelasto-dynamics on a half-cylinder

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    EnThe linear nonhomogeneous thermoelastodynamic problem in a half-cylinder is considered subject to assigned initial conditions, and to the displacement and temperature being specified over the base, and vanishing on the lateral boundary. Spatial stability, derived from a differential inequality, establishes that the mean-square volume integrals of displacement and temperature are bounded above by a decaying function of axial distance for each finite positive time instant. Structural stability, which here relates to continuous dependence of the displacement on the thermal coupling, depends upon the construction of further differential inequalities

    The Same-Actor Inference of Nondiscrimination: Moral Credentialing and the Psychological and Legal Licensing of Bias

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    One of the most egregious examples of the tension between federal employment discrimination law and psychological science is the federal common law doctrine known as the same-actor inference. When originally elaborated by the Fourth Circuit in Proud v. Stone, the same-actor doctrine applied only when an “employee was hired and fired by the same person within a relatively short time span.” In the two decades since, the doctrine has widened and broadened in scope. It now subsumes many employment contexts well beyond hiring and firing, to scenarios in which the “same person” entails different groups of decision makers, and the “short time span” has been elastically extended over seven years. Per the same-actor doctrine, when a supervisor first behaves in a way that benefits an employee and then subsequently takes adverse action against that employee, many federal courts conclude that the supervisor’s adverse treatment is presumptively nondiscriminatory, adopting the strong inference that the supervisor’s negative employment decision was not motivated by bias. This Article concludes that this doctrine should be curtailed. Given the dearth of textual support and legislative history supporting the creation of the same-actor doctrine, the striking growth rate of this unjust doctrine in circuits that apply the strong-inference standard, and the psychological science amassed that powerfully reveals the errors laden within the doctrine, federal courts should reevaluate their existing jurisprudence on the same-actor inference. Ultimately, this Article recommends that federal courts resolve the existing circuit split by adopting the approach of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Seventh Circuit. Fundamentally, same-actor evidence should be one evidentiary datum for the ultimate trier of fact to weigh along with all other possible evidence of discrimination

    On the instability for an incremental problem in elastodynamics

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    Financiado para publicación en acceso aberto: Universidade de Vigo/CISUGIn this short note, we consider some issues regarding the instability of some elastodynamical problems when the elasticity tensor is not positive definite. By using the so-called logarithmic convexity argument, we prove the instability of solutions when the time derivative of the elasticity tensor is semi-definite negative or it satisfies another restriction on the coefficients. The uniqueness of the solution is also concluded. Finally, a simple one-dimensional example is provided to demonstrate the numerical behaviour of the instability.Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades | Ref. PID2019-105118GB-I0

    Access to Counsel: Psychological Science Can Improve the Promise of Civil Rights Enforcement

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    Employment discrimination claimants in general, and racial minority claimants in particular, disproportionately lack access to legal counsel. When employment discrimination claimants lack counsel, they typically abandon their claims, or if they pursue their claims, they do so pro se (without counsel), a strategy that is seldom successful in court. Access to counsel is, hence, a decisive component in whether employment discrimination victims realize the potential of civil rights enforcement. Psychological science analyzes access to counsel by identifying psychological barriers—such as threatened social identity, mistrust in legal authorities, and fear of repercussions—that prevent employment discrimination victims from pursuing counsel. The analysis also identifies how cultural beliefs and practices concerning justice—such as meritocracy beliefs, perceived post-racialism, and organizational diversity initiatives—shape how judges, jurors, and lay people think about discrimination. Furthermore, counsels’ perceptions of other’s beliefs about discrimination shape their assessed likelihood of prevailing. These psychological barriers intersect with structural barriers to shape counsels’ evaluation of each case’s likely financial viability, which can prevent counsel from accepting cases that they otherwise deem meritorious. Policy can help those who experience employment discrimination obtain legal representation and meaningful redress for civil rights violations

    The Same-Actor Inference of Nondiscrimination: Moral Credentialing and the Psychological and Legal Licensing of Bias

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    One of the most egregious examples of the tension between federal employment discrimination law and psychological science is the federal common law doctrine known as the same-actor inference. When originally elaborated by the Fourth Circuit in Proud v. Stone, the same-actor doctrine applied only when an “employee was hired and fired by the same person within a relatively short time span.” In the two decades since, the doctrine has widened and broadened in scope. It now subsumes many employment contexts well beyond hiring and firing, to scenarios in which the “same person” entails different groups of decision makers, and the “short time span” has been elastically extended over seven years. Per the same-actor doctrine, when a supervisor first behaves in a way that benefits an employee and then subsequently takes adverse action against that employee, many federal courts conclude that the supervisor’s adverse treatment is presumptively nondiscriminatory, adopting the strong inference that the supervisor’s negative employment decision was not motivated by bias. This Article concludes that this doctrine should be curtailed. Given the dearth of textual support and legislative history supporting the creation of the same-actor doctrine, the striking growth rate of this unjust doctrine in circuits that apply the strong-inference standard, and the psychological science amassed that powerfully reveals the errors laden within the doctrine, federal courts should reevaluate their existing jurisprudence on the same-actor inference. Ultimately, this Article recommends that federal courts resolve the existing circuit split by adopting the approach of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Seventh Circuit. Fundamentally, same-actor evidence should be one evidentiary datum for the ultimate trier of fact to weigh along with all other possible evidence of discrimination