980 research outputs found

    Thermodynamics of primitive model electrolytes in the symmetric and modified Poisson-Boltzmann theories. A comparative study with Monte Carlo simulations

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    Osmotic coefficients, individual and mean activity coefficients of primitive model electrolyte solutions are computed at different molar concentrations using the symmetric Poisson-Boltzmann and modified Poisson-Boltzmann theories. The theoretical results are compared with an extensive series of Monte Carlo simulation data obtained by Abbas et al. [Fluid Phase Equilib., 2007, 260, 233; J. Phys. Chem. B, 2009, 113, 5905]. The agreement between modified Poisson-Boltzmann predictions with the "exact" simulation results is almost quantitative for monovalent salts, while being semi-quantitative or better for higher and multivalent salts. The symmetric Poisson-Boltzmann results, on the other hand, are very good for monovalent systems but tend to deviate at higher concentrations and/or for multi-valent systems. Some recent experimental values for activity coefficients of HCl solution (individual and mean activities) and NaCl solution (mean activity only) have also been compared with the symmetric and modified Poisson-Boltzmann theories, and with the Monte Carlo simulations.Comment: 10 pages, 9 figure

    The Modernist Dilemma: Autonomy and Hermeneutics in Robert Pippin’s Thought

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    La obra de Robert Pippin ha prestado una especial atención al problema de la autonomía racional en tanto que hilo conductor básico del proyecto filosófico y político de la Modernidad. De hecho, la búsqueda de una autonomía estética auto-contenida en el ciclo literario modernista se trata de una derivación bastante sintomática de dicho problema. Pippin sitúa y enmarca el modernismo dentro de ese debate filosófico sobre la autonomía que se ha extendido desde Descartes a Heidegger. En su opinión, es en la dialéctica histórica de Hegel en donde podemos encontrar el punto de referencia más idóneo para entender las posibilidades, límites e impasses de un amplio conjunto de obras literarias que buscaron la soberanía de las formas. Pippin diagnostica en amplios sectores del modernismo literario una suerte de sobre-reacción artística, altamente pesimista y negativa con la sociedad burguesa y capitalista, ante la imposibilidad de un tipo de autonomía que, desde su propio inicio, estuvo lastrada por un sustento conceptual y teórico débil y contradictorio.Robert Pippin’s work has paid special attention to the problem of rational autonomy as a basic thread leading through the philosophical and political project of modernity. In fact, the search for aesthetic autonomy in the modernist literary cycle is a rather symptomatic offshoot of this problem. Pippin locates and frames modernism within this philosophical debate on autonomy that has persisted from Descartes to Heidegger. In his opinion, it is in the historical dialectic of Hegel where we can find the ideal reference point for understanding the possibilities, limits and impasses of a wide range of literary works that have sought the sovereignty and self-containment of forms. Pippin diagnoses, in broad sectors of literary modernism, a type of artistic overreaction that is highly pessimistic and negative about capitalist bourgeois society, given the impossibility of a type of autonomy which was, however, weighed down from the start by a weak and contradictory conceptual and theoretical basis

    Counter-returns: Nation and Cosmopolitanism in the Spanish Exile

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    In this essay, I argue that the Spanish literature in exile needs to be reinterpreted against two models of literary historiography and hermeneutics, namely, the national(ist) and the cosmopolitan. The former one aspires to repatriate this literary production while the latter one celebrates its extra-territoriality, its nonbelonging to any national canon. Despite the efforts to renationalize this narrative, poetry, and theater since the early 1980s, this textual corpus occupies a liminal, precarious, and ambiguous position within the Spanish Literature. On the other hand, its cosmopolitan celebration incurs in simplifications, and obviates important political and cultural problems. These writings produced in exile find themselves in the following unstable impasse: a constant but impossible return. From the perspective of this conceptual framework, I analyze an essay by Francisco Ayala, a short story by Max Aub, and two poems by Concha Méndez and Marina Moreno.Este trabajo defiende que la literatura del exilio español necesita ser reinterpretada contra dos modelos de historiografía y hermenéutica literarias, el nacional(ista) y el cosmopolita, esto es, el que aspira a su plena repatriación y el que simplemente celebra su extraterritorialidad, su no pertenencia a ningún canon nacional. A pesar de los esfuerzos de reintegración realizados a partir de los años ochenta, esta narrativa, poesía y teatro ocupan una posición limítrofe, precaria y ambigua en el marco de la institución de la literatura española. Por otra parte, su celebración cosmopolita incurre en simplificaciones, y obvia importantes problemas políticos y culturales. Las letras del exilio se hallan instaladas, en definitiva, en un retorno simultáneamente incesante e imposible. A partir de este marco conceptual, se analizan un ensayo de Francisco Ayala, un cuento de Max Aub y dos poemas de Concha Méndez y Marina Romero

    Sin perpetradores: crisis económica, publicidad televisiva y la ontología social del azar

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    Educating Pharmacy Students to Improve Quality (EPIQ) in Colleges and Schools of Pharmacy

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    Objective. To assess course instructors’ and students’ perceptions of the Educating Pharmacy Students and Pharmacists to Improve Quality (EPIQ) curriculum. Methods. Seven colleges and schools of pharmacy that were using the EPIQ program in their curricula agreed to participate in the study. Five of the 7 collected student retrospective pre- and post-intervention questionnaires. Changes in students’ perceptions were evaluated to assess their relationships with demographics and course variables. Instructors who implemented the EPIQ program at each of the 7 colleges and schools were also asked to complete a questionnaire. Results. Scores on all questionnaire items indicated improvement in students’ perceived knowledge of quality improvement. The university the students attended, completion of a class project, and length of coverage of material were significantly related to improvement in the students’ scores. Instructors at all colleges and schools felt the EPIQ curriculum was a strong program that fulfilled the criteria for quality improvement and medication error reduction education. Conclusion. The EPIQ program is a viable, turnkey option for colleges and schools of pharmacy to use in teaching students about quality improvement

    Retos de la entomología médica para la vigilancia en salud pública en Colombia: reflexión para el caso de malaria

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    The relevance of the medical entomology was considered with respect to current framework of malaria control programs in Colombia. A responsibility is indicated for balancing control efforts along with providing information on the malaria vectors. This knowledge must be acquired in order to focus the related activities that are required. The malaria control program must be based on results of local entomological surveillance, and the data must be in a form to give practical answers to questions regarding the control program. Difficulties in undertaking the required studies are described, particularly regarding the taxonomic identification of Colombian Anopheles in Colombia and which of these can be incriminated as malaria vectors.Se presenta una reflexión sobre la pertinencia del fortalecimiento de la vigilancia entomológica en los programas de control de paludismo en un escenario como Colombia, haciendo un reconocimiento de los vacíos de información sobre el conocimiento de las especies vectores y resaltando las acciones básicas que requiere el país en este campo. Bajo la premisa que los programas de control de vectores deben estar basados en resultados de los estudios entomológicos locales y dar respuestas prácticas a preguntas orientadas al control de la enfermedad, se mencionan algunas dificultades por resolver con relación a las especies de Anopheles en Colombia, particularmente en lo que tiene que ver con la taxonomía e incriminación como vectores y los retos que se podrían asumir en este aspecto

    Achieving Health Equity in Embedded Pragmatic Trials for People Living with Dementia and Their Family Caregivers

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    Embedded pragmatic clinical trials (ePCTs) advance research on Alzheimer's disease/Alzheimer's disease and related dementias (AD/ADRD) in real-world contexts; however, health equity issues have not yet been fully considered, assessed, or integrated into ePCT designs. Health disparity populations may not be well represented in ePCTs without special efforts to identify and successfully recruit sites of care that serve larger numbers of these populations. The National Institute on Aging (NIA) Imbedded Pragmatic Alzheimer's disease (AD) and AD-Related Dementias (AD/ADRD) Clinical Trials (IMPACT) Collaboratory's Health Equity Team will contribute to the overall mission of the collaboratory by developing and implementing strategies to address health equity in the conduct of ePCTs and ensure the collaboratory is a national resource for all Americans with dementia. As a first step toward meeting these goals, this article reviews what is currently known about the inclusion of health disparities populations of people living with dementia (PLWD) and their caregivers in ePCTs, highlights unique challenges related to health equity in the conduct of ePCTs, and suggests priority areas in the design and implementation of ePCTs to increase the awareness and avoidance of pitfalls that may perpetuate and magnify healthcare disparities

    Multimorbidity and Associated Informal Care Receiving Characteristics for US Older Adults: a Latent Class Analysis

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    Older adults with varying patterns of multimorbidity may require distinct types of care and rely on informal caregiving to meet their care needs. This study aims to identify groups of older adults with distinct, empirically-determined multimorbidity patterns and compare characteristics of informal care received among estimated classes. Methods Data are from the 2011 National Health and Aging Trends Study (NHATS). Ten chronic conditions were included to estimate multimorbidity patterns among 7532 individuals using latent class analysis. Multinomial logistic regression model was estimated to examine the association between sociodemographic characteristics, health status and lifestyle variables, care-receiving characteristics and latent class membership. Results A four-class solution identified the following multimorbidity groups: some somatic conditions with moderate cognitive impairment (30%), cardiometabolic (25%), musculoskeletal (24%), and multisystem (21%). Compared with those who reported receiving no help, care recipients who received help with household activities only (OR = 1.44, 95% CI 1.05–1.98), mobility but not self-care (OR = 1.63, 95% CI 1.05–2.53), or self-care but not mobility (OR = 2.07, 95% CI 1.29–3.31) had greater likelihood of being in the multisystem group versus the some-somatic group. Having more caregivers was associated with higher odds of being in the multisystem group compared with the some-somatic group (OR = 1.09, 95% CI 1.00-1.18), whereas receiving help from paid helpers was associated with lower odds of being in the multisystem group (OR = 0.36, 95% CI 0.19–0.77). Conclusions Results highlighted different care needs among persons with distinct combinations of multimorbidity, in particular the wide range of informal needs among older adults with multisystem multimorbidity. Policies and interventions should recognize the differential care needs associated with multimorbidity patterns to better provide person-centered care

    of the Enrollment Survey

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    through the Food and Nutrition Technical Assistance III Project (FANTA), managed by FHI 360. The contents are the responsibility of FHI 360 and do not necessarily reflect the views of USAID or the United States Government