29 research outputs found

    Comparison of Magnetic Fields from a New Satellite Magnetic Model of the Lithosphere with Magnetic Fields Predicted from Crust 1.0

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    Both magnetic and seismic techniques can provide information about the Moho (Mohorovicic discontinuity). We develop a new technique that provides a better estimate of the magnetic thickness of the crust, as compared with previous approaches. It uses prior knowledge from seismology (Crust 1.0), a new high-degree model from CHAMP (CHAllenging Mini-satellite Payload) and Swarm (LCS-1 - a model of Earth's lithospheric field) and a newly developed technique. The technique is appropriate for regions where induced magnetization dominates over remanent magnetization. We compare the predictions from LCS-1 with those from Crust 1.0, with some simple assumptions, and find that the correlations increase until about spherical harmonic degree 30, and then decrease globally. Spatially, the correlations between the seismic and magnetic techniques are strongest over North America and Australia, and weakest over South America and northern Africa. Strong correlations also exist between the two approaches over the Antarctic, northern Europe, and Greenland. While we might expect the seismic and magnetic approaches to correlate over well-characterized regions (i.e. North America), and show weaker correlations over poorly-characterized regions (i.e. South America and north Africa), the strong correlation in the Antarctic and Greenland is puzzling, because both of these regions are poorly-characterized. We discuss some possible explanations, and implications, of this attempt to correlate seismic and magnetic approaches to characterizing the lithosphere

    Mercury's Magnetopause and Bow Shock from MESSENGER Magnetometer Observations

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    We have established the average shape and location of Mercury's magnetopause and bow shock from orbital observations by the MESSENGER Magnetometer. We fit empirical models to midpoints of boundary crossings and probability density maps of the magnetopause and bow shock positions. The magnetopause was fit by a surface for which the position R from the planetary dipole varies as [1 + cos(theta)]-alpha, where theta is the angle between R and the dipole-Sun line, the subsolar standoff distance Rss is 1.45 RM (where RM is Mercury's radius), and the flaring parameter alpha = 0.5. The average magnetopause shape and location were determined under a mean solar wind ram pressure PRam of 14.3 nPa. The best fit bow shock shape established under an average Alfvén Mach number (MA) of 6.6 is described by a hyperboloid having Rss = 1.96 RM and an eccentricity of 1.02. These boundaries move as PRam and MA vary, but their shapes remain unchanged. The magnetopause Rss varies from 1.55 to 1.35 RM for PRam in the range of 8.8-21.6 nPa. The bow shock Rss varies from 2.29 to 1.89 RM for MA in the range of 4.12-11.8. The boundaries are well approximated by figures of revolution. Additional quantifiable effects of the interplanetary magnetic field are masked by the large dynamic variability of these boundaries. The magnetotail surface is nearly cylindrical, with a radius of ~2.7 RM at a distance of 3 RM downstream of Mercury. By comparison, Earth's magnetotail flaring continues until a downstream distance of ~10 Rss

    Plasma pressure in Mercury's equatorial magnetosphere derived from MESSENGER Magnetometer observations

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    Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/95264/1/grl28621-sup-0002-txts01.pdfhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/95264/2/grl28621.pd

    Constraints on the secular variation of Mercury's magnetic field from the combined analysis of MESSENGER and Mariner 10 data

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    Observations of Mercury's internal magnetic field from the Magnetometer on the MErcury Surface, Space ENvironment, GEochemistry, and Ranging (MESSENGER) spacecraft have revealed a dipole moment of 190 nT R M3 offset about 480 km northward from the planetary equator, where R M is Mercury's radius. We have reanalyzed magnetic field observations acquired by the Mariner 10 spacecraft during its third flyby of Mercury (M10‐III) in 1975 to constrain the secular variation in the internal field over the past 40 years. With the application of techniques developed in the analysis of MESSENGER data, we find that the dipole moment that best fits the M10‐III data is 188 nT R M3 offset 475 km northward from the equator. Our results are consistent with no secular variation, although variations of up to 10%, 16%, and 35%, respectively, are permitted in the zonal coefficients g 10, g 20, and g 30 in a spherical harmonic expansion of the internal field

    Gravity, Topography, and Magnetic Field of Mercury from Messenger

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    On 18 March 2011, the MErcury Surface, Space ENvironment, GEochemistry, and Ranging (MESSENGER) spacecraft was inserted into a 12-hour, near-polar orbit around Mercury, with an initial periapsis altitude of 200 km, initial periapse latitude of 60 deg N, and apoapsis at approximately 15,200 km altitude in the southern hemisphere. This orbit has permitted the mapping of regional gravitational structure in the northern hemisphere, and laser altimetry from the MESSENGER spacecraft has yielded a geodetically controlled elevation model for the same hemisphere. The shape of a planet combined with gravity provides fundamental information regarding its internal structure and geologic and thermal evolution. Elevations in the northern hemisphere exhibit a unimodal distribution with a dynamic range of 9.63 km, less than that of the Moon (19.9 km), but consistent with Mercury's higher surface gravitational acceleration. After one Earth-year in orbit, refined models of gravity and topography have revealed several large positive gravity anomalies that coincide with major impact basins. These candidate mascons have anomalies that exceed 100 mGal and indicate substantial crustal thinning and superisostatic uplift of underlying mantle. An additional uncompensated 1000-km-diameter gravity and topographic high at 68 deg N, 33 deg E lies within Mercury's northern volcanic plains. Mercury's northern hemisphere crust is generally thicker at low latitudes than in the polar region. The low-degree gravity field, combined with planetary spin parameters, yields the moment of inertia C/MR2 = 0.353 +/- 0.017, where M=3.30 x 10(exp 23) kg and R=2440 km are Mercury's mass and radius, and a ratio of the moment of inertia of Mercury's solid outer shell to that of the planet of Cm/C = 0.452 +/- 0.035. One proposed model for Mercury's radial density distribution consistent with these results includes silicate crust and mantle layers overlying a dense solid (possibly Fe-S) layer, a liquid Fe-rich outer core of radius 2030 +/- 37 km, and an assumed solid inner core. Magnetic field measurements indicate a northward offset of Mercury's axial magnetic dipole from the geographic equator by 479 +/-3 km and provide evidence for a regional-scale magnetic field approximately collocated with the northern volcanic plains of possible crustal origin. These results from MESSENGER indicate a complex and asymmetric evolution of internal structure and dynamics in this end-member inner planet

    The Varying Core Magnetic Field from a Space Weather Perspective

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    This paper summarizes recent advances in our understanding of geomagnetism, and its relevance to terrestrial space weather. It also discusses specific core magnetic field features such as the dipole moment decay, the evolution of the South Atlantic anomaly, and the location of the magnetic poles that are of importance for the practice of space weather