24 research outputs found

    Efektivitas Penggunaan Peta Konsep sebagai Strategi Pembelajaran dan Alat Evaluasi untuk Meningkatkan Penguasaan Konsep Siswa SMP pada Materi Sistem Ekskresi

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    This research aims to examine the effectiveness of concept maps as learning strategy and as an evaluation tools to assess students' mastery of concepts. The sample in this study was students of grade IX in one of Junior High School in Bandung by using Pretest-Posttest Randomized Control Group Design. The subject learned was excretory system. In experimental group, the students were taught by using concept map strategy, whereas the students in control group were taught by using elaboration strategy that is taking notes. The method used in both classes were lecture and discussion. The effectiveness of concept map as a learning strategy was measured by using N-Gain value. Meanwhile, the effectiveness of concept map as an evaluation tool to assess students' concepts mastery was seen from the relationship between students' score in multiple-choice evaluation and the score of concept map evaluation based on class clasification from multiple choice score: upper class, middle class, and lower class. The result shows that the N-Gain in experimental group (0,73) is greater than N-Gain in control group (0,62). The effectiveness of concept maps as an evaluation tool is quite effective because otherwise the results showed that students' grades multiple-choice acquisition value is directly proportional to students in making a concept map. It can be conclude that concept maps can be used as a learning strategy as well as an evaluation tool

    Learning the Discovery Learning Model How to Blended Learning in Practicum Using a Simple Volumetric Gasometer to Support Scientific Literacy

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    Education in the 21st century requires innovation and creativity as well as skills including scientific literacy skills and numeracy literacy, one of which is experimental learning. Often experiments are constrained by insufficient learning time so that learning becomes less meaningful. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of applying the discovery model using the blended learning method using a simple volumetric gasometer in supporting scientific literacy. This research is an experimental research conducted in February 2023 at a Bandung high school. The research population was 432 students of class X at a senior high school in Bandung, which were divided into 12 classes. The sampling technique used simple random sampling so that 70 students were obtained consisting of 35 people from one control class and 35 people from one experimental class. The instrument used is a PISA question with the theme of innovation in alcoholic fermentation technology. Instruments were in the form of multiple choice questions and true wrong choice questions to measure scientific literacy profiles. Based on the results of the research, it was found that the learning outcomes of the discovery model by means of blended learning with practical methods using a simple volumetric gasometer can support scientific literacy

    TPACK perception analysis of teachers in facing 21st-century learning

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    This study aims to analyze and identify teachers 'perceptions of TPACK that can influence teachers' knowledge and understanding of 21st-century learning. The research method used in this research is the survey method with a cross-sectional research design. The research subjects consisted of 25 biology teachers with different teaching experiences ranging from learning experience ages less than 5 years to more than 15. The results showed that biology teachers with TPACK perceptions were quite good. Teachers 'perceptions of 21st-century learning are constrained by aspects of understanding students' abilities on creativity and critical thinking indicators. The consideration of teaching according to the skills demands of the 21st century is quite good. Teachers with low teaching experience still have less understanding of the latest learning technology. Each range of teacher teaching experiences has different abilities and perceptions and considerations of 21st-century learning that can become the foundation of teachers in implementing learning in the 21st century that puts forward the 4Cs aspect


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    The decline of the nation character is a negative impact of globalization which become a common task that must be solved. Character education program is one solution to overcome the moral degradation at educational institutions. Indonesian society still holds eastern culture and puts the local culture as a strategy to realize the educational character. The aims of this study were: (1) to analyze the implementation of Islamic character education based on Minangkabau culture in one of the best senior high schools in West Sumatra; (2) to describe the implications of Islamic character education based on Minangkabau culture to biological learning achivement. The approach used was a descriptive, specifically case study. Data were collected through observation, interviews, questionnaires, documentation studies. The results showed that (1) the implementation of Islamic character education based on Minangkabau culture consisted of: values based school culture and school activity program; (2) the success of character education was influenced by Minangkabau culture; (3) Islamic character education gave positive impact to student character and biological learning achivement

    Gender response in laboratory activity based on creative research project on biology creative thinking skills of high school students

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    The study of creative thinking skills has focused on creative research project-based laboratory activity for high school students' biology learning. The purpose of this study is to explore the differences in the creative thinking ability of male and female students. The participants of this study were students of X MIPA consisting of 22 males and 37 females students in a high school of Mataram, Lombok, NTB. Students completed a biological creative thinking skills test after completing a laboratory learning activity based on creative research project that was required to be encouraged by activities and creative thinking. The results showed that there was evidence of an improvement trend of creative thinking skills in all male and female students. However, statistical analysis using independent sample t-test showed no significant difference to the mean scores obtained by male and female students. The results of the study are discussed based on the existing literature on developmental trends and gender differences in creative thinking

    Development of Argumentation-Based Critical Thinking Skills Tests in Microbiology Laboratory

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    This study aims to develop an instrument used to measure students' argumentation-based critical thinking skills (CTS) in microbiology practicum activities.  This study used a phased model for the development of tools, which consists of the stages of defining constructs and formulating objectives in the form of mapping aspects of the critical thinking skills and the microbiology concepts, formulating test item formats, constructing item questions, constructing scoring guidelines, evaluating by experts for content validation, pilot testing on students and analyzing the results. The test items were then analyzed to determine the validity, reliability, distinguishing features and degree of difficulty. The instrument produced in this study used 6 CTS indicators which were considered the most relevant to argumentation and laboratory activities, and consisted of 18 open-ended questions with 5 contexts. The results of expert validation show that the instrument is content valid and can be used for the next step. Furthermore, the results of the pilot test show that of the 18 questions that were tested, as many as 17 questions were declared valid and 1 question was corrected.  Overall the test questions were declared reliable. Thus, the results of this study recommend the use of questions on this test in studies that measure argumentation-based critical thinking skills in microbiology laboratory


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    Kreativitas merupakan bagian berpikir kritis-kreatif yang penting dalam pembelajaran. Pembelajaran berbasis inkuiri menggunakan Levels of Inquiry (LOI) diterapkan untuk mendukung aspek kreativitas siswa yang dinilai melalui penilaian atau asesmen kinerja pada materi sistem pernapasan. Tujuan penelitian adalah mengidentifikasi kreativitas siswa SMA dalam pembelajaran Levels of Inquiry (LOI) dengan penerapan asesmen kinerja pada materi sistem pernapasan. Penelitian yang dilakukan adalah deskriptif dengan sampel 30 siswa secara cluster random sampling. Instrumen penelitian adalah instrumen asesmen kinerja (utama) dan tes kreativitas gambar (pendukung). Indikator kreativitas adalah fluency, elaboration dan originality yang mengacu Torrance (1977). Asesmen kinerja mencakup discovery learning, interactive demonstration, inquiry lesson, dan inquiry laboratory yang dillaksanakan dalam 2 pertemuan. Asesmen menilai kreativitas siswa (secara kelompok) dalam melakukan kegiatan LKPD dan produk sebagai tugas individu di akhir pembelajaran. Kriteria ketercapaian kreativitas dianalisis dalam persentase menggunakan tingkat penguasaan dari Purwanto (2006) dengan kategori dari NRC (2011). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan kreativitas siswa dapat teridentifikasi menggunakan asesmen kinerja dan dapat diterapkan pada pembelajaran LOI dengan persentase tertinggi indikator elaboration dan originality. Pembelajaran menggunakan LOI dapat digunakan untuk mengembangkan kreativitas siswa SMA, ditunjukkan dari persentase indikator di atas 60% (kegiatan kelompok pertemuan II dan tugas individu) dengan kategori cukup atau emerging (kreativitas telah muncul). Creativity is an important creative-critical thinking part of learning. Inquiry-based learning using the Levels of Inquiry (LOI) is applied to support student’s creativity that is assessed through performance assessment on respiratory system material. The research objective was to identify the creativity of high school students in learning Levels of Inquiry (LOI) by applying performance assessment on respiratory system material. The conducted research was descriptive with a sample of 30 students using cluster random sampling. The research instruments were the performance assessment instrument (main) and the image creativity test (supporting). The indicators of creativity were fluency, elaboration and originality which refer to Torrance (1977). The performance assessment included discovery learning, interactive demonstration, inquiry lesson, and laboratory inquiry which was carried out in 2 meetings. The assessment assessed students' creativity (as a group) in carrying out LKPD activities and product as individual assignment at the end of the lesson. Criteria for creativity achievement were analyzed in percentage using the level of Purwanto (2006) with the category of NRC (2011). The results showed that students' creativity could be identified using performance assessment and could be applied to LOI learning with the highest percentage of elaboration and originality indicators. Learning using LOI could be used to develop the creativity of high school students, as indicated by the percentage of indicators above 60% (group activities in meeting II and individual assignment) with emerging category (creativity has emerged)


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    The purposes of this research were to analyze the application of visual representations using comics as an effort to improve student’s critical thinking skills and mastery of concepts in nervous system material. The subject of this study is second grade-students in Senior High School. The method used in this research is Quasi experimental. The results of student’s critical thinking skills have increased higher in the experimental class, although the results of the critical thinking skills of the two classes are in the moderate category, the results of critical thinking in the experimental class showed that the increase in N-Gain was higher with N-Gain = 0.64 (medium category) while N-Gain in the control class = 0.53 (medium category). The results mastery of concepts in experimental class have n-gain is higher the n-gain control class with n-gain is 0.71 (high category), and the control class n-gain is 0.53 (medium category). The results of student responses showed that the majority of students were interested in using comic visual representations of 83.33%. Therefore it can be concluded that the use of comics can improve thinking skills and mastery of concepts better


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    The aim of this study is for analyzing the student’s reasoning ability that using representation conceptual using hypermedia in learning respiratory system.  This study using a quasi experimental method and non-equivalent control group design. The sample of this study obtained using Convenience Sampling Technique, consist of 33 students from XI grade as control class that use non-conceptual representation (5M learning : Observing, Asking, Trying, Reasoning and Communicating) and 36 students from XI grade as experimental class that use conceptual representation using hypermedia. The research data were obtained using a test consisting of an argumentation description test and a drawing test. Data analyzed using Mann-Whitney. The results showed that there was an enchancement in student’s reasoning abilities that were higher in the experimental class compared to the class that implementing non-conceptual representation (5M learning: Observing, Asking, Trying, Reasoning and Communicating). The experimental class has a higher percentage level of students's argumentation test, which is 5.56%. While the control class only has 3.03% of students who have the highest reasoning skills on the argumentation test.  In drawing tests, experiment class have a greater percentage for students who have the highest reasoning ability, which is 30.56%, while the control class only has 12.12% of students with the highest reasoning ability on the drawing test. Therefore,  system learning with conceptual representation using hypermedia can enhance student's reasoning abilities, which are important aspects of the 21st century. Abstrak : Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis kemampuan bernalar siswa yang menggunakan pembelajaran berbasis representasi konseptual dengan hypermedia pada materi sistem pernapasan. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kuasi eksperimen dan desain penelitian non-equivalent control group design. Sampel penelitian diambil menggunakan teknik Convenience sampling, terdiri atas 33 siswa kelas XI sebagai kelas kontrol dengan pembelajaran non-representasi konseptual (pembelajaran 5M : Mengamati, Menanya, Mencoba, Menalar, dan Mengkomunikasikan) dan 36 siswa kelas XI sebagai kelas eksperimen dengan pembelajaran berbasis representasi konseptual  menggunakan hypermedia.   Data penelitian diperoleh menggunakan instrumen tes yang terdiri atas tes uraian argumentasi dan tes menggambar. Data dianalisis menggunakan uji Mann Whitney. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa terdapat peningkatan kemampuan bernalar siswa yang lebih tinggi pada kelas eksperimen dibandingkan dengan kelas  yang menerapkan pembelajaran non-representasi konseptual (pembelajaran 5M : Mengamati, Menanya, Mencoba, Menalar, dan Mengkomunikasikan). Kelas eksperimen memiliki persentase siswa yang lebih tinggi baik pada tes uraian argumentasi maupun pada tes menggambar. Pada tes uraian argumentasi, persentase kemampuan tertinggi siswa kelas eksperimen sebesar 5,56%, sedangkan kelas kontrol hanya sebesar 3,03%. Pada tes menggambar, kelas eksperimen memiliki siswa sebesar 30,56% untuk kemampuan bernalar tertinggi, sedangkan kelas kontrol hanya memiliki 12,12% siswa dengan kemampuan bernalar tertinggi. Oleh karena itu, kemampuan siswa yang menggunakan pembelajaran berbasis representasi konseptual menggunakan hypermedia mampu meningkatkan kemampuan bernalar siswa yang menjadi aspek penting pada abad 21 ini.