549 research outputs found

    Mathematical modelling of the cardiovascular system

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    In this paper we will address the problem of developing mathematical models for the numerical simulation of the human circulatory system. In particular, we will focus our attention on the problem of haemodynamics in large human arteries

    Domain decomposition methods for systems of conservation laws: Spectral collocation approximations

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    Hyperbolic systems of conversation laws are considered which are discretized in space by spectral collocation methods and advanced in time by finite difference schemes. At any time-level a domain deposition method based on an iteration by subdomain procedure was introduced yielding at each step a sequence of independent subproblems (one for each subdomain) that can be solved simultaneously. The method is set for a general nonlinear problem in several space variables. The convergence analysis, however, is carried out only for a linear one-dimensional system with continuous solutions. A precise form of the error reduction factor at each iteration is derived. Although the method is applied here to the case of spectral collocation approximation only, the idea is fairly general and can be used in a different context as well. For instance, its application to space discretization by finite differences is straight forward

    An oscillation-free fully staggered algorithm for velocity-dependent active models of cardiac mechanics

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    In this paper we address an unresolved problem in the numerical modeling of cardiac electromechanics, that is the onset of numerical oscillations due to the dependence of force generation models on the fibers shortening velocity. A way to avoid numerical oscillations is to use monolithic schemes for the solution of the coupled problem of active-passive mechanics. However, staggered strategies, which foresee the sequential solution of the models of force generation and of tissue mechanics, are preferable, due to their reduced computational cost and low implementation effort. In this paper we propose a cure for this issue, by introducing, with respect to the standard staggered scheme, a numerically consistent stabilization term. This term is derived in virtue of the identification of the cause of instability in the mismatch between macroscopic and microscopic strains, inconsistently expressed in Lagrangian and Eulerian coordinates, respectively. By considering a model problem of active mechanics we prove that the proposed scheme is unconditionally absolutely stable (i.e. it is stable for any time step size), yet within a fully staggered framework. As such, the new scheme removes the non-physical oscillations, as we prove by applying it to three force generation models, namely the Niederer-Hunter-Smith model, the model by Land and coworkers, and the mean-field force generation model that we have recently proposed. (C) 2020 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier B.V

    Domain decomposition preconditioners for the spectral collocation method

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    Several block iteration preconditioners are proposed and analyzed for the solution of elliptic problems by spectral collocation methods in a region partitioned into several rectangles. It is shown that convergence is achieved with a rate which does not depend on the polynomial degree of the spectral solution. The iterative methods here presented can be effectively implemented on multiprocessor systems due to their high degree of parallelism

    On the coupling of hyperbolic and parabolic systems: Analytical and numerical approach

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    The coupling of hyperbolic and parabolic systems is discussed in a domain Omega divided into two distinct subdomains omega(+) and omega(-). The main concern is to find the proper interface conditions to be fulfilled at the surface separating the two domains. Next, they are used in the numerical approximation of the problem. The justification of the interface conditions is based on a singular perturbation analysis, i.e., the hyperbolic system is rendered parabolic by adding a small artifical viscosity. As this goes to zero, the coupled parabolic-parabolic problem degenerates into the original one, yielding some conditions at the interface. These are taken as interface conditions for the hyperbolic-parabolic problem. Actually, two alternative sets of interface conditions are discussed according to whether the regularization procedure is variational or nonvariational. It is shown how these conditions can be used in the frame of a numerical approximation to the given problem. Furthermore, a method of resolution is discussed which alternates the resolution of the hyperbolic problem within omega(-) and of the parabolic one within omega(+). The spectral collocation method is proposed, as an example of space discretization (different methods could be used as well); both explicit and implicit time-advancing schemes are considered. The present study is a preliminary step toward the analysis of the coupling between Euler and Navier-Stokes equations for compressible flows

    Memórias da Academia das Ciências de Lisboa

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    Comparisons between reduced order models and full 3D models for fluid-structure interaction problems in haemodynamics

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    When modelling the cardiovascular system, the effect of the vessel wall on the blood flow has great relevance. Arterial vessels are complex living tissues and three-dimensional specific models have been proposed to represent their behaviour. The numerical simulation of the 3D-3D Fluid-Structure Interaction (FSI) coupled problem has high computational costs in terms of required time and memory storage. Even if many possible solutions have been explored to speed up the resolution of such problem, we are far from having a 3D-3D FSI model that can be solved quickly. In 3D-3D FSI models two of the main sources of complexity are represented by the domain motion and the coupling between the fluid and the structural part. Nevertheless, in many cases, we are interested in the blood flow dynamics in compliant vessels, whereas the displacement of the domain is small and the structure dynamics is less relevant. In these situations, techniques to reduce the complexity of the problem can be used. One consists in using transpiration conditions for the fluid model as surrogate for the wall displacement, thus allowing problem's solution on a fixed domain. Another strategy consists in modelling the arterial wall as a thin membrane under specific assumptions (Figueroa et al., 2006, Nobile and Vergara, 2008) instead of using a more realistic (but more computationally intensive) 3D elastodynamic model. Using this strategy the dynamics of the vessel motion is embedded in the equation for the blood flow. Combining the transpiration conditions with the membrane model assumption, we obtain an attractive formulation, in fact, instead of solving two different models on two moving physical domains, we solve only a Navier-Stokes system in a fixed fluid domain where the structure model is integrated as a generalized Robin condition. In this paper, we present a general formulation in the boundary conditions which is independent of the time discretization scheme choice and on the stress-strain constitutive relation adopted for the vessel wall structure. Our aim is, first, to write a formulation of a reduced order model with zero order transpiration conditions for a generic time discretization scheme, then to compare a 3D-3D PSI model and a reduced FSI one in two realistic patient-specific cases: a femoropopliteal bypass and an aorta. In particular, we are interested in comparing the wall shear stresses, in fact this quantity can be used as a risk factor for some pathologies such as atherosclerosis or thrombogenesis. More in general we want to assess the accuracy and the computational convenience to use simpler formulations based on reduced order models. In particular, we show that, in the case of small displacements, using a 3D-3D PSI linear elastic model or the correspondent reduced order one yields many similar results. (c) 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved

    Numerical approximation of partial differential equations

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    This is the softcover reprint of the very popular hardcover edition. This book deals with the numerical approximation of partial differential equations. Its scope is to provide a thorough illustration of numerical methods, carry out their stability and convergence analysis, derive error bounds, and discuss the algorithmic aspects relative to their implementation. A sound balancing of theoretical analysis, description of algorithms and discussion of applications is one of its main features. Many kinds of problems are addressed. A comprehensive theory of Galerkin method and its variants, as wel

    Analysis of a finite volume element method for the Stokes problem

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    In this paper we propose a stabilized conforming finite volume element method for the Stokes equations. On stating the convergence of the method, optimal a priori error estimates in different norms are obtained by establishing the adequate connection between the finite volume and stabilized finite element formulations. A superconvergence result is also derived by using a postprocessing projection method. In particular, the stabilization of the continuous lowest equal order pair finite volume element discretization is achieved by enriching the velocity space with local functions that do not necessarily vanish on the element boundaries. Finally, some numerical experiments that confirm the predicted behavior of the method are provide

    Mathematicals Models in Science and Engineering

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    Mathematical models, along with scientific theory and practical experiments, are a crucial part of modern engineering and science. The author takes a look at the role mathematical models play in topics ranging from vascular simulation to weather forecasting to designing America's Cup sailboats