2,522 research outputs found

    Greenhouse Gas Inventory in the Forestry Sector

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    Among the components in the inventory of greenhouse gas sources and sinks, forestry and land use are the most complex. This paper summarizes the necessary data on land use. Analysis indicates a change in the inventory/sinks done by the Philippine Forestry and Land Use Change.land use planning, natural resources and environment, forestry sector, land management

    Greenhouse Gas Inventory in the Forestry Sector

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    Among the components in the inventory of greenhouse gas sources and sinks, forestry and land use are the most complex. This paper summarizes the necessary data on land use. Analysis indicates a change in the inventory/sinks done by the Philippine Forestry and Land Use Change.land use planning, natural resources and environment, forestry sector, land management

    Más allá del "general intellect"

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    En el capitalismo avanzado, la ciencia y la técnica se prefiguran como fuerzas productivas fundamentales. Sin embargo, más allá de la mera fagocitación del saber sistemático convencional (lógica borrosa, I+D+i…) o de lo que Marx categorizó como "general intellect", lo que se observa es el despliegue de procesos para la captura y reconversión del saber social genérico en saber valorizante a raíz de la implantación del "régimen de acumulación flexible". En efecto, aquí hay un factor diferenciador respecto de la interpretación marxiana, y son las sinergias establecidas entre el saber sistemáticos convencional y el saber social difuso, comunicacional, cooperante, que devienen yacimiento ilimitado de conocimiento para alimentar el circuito de la mercancía en la indistinción productivo/reproductivo. Con todo, hay que puntualizar que dicho circuito no conforma un conjunto homogéneo "high tech", sino que en realidad aparece como mezcla heterogénea -neo/postfordista- de ciencia aplicada mercantilizada y condiciones sociolaborales precarias. A este respecto, el proyecto "ciutat del coneixement" de Barcelona, que debe contar con el indispensable respaldo e implicación de la "ciudadanía", pretende, a través de diversas inciativas: 22@, Parc de Recerca Biomèdica, Campus Mediterrani de Castelldfels... materializar aquellas concepciones. Sin embargo, delirios megalómanos aparte, el desenlace de este desaguisado ha sido una ciudad y un entorno metropolitano configurados a modo de sociofactoria, combinado bananero de sistemas tecnológicos con mayor o menor complejidad y asalariados a la carta.In advanced capitalism, science and technology are at the forefront of production. Nevertheless, traditional forms of reasoning (fuzzy logic, I+D+i, ...) , or what Marx called "general intellect", far from being simply subordinated, are being fundamentally reconstituted in line with post-Fordist thinking. The departure from Marx's view of science is due to the synergy between traditional scientific reasoning on the one hand, and, on the other hand, forms of knowledge production which are diffuse, social, commercial and co-operative. This latter form of knowledge production sustains the circulation of goods in the market. We need to point out that this is not uniformly 'high tech'; it is more like a heterogenous, neo or post-Fordist mixture of applied, commercialised science, on the one hand, and insecure conditions of employment on the other. Barcelona's "City of Knowledge" ("ciutat de coneixment") project, which is supposed to involve, and be supported by, "citizens", claims to embody these conceptions through a number of initiatives (22@, Parc de Recerca Biomèdica, Campus Mediterrani de Castelldefels....). Nevertheless, megalomaniac enthusiasm aside, the upshot of this messy project has been a city and metropolitan area configured as a 'living factory', a banana state with more or less complex technology, and a profusion of salaried executives

    La función artística en Henry James a través de “The Middle Years”, “The Death of the Lion”, “The Lesson of the Master” y “The Figure in the Carpet.

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    La pretensión central de este artículo consiste en el análisis de la concepción estética de Henry James a través de cuatro de sus relatos más significativos: “The Middle Years ”, “The Death of the Lion ”, “The Lesson of the Master ” y “The Figure in the Carpet ”. Al final del mismo se pondrá de relieve la analogía existente entre las ideas del escritor americano con las de Stéphane Mallarmé, figura señera del movimiento Simbolista francés, y con las del filósofo alemán Friedrich Nietzsche

    Reaction time on fencing and karate high level athletes

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    The great speed of the actions in combat sports makes very difficult to react quickJy without mistakes. If the fighter had longer time to react, their reaction would be more accurate. This fact gives relevance to choice lime reaction (CRT) studies on these kinds of sports. The importance of the athletes1 physical or psychological abilities varies depending on the sporl played. According to the requirements of the speciality, players who reach Ihe maximum level will be those who have the characteristics requested to compete on it. These abilities could be innate or "life-long" acquired by training. Previous studies have not confirmed yet in which sports reaction time is more important, in addition, previous measurements should be considered with caution because some of Ihem included movement time in the reaction time results (Martmez de Quel, 2003). An approach to gel further knowledge about this subject, it is comparing the results of e\perts in two or more disciplines with unspecific tests, in which previous sport experience is not required in order to perform the lest

    Introducció a l'estudi limnològic de la llacuna del Ter vell (Baix Empordà)

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    Ter Vell is a small (0.8 Ha) and shallow (usually less than 1 m deep) lagoon located in one of the ancient Ter River mouths. A one year (biweekly samples) study was carried out in 1984 to describe some limnological characteristics of the lagoon. Conductivity varied between 1 and 39 mS/cm. It was 1-3 mS/cm higher in the South basin (closer to the sea) than in the North one. Maximum values were observed in autumn-winter and minimum ones in summer. Phosphorus concentrations were most of the year over 4 µg-at P-PO43-/l. The highest concentrations (50µg-at/l) were observed in summer. Phosphorus concentrations from October to May were positively correlated to conductivity, while those from May to September were not. Oxydized dissolved inorganic nitrogen was very low all the year round (less than 4 µg-at/l). Phytoplankton assemblages were between 104 and 4.105 cells per ml mostly because Nannochloris sp., which was overwhelming during all the year. Accompanying species were Monoraphidium sp. pl., Actinastrum hantzschii, Dictyiosphaerium pulchellurn, Cyclotella kutzingiana, Lepocinclis ovum and Ochromonas sp. pl. during summer, and Dunaliella sp., Hemiselmis rufescens, Pseudopedinella pyriformis, Katodinium rotundatum and Oxyrrhis marina during winter. The amount of chlorophyll a per cell was always very low (between 0,1 and 2 pg per cell). During summer the most abundant zooplankters were Brachionus sp. pl., Moina micrura, and Acanthocyclops g. vernalis. During the cold months Notholca squamula, Synchaeta sp., and Epiphanes brachionus were the most abundant. Maximum abundances changed from 2,000 individuals/l in summer to 600 individuals/l in winter. Ter Vell is an eutrophic lagoon with marked differences between chemical and biological characteristics of different periods of the year. Two main periods can be distinguished related to temperature. External factors, mainly freshwater and sea water inflows, also control the differences observed