110 research outputs found

    Genetic diversity and structure of the portuguese pear (Pyrus communis L.) germplasm

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    A rich heritage of traditional pear varieties is kept in national Portuguese collections. Out of these varieties, “Rocha” dominates national pear production. Although a noticeable phenotypic variation among clones of this variety has been reported, little is known about its genetic variability, as to date molecular studies have been performed on a single “Rocha” clone. Eleven Simple Sequence Repeats (SSR) markers were used to assess the genetic diversity of 130 local cultivars, 80 of them being “Rocha” clones. The results allowed the di erentiation of 75 genotypes of which 29 are “Rocha”. Three synonyms groups and four homonymous groups of other local varieties were confirmed. A Bayesian model-based clustering approach identified two distinct clusters. Using flow cytometry, six cultivars were found to be triploids. These results show high genetic variability among “Rocha” clones. In conclusion, there is a need for di erent “Rocha” clones to be preserved to enable the correct selection of the multiplication materialinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Identidade, marca e consumo: construções simbólicas na tessitura da cultura

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    O presente artigo tem o objetivo de discutir a marca enquanto construção simbólica, inserida competitivamente no contexto cultural de consumo. A identidade de uma marca depende da dimensão sensível de seus usuários em função de suas experiências. Cabe ao designer gráfico capitalizar essas experiências através de uma comunicação visual, aqui representada pela identidade visual, criando um diferencial estratégico da marca através de conceitos simbólicos. Assim, a identidade pode ser percebida através de linguagens e da manipulação de signos. Também nas histórias construídas pelo design aparecem as significações já existentes na cultura. Cada composição gráfica para expressão da marca é uma composição de fragmentos de dois códigos: um código genético e um código cultural

    Effects of dancing on physical activity levels of children and adolescents : a systematic review

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    Background: Dancing has been suggested to increase the levels of physical activity of the youth. However, it is not clear what are the physiological characteristics of the dance classes for young people, mainly regarding the levels of moderate to vigorous physical activity (MVPA) during classes. It is also unclear if regular engagement in dance practices can contribute with increases in the amounts of daily/weekly MVPA, recommended by health organizations. Objectives: To conduct a systematic review verifying the amount of time spent at MVPA (primary outcome), by children and adolescents in the following situations: i) During dance classes, and ii) Before and after dance in- terventions. Secondary outcomes included: markers of exercise intensity during class, such as oxygen con- sumption (VO2) and heart rate (HR); VO2peak and lipid profile before and after dance interventions. Methods: Six data sources were accessed (MEDLINE, EMBASE, Cochrane Wiley, PEDRO and SCOPUS). Study selection included different designs (acute, cohort, randomized controlled trials and others). Participants were from 6 to 19 years old, regularly engaged in dance practices. Methodological quality was assessed using the Downs and Black checklist. Two independent reviewers extracted characteristics and results of each study. Results: 3216 articles were retrieved, and 37 included. Studies indicated that dance classes do not achieve 50% of total class time at MVPA. However, there are peaks of HR and VO2 during dance classes, which reach moderate and vigorous intensities. MVPA/daily/weekly did not improve before and after dance interventions for most of the studies, also VO2peak did not. The few results on lipid profile showed improvements only in overweight and obese participants. Limitations: Lack of meta-analysis, because there were not enough articles to be analyzed on any given outcome of interest, neither under the same study design. Conclusions: Results of individual studies indicated that dance classes did not active 50% of the total time at MVPA levels. This may be related to the absence of improvements in daily/weekly MVPA before and after dance interventions. VO2 and HR attained peaks of moderateto vigorous intensity during dance classes, suggesting that the structure of the classes may be manipulated to maintain longer periods at MVPA levels. Lack of data on cardiorespiratory fitness and metabolic outcomes limit conclusions on these parameters. Implications of Keys Finds: Considering there are peaks of HR and VO2 during dance classes, we suggest that the structure of a dance class can be manipulate in order to induce cardiorespiratory and metabolic adaptations. Thus, dancing is a potential strategy to contribute with a healthy life style since the earliest ages. Prospero registration: CRD4202014460

    a scoping review

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    Background: The interest in Global Health (GH) as an academic discipline has increased in the last dec-ade. This article reports the findings of a scoping review of studies about Global Health education in the Americas. Objective: To analyse educational programs on global health in the Americas. Method: Five electronic databases were used in a scoping review: PubMed, Scopus, Web of Knowledge, CINAHL, and Lilacs. Data collection happened in November 2017–March 2018. The following stages were rigorously observed: identification, selection, charting, and summarizing the studies that were included. To process the data, we used IRaMuTeQ software. Findings: Forty-six studies were identified and organized in categories: 1) diversity of the topics addressed in GH; 2) models of teaching; 3) emotional, cultural, and collaborative aspects in teaching GH; 4) student preparation for GH experiences; and 5) structures required for a GH course. Conclusions: The existing global health curriculum in the Americas is diffuse and limited, with a greater focus on clinical aspects. Thus, a minimum curriculum for students from different areas is needed. Results evidenced that the teaching of global health in the Americas is still incipient, although it is promising. The lack of a common curriculum for the courses in the region makes it difficult to train sensitive and capable professionals to achieve the 2030 Sustainable Development Goals.publishersversionpublishe

    Sex education for adolescents by teachers from a community education center

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    Objective: raising teachers' knowledge about sexuality, to provide subsidies for the development of education practices in health care by Nursing. Methods: a descriptive study of a qualitative approach developed in a Community Education Center, with middle and high school teachers (n: 15). After compiling the data, there were analyzed and structured by semantic similarities. This study was a research project approved by the Research Ethics Committee, CAAE: 02700212.4.0000.5214. Results: in the research, four categories emerged: "The importance of the theme approach in School", "Sexuality demonstrations by students", "The role of teachers in sexual education of students" and "How the school should address the theme?". Conclusion: the approach is based on a vertical transmission of knowledge, based mainly on biological aspects

    Biomicroscopia ultrassônica após procedimentos cirúrgicos paliativos na ceratopatia bolhosa: estudo comparativo descritivo

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    Purpose:To describe quantitative and qualitative features of eyes with advanced bullou keratopathy assessed using ultrasound biomicroscopy, before and after anterior stromal puncture (ASP) or amniotic membrane transplantation (AMT) procedures to relieve chronic pain.Methods:The present descriptive comparative study included 40 eyes of 40 patients with chronic intermittent pain due to bullous keratopathy who were randomly assigned to one of the two treatments (AMT or ASP). Ultrasound biomicroscopy (Humphrey, UBM 840, 50 MHz transducer, immersion technique) was used, and a questionnaire about pain intensity was completed preoperatively and postoperatively at days 90 and 180, respectively. Exclusion criteria were age<18 years, presence of concurrent infection, ocular hypertension, and absence of pain.Results:In a 180-day follow-up, the AMT group exhibited mean central corneal thicknes (CCT), 899.4 µm preoperatively and 1122.5 µm postoperatively (p<0.001); mean epithelial thickness (ET), 156.4 µm preoperatively and 247.8 µm postoperatively (p<0.001); and mean stromal thickness (ST), 742.9 µm preoperatively and 826.3 µm postoperatively (p=0.005). The ASP group exhibited mean CCT, 756.7 µm preoperatively and 914.8 µm postoperatively (p<0.001); mean ET, 102.1 µm preoperatively and 245.2 µm postoperatively (p<0.001); and mean ST, 654.6 µm preoperatively and 681.5 µm postoperatively (p<0.999). Correlations between CCT and pain intensity in the AMT group (p=0.209 pre- and postoperatively) and the ASP group (p=0.157 preoperatively and p=0.426 at the 180-day follow-up) were not statistically significant. Epithelial and stromal edema, Descemet’s membrane folds, epithelial bullae, and the presence of interface fluid were frequently observed qualitative features.Conclusion:CCT increased over time in both groups. The magnitude of CCT did not correlate with pain intensity in the sample studied. The presence of interface fluid was a qualitative feature specifically found in some patients who underwent AMT.Objetivo:Descrever as características quantitativas e qualitativas da biomicroscopia ultrassônica (UBM) em olhos com ceratopatia bolhosa avançada, antes e após o procedimentos de punção estromal anterior (ASP) ou transplante de membrana amniótica (AMT) para alívio de dor crônica.Métodos:Estudo comparativo descritivo incluindo 40 olhos de 40 pacientes com dor crônica intermitente devido a ceratopatia bolhosa, randomizados em duas modalidades de tratamento (AMT e ASP). Biomicroscopia ultrassônica (Humphrey, UBM 840, transdutor de 50 MHz, técnica de imersão) foi utilizada, e um questionário de avaliação da intensidade da dor foi aplicado no pré-operatório, e após 90 e 180 dias de pós-operatório. Critérios de exclusão foram: idade abaixo de 18 anos, presença de infecção, hipertensão ocular, e ausência de dor.Resultados:No seguimento de 180 dias, o grupo Transplante de membrana amniótica apresentou: média da espessura corneana central (CCT): 899,4 µm (pré), 1.122,5 µm (pós-operatório) (p<0,001); média da espessura epitelial (ET): 156,4 µm (pré), 247,8 µm (pós-operatório) (p<0,001); média da espessura estromal (ST): 742,9 µm (pré), 826,3 µm (pós-operatório) (p=0,005), e, grupo ASP apresentou: CCT média: 756.7 µm (pré), 914,8µm (pós-operatório) (p<0,001); ET média: 102,1 µm (pré), 245,2 µm (pós-operatório) (p<0,001); ST média: 654,6 µm (pré), 681.5 µm (pós-operatório) (p<0,999). A correlação entre intensidade da dor e espessura corneana central no grupo AMT (p=0,209 pré e pós-operatórios) e no grupo ASP (p=0,157 pré-operatório e p=0,426 aos 180 dias de seguimento) não foi significativa. Edema epitelial e estromal, dobras na membrana de Descemet, bolha epiteliais, e presença de fluido na interface foram características qualitativa frequentemente observadas.Conclusão:A espessura corneana central aumentou ao longo do tempo em ambos os grupos. A magnitude da espessura corneana central não interfere na intensidade da dor na amostra estudada. Presença de fluido na interface foi uma característica qualitativa especificamente encontrada em alguns pacientes submetidos a transplante de membraa amniótica.Foundation for Support to Research of Sao Paulo State, (FAPESP)Federal University of São Paulo Department of Ophthalmology and Visual SciencesUNIFESP, Department of Ophthalmology and Visual Sciences2001/07036-3SciEL

    La Gobernanza Corporativa y el Retorno de las Acciones de Empresas de Control Familiar y de Control no Familiar en Brasil.

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    This study aims to evaluate, among the companies of BM&amp;BOVESPA’s New Market (“Mercado Novo”), the significance of differences of return on equity, due to the control identity and the operation of the controlling shareholder’s relatives in the board of directors. The study is qualified as descriptive and of quantitative nature, involving all 107 companies inside BM&amp;BOVESPA’s New Market, categorized into “family control”, “non-family control” and, among the companies with family control, “with members of the controlling family in the board of directors” and “without members of the controlling family in the board of directors”. The information were obtained through BM&amp;BOVESPA’s and of the analyzed organizations’ websites, in addition to database Economática®. The data were treated by descriptive statistics, using the “Two Sample Test for Equal Means” method and correlation coefficient. The research identified that the proportion of family companies is rather relevant, representing nearly half of the entire sample. Furthermore, the correlation coefficient showed a strong correlation and positivity between the studied series. Finally, there was no evidence of meaningful differences of payback due to the control identity and the participation of members of the controlling family in the board of directors in none of the studied cases.O presente estudo tem por objetivo avaliar, dentre as empresas do Novo Mercado da BM&amp;FBOVESPA, a significância das diferenças no retorno de ações, em decorrência da identidade do controle e da atuação de familiares do controlador na diretoria. Trata-se de estudo descritivo, de natureza quantitativa, envolvendo as 107 empresas do Novo Mercado da BM&amp;FBOVESPA, categorizadas em: “controle familiar”, “controle não familiar”, e, entre as empresas de controle familiar, “com membros da família controladora na diretoria” e “sem membros da família controladora na diretoria”. As informações foram obtidas por meio do acesso aos sítios da BM&amp;FBOVESPA e das organizações analisadas, além do banco de dados Economática®. Os dados foram tratados por meio de estatística descritiva, com uso do método “Teste de Duas Amostras para Médias” e coeficiente de correlação. A pesquisa identificou que a proporção de empresas familiares é bastante relevante, sendo quase a metade de toda a amostra. Ademais, o coeficiente de correlação mostrou-se fortemente correlato e positivo entre as séries estudadas. Finalmente, não se evidenciaram diferenças significativas de retorno devidas à identidade do controle e à participação de membros da família controladora na diretoria em nenhum dos casos estudados.El presente estudio tiene el objetivo de evaluar, entre las empresas del Nuevo Mercado de la BM&amp;FBOVESPA, el significado de las diferencias en el retorno de acciones, en consecuencia de la identidad del control y de la actuación de familiares del controlador en el directorio. Se trata de estudio descriptivo, de naturaleza cuantitativa, incluyendo a las 107 empresas del Nuevo Mercado de la BM&amp;FBOVESPA, clasificadas en: “control familiar”, “control no familiar”, y, entre las empresas de control familiar, “con miembros de la familia controladora en el directorio” y “sin miembros de la familia controladora en el directorio”. Las informaciones se obtuvieron por medio del acceso a los sitios de la BM&amp;FBOVESPA y de las organizaciones analizadas, además del banco de datos Economática®. Los datos se trataron por medio de estadística descriptiva, con uso del método “Prueba de Dos Muestras para Promedios” y coeficiente de correlación. La investigación identificó que la proporción de empresas familiares es muy pertinente, siendo casi la mitad de toda la muestra. Además, el coeficiente de correlación se mostró fuertemente correlato y positivo entre las series estudiadas. Finalmente, no se destacaron diferencias significativas de retorno debidas a la identidad del control y a la participación de miembros de la familia controladora en el directorio en ninguno de los casos estudiados


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    Objetivo: analisar a busca de homens pelos serviços de Atenção Básica à Saúde e sua relação com a construção social das masculinidades. Método: estudo descritivo desenvolvido com dez homens usuários de uma Unidade de Saúde da Família de um município da Bahia, Brasil. Os dados foram obtidos em entrevista semiestruturada e os resultados submetidos à análise de conteúdo. Resultados: emergiram três categorias: A busca tardia pelos serviços de Atenção Básica à Saúde; O cuidado e o autocuidado como atributo feminino e; Virilidade, força e honra – construindo as masculinidades nos discursos. Nos discursos, as construções sociais das masculinidades repercutem na busca dos homens pelos serviços de saúde. Conclusão: os homens buscam tardiamente os serviços da Atenção Básica à Saúde e consideram o cuidado como um atributo feminino, o que evidencia a repercussão das construções sociais das masculinidades nessa busca.Descritores: Masculinidades; Atenção Primária à Saúde; Saúde do Homem.

    Alignment and contribution of nursing doctoral programs to achieve the sustainable development goals

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    Background: Different social segments from several regions of the world face challenges in order to achieve the sustainable development goals (SDGs). Nursing represents the greatest number of health workforce in the globe, dealing with these challenges in different paths, among them the training of human resources. In this context, the goal of this study was to compare the relationship between the objectives and research areas underlying nursing doctoral programs in Latin America and the SDGs. Method: Documental research comparing data of all Latin American nursing doctoral programs and the SDGs, conducted between January and March 2020. Results: From the total of 56 existing programs in Latin America, this study analyzed 52 of them, representing 92.8% of the total. Most nursing doctoral programs have contributed to SDG 3, in addition to goals 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, 10, 12 and 16. The SDGs 11, 13, 14, 15 and 17 were not related to any of the analyzed programs. Data reveal that the training of nursing PhDs is essential to fulfilling these goals. Results also indicate a need of programs to remain committed to relationships that enhance nursing skills to cope with the current challenges in terms of global health, such as investments for the reduction of social and gender inequities. Conclusion: The doctoral training of nurses in Latin America needs to be better aligned with the sustainable development goals (SDGs), since there is a high concentration in SDG 3. We believe that nursing will bring a greater contribution to the movement to protect planetary health as the principles governing nursing practices are better aligned with international health demands and agendas.publishersversionpublishe