108 research outputs found

    Decentralized multi-tasks distribution in heterogeneous robot teams by means of ant colony optimization and learning automata

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    This paper focuses on the general problem of coordinating multiple robots. More specifically, it addresses the self-election of heterogeneous specialized tasks by autonomous robots. In this paper we focus on a specifically distributed or decentralized approach as we are particularly interested on decentralized solution where the robots themselves autonomously and in an individual manner, are responsible of selecting a particular task so that all the existing tasks are optimally distributed and executed. In this regard, we have established an experimental scenario to solve the corresponding multi-tasks distribution problem and we propose a solution using two different approaches by applying Ant Colony Optimization-based deterministic algorithms as well as Learning Automata-based probabilistic algorithms. We have evaluated the robustness of the algorithm, perturbing the number of pending loads to simulate the robot’s error in estimating the real number of pending tasks and also the dynamic generation of loads through time. The paper ends with a critical discussion of experimental results

    Effects of discontinued endurance methods on VO2max in judokas

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    Este estudio tuvo como objetivo investigar el efecto de dos diferentes planes de entrenamiento de resistencia basados en la metodología discontinua (intermitente e interválica), sobre el VO2Máx de atletas Antioqueños de Judo de rendimiento. Para ello, 21 Judokas de la Selección Antioqueña pertenecientes a la categoría Senior (20,43±4,18 años), fueron distribuidos aleatoriamente en tres grupos, dos grupos experimentales y un grupo control. Ambos grupos experimentales entrenaron la resistencia durante 4 semanas con 4 estímulos por semana, uno de los grupos experimentales basó su entrenamiento en el método interválico y el otro en el intermitente. Por su parte, el grupo control no realizó ningún tipo de entrenamiento de la resistencia. No se hallaron diferencias significativas entre pretest y postest de ninguno de los grupos ni experimentales ni el de grupo control (p>0,05). Se concluyó que el entrenamiento de la resistencia basado en métodos discontinuos no produjo diferencias significativas en el VO2Máx

    Total situs inversus and D- transposition of great arteries managed in 2 surgical stages. Case report

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    Pacientes con malformaciones cardiacas congénitasA case report of a pediatric patient in whom multiple congenital cardiac malformations coexist is presented below. The presentation of D-transposition of the great arteries (TGA) associated with total situs inversus and pulmonary artery atresia presented a challenge in surgical management, however, it could be carried out successfully using the Rastelli technique.https://orcid.org/0000-0003-2568-4667https://orcid.org/0000-0003-4517-2837Revista Internacional - No indexadaN

    Diversidad de mariposas (Lepidoptera, Papilionoidea) y su relación con el paisaje de alta montaña en los Andes nororientales de Colombia

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    Diversitat de papallones (Lepidoptera, Papilionoidea) i la seva relació amb el paisatge d’alta muntanya als Andes nord-orientals de Colòmbia La regió andina es caracteritza per acollir una gran varietat d’ecosistemes entre els quals es compten les característiques zones d’alta muntanya, que mostren processos de transformació del sòl accelerats que han convertit els boscos natius en zones agrícoles i ramaderes, la qual cosa ha ocasionant un declivi de la diversitat biològica regional. L’ús d’indicadors de diversitat és adequat per avaluar els canvis en els paisatges d’alta muntanya i les papallones són un dels grups més importants per determinar els canvis que es produeixen en els diferents tipus d’ambients. A l’àrea d’estudi es van establir dotze punts de mostreig als complexos d’erms d’Almorzadero, Santurbán i Tamá de la regió nord-oriental de Colòmbia. Durant la fase de mostreig es van practicar captures d’individus adults de papallones en transsectes de 100 x 4 m en un gradient altitudinal de 500 m. Es van registrar 69 espècies, pertanyents a cinc famílies. Els valors de diversitat de la comunitat de papallones diürnes van variar a les diferents cobertures vegetals associades a cada transsecte. Així, les àrees amb cobertura vegetal conservada (per exemple, bosc dens, arbustos i matolls i erm i suberm) van presentar els valors més alts de diversitat, mentre que les zones amb cobertura alterada (per exemple, bosc fragmentat, pastures i àrees agrícoles) van presentar els valors de diversitat més baixos. Les anàlisis d’estructura de comunitats evidencien que les espècies de papallones endèmiques estan associades a àrees fragmentades a les zones d’alta muntanya. Aquest estudi és el primer del seu tipus que estableix canvis en la diversitat de les papallones en zones d’alta muntanya del nord-est de Colòmbia i s’ha fet amb el propòsit de generar estratègies de conservació en llocs que presenten un alt grau d’endemisme i diversitat.Diversity of butterflies (Lepidoptera, Papilionoidea) and their relationship with the highlands’ landscape in the northeastern Andes of Colombia The Andean region harbors a great variety of ecosystems, including the characteristic high mountain zones. The biological diversity in these zones, however, is declining as the result of changes in land use, particularly the introduction of agriculture and cattle ranching. Changes in the high mountain landscape can be appropriately monitored using diversity indicators such as butterflies, one of the most important indicator species. We chose twelve sampling points in the paramo (high altitude moor) complexes Almorzadero, Santurbán and El Tamá, located in the northeastern region of Colombia to collect adult butterflies within transects of 100 x 4 m, along an altitudinal gradient of 500 m. We recorded 69 species, from five families. Diversity values of the diurnal butterfly communities varied among  the different areas of vegetation coverage associated with each transect. Conserved vegetation coverage (i.e. dense forest, scrublands and scrublands, and paramo and subparamo) showed the highest values of diversity, while  perturbed coverage (i.e. fragmented forests, pastures and agriculture areas) presented the lowest values of diversity. Analysis of the community structure showed that endemic butterfly species were associated with fragmented areas in the high mountains. Findings from this study, the first of its kind to determine changes in butterfly diversity in highlands in northeastern Colombia, may help to generate conservation strategies in places where there is high endemism and diversityLa región andina se caracteriza por albergar una gran variedad de ecosistemas entre los que se cuentan las características zonas de alta montaña, que muestran acelerados procesos de transformación del suelo que han convertido los bosques nativos en zonas agrícolas y ganaderas ocasionando un declive de la diversidad biológica regional. El empleo de indicadores de diversidad es adecuado para evaluar los cambios en los paisajes de alta montaña, siendo las mariposas uno de los grupos más importantes para determinar los cambios que se producen en los diferentes tipos de ambientes. En el área de estudio se establecieron doce puntos de muestreo en los complejos de páramos del Almorzadero, Santurbán y Tamá de la región nororiental de Colombia. Durante la fase de muestreo se realizaron capturas de individuos adultos de mariposas en transectos de 100 x 4 m en un gradiente altitudinal de 500 m. Se registraron 69 especies, pertenecientes a cinco familias. Los valores de diversidad de la comunidad de mariposas diurnas variaron en las diferentes coberturas vegetales asociadas a cada transecto. Así, las áreas con cobertura vegetal conservada (por ejemplo, bosque denso, arbustos y matorrales y páramo y subpáramo) presentaron los valores más altos de diversidad, mientras que las zonas con cobertura alterada (por ejemplo, bosque fragmentado, pastos y áreas agrícolas) presentaron los valores de diversidad más bajos. Los análisis de estructura de comunidades evidencian que las especies de mariposas endémicas están asociadas a áreas fragmentadas en las zonas de alta montaña. Este estudio es el primero de su tipo que establece cambios en la diversidad de las mariposas en zonas de alta montaña del nordeste de Colombia y se ha realizado con el propósito de generar estrategias de conservación en lugares que presentan un alto grado de endemismo y diversidad

    Muscle mass measured using bioelectrical impedance analysis, calf circumference and grip strength in older adults

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    AbstractObjectiveTo determine the correlation between muscle mass, measured using bioelectrical impedance analysis (BIA), with calf circumference and grip strength.Materials and methodsCross-sectional and observational study. Including all functional adults over 60 years of age seen in our Geriatric Clinic during the months of March 2013–February 2014. Measurements of weight, height, BMI, calf circumference, grip strength and muscle mass by BIA were made after the signature of informed consent.Results105 patients were evaluated, 73 women and 32 men, with a mean age of 76 years (SD±7.3). Muscle mass showed a mild positive correlation with calf circumference: Pearson (r=0.31; p=0.000) and a moderate positive correlation with grip strength: Pearson (r=0.50; p=0.000).DiscussionMuscle mass by BIA has a positive correlation with calf circumference and grip strength, and is a reliable measure to assess muscle mass and physical performance in older adults in geriatric ambulatory clinics and can be used in the diagnosis of sarcopenia in Mexican patients

    Efectos de los métodos discontinuos de resistencia sobre VO2 máx de judokas

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    The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of two different endurance training protocols based on discontinuous methodology (intermittent and interval), on the VO2Peakof Antioquia's top Judo athletes. To do this, 21 judokas of Antioquia’s judo team, belonging to the category of Major (20.43±4.18 years) were randomized into two experimental groups and a control group. Both experimental groups were trained in endurance for 4 weeks with 4 weekly stimuli, one of the experimental groups was trained based on the interval training method, and the other was trained based on the intermittent method. Meanwhile, the control group made no endurance training.No significant differences between pretest and posttest of both experimental groups, (intermittent and interval training protocols), nor in the control group were found (p> 0.05). It was concluded that the endurance training protocols based on discontinuous methodology, produced no significant difference in VO2Peakof Antioquia's top Judo athletes.Este estudio tuvo como objetivo investigar el efecto de dos diferentes planes de entrenamiento de resistencia basados en la metodología discontinua (intermitente e interválica), sobre el VO2Máx de atletas Antioqueños de Judo de rendimiento.Para ello, 21 Judokas de la Selección Antioqueña pertenecientes a la categoría Senior (20,43±4,18 años), fueron distribuidos aleatoriamente en tres grupos, dos grupos experimentales y un grupo control. Ambos grupos experimentales entrenaron la resistencia durante 4 semanas con 4 estímulos por semana, uno de los grupos experimentales basó su entrenamiento en el método interválico y el otro en el intermitente. Por su parte, el grupo control no realizó ningún tipo de entrenamiento de la resistencia.             No se hallaron diferencias significativas entre pretest y postest de ninguno de los grupos ni experimentales ni el de grupo control (p>0,05). Se concluyó que el entrenamiento de la resistencia basado en métodos discontinuos no produjo diferencias significativas en el VO2Máx.

    Comparison of the Yield of two Sowing Methods of the Rice Crop Oryza Sativa L. in the Lower Calima River Basin, Buenaventura – Colombia

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    Se establecieron parcelas (12m2) de arroz siguiendo un diseño de bloques completamente al azar, en la localidad del Bajo Calima, Buenaventura – Colombia, a variedad usada fue FL-FEDEARROZ 68 estableciendo 6 tratamientos con tres repeticiones cada uno (50 cm x 50 cm, 75 cm x 75 cm, 100 cm x 100 cm, 90 kg/ha 110 kg/ha y 130 kg/ha), en las cuales se pudo encontrar que esta variedad tienen un porcentaje de germinación por encima del 90% en ese sentido, no hubo diferencias significativas entre la altura de las plantas y el peso de 100 gramos de semillas por el contrario, sí hubo diferencias estadísticamente significativas para la variable número de macollas/planta, número de espigas/planta, número de granos/espiga y rendimiento, en ese orden de ideas el mayor rendimiento se obtuvo al usar 110 kg/ha alcanzado valores cercanos 1,3ton/ha por lo tanto esta es la variedad que se recomienda para la zona aun cuando sus rendimientos están por debajo de a los reportados para esta variedad en otras zonas, sin embargo la buena capacidad de adaptación de esta variedad a las condiciones edafoclimaticas de la zona las hace propicias para ser cultivadas.Plots (12m2) of rice were established following a completely randomized block design, in the town of Bajo Calima, Buenaventura – Colombia, the variety used was FL-FEDEARROZ 68, establishing 6 treatments with three repetitions each (50 cm x 50 cm , 75 cm x 75 cm, 100 cm x 100 cm, 90 kg/ha, 110 kg/ha and 130 kg/ha), in which it was found that this variety has a germination percentage above 90% in that sense , there were no significant differences between the height of the plants and the weight of 100 grams of seeds. On the contrary, there were statistically significant differences for the variable number of tillers/plant, number of spikes/plant, number of grains/spike and yield. In this order of ideas, the highest yield was obtained by using 110 kg/ha, reaching values close to 1.3ton/ha. Therefore, this is the variety that is recommended for the area even though its yields are below those reported for this variety in other areas, however the good capacity of adaptation of this variety to the edaphoclimatic conditions of the area makes it suitable for cultivation

    YSE-PZ: A Transient Survey Management Platform that Empowers the Human-in-the-Loop

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    The modern study of astrophysical transients has been transformed by an exponentially growing volume of data. Within the last decade, the transient discovery rate has increased by a factor of ~20, with associated survey data, archival data, and metadata also increasing with the number of discoveries. To manage the data at this increased rate, we require new tools. Here we present YSE-PZ, a transient survey management platform that ingests multiple live streams of transient discovery alerts, identifies the host galaxies of those transients, downloads coincident archival data, and retrieves photometry and spectra from ongoing surveys. YSE-PZ also presents a user with a range of tools to make and support timely and informed transient follow-up decisions. Those subsequent observations enhance transient science and can reveal physics only accessible with rapid follow-up observations. Rather than automating out human interaction, YSE-PZ focuses on accelerating and enhancing human decision making, a role we describe as empowering the human-in-the-loop. Finally, YSE-PZ is built to be flexibly used and deployed; YSE-PZ can support multiple, simultaneous, and independent transient collaborations through group-level data permissions, allowing a user to view the data associated with the union of all groups in which they are a member. YSE-PZ can be used as a local instance installed via Docker or deployed as a service hosted in the cloud. We provide YSE-PZ as an open-source tool for the community.Comment: 23 pages, 9 figures, submitted to PAS

    Development and Validation Protocol for an Instrument to Measure Household Water Insecurity Across Cultures and Ecologies the Household Water InSecurity Experiences (HWISE) Scale

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    Introduction A wide range of water-related problems contribute to the global burden of disease. Despite the many plausible consequences for health and well-being, there is no validated tool to measure individual- or household-level water insecurity equivalently across varying cultural and ecological settings. Accordingly, we are developing the Household Water Insecurity Experiences (HWISE) Scale to measure household-level water insecurity in multiple contexts. Methods and analysis After domain specification and item development, items were assessed for both content and face validity. Retained items are being asked in surveys in 28 sites globally in which waterrelated problems have been reported (eg, shortages, excess water and issues with quality), with a target of at least 250 participants from each site. Scale development will draw on analytic methods from both classical test and item response theories and include item reduction and factor structure identification. Scale evaluation will entail assessments of reliability, and predictive, convergent, and discriminant validity, as well as the assessment of differentiation between known groups. Ethics and dissemination Study activities received necessary ethical approvals from institutional review bodies relevant to each site. We anticipate that the final HWISE Scale will be completed by late 2018 and made available through open-access publication. Associated findings will be disseminated to public health professionals, scientists, practitioners and policymakers through peer-reviewed journals, scientific presentations and meetings with various stakeholders. Measures to quantify household food insecurity have transformed policy, research and humanitarian aid efforts globally, and we expect that an analogous measure for household water insecurity will be similarly impactful