88 research outputs found

    Low complexity of optical filter bank multi-carrier (FBMC) modulation for visible light communication using laser diode

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    DC-bias Optical Filter Bank Multi-carrier (DCO-FBMC) was used as a modulation technology compatible with Intensity Modulation/Direct Detection (IM/DD) that will provide a high data rate for visible light communication (VLC). The DCO-FBMC modulation is one of the most effective modulation techniques, but power consumption is the obstacle facing the current development. The FBMC modulation deals with Hermitian Symmetry to generate a real signal, which leads to higher power consumption. As well modelling the distribution of luminaires in VLC is challenging in terms of dark spots (especially in the middle and at the edges of the room), besides higher power consumption. Therefore, problem of using Hermitian symmetry was addressed using the complex signal out of the traditional FBMC modulation in the time domain by separating the signal’s real part from the complex signal. As a result, the real and imaginary parts are aligned, thus gaining a real FBMC signal. This proposed technique reduces complexity by 57%, leading to a reduction in power consumption. In addition, a unipolar technique was also proposed to treat the power consumption resulting from the use of DC bias, called Flip-FBMC. This method separates the positive part of the real FBMC signal from the negative part and then inverting and merging it with the positive part. Thus, a unipolar signal is obtained without using DC bias. To address the problem of illumination distribution, a laser diode (LD) was used in two proposed scenarios, where scenario 2 was designed using five luminaires, while scenario 3 was designed with 13 luminaires using the optical FBMC modulation technique. The optimal semi-angle and FOV for each scenario improved the illumination distribution, power and SNR distribution. As a result, the power consumption was reduced by 13.1944% for scenario 2 and 18.75% for scenario 3, respectively, compared to the previous scenarios

    Generation and Stress Analysis in New Version of Novikov Helical Gear Combining Double Circular Arc and Crowned Involute Profiles

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    New version of Novikov helical gear combining double circular arc profile with crowned involute profile has been proposed in this paper. Generation of this gear is carried out using the required equations for these two profiles which are programmed using SOLIDWORK. To compare the resulting contact and bending stresses, three models of gear pairs are generated and investigated using finite element software package (ANSYS). The profiles of these models are as following: double circular arc for first model, crowned involute for second model, while the third model formed by combining double circular arc with involute crowned profiles. The results of stress analysis show that the generated stresses are lower in the proposed (combined) gear especially when the contact in the circular arc side. Keywords: Generation of gears, versions of Novikov Gears, circular arc gear, crowned involute gear, stress analysis in gears

    Two-level scheduling scheme for integrated 4G-WLAN network

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    In this paper, a novel scheduling scheme for the Fourth Generation (4G)-Wireless Local Area Network (WLAN) network is proposed to ensure that end to end traffic transaction is provisioned seamlessly. The scheduling scheme is divided into two stages; in stage one, traffic is separated into Actual Time Traffic (ATT) and Non-Actual-Time Traffic (NATT), while in stage two, complex queuing strategy is performed. In stage one, Class-Based Queuing (CBQ) and Deficit Round Robin (DRR) are used for NATT and ATT applications, respectively to separate and forward traffic themselves according to source requirements. Whereas in the stage, two Control Priority Queuing (CPQ) is used to assign each class the appropriate priority level. Evaluation of the performance of the integrated network was done according to several metrics such as end-to-end delay, jitter, packet loss, and network’s throughput. Results demonstrate major improvements for AT services with minor degradation on NAT applications after implementing the new scheduling scheme

    Visible light communication using new Flip-FBMC modulation system technique

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    Filter bank multi-carrier (FBMC) modulation in the visible light communication (VLC) system is one of the most promising modulation systems in optical wireless communications (OWC), especially in 5G and 6G future applications. FBMC has a wide bandwidth compared to other modulation systems. One of the highest degree essential conditions for utilising the signal in VLC is that the signal is real positive, the signal is agreeable with intensity modulation/direct detection (IM/DD), where Hermitian symmetry (H.S) is utilised to get a real signal (RE) and to be unipolar direct current (DC)-bias is used. Here the challenge arises as this method increases complicating, due to the modulation of the N number of frequency symbols, these symbols need 2N inverse fast fourier transform (IFFT) and fast fourier transform (FFT), in addition to energy consumption. This research focused on the time domain and not the frequency domain by using the traditional complex FBMC generation signal, and to obtain the RE signal by placing the RE signal side by side with the imaginary signal (IMs) in a row, and then using new Flip-FBMC technology, which saves more energy. The proposed technologies provide approximately 57% of the number of IFFT/FFT. The use of Flip-FBMC technology consumes less energy than traditional technologies with better bit error rate (BER) performance

    Can organisational justice and organisational citizenship behaviour reduce workplace deviance?

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    Purpose: This paper investigates the impact of organisational justice on organisational citizenship behaviour and workplace deviance and examines the mediator effect of organisational citizenship behaviour between organisational justice and workplace deviance in higher education in Malaysia. Design/methodology: This study employs a deductive approach and uses non probability, especially judgmental sampling. It analyses data of faculty members from five universities in Malaysia. SEM-PLS3 is used to examine the research model and test the mediating effect of organisational citizenship behaviour on the relationship between organisational justice and workplace deviance. Findings: The results reveal the positive impact of organisational justice on organisational citizenship behaviour and the negative effects of organisational justice on workplace deviance. Further, the study confirms the mediating effect of organisational citizenship behaviour between organisational justice and workplace deviance, especially in higher education. Practical implications: This study guides managers and administrators, especially in public higher education settings, in implementing appropriate organisational mechanisms towards improving organisational citizenship behaviour. In addition, the findings can also provide insights for other public and private organisations alike in approaching workplace deviance. Originality/value: These research findings expand knowledge on workplace deviance behaviour by providing evidence for the different impacts of organisational justice and organisational citizenship behaviou

    Low complexity DCO-FBMC visible light communication system

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    Filter Bank Multicarrier (FBMC) is a new waveform candidate in the visible light communication system (VLC). FBMC is a distinctive kind of multi-carrier modulation that can be regarded as an alternative to orthogonal frequency Division Multicarrier (OFDM) with CP (cyclic prefix). DCO-FBMC (DC-bias optical FBMC) has recently been used in VLC, because it overcomes all defects in the optical-OFDM system and has high spectral efficiency. but at the same time the traditional DCO-FBMC suffers from high complexity due to the use of Hermitian Symmetry for real signal, by using 2N-point subcarrier IFFT (Inverse Fast Fourier Transformer) in the modulator, and the output is N-point subcarrier FFT (Fast Fourier Transform) in the demodulator. In this paper, for the first time, the possibility of minimizing complexity and generating a real signal without the use of Hermitian Symmetry or any other technique has been verified. The proposed technology provides 50% of the size of the IFFT / FFT and this results in a significant reduction in power consumption and occupied chip area

    Hepatoprotective effect of desi and kabuli cultivars of Cicer arietinum L (chick peas) against carbon tetrachloride-induced toxicity in rats

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    Purpose: To determine the hepatoprotective potential of ethanol extracts of desi and kabuli cultivars of Cicer arietinum L. (chick peas). Methods: Hepatotoxicity was induced in rats using oral administration of carbon tetrachloride (CCl4). The rats were then orally administered different doses of the ethanol extracts of desi and kabuli cultivars of Cicer arietinum L. for 21 days. Oxidative stress parameters and hepatoprotective profiles were determined in serum samples using standard procedures. The effect of the treatments on liver histology was also determined. Results: Administration of extracts of desi and kabuli cultivars of Cicer arietinum L. to CCl4 treated rats at a dose of 300 mg/kg resulted in a significant (p ≤ 0.05) decrease in oxidative stress parameters, whereas catalase activity significantly increased (p ≤ 0.05); on the other hand, ALT and AST levels were decreased significantly (p ≤ 0.05), when compared to the control group. Conclusion: High doses of Cicer arietinum L (desi and kabuli cultivars) seem to have hepatoprotective and antioxidant effects on CCl4-induced toxicity in rats. This finding underscores the therapeutic importance of Cicer arietinum L. as a plant with hepatoprotective properties. Keywords: Cicer arietinum, Phenolics, Hepatotoxicity, Chick peas, Catalas

    The Effectiveness of the Quality of Performance Using the Cost Accounting Information System in the Control of Quality Costs Study in the General Company for Electrical Industries

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    ان العمليات المالية التي تقوم بها الوحدات الاقتصادية يتم اثباتها ومعالجتها وتوثيقها وتدقيقها بشكل مستمر وصولا الى متخذي القرار بشكلها الملائم والموضوعي والوقت المناسب، ومن ثم انعكاسها على صانع القرار في أي موقع مسؤولية  وهذا يوفره نظام المعلومات المحاسبي حيث يعتبر المصدر الاساس لانتاج المعلومات المحاسبية, ويعّد  نظم معلومات  محاسبة الكلفة  من أهم نظم المعلومات التي تهتم بمعالجة البيانات وتحويلها الى معلومات ذات أهمية نسبية للمستفيدين منها.الامر الذي يتفق مع أهداف البحث الذي يؤكد أهمية نظم المعلومات المحاسبية بشكل عام ونظم الكلفة بشكل خاص لتحقيق أعلى جودة في الاداء المؤسسي وقد توصل البحث الى مجموعة من النتائج كان من ابرزها صعوبة الرقابة على كلف الجودة فضلا عن الهدر الخاص بالموارد الاقتصادية في الشركة وقد أوصى الباحثون على الالتزام بالمعايير الفنية لتحقيق جودة الاداء فضلا عن القيام بفحص شامل للعينات والتركيز على نوعية المواد الاولية وفحصها قبل الاستخدام لتقليل نسبة التلف. The financial operations which carried out by economic unity are proven treatment and documenting and continuous down to makers decision by relevance objective and time and then to reflect on the decision maker in any center of responsibility. That ’s provided by the system accounting information where the source is the basis for producing important accounting information, And the cost accounting information systems of the most important information systems that deal with data processing and conversion to information of relative importance to the beneficiaries. Which is consist with The objective of the research that emphasize the importance of accounting systems in general and systems cost in particular to achieve the highest c The research has led to a number of results, the most important of which is the difficulty in controlling quality costs as well as the waste of economic resources in the company. The researchers recommended adherence to the technical standards to achieve the quality of performance as well as conducting a thorough examination of samples and focusing on the quality of raw materials and testing before use to reduce the proportion Damage


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    This paper presents a procedure for the free vibration analysis of stiffened conical shell by the finite element method. The element used is a modified eight-node superparametric shell element. The effects of the number and cross-section area of stiffeners on the conical shells were analyzed. The results showed that increasing the number of stiffeners and their cross-'i'ectional area tend to increase the natural frequency of the conical shell. These results are iompared with available research results and those obtained from MSC\NASTRAN

    Detection of sexually transmitted pathogens Trichomonas vaginalis and Herpes simplex virus in women

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    There are more than 340 million new cases of sexually transmitted infections (STIs) occurred annually throughout the world, the highest incidence is in people of developing countries. Pelvic inflammation, sterility, ectopic pregnancy, morbidity and mortality of newborns, and genital carcinoma have been assumed to be related to STIs. Sexually transmitted diseases have various clinical symptoms while 70% gonococcal or non-gonococcal urethritis in males and genital tract infections in females are asymptomatic, both symptomatic and asymptomatic infections may cause severe complications, previous studies revealed that wide range of pathogens recognized as a causative agents of urethritis in males and genital tract infections in females, such as Trichomonas vaginalis and herpes simplex virus. More epidemiological studies are needed to evaluate the significant role of organisms other than the recognized genital pathogens in vaginal syndromes. In summary we conclude that sexually transmitted diseases may increase reproductive morbidity rate causing difficulties in conception especially the infection with T. vaginalis and herpes simplex viruses, so concentrating on different methods in diagnosis is required. In addition, the cost and time of the test should be taken in consideration.