817 research outputs found

    The Influence of Outsourcing and Information and Communication Technology on Virtualization of the Company

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    In the article we investigate the field of virtual organizations, which in the definition of many authors consists of two components: outsourcing and information and communication technology. In the study we have tried to determine which of the two, in the opinion of employees working in the area of Slovene tourism, contributes to a greater degree to virtualization of the company. We determine that outsourcing influences the virtualization of the company more strongly than does information and communication technology, since it enables the company to acquire new knowledge and know-how and increase its competitiveness in the marketplace.virtual organization, outsourcing, information and communication technology

    Online Gambling: Today’s Possibilities and Tomorrow’s Opportunities

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    With the development of new information and communication technologies (ICT), above all computers and the internet, new forms of online commerce have emerged. The gambling industry began using the power of the rapidly developing virtual market by offering its services in online casinos. The phenomenon of online gambling has encouraged researchers to direct their work into various areas, including the characteristics or profile of online gamblers. In light of the data on the growth of the market for online gambling it is evident that, in the relation between the many types of traditional and online gambling, visits to traditional casinos predominate, as do predictions about the development of the internet. We therefore decided to examine the characteristics of gamblers in traditional casinos and to determine what percentage of them also gamble online, as well as to establish their profile. The aim of the research was to determine how their characteristics in respect of the development of the internet and the growth of the market have influenced the subsequent development of traditional and internet casinos. We predict that both types of gambling, each in its own way, will compete for gamblers. For traditional casinos the best solution seems to be opening their own online casinos; online casinos will have to remain abreast of the development of the internet and communication technology.online gambling, online casino, online gambling product

    La formazione dei formatori. Come s’insegna nel «ginnasio forense»

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    La formazione e l’aggiornamento professionale degli avvocati in Italia vivono attualmente una complessa, e talvolta confusa, fase di organizzazione. Spinti dalla recente normativa, gli ordini professionali, in capo ai quali grava l’onere formativo, si trovano alle prese con diversi problemi: il crescente numero di praticanti ed iscritti, la qualità della formazione universitaria, il mercato del lavoro, l’eterogeneicità delle offerte didattiche disponibili. Tutti questi problemi non hanno soluzioni meramente ‘tecniche’, ma implicano un profondo ripensamento della «cultura dell’avvocatura»; è, insomma, un problema d’identità. Le soluzioni qui prospettate partono da questa considerazione radicale, e sviluppano una metodologia conseguente. Ne sono destinatari elettivi coloro i quali operano come docenti nelle istituzioni forensi, ai quali andrebbero forniti adeguati sostegni di carattere meta-didattico

    L'ordine infranto. Ambiguità e limiti delle narrazioni formali nel diritto dell'età post-moderna

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    Maurizio Manzin, "L'ordine infranto. Ambiguità e limiti delle narrazioni formali nel diritto dell'età post-moderna" in: Tigor: rivista di scienze della comunicazione. A.I (2009) n.1 (gennaio-giugno), pp. 31-41.L’età moderna fu caratterizzata dal trionfo del pensiero sistematico, capace di descrivere il mondo mediante narrazioni dotate di continuità e corenza. Ordine causale nel mondo fisico e ordine formale nei sistemi assiomatizzati sono stati per secoli i modelli dominanti in campo scientifico. Ad essi si ispirarono gli stessi giuristi teorici per produrre le loro narrazioni sul diritto (es. codificazione, dogmatica giuridica, normativismo). L’esigenza di continuità narrativa si tradusse, in campo giudiziale, nella figura del sillogismo: strumento offerto al giudice per congiungere la legge con il fatto nella decisione. Ma si trattava di uno strumento totalmente astratto, e non appena le epistemologie della post-modernità hanno svelato l’invincibile complessità del reale rispetto alle descrizioni possibili, esso è entrato in crisi assieme al giuspositivismo formalista. Le attuali tendenze proceduraliste e nichiliste mostrano la rassegnazione ad un diritto in-fondato, consegnato al mutare dei poteri situazionali, e incoraggiano un atteggiamento scettico venato talvolta di cinismo. Recenti studi, tuttavia, indicano la possibilità di governare la discontinuità delle situazioni processuali con lo strumento logico della retorica forense di matrice classica

    Volatile Borders, Violated Identities: A Process of Cultural Transition

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    This brief paper will focus on a specific dilemma originated after World War II on the North-Eastern border of Italy. With the 1947 Paris Peace Treaty, the former Italian areas of Istria and Dalmatia were handed over to Tito's Yugoslavia. Some 350.000 Italian citizens left their hometowns to move within Italy's new borders in order to maintain their national identity. They left their homes and entered Italy as 'refugees': strangers in their own country, treated as strangers by fellow Italians. However, a small part of the Italian community in Istria and Dalmatia decided not to leave the area, becoming part of Tito's Socialist Yugoslavia. The Istro-Dalmatian community as a whole became homeless: a new socio-political scenario for the ones who stayed; the same country but a new local reality and a different social status for the one who left; and a new deep borderline to divide in two opposite sides the members of a formerly united local society. Giuliana Zelco and Nelida Milani - representatives of these two parties - raised their voices to call attention on an extremely contemporary issue: how deep can a geographical border cut into our concept of identity? The short stories Una terra nella pelle and L'osteria della Parenzana will be object of this paper: with the means of textual analysis and the support of Jacques Derrida's theories and observations, I will underline the effects that such a political decision triggered on the sense of identity of the individuals involved in the process

    “Identity-Based” and “Diversity-Based” Evidence Between Linear and Fractal Rationality

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    I identify two types of evidence: one based on “linear” rationality (LR) and the other based on “fractal” rationality (FR). For LR, evidence depends only on systematic coherence, and all other sources of knowledge (intuitive, perceptive, symbolic, poetic, moral, etc.) are marginalized. For FR, evidence requires an approach more adherent to the “irregularities” of life. LR philosophically entails a Neoplatonist and Cartesian account on identity, whereas FR entails Plato’s account on identity and diversity as coessential

    The effect of anglicization on the shaping of public space in the city of Pula

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    For decades, globalizational processes have been at the forefront of both sociological and linguistic research. This paper aims to combine these two perspectives into a sociolinguistic analysis of the degree of anglicization of the public space of the city of Pula. Through a quantitative linguistic landscape analysis and qualitative ethnographic research through semi-structured interviews, the paper aims to compare the degree of anglicization of Pula’s linguistic landscape with the atitudes of Pula’s citizens towards not only the English language, but also towards Anglo-American culture in general, in order to see whether a possible high degree of anglicization can be ascribed to a wider process of cultural homogenization brought about through globalizational effects. Furthermore, this paper takes into account the importance of the tourist industry for the city of Pula, and aims to see whether Pula’s anglicization is a permanent feature of Pula’s identity or a seasonal one. Lastly, this paper aims to ascertain whether there exists a unique Pula identity, different from the national and Istrian identities, and how this identity reacts to the anglicization of Pula’s public space

    La barba di Solzenicyn e la frammentazione dei diritti umani.

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    This article is in some respects provoking. It starts using a quotation from the famous Kundera s book on Immortality as a peg to hang a discussion on the transformation of individual whishes into rights and on the fragmentation sustained by human rights after the cultural revolution of 1968. It was in that period that the evolution of modern legal and political thought (deeply rooted in gnosticism) reached its climax, after developing through Scolastic rationalism in the 14th century and the modern doctrines of natural law (together with the scientific revolution) in the 16th. Between the 18th and the 19th century the human rights went through an age of abstractness (the Enlightment and the Déclaration in 1789) and then of socialization, until their ultimate denial as "individual" rights in the 20th century, dominated by totalitarian nationalism and communism (both anti-individualistic). After the Nuremberg Trial and the rising crisis of legal positivism, the human rights have been submitted to a process of constitutionalization and internationalization (see UN Universal Declaration) which, however, have not been able to cast light on their pre-normative (i.e. metaphysical) nature. In such a way human rights remain under control of a single power (either from a nation state or from some supranational community) instead of being founded on what is essentially human. It is the individualistic nature of modern human rights, strenghtened by secularization in the post-modern age, that prevents the durable foundation of human rights from being revealed, leaving them to the fragmentation of individual wishes - as written in Kundera 's book. Only a deep rethink of the (gnostic) process which has led mankind to modernity could allow us to save the notion of "human right", bringing it from the pluralistic fragmentation to the essence of the law