923 research outputs found

    Evolucija afroameričkog diskursa emancipacije od bluesa do hip hopa

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    The aim of the paper is to explore political messages of African Americans’ emancipation from white oppression in blues and hip hop songs. Using discourse analysis and Mill’s method of induction combined with the most similar system design two hypotheses are formed. 1) songs in blues era (1910-1950) have an implicit and hidden discourse of emancipation, while songs from hip hop era (1979-1996) have explicit and direct discourse of emancipation and 2) variable responsible for such variation is political context, or in other words, existence of racist Jim Crow that denied African Americans their constitutional rights and which were subsequently eliminated via Civil Rights movement. Results, apart from strengthening the notion that music and politics can be intertwined, confirm two presupposed hypotheses but also signal further research directions of the topic, such as investigating emancipation in jazz or contemporary hip hop, and analyzing impact musicians can have on political attitudes or policy decisions.Cilj rada jest istražiti političke poruke sa sadržajem emancipacije Afroamerikanaca od opresije bijelaca u bluesu i hip hopu. Koristeći diskurzivnu analizu i Millovu induktivnu metodu u kombinaciji sa dizajnom najsličnijih sustava oformljene su dvije hipoteze. 1) pjesme u blues eri (1910-1950) imaju implicitan diskurs emancipacije, dok pjesme iz hip hop ere (1979-1996) posjeduju eksplicitan diskurs emancipacije i 2) varijabla koja je odgovorna za tu varijaciju jest politički kontekst, odnosno postojanje rasističkih Jim Crow zakona temeljem kojih su Afroamerikancima uskraćena njihova ustavna prava te koji su postupno uništeni naporima Pokreta za građanska prava. Rezultati, osim što osnažuju ideju da glazba i politika mogu biti međusobno povezane, potvrđuju dvije pretpostavljene hipoteze te predlažu daljnje istraživačke smjerove u kojima tema može ići, poput istraživanja emancipacije u jazzu ili suvremenom hip hopu i analiziranja učinaka koji glazbenici mogu imati na političke stavove ili policy odluke

    Apoptosis - Programmed Cell Death

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    Tijekom evolucije višestanični organizmi uspjeli su razviti različite mehanizme zaštite od djelovanja štetnih utjecaja iz okoline. Apoptoza ili “programirana smrt stanice” jedan je od tih mehanizama kojim stanica aktivno uz utrošak energije i sintezu određenih proteina pokreće vlastitu smrt kao sastavni dio fizioloških procesa ili kao odgovor na određena patološka stanja. Poremećaji u apoptozi vezani su uz mnogobrojne bolesti jer nefunkcionalne, mutirane ili na bilo koji način oštećene stanice koje izmaknu kontrolnim mehanizmima i koje ne obavljaju svoju fiziološku funkciju, mogu dovesti do pojave teških bolesti. Stoga je pravilan tijek apoptotskih procesa ključan za pravilan embrionalni razvoj i za pravilno održavanje stanične homeostaze tkiva. Centralno je mjesto apoptoze proenzimska skupina cisteinskih proteaza u citoplazmi stanica. Kaskadna aktivacija tih proteaza ključna je u genezi morfoloških i biokemijskih apoptotskih promjena. Do danas je već poznat velik broj vanjskih i unutarnjih faktora koji dovode do pojave apoptoze. Poznavanje tih faktora i puno razumijevanje mehanizama apoptotskih procesa otvara potpuno nove mogućnosti u liječenju nekih teških, zasad neizlječivih bolesti.During the evolution, multi-cellular organisms have developed various protective mechanisms against environmental insults. Apoptosis is one of physiological mechanisms where in fact a cell itself actively induces its own death. In contrast to necrosis where the cell death occurs usually as a result of severe physical or chemical extra cellular factors accompanied by inflammatory reactions of tissue, the apoptotic process starts without signs and symptoms of inflammation, and generally starts from the inside of the cell, involving the use of energy and active synthesis of specific proteins. Apoptosis is important for the right balance between the loss of old, non-functional cells and the formation of new ones in certain organs and tissues. In adition, it is a specific answer of an organism to a number of pathological conditions. Thus apoptosis plays a very important role both in physiologic and pathologic processes in the body throughout the life of an organism. A normal development of embryo and foetus is impossible without a very intensive apoptotic process. The dysfunction of the apoptotic mechanism is associated with a number of diseases in humans and animals. The apoptosis starts by triggering different intra- and intercellular signals and stimulations, which involve a number of extrinsic or intrinsic apoptotic pathways resulting in caspase cascade activation. Caspases belongs to the family of cisteine proteases, and have a central role in facilitating a number of morphological and biochemical changes during the programmed cell death. The understanding of these complex pathways offers new approaches to clinical treatment of fatal human diseases. The promising possibilities of application of the knowledge about the mechanism of apoptosis in the treatment of human diseases make the research in this field challenging and exciting

    Numerical simulation of water flow in tile and mole drainage systems

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    International audienceTile drainage systems are sometimes not sufficient to provide favorable unsaturated conditions in the rootzone. These drainage systems then need to be supplemented with an additional high conductivity material in the trenches above the tiles or by implementing mole drainage. The HYDRUS (2D/3D) model was used to evaluate the impact of such additional measures for heavy clay soil. Three types of drainage systems were simulated: (i) tile drains, (ii) tile drains with gravel trenches, and (iii) tile drains with gravel trenches and mole drains, using either two-dimensional (the former two systems) or three-dimensional (the latter one) transport domains. Three scenarios were considered to test the efficiency of each system: (i) time to drain an initially saturated system, (ii) high intensity rainfall, and (iii) a real case scenario. Different horizontal spacings between tile drains with or without gravel trenches were also compared with the system which included mole drainage. The results showed that the drainage system that included mole drains and gravel trenches was the most efficient. This system provided the largest drainage rate, was the first to reach steady-state in the time to drain scenario, and also efficiently reduced surface runoff. Adding mole drains to a system with tile drains and gravel trenches resulted in a large reduction of surface runoff (75%). Simulations showed that the spacing of tile drains with or without gravel trenches would have to be 40% or 55% smaller, respectively, in order to reproduce the same water table levels as those observed for the drainage system with mole drains. Therefore, introducing mole drains in drainage systems is an efficient practice for reducing waterlogging and runoff

    Modelling Water Dynamics, Transport Processes and Biogeochemical Reactions in Soil Vadose Zone

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    Large numbers of numerical models are nowadays available for the description of physical and chemical processes affecting water flow and solute transport in soil vadose zone. This chapter explains basic principles of water flow and solute transport modelling in soil vadose (variably saturated) zone and some of the most important processes present in it. First part deals with water dynamics in the soil, that is, soil water content, pressure head, soil porosity, and water flow. Also, some of the measurement techniques used to estimate water dynamics in soil are explained. Water retention curve and soil hydraulic properties needed for modelling are briefly discussed with the explanation of basic (i.e. most commonly used) hydraulic relationship in soil (van Genuchten equation) and water flow (Richards equation) approaches. Second part includes solute transport description in vadose zone, including processes such as advection, diffusion, dispersion, and adsorption. Basic advection‐dispersion equation is explained and also the implementation of boundary and initial conditions in the numerical model. Preferential flow is shortly discussed with the basic principles behind its occurrence and modelling in the soil vadose zone. One real case one‐dimensional (1D) example of modelling with HYDRUS software is presented in which water flow and nitrate transport is simulated on the lysimeter study. Short overview of the most widely used numerical models for simulating vadose zone processes is also presented, whereas the final part is focused on chemical speciation modelling in relatively homogeneous soil solutions using visual MINTEQ interface

    Duh i duša

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    Patologističko-pozitivistička psihologija religije

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    Das Personalstatut der Handelsgesellschaft und spezifischer Europäischer Handelsgesellschaften im Europäischen Internationalen Privatrecht

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    U kontekstu slobode osnivanja poduzeća u europskom pravu (čl. 43. i 48. Ugovora o osnivanju EZ) i judikature Europskog suda u presudama Daily Mail, Centros, Überseering, Inspire Art i Sevic, razmatra se mjerodavno pravo za pravnu i poslovnu sposobnost (osobni statut) trgovačkog društva i analiziraju posebna kolizijska pravila za specifična europska trgovačka društva, kao npr. europsko dioničko društvo (societas Europaea) i druga. Izostanak cjelovitog legislativnog uređenja osobnog statuta trgovačkog društva u europskom međunarodnom privatnom pravu i ignoriranje kolizijskopravnog uređenja tog pitanja judikaturom Europskog suda odlaže daljnju izgradnju prostora sloboda i sigurnosti te pravnog prostora, zaključuje autor.Bearing in mind the historical development of personal statute of company in European private and autonomous international law, and the judicature of the European Court and legislative solutions in European civil procedural law (The Bruxelles Convention and the Brussels Regulation I) and special conflict of law rules for specific European companies (Societas Europaea etc) it can be concluded that company by-laws in European private international law have not been integrally resolved either by legislation or by judicature of the European court. The lack of clear primarily legislative legal solution of the company by-laws according to the Articles 61 c) and Article 65, rather than the Article 308 of the Treaty of European Community, or only in a subsidiary way, without a definite ruling of the European Court on solving this conflict of laws question, have resulted in a lack of uniformity both in European private international law and in European law which postpones the complete development of common, or internal market. Because of all this, EU citizens could ask: until when will the good (!?) spirit of Daily Mail doctrine float over the area of freedom, security and justice? O, to paraphrase late Prof. Kegel in quoting Shakespeare: Is something rotten (only) in the Kingdom of Denmark?In Anbetracht der historischen Entwicklung des Personalstatuts der Handelsgesellschaft im europäischen Internationalen Privatrecht und im autonomen Recht sowie der bisherigen Rechtsprechung des Europäischen Gerichtshofs und der einschlägigen Gesetzgebung im europäischen Zivilprozessrecht (Brüsseler Übereinkommen und Brüsseler Verordnung I) und in spezifischen kollisionsrechtlichen Bestimmungen für besondere europäische Handelsgesellschaften (Societas Europaea u.a.) kann man schließen, dass das Personalstatut der Handelsgesellschaft im europäischen Internationalen Privatrecht auch weiterhin weder legislativ noch durch die Rechtsprechung des EuGH einheitlich geregelt ist. Ohne eine klare, in erster Linie legislative rechtliche Regelung des Personalstatuts der Handelsgesellschaft, aber nicht im Sinne von Art. 308, sondern auf Grund Art. 61 c) und Art. 65 EG-Vertrag beziehungsweise lediglich subsidiär, ohne ein klares Urteil des Europäischen Gerichtshofes zur Lösung dieser kollisionsrechtlichen Frage, entsteht im europäischen Internationalen Privatrecht und somit auch im europäischen Recht eine rechtliche Unabgestimmtheit, die im EU-Gebiet in gewisser Weise auch die Vollendung des Binnenmarktes verzögert. Aus allen genannten Gründen könnten sich die „Bürgerinnen und Bürger“ der EU die Frage stellen: Wie lange noch wird in der Europäischen Gemeinschaft der gute (!?) Geist der Daily-Mail-Doktrin über dem Raum der Freiheit, Sicherheit und des Rechts schweben? Oder um es mit Shakespeare und einer Paraphrase der Worte des verstorbenen Professor Kegel auszudrücken: Ist etwas faul (allein) im Staate Dänemark