302 research outputs found

    The implementation of computer note editors in musical education

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    При финансовой поддержке Российского гуманитарного научного фонда, проект № 07-06-14162

    Analysis of role of Magnet designation in developing a culture of professional nursing partnerships and evidence-based practice in the ICU: an expanded secondary analysis of a national ICU survey

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    The American Nurse Credentialing Center (ANCC) Magnet® hospital designation indicates a hospital’s commitment to patient-centered care; evidence-based nursing practice, and a culture of interprofessional collaboration. A key characteristic of Magnet institutions is participation in generating new knowledge. The purpose of this study was to determine, in a random sample of US adult acute care hospitals, if Magnet designation was associated with greater rates of research participation of ICU nurse managers, and among hospitals with participating nurse managers if there were differences between Magnet and non-Magnet hospitals on measures of interprofessional collaboration and the demographics of nursing leadership. We conducted an expanded secondary analysis of data from an online survey of ICU nurse managers and medical directors regarding practices, barriers, and facilitators related to interdisciplinary family meetings. The parent study sample (n= 525) was randomly selected from the 2015 American Hospital Association database and stratified by region, hospital size and model of intensivist care. We obtained contact information and surveyed 304 nurse managers; of those, 164 completed the survey. Subsequently, we compared responses from Magnet and non-Magnet participants on their ICU’s practices as well as managers’ level of education and experience. Fifty-four of 525 sampled hospitals were Magnet designated; and 29 of 164 respondents were from Magnet designated hospitals. Nurse managers of Magnet ICUs were significantly more likely to receive and return the survey (53%) compared to those of non-Magnet ICUs (29%), p < 0.001. Regarding patient and family-centered interprofessional collaborative practices, RNs at Magnet hospitals were significantly more likely to attend team rounds (p=0.027) and ICUs were significantly more likely to include families in team rounds (p=0.006). However, we found no differences between Magnet and non-Magnet ICUs regarding nurse manager education and experience or other measures of interprofessional collaborative practice. Overall, nurse managers of Magnet hospital ICUs demonstrated a significantly greater willingness to provide contact information and complete the survey, which may suggest a greater commitment to knowledge generation through research participation. Magnet ICUs were more likely to include nurses and families in team rounds, demonstrating empirical nurse-centered Magnet outcomes indicative of empowered nursing and patient-centered care

    Ulyanovsk Automobile Plant during Great Patriotic War: Problem of Personnel and Its Solution

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    The process of the labor collective formation of the Ulyanovsk Automobile Plant during the Great Patriotic War is studied. The relevance of the study is due to the need for a detailed study of the mechanisms of the automotive industry functioning in the extreme conditions of the Great Patriotic War. Documents on the history of the enterprise evacuation, materials of the primary party organization of the automobile plant, office work documentation of the party and state authorities, factory and departmental reports, and eye-witness accounts of the events were used as sources. The process of creating the Ulyanovsk Automobile Plant, constructed on the basis of the evacuated equipment and labor resources of the Moscow Automobile Plant named after I.V. Stalin (ZIS), is considered. Changes in the number and composition of the enterprise's employees during 1941—1945 are analyzed. Particular attention is paid to the interdependence of the change in the number of employees of the plant on the volume of industrial output. It is concluded that thanks to the evacuation of experienced engineers, production managers and highly skilled workers, it was possible to maintain and recreate hightech production in the rear areas of the country. It was noted that the enterprises created during the evacuation laid the foundation for the development of automotive production in the Volga region and the Urals

    Specifics of Developing Professional Thinking in Law Students

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    The article examines the essence, role and significance of professional thinking within lawyers’ professional development, making a special emphasis on the specifics of evolving law students’ professional thinking. The research purpose is a theoretical and empirical study of the developmental specifics of law students’ professional thinking. Besides, there is a focus on the structure and features of lawyers’ professional thinking as a special professionally important quality. The authors conduct a comprehensive analysis of the developmental specifics of law students’ professional thinking, propose their own definition of this concept and consider its structure and structural components. The analysis of relevant literature contributed to studying the validity of the chosen topic. The article also reflects the methodology of research and its algorithm that include conducting a complex psychological and pedagogical experiment, assessing the declared parameters and fulfilling the statistical analysis of the results based on methods such as variance analysis, correlation analysis using Marsch’s I coefficient, Friedman’s R coefficient and Kruskal – Wallis H-criterion. The research base was the International Law Institute (Moscow, Russia). The experimental and control groups of subjects were formed, numbering 60 people representative in gender, etc. The results of the study demonstrate the effectiveness of combining trainings, special courses and the evolvement of formal-logical reasoning within the development of law students’ professional thinking

    Possibilities of graphic design in forming positive image of social institutions

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    In this article we focus on the need to form a positive image of the Russian social institutions. It is proposed to use design tools to create a positive visual image of the organization. As the principal means allocated corporate identity, this is ignored by the majority of Russian social institutions. Identifies the main tools and design features that are applicable to the formation of a positive image of social institutions.В статье мы обращаем внимание на необходимости формирования положительного имиджа российских социальных учреждений. Предлагается использование средств дизайна для создания положительного визуального образа организации. В качестве главного средства выделяется фирменный стиль, который игнорируется большинством российских социальных учреждений. Указываются основные инструменты и функции дизайна, применимые для формирования положительного имиджа социальных учреждений

    Specifics of Developing Professional Thinking in Law Students

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    The article examines the essence, role and significance of professional thinking within lawyers’ professional development, making a special emphasis on the specifics of evolving law students’ professional thinking. The research purpose is a theoretical and empirical study of the developmental specifics of law students’ professional thinking. Besides, there is a focus on the structure and features of lawyers’ professional thinking as a special professionally important quality. The authors conduct a comprehensive analysis of the developmental specifics of law students’ professional thinking, propose their own definition of this concept and consider its structure and structural components. The analysis of relevant literature contributed to studying the validity of the chosen topic. The article also reflects the methodology of research and its algorithm that include conducting a complex psychological and pedagogical experiment, assessing the declared parameters and fulfilling the statistical analysis of the results based on methods such as variance analysis, correlation analysis using Marsch’s I coefficient, Friedman’s R coefficient and Kruskal – Wallis H-criterion. The research base was the International Law Institute (Moscow, Russia). The experimental and control groups of subjects were formed, numbering 60 people representative in gender, etc. The results of the study demonstrate the effectiveness of combining trainings, special courses and the evolvement of formal-logical reasoning within the development of law students’ professional thinking

    Specifics of Developing Professional Thinking in Law Students

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    The article examines the essence, role and significance of professional thinking within lawyers’ professional development, making a special emphasis on the specifics of evolving law students’ professional thinking. The research purpose is a theoretical and empirical study of the developmental specifics of law students’ professional thinking. Besides, there is a focus on the structure and features of lawyers’ professional thinking as a special professionally important quality. The authors conduct a comprehensive analysis of the developmental specifics of law students’ professional thinking, propose their own definition of this concept and consider its structure and structural components. The analysis of relevant literature contributed to studying the validity of the chosen topic. The article also reflects the methodology of research and its algorithm that include conducting a complex psychological and pedagogical experiment, assessing the declared parameters and fulfilling the statistical analysis of the results based on methods such as variance analysis, correlation analysis using Marsch’s I coefficient, Friedman’s R coefficient and Kruskal – Wallis H-criterion. The research base was the International Law Institute (Moscow, Russia). The experimental and control groups of subjects were formed, numbering 60 people representative in gender, etc. The results of the study demonstrate the effectiveness of combining trainings, special courses and the evolvement of formal-logical reasoning within the development of law students’ professional thinking

    Автоматизированный поиск мест расположений групп задержания для снижения риска охранной деятельности

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    Сохранение материальных и нематериальных ценностей собственников всегда было актуальной задачей в организации охраны имущества. Ее решение с помощью технических средств и мобильных групп задержания обеспечивает сохранность ценностей и позволяет уменьшить риск охранной деятельности. Под риском охранной деятельности понимается классический подход, который связывает величину ущерба с вероятностью его причинения на охраняемом объекте. Для определения вероятности вводится допущение, при котором осуществляется ограничение параметров, влияющих на ее значение, в частности используется только время прибытия группы задержания. Рассматривается задача определения месторасположения группы задержания на местности с рассредоточенными объектами в целях минимизации суммарного риска охранной деятельности. В качестве решения сформулированной задачи предлагается поиск мест расположения групп задержания с учетом величины ущерба и текущих координат объекта на плоскости. Приводятся примеры расчета месторасположений групп задержания на плоскости. Вводится и обосновывается целевая функция Ф эффективности охранной деятельности, связывающая финансово-экономические показатели охранной организации с величиной риска охранной деятельности. Проведен анализ поведения функции Ф при изменении количества групп задержания, показано наличие экстремума функции, определен интервал нахождения экстремума. Предложено вычислять расстояния между объектами на карте местности и использовать их для определения координат в новой вспомогательной плоскости. Вычисление координат осуществляется с использованием матриц Грама. Приведен вычислительный пример. Разработан пошаговый алгоритм распределения охраняемых объектов между группами задержания с минимизацией суммарного риска охранной деятельности, приведен пример его использования. Определен порядок поиска месторасположения группы задержания на местности по найденным координатам на плоскости, проиллюстрирован процесс поиска. На основе полученных результатов предложен общий алгоритм поиска месторасположения группы задержания

    Program information center support concept design objects marine engineering

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    Рабочей группой проведены проектирование и разработка программного информационного комплекса поддержки концептуального проектирования объектов морской техники.Working Group held design and development of software-onnogo complex information support conceptual design objects of Marine nicknames