640 research outputs found

    SN2008am: A Super-Luminous Type IIn Supernova

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    We present observations and interpretation of the Type IIn supernova SN 2008am discovered by the ROTSE Supernova Verification Project (RSVP). SN 2008am peaked at approximately -22.3 mag at a redshift of z=0.2338, giving it a peak luminosity of 3 x 10^{44}erg/s and making it one of the most luminous supernovae ever observed. The total radiated energy is ~ 2 x 10^{51} erg. Photometric observations in the ultraviolet, optical and infrared bands (J,H,Ks) constrain the SED evolution. We obtained six optical spectra of the supernova, five on the early decline from maximum light and a sixth nearly a year later plus a very late-time spectrum (~2 yr) of the host galaxy. The spectra of SN 2008am show strong Balmer-line and He I lambda 5876A emission with intermediate widths (~25A) in the first ~40 days after optical maximum. We examine a variety of models for the line wings and conclude that multiple scattering is most likely, implying that our spectra contain no specific information on the bulk flow velocity. We examine a variety of models for the ROTSE light curve subject to the rise time and the nature of the spectra, including radioactive decay, shocks in optically-thick and optically-thin circumstellar media (CSM) and a magnetar. The most successful model is one for which the CSM is optically-thick and in which diffusion of forward shock-deposited luminosity gives rise to the observed light curve. Diffusion of the shock-deposited energy from the forward shock is found to be important to account for the rising part of the light curve. Although there are differences in detail, SN 2008am appears to be closely related to other super-luminous Type IIn supernovae, SN 2006gy, SN 2006tf and perhaps SN 2008iy, that may represent the deaths of very massive LBV-type progenitors and for which the luminosity is powered by the interaction of the ejecta with a dense circumstellar medium.Comment: 58 pages, 14 figure

    SN 2010jl in UGC 5189: Yet another luminous type IIn supernova in a metal-poor galaxy

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    We present ASAS data starting 25 days before the discovery of the recent type IIn SN 2010jl, and we compare its light curve to other luminous IIn SNe, showing that it is a luminous (M_I ~ -20.5) event. Its host galaxy, UGC 5189, has a low gas-phase oxygen abundance (12 + log(O/H) = 8.2), which reinforces the emerging trend that over-luminous core-collapse supernovae are found in the low-metallicity tail of the galaxy distribution, similar to the known trend for the hosts of long GRBs. We compile oxygen abundances from the literature and from our own observations of UGC 5189, and we present an unpublished spectrum of the luminous type Ic SN 2010gx that we use to estimate its host metallicity. We discuss these in the context of host metallicity trends for different classes of core-collapse objects. The earliest generations of stars are known to be enhanced in [O/Fe] relative to the Solar mixture; it is therefore likely that the stellar progenitors of these overluminous supernovae are even more iron-poor than they are oxygen-poor. A number of mechanisms and massive star progenitor systems have been proposed to explain the most luminous core-collapse supernovae; any successful theory will need to include the emerging trend that points towards low-metallicity for the massive progenitor stars. This trend for very luminous supernovae to strongly prefer low-metallicity galaxies should be taken into account when considering various aspects of the evolution of the metal-poor early universe. (abridged)Comment: 27 pages, 7 figures, 2 tables. Accepted for publication in Ap

    SN 2003du: Signatures of the Circumstellar Environment in a Normal Type Ia Supernova?

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    We present observations of the Type Ia supernova 2003du and report the detectionof an unusual, high-velocity component in the Ca II infrared triplet, similar tofeatures previously observed in SN 2000cx and SN 2001el. This feature exhibits a large expansion velocity (~18,000 km/s) which is nearly constant between -7 and +2 days relative to maximum light, and disappears shortly thereafter. Otherthan this feature, the spectral evolution and light curve resemble those of a normal SN Ia. We find that the Ca II feature can plausibly be caused by a dense shell formed when circumstellar material of solar abundance is overrun by the rapidly expanding outermost layers of the SN ejecta. Model calculations show that the optical and infrared spectra are remarkably unaffected by the circumstellar interaction. In particular, no hydrogen lines are detectable in either absorption or emission. The only qualitatively different features are the strong, high-velocity feature in the Ca II IR-triplet, and a somewhat weaker O I feature near 7,300 AA. The morphology and time evolution of these features provide an estimate for the amount of accumulated matter and an indication of the mixing in the dense shell. We apply these diagnostic tools to SN 2003du and infer that about 2 x 10^{-2} M_sun of solar abundance material may have accumulated in a circumstellar shell prior to the observations. Furthermore, the early light curve data imply that the circumstellar material was originally very close to the progenitor system, perhaps from an accretion disk, Roche lobe or common envelope.Comment: 35 Pages, 11 Figures, to appear in ApJ. Resubmission includes expanded discussion & new figures to match with accepted journal versio

    SN2012ab: A Peculiar Type IIn Supernova with Aspherical Circumstellar Material

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    We present photometry, spectra, and spectropolarimetry of supernova (SN) 2012ab, mostly obtained over the course of 300\sim 300 days after discovery. SN 2012ab was a Type IIn (SN IIn) event discovered near the nucleus of spiral galaxy 2MASXJ12224762+0536247. While its light curve resembles that of SN 1998S, its spectral evolution does not. We see indications of CSM interaction in the strong intermediate-width emission features, the high luminosity (peak at absolute magnitude M=19.5M=-19.5), and the lack of broad absorption features in the spectrum. The Hα\alpha emission undergoes a peculiar transition. At early times it shows a broad blue emission wing out to 14,000-14{,}000 km s1\mathrm{s^{-1}} and a truncated red wing. Then at late times (>> 100\,days) it shows a truncated blue wing and a very broad red emission wing out to roughly +20,000+20{,}000 km s1\mathrm{s^{-1}}. This late-time broad red wing probably arises in the reverse shock. Spectra also show an asymmetric intermediate-width Hα\alpha component with stronger emission on the red side at late times. The evolution of the asymmetric profiles requires a density structure in the distant CSM that is highly aspherical. Our spectropolarimetric data also suggest asphericity with a strong continuum polarization of 13\sim 1-3% and depolarization in the Hα\alpha line, indicating asphericity in the CSM at a level comparable to that in other SNe IIn. We estimate a mass-loss rate of M˙=0.050Myr1\dot{M} = 0.050\, {\rm M}_{\odot}\,\mathrm{yr^{-1}} for vpre=100v_{\rm pre} = 100\,km\,s1\mathrm{s^{-1}} extending back at least 75\,yr prior to the SN. The strong departure from axisymmetry in the CSM of SN 2012ab may suggest that the progenitor was an eccentric binary system undergoing eruptive mass loss.Comment: 18 pages, 12 figure

    SN 2006oz: rise of a super-luminous supernova observed by the SDSS-II SN Survey

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    We study SN 2006oz, a newly-recognized member of the class of H-poor, super-luminous supernovae. We present multi-color light curves from the SDSS-II SN Survey, that cover the rise time, as well as an optical spectrum that shows that the explosion occurred at z~0.376. We fitted black body functions to estimate the temperature and radius evolution of the photosphere and used the parametrized code SYNOW to model the spectrum. We constructed a bolometric light curve and compared it with explosion models. The very early light curves show a dip in the g- and r-bands and a possible initial cooling phase in the u-band before rising to maximum light. The bolometric light curve shows a precursor plateau with a duration of 6-10 days in the rest-frame. A lower limit of M_u < -21.5 can be placed on the absolute peak luminosity of the SN, while the rise time is constrained to be at least 29 days. During our observations, the emitting sphere doubled its radius to 2x10^15 cm, while the temperature remained hot at 15000 K. As for other similar SNe, the spectrum is best modeled with elements including O II and Mg II, while we tentatively suggest that Fe III might be present. We suggest that the precursor plateau might be related to a recombination wave in a circumstellar medium (CSM) and discuss whether this is a common property of all similar explosions. The subsequent rise can be equally well described by input from a magnetar or by ejecta-CSM interaction, but the models are not well constrained owing to the lack of post-maximum observations, and CSM interaction has difficulties accounting for the precursor plateau self-consistently. Radioactive decay is less likely to be the mechanism that powers the luminosity. The host galaxy, detected in deep imaging with the 10 m GTC, is a moderately young and star-forming, but not a starburst, galaxy. It has an absolute magnitude of M_g = -16.9.Comment: Contains minor changes (of editorial nature) with respect to v1 in order to match the published version. The abstract has been modified to fit the arXiv space requirements. 11 pages, 8 figures, 3 table

    The Palomar Transient Factory photometric catalog 1.0

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    We construct a photometrically calibrated catalog of non-variable sources from the Palomar Transient Factory (PTF) observations. The first version of this catalog presented here, the PTF photometric catalog 1.0, contains calibrated R_PTF-filter magnitudes for about 21 million sources brighter than magnitude 19, over an area of about 11233 deg^2. The magnitudes are provided in the PTF photometric system, and the color of a source is required in order to convert these magnitudes into other magnitude systems. We estimate that the magnitudes in this catalog have typical accuracy of about 0.02 mag with respect to magnitudes from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey. The median repeatability of our catalog's magnitudes for stars between 15 and 16 mag, is about 0.01 mag, and it is better than 0.03 mag for 95% of the sources in this magnitude range. The main goal of this catalog is to provide reference magnitudes for photometric calibration of visible light observations. Subsequent versions of this catalog, which will be published incrementally online, will be extended to a larger sky area and will also include g_PTF-filter magnitudes, as well as variability and proper motion information.Comment: 6 pages, 6 figures, PASP in pres

    Optical and Near-Infrared Observations of the Highly Reddened, Rapidly Expanding Type Ia Supernova 2006X in M100

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    We present extensive optical (UBVRI), near-infrared (JK) light curves and optical spectroscopy of the Type Ia supernova (SN) 2006X in the nearby galaxy NGC 4321 (M100). Our observations suggest that either SN 2006X has an intrinsically peculiar color evolution, or it is highly reddened [E(B - V)_{host} = 1.42+/-0.04 mag] with R_V = 1.48+/-0.06, much lower than the canonical value of 3.1 for the average Galactic dust. SN 2006X also has one of the highest expansion velocities ever published for a SN Ia. Compared with the other SNe Ia we analyzed, SN 2006X has a broader light curve in the U band, a more prominent bump/shoulder feature in the V and R bands, a more pronounced secondary maximum in the I and near-infrared bands, and a remarkably smaller late-time decline rate in the B band. The B - V color evolution shows an obvious deviation from the Lira-Phillips relation at 1 to 3 months after maximum brightness. At early times, optical spectra of SN 2006X displayed strong, high-velocity features of both intermediate-mass elements (Si, Ca, and S) and iron-peak elements, while at late times they showed a relatively blue continuum, consistent with the blue U-B and B-V colors at similar epochs. A light echo and/or the interaction of the SN ejecta and its circumstellar material may provide a plausible explanation for its late-time photometric and spectroscopic behavior. Using the Cepheid distance of M100, we derive a Hubble constant of 72.7+/-8.2 km s^{-1} Mpc^{-1}(statistical) from the normalized dereddened luminosity of SN 2006X. We briefly discuss whether abnormal dust is a universal signature for all SNe Ia, and whether the most rapidly expanding objects form a subclass with distinct photometric and spectroscopic properties.Comment: 48 pages, 20 figures and 11 tables. Accepted Version (ApJ, 2008, March issue

    GRB021004: a Massive Progenitor Star Surrounded by Shells

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    We present spectra of the optical transient of GRB021004 obtained with the Hobby-Eberly telescope starting 15.48, 20.31 hours, and 4.84 days after the burst and a spectrum obtained with the H. J. Smith 2.7 m Telescope starting 14.31 hours after the burst. GRB021004 is the first afterglow whose spectrum is dominated by absorption lines from high ionization species with multiple velocity components separated by up to 3000 km/s. We argue that these lines are likely to come from shells around a massive progenitor star. The high velocities and high ionizations arise from a combination of acceleration and flash-ionization by the burst photons and the wind velocity and steady ionization by the progenitor. We also analyze the broad-band spectrum and the light curve. We distinguish six components along the line of sight: (1) The z~2.293 absorption lines arise from the wind of a massive star. For a mass loss rate of ~6 x 10^{-5} solar masses per year, this component also provides the external medium to create the afterglow light. (2) A second shell produces absorption lines with a relative velocity of 560 km/s, and this is associated with the shell created by the fast massive star wind blowing a bubble in the preceding slow wind at a radial distance of order 10 pc. (3) More distant clouds within the host galaxy lie between 30-2500 pc, where they have been ionized by the burst. (4-6) The massive star wind has clumps with radii and over-densities of 0.022, 0.063, and 0.12 parsecs and 50%, 10%, and 10% respectively. The immediate progenitor of the burster could either be a WC-type Wolf-Rayet star or a highly evolved star whose original mass was just too small for it to become a WN-type Wolf-Rayet star