241 research outputs found

    Provider Bulletin

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    RE: Information about ICD-1

    Vulnérabilité territoriale et résiliences: résistances et capacités adaptatives face aux aléas climatiques

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    Namely inherited by its double "reactive" and "proactive" dimensioning, the multisacalar status of the resilience concept is illustrated here by the storm Xynthia, which occured in France on February 2010. Through designing this disaster as a structural traduction of townplanning dysfunction, resilience appears to formalize a paradigmatic change of natural risk treatment, namely applied to urban development strategies.Par sa double nature " réactive " et " proactive ", le statut multiscalaire du concept de résilience est ici illustré par la tempête Xynthia qui a balayé la France fin février 2010.Enconcevant la catastrophe comme un révélateur des structures et des dysfonctionnements de la ville, le concept de résilience permet alors de formaliser un changement paradigmatique de traitement du risque naturel, notamment du point de vue des stratégies du développement urbain

    La résurgence/convergence du triptyque « catastrophe-résilience-adaptation » pour (re)penser la « fabrique urbaine » face aux risques climatiques

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    Face au changement climatique, les villes apparaissent comme des espaces à risques, non pas tant en raison des menaces climatiques auxquelles elles sont ou seront exposées que de leurs vulnérabilités présentes et futures à de tels aléas étant donné leurs capacités limitées à y faire face ou à y répondre. Après avoir précisé la définition et la portée épistémologique de la résilience et ses liens complexes avec les notions afférentes de vulnérabilité et d’adaptation face aux catastrophes climatiques annoncées, cet article montre pourquoi l’adoption d’une perspective systémique, i.e. complexe et dynamique, peut offrir un cadre pertinent, sous certaines conditions, afin d’envisager les futurs (soutenables) des territoires urbanisés face aux risques actuels et futurs. Cet article interroge également l’opérationnalité du concept de résilience dans ses usages et acceptions actuels pour repenser la « fabrique » urbaine de manière intégrée avec la prévention des risques d’origine climatique. Il tente ainsi d’éclairer en quoi les stratégies d’adaptation planifiées visant à atténuer les vulnérabilités et à accroître la résilience des systèmes urbains, qui sont progressivement devenues dans les discours académiques comme institutionnels l’une des donnes incontournables, voire la « condition critique », de toute trajectoire de développement urbain durable, ne sont pas dénuées d’ambiguïtés.Confronted with climate change, cities appear to be spaces at risk, not so much because of their exposure to climatic threats but rather because of their present and future vulnerabilities to such hazards taking into account their limited capacities to cope with or to respond to such events. This article attempts firstly to precise both the definition and the epistemological frame of resilience and its complex links with the afferent notions of vulnerability and adaptation in a context of ineluctable climatic disasters. It shows why the adoption of a systemic perspective, i.e. complex and dynamic, of resilience can offer a pertinent frame, under specific conditions, to envisage sustainable futures for urbanized territories faced with present and forthcoming climate risks. Secondly, considering the actual uses and meanings of resilience, this article interrogates the operational feature of this concept to re-think about the “urban fabric” in an integrated manner with the climate risks prevention. Finally, it aims to clarify why planned adaptation strategies aimed at reducing vulnerabilities and enhancing proactive resilience of cities, that have progressively become in both academic and institutional discourses a key feature, and even a tipping point, for urban sustainable development pathways, can revealed to be ambiguous

    The Concerted Effort to Fight Climate Change

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    De Hyōgo à Sendai, la résilience comme impératif d’adaptation aux risques de catastrophe : nouvelle valeur universelle ou gouvernement par la catastrophe ?

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    Depuis l’adoption du Cadre d’action de Hyōgo 2005-2015, la résilience, présentée comme une dimension incontournable des trajectoires de développement durable, irrigue la plupart des discours onusiens sur la réduction des risques de catastrophes (RRC). La référence discursive croissante à la résilience, placée au cœur du Cadre d’action de Sendai 2015-2030 pour la RRC, tend à l’ériger en nouvelle injonction politique normative des organisations internationales et des États conduisant à renouveler la problématique de l’adaptation et à focaliser les actions de RRC sur la préparation à l’urgence. La résilience risque ainsi d’être instrumentalisée au profit d’un projet néolibéral de société pouvant conduire à stigmatiser les collectivités et les populations les plus vulnérables à contresens des objectifs de solidarité collective du développement durable.Since the adoption of the Hyōgo Framework for Action 2005-2015, resilience irrigates most of the United Nations discourses about disaster risk reduction (DRR) and is presented as an essential dimension of sustainable development pathways. The growing discursive reference to resilience, placed at the core of the Sendai Framework for Action 2015-2030 for DRR, tends to promote this concept as a new normative political injunction of international organisations and States leading to a renewal of the adaptation problematic and to focus DRR actions on emergency preparedness. Indeed, resilience could be exploited at the benefice of a neoliberal project of society susceptible to lead to a stigmatisation of most vulnerable communities and people in the opposite direction of collective solidarity aims implied by sustainable development

    La lutte concertée contre les changements climatiques.

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    Conscients de leur responsabilité historique dans la concentration atmosphérique des gaz à effet de serre (GES), les pays industrialisés, dits Parties à l’Annexe I (PAI), ont accepté, en 1992 à Rio, de prendre l’initiative en matière de lutte contre le renforcement de l’effet de serre. Dans le cadre de la Convention cadre des Nations unies sur les changements climatiques (CNUCC) ils se sont engagés à stabiliser, à l’horizon 2000, leurs émissions de GES aux niveaux atteints en 1990. En 1997, i..

    Open Access

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    Differential cellular gene expression in duck trachea infected with a highly or low pathogenic H5N1 avian influenza viru

    Could Intelligent Speed Adaptation make overtaking unsafe?

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    This driving simulator study investigated how mandatory and voluntary ISA might affect a driver's overtaking decisions on rural roads, by presenting drivers with a variety of overtaking scenarios designed to evaluate both the frequency and safety of the manoeuvres. In half the overtaking scenarios, ISA was active and in the remainder ISA was switched off. A rural road was modelled with a number of 2 + 1 road sections, thus allowing drivers a protected overtaking opportunity. The results indicate that drivers became less inclined to initiate an overtaking manoeuvre when the mandatory ISA was active and this was particularly so when the overtaking opportunity was short. In addition to this, when ISA was activated drivers were more likely to have to abandon an overtaking, presumably due to running out of road. They also spent more time in the critical hatched area - a potentially unsafe behaviour. The quality of the overtaking manoeuvre was also affected when mandatory ISA was active, with drivers pulling out and cutting back in more sharply. In contrast, when driving with a voluntary ISA, overtaking behaviour remained mostly unchanged: drivers disengaged the function in approximately 70% of overtaking scenarios. The results of this study suggest that mandatory ISA could affect the safety of overtaking manoeuvres unless coupled with an adaptation period or other driver support functions that support safe overtaking

    Mitochondrial Biogenesis: Cell-Cycle-Dependent Investment in Making Mitochondria

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    SummaryMitochondria cannot be made de novo, so pre-existing mitochondria must be inherited at each cell division. A new study demonstrates cell-cycle-dependent regulation of the activity of the TOM translocase complex to induce mitochondrial biogenesis during the M phase of the cell cycle

    Infectious Bronchitis Coronavirus: Genome Evolution in Vaccinated and Non-Vaccinated SPF Chickens

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    Infectious Bronchitis virus (IBV) continues to cause significant economic losses for the chicken industry despite the use of many live IBV vaccines around the world. Several authors have suggested that vaccine-induced partial protection may contribute to the emergence of new IBV strains. In order to study this hypothesis, three passages of a challenge IBV were made in SPF chickens sham inoculated or vaccinated at day of age using a live vaccine heterologous to the challenge virus. All birds that were challenged with vaccine heterologous virus were positive for viral RNA. NGS analysis of viral RNA in the unvaccinated group showed a rapid selection of seven genetic variants, finally modifying the consensus genome of the viral population. Among them, five were non-synonymous, modifying one position in NSP 8, one in NSP 13, and three in the Spike protein. In the vaccinated group, one genetic variant was selected over the three passages. This synonymous modification was absent from the unvaccinated group. Under these conditions, the genome population of an IBV challenge virus evolved rapidly in both heterologous vaccinated and non-vaccinated birds, while the genetic changes that were selected and the locations of these were very different between the two groups
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