20 research outputs found

    A Highly Conserved Program of Neuronal Microexons Is Misregulated in Autistic Brains

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    SummaryAlternative splicing (AS) generates vast transcriptomic and proteomic complexity. However, which of the myriad of detected AS events provide important biological functions is not well understood. Here, we define the largest program of functionally coordinated, neural-regulated AS described to date in mammals. Relative to all other types of AS within this program, 3-15 nucleotide “microexons” display the most striking evolutionary conservation and switch-like regulation. These microexons modulate the function of interaction domains of proteins involved in neurogenesis. Most neural microexons are regulated by the neuronal-specific splicing factor nSR100/SRRM4, through its binding to adjacent intronic enhancer motifs. Neural microexons are frequently misregulated in the brains of individuals with autism spectrum disorder, and this misregulation is associated with reduced levels of nSR100. The results thus reveal a highly conserved program of dynamic microexon regulation associated with the remodeling of protein-interaction networks during neurogenesis, the misregulation of which is linked to autism

    Hepatitis C virus quasispecies in chronically infected children subjected to interferon–ribavirin therapy

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    Accumulating evidence suggests that certain features of hepatitis C virus (HCV), especially its high genetic variability, might be responsible for the low efficiency of anti-HCV treatment. Here, we present a bioinformatic analysis of HCV-1a populations isolated from 23 children with chronic hepatitis C (CHC) subjected to interferon–ribavirin therapy. The structures of the viral quasispecies were established based on a 132-amino-acid sequence derived from E1/E2 protein, including hypervariable region 1 (HVR1). Two types of HCV populations were identified. The first type, found in non-responders, contained a small number of closely related variants. The second type, characteristic for sustained responders, was composed of a large number of distantly associated equal-rank variants. Comparison of 445 HVR1 sequences showed that a significant number of variants present in non-responding patients are closely related, suggesting that certain, still unidentified properties of the pathogen may be key factors determining the result of CHC treatment

    HIV-1 pol Diversity among Female Bar and Hotel Workers in Northern Tanzania

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    A national ART program was launched in Tanzania in October 2004. Due to the existence of multiple HIV-1 subtypes and recombinant viruses co-circulating in Tanzania, it is important to monitor rates of drug resistance. The present study determined the prevalence of HIV-1 drug resistance mutations among ART-naive female bar and hotel workers, a high-risk population for HIV-1 infection in Moshi, Tanzania. A partial HIV-1 pol gene was analyzed by single-genome amplification and sequencing in 45 subjects (622 pol sequences total; median number of sequences per subject, 13; IQR 5–20) in samples collected in 2005. The prevalence of HIV-1 subtypes A1, C, and D, and inter-subtype recombinant viruses, was 36%, 29%, 9% and 27%, respectively. Thirteen different recombination patterns included D/A1/D, C/A1, A1/C/A1, A1/U/A1, C/U/A1, C/A1, U/D/U, D/A1/D, A1/C, A1/C, A2/C/A2, CRF10_CD/C/CRF10_CD and CRF35_AD/A1/CRF35_AD. CRF35_AD was identified in Tanzania for the first time. All recombinant viruses in this study were unique, suggesting ongoing recombination processes among circulating HIV-1 variants. The prevalence of multiple infections in this population was 16% (n = 7). Primary HIV-1 drug resistance mutations to RT inhibitors were identified in three (7%) subjects (K65R plus Y181C; N60D; and V106M). In some subjects, polymorphisms were observed at the RT positions 41, 69, 75, 98, 101, 179, 190, and 215. Secondary mutations associated with NNRTIs were observed at the RT positions 90 (7%) and 138 (6%). In the protease gene, three subjects (7%) had M46I/L mutations. All subjects in this study had HIV-1 subtype-specific natural polymorphisms at positions 36, 69, 89 and 93 that are associated with drug resistance in HIV-1 subtype B. These results suggested that HIV-1 drug resistance mutations and natural polymorphisms existed in this population before the initiation of the national ART program. With increasing use of ARV, these results highlight the importance of drug resistance monitoring in Tanzania

    Lessons from non-canonical splicing

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    Recent improvements in experimental and computational techniques that are used to study the transcriptome have enabled an unprecedented view of RNA processing, revealing many previously unknown non-canonical splicing events. This includes cryptic events located far from the currently annotated exons and unconventional splicing mechanisms that have important roles in regulating gene expression. These non-canonical splicing events are a major source of newly emerging transcripts during evolution, especially when they involve sequences derived from transposable elements. They are therefore under precise regulation and quality control, which minimizes their potential to disrupt gene expression. We explain how non-canonical splicing can lead to aberrant transcripts that cause many diseases, and also how it can be exploited for new therapeutic strategies

    A novel protein domain in an ancestral splicing factor drove the evolution of neural microexons

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    The mechanisms by which entire programmes of gene regulation emerged during evolution are poorly understood. Neuronal microexons represent the most conserved class of alternative splicing in vertebrates, and are critical for proper brain development and function. Here, we discover neural microexon programmes in non-vertebrate species and trace their origin to bilaterian ancestors through the emergence of a previously uncharacterized 'enhancer of microexons' (eMIC) protein domain. The eMIC domain originated as an alternative, neural-enriched splice isoform of the pan-eukaryotic Srrm2/SRm300 splicing factor gene, and subsequently became fixed in the vertebrate and neuronal-specific splicing regulator Srrm4/nSR100 and its paralogue Srrm3. Remarkably, the eMIC domain is necessary and sufficient for microexon splicing, and functions by interacting with the earliest components required for exon recognition. The emergence of a novel domain with restricted expression in the nervous system thus resulted in the evolution of splicing programmes that qualitatively expanded the neuronal molecular complexity in bilaterians.This work has been funded by the European Research Council (ERC) under the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme (ERC-StG-LS2-637591 to M.Ir. and ERC-AdvG-670146 to J.V.), the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (BFU2014-55076-P and BFU2017-89201-P to M.Ir., BFU2014-005153 to J.V., and the ‘Centro de Excelencia Severo Ochoa 2013–2017’ (SEV-2012-0208)), AGAUR, Fundación Botín (to J.V.) and the Canadian Institutes of Health Research (to B.J.B. and A.-C.G.). RNP mass spectrometric analyses were performed at the CRG/UPF Proteomics Unit (part of ProteoRed-PRB3, supported by PE I+D+i 2013–2016 (PT17/0019) of the ISCIII and ERDF) by ‘Programa CERCA Generalitat de Catalunya’ and ‘Secretaria d’Universitats i Recerca del Departament d’Economia i Coneixement’ (2017SGR595). A.T.-M. held an FPI-SO fellowship, and Y.M. a Marie Skłodowska-Curie individual fellowship

    Landscape of ribosome-engaged transcript isoforms reveals extensive neuronal-cell-class-specific alternative splicing programs

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    Nervous system function relies on complex assemblies of distinct neuronal cell types that have unique anatomical and functional properties instructed by molecular programs. Alternative splicing is a key mechanism for the expansion of molecular repertoires, and protein splice isoforms shape neuronal cell surface recognition and function. However, the logic of how alternative splicing programs are arrayed across neuronal cells types is poorly understood. We systematically mapped ribosome-associated transcript isoforms in genetically defined neuron types of the mouse forebrain. Our dataset provides an extensive resource of transcript diversity across major neuron classes. We find that neuronal transcript isoform profiles reliably distinguish even closely related classes of pyramidal cells and inhibitory interneurons in the mouse hippocampus and neocortex. These highly specific alternative splicing programs selectively control synaptic proteins and intrinsic neuronal properties. Thus, transcript diversification via alternative splicing is a central mechanism for the functional specification of neuronal cell types and circuits