10 research outputs found

    Les foréts méditerranéennes problemes posés par leur signification historique, écologique et leur conservation

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    From an historical point of view, their regression can be assessed from the beginning of the Neolithic and especially during the last century. The situation is quite different in the Northern mediterranean countries where, following an intensive land abandonment and in spite of dramatic fires, their surface is generally increasing whereas, in the Southern mediterranean countries, forests are quickly destroyed under combined action of man and cattle. From an ecological point of view, the mediterranean forests constitute very hete- rogenous units where, according to climatic and edaphic criteris, one can characterize forests, preforests and pre-steppic forests. Their dynamic significance varies essentially according to the types of bioclimate but also according to the species. Their phytosociological significance is nowadays known and a synthesis is attempted. Theconservancy of the mediterranean forests already presents with serious problems as well for the species, some of them becoming nearly extinct, as for the structures of vegetation. Their protection press the urgency of immediate action.Du point de vue historique, il est utile d'estimer dans la mesure du possible, la re- gression qu'elles ont subie depuis le début du Néolithique, et tout spécialement au cours du dernier siècle. La situation est totalement différente dans les pays du revers septentrional oil á la suite dune intense déprise rurale et malgré de dramatiques incendies, leur superficie tend globalement á s'accroitre, alors que dans les pays du revers sud, on assiste a une destruction accélérée du capital forestier sous faction conjuguée de l'homme et de ses troupeaux. Du point de vue écologique, les foréts méditerranéennes constituent des ensembles tres hétérogenes, oil, en fonction des criteres climatiques et aussi édaphiques, Ion est amené á distinguer des structures franchement forestieres, des préforéts et des forks pré-steppiques, dont la signification dynamique vane essentiellement suivant les types de bioclimat, mais aussi des essences constitutives. Leur signification phycosociologique est actuellement assez bien connue et un essai de synthese est tente ici. Du point de vue de leur conservation, de dramatiques problémes se posent dés á present aussi bien au niveau des essences, dont certaines se trouvent en situation naturelle proche de l'extinction, que des structures de vegetation. Des solutions d'urgence devront étre trouvées dans les plus brefs délais, pour assurer leur sauvegarde.Du point de vue historique, il est utile d'estimer dans la mesure du possible, la re- gression qu'elles ont subie depuis le début du Néolithique, et tout spécialement au cours du dernier siècle. La situation est totalement différente dans les pays du revers septentrional oil á la suite dune intense déprise rurale et malgré de dramatiques incendies, leur superficie tend globalement á s'accroitre, alors que dans les pays du revers sud, on assiste a une destruction accélérée du capital forestier sous faction conjuguée de l'homme et de ses troupeaux. Du point de vue écologique, les foréts méditerranéennes constituent des ensembles tres hétérogenes, oil, en fonction des criteres climatiques et aussi édaphiques, Ion est amené á distinguer des structures franchement forestieres, des préforéts et des forks pré-steppiques, dont la signification dynamique vane essentiellement suivant les types de bioclimat, mais aussi des essences constitutives. Leur signification phycosociologique est actuellement assez bien connue et un essai de synthese est tente ici. Du point de vue de leur conservation, de dramatiques problémes se posent dés á present aussi bien au niveau des essences, dont certaines se trouvent en situation naturelle proche de l'extinction, que des structures de vegetation. Des solutions d'urgence devront étre trouvées dans les plus brefs délais, pour assurer leur sauvegarde

    Assessment of the Food Habits of the Moroccan Dorcas Gazelle in M’Sabih Talaa, West Central Morocco, Using the trnL Approach

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    Food habits of the Moroccan dorcas gazelle, Gazella dorcas massaesyla, previously investigated in the 1980s using microhistological fecal analysis, in the M’Sabih Talaa Reserve, west central Morocco, were re-evaluated over three seasons (spring, summer and autumn 2009) using the trnL approach to determine the diet composition and its seasonal variation from fecal samples. Taxonomic identification was carried out using the identification originating from the database built from EMBL and the list of plant species within the reserve. The total taxonomic richness in the reserve was 130 instead of 171 species in the 1980s. The diet composition revealed to be much more diversified (71 plant taxa belonging to 57 genus and 29 families) than it was 22 years ago (29 identified taxa). Thirty-four taxa were newly identified in the diet while 13 reported in 1986–87 were not found. Moroccan dorcas gazelle showed a high preference to Acacia gummifera, Anagallis arvensis, Glebionis coronaria, Cladanthus arabicus, Diplotaxis tenuisiliqua, Erodium salzmannii, Limonium thouini, Lotus arenarius and Zizyphus lotus. Seasonal variations occurred in both number (40–41 taxa in spring-summer and 49 taxa in autumn vs. respectively 23–22 and 26 in 1986–1987) and taxonomic type of eaten plant taxa. This dietary diversification could be attributed either to the difference in methods of analysis, trnL approach having a higher taxonomic resolution, or a potential change in nutritional quality of plants over time


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    African pollen database inventory of tree and shrub pollen types

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    African pollen data have been used in many empirical or quantitative palaeoenvironmental reconstructions. However, the pollen types used in these studies were not controlled and standardised, preventing the precise understanding of pollen-plant and pollen-climate relation that is necessary for the accurate quantification of continental scale climate change or ecological processes in the past. This paper presents a summary of the progress made with the African Pollen Database (APD) inventory of plant diversity from pollen data extracted from 276 fossil sites and more than 1500 modem samples, with a focus on tropical tree pollen types. This inventory (1145 taxa) gives, for each pollen taxon whose nomenclature is discussed, information on the habit, habitat and phytogeographical distribution of the plants they come from. Special attention has been paid to pollen types with similar morphology, which include several plant species or genera, whose biological or environmental parameters can differ considerably