64 research outputs found

    “Pelaksanaan Penjaminan Kredit Usaha Mikro Kecil Dan Menengah Oleh Lembaga Penjamin Kredit”(Studi Kasus Pada Perum Jamkrindo Kantor Pelayanan Penjaminan Syariah Cabang Banjarmasin)

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    Penelitian ini bertolak pada pelaksanaan dan pertanggungjawaban yang dilakukan oleh Perum Jamkrindo dalam hal penjaminan kredit terhadap UMKM yang tidak memiliki agunan atau agunannya tidak mencukupi agar dapat memperoleh kredit dari perbankan. Salah satu kredit atau pembiayaan kepada UMKM dalam bentuk pemberian modal kerja atau investasi yang didukung oleh fasilitas penjaminan adalah Kredit Usaha Rakyat (KUR). Berkaitan dengan kelayakan perbankan untuk mengucurkan kredit kepada UMKM, terdapat kekhawatiran terjadinya wanprestasi yang menyebabkan kerugian kepada lembaga perbankan. Agar tidak terjadi hal yang demikian maka diperlukan lembaga penjamin kredit dalam penjaminan tersebut. \ud Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pelaksanaan penjaminan Kredit Usaha Mikro, Kecil dan Menengah pada Perum Jamkrindo Banjarmasin dan untuk mengetahui pertanggungjawaban penjamin (Perum Jamkrindo) terhadap terjamin apabila terjadi wanprestasi oleh debitur terjamin.\ud Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian lapangan (field research) dengan pendekatan penelitian kualitatif sehingga penulis langsung melakukan penelitian dengan wawancara kepada Kepala Kantor Perum Jamkrindo Cabang Banjarmasin sehingga diperoleh data mengenai pelaksanaan dan Pertanggungjawaban klaim terjamin, penulis juga menanyakan ke masyarakat untuk meninjau ulang pelaksanaan penjaminan dan pertanggungjawaban klaim yang sudah dilaksanakan oleh Perum Jamkrindo.\ud Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pelaksanaan penjaminan dilakukan melalui beberapa tahap yaitu: tahap permohonan penjaminan, tahap proses administrasi dan permohonan penerbitan surat persetujuan, tahap peninjauan dan analisis proyek nasabah (Terjamin), tahap pemberian putusan, serta tahap penerbitan sertifikat penjaminan. Sedangkan pertanggungjawaban penjamin dimulai dari terjamin mengajukan cover penjaminan atas KUR dengan mengeluarkan sertifikat penjaminan sebagai bukti persetujuan penjaminan dari perusahaan penjamin kepada debitur, kemudian penjamin melaksanakan pembayaran klaim apabila terjamin mengajukan klaim sesuai tanggal jatuh tempo perjanjian kredit. Dalam penjaminan kredit dikenal adanya piutang subrogasi yaitu kewajiban debitur untuk melunasi hutangnya kepada perusahaan penjamin atas kerugian yang telah dibayarkan perusahaan penjamin kepada kreditur akibat wanprestasi debitur


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    Abstract. Public health organization is a kind of health services for both an individual and public which focused on promotive and preventive effort to reach a maximum degree of healthy in a certain area. There are minimum requirements of public health organizations are allow to operate. One of requirements is how many human resource needed to work inside either health or non health personnel. The number of human resource in every public health organization as input are compared by the outputs such as the number of patient visits, diarrhea cases and dengue fever cases handled by the public health organization. The comparation between input and output is called efficiency. In 2018, Sleman, known as one regency of Yogyakarta Province, has 25 public health organizations which is held hospitalization and unheld hospitalization service. There are 15 public health organization doesn’t held hospitalization and the rest are held hospitalization services. This research is focused in only public health services that doesn’t held hospitalization service. The aim of this research is to find efficiency score in every public health services. To find this score, this research used Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) and every public health organizations are involved as Decision Making Unit (DMU). After processed using DEA, a score will be generated. The score is divided into two parts, one and below one, which shows the efficiency of every public health organization. The public health organization which has score one, means efficient, while the public health organization which has score below one, means inefficient. Every public health organization that has inefficient score always has their own benchmarks. The benchmarks are choosen from the public health services which is efficient. Due to the result, there are only 6 public health organizations (40%) states efficient such as Depok II, Depok III, Gamping I, Gamping II, Mlati I, and Moyudan while the rest of 9 public health organizations (60%) states inefficient such as Cangkringan, Depok I, Godean II, Ngaglik I, Ngaglik II, Ngemplak II, Pakem, Prambanan and Tempel II.Keywords: Data envelopment analysis, decision making unit, efficiency, human resource

    The Effect of Financial Literacy, Experienced Regret and Risk Tolerance Investment Decision

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    This aims of this research is to determine the effect of financial literacy level, experienced regret and risk tolerance on investment decision making. The research used primary data in the form of a questionnaire and distributed to several regions in the Special Region of Yogyakarta Province. The sample was taken by purposive sampling technique with criteria for people who have or are currently investing in real assets or financial assets with 187 respondents as respondents. The data was analyzed using multiple linear analysis. The results of the F test show a number of 36.348 while the t test shows that the financial literacy variable (significance value 0.000) and risk tolerance variable (significance value 0.001) have an effect on investment decision making, while the experienced regret variable (significance value 0.387) has no effect on investment decision making.

    SDM sebagai Determinan Pengukuran Efisiensi Puskesmas (Studi pada Puskesmas di Kabupaten Bantul, Yogyakarta)

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    The purpose of this research is to examine the efficiency level of non-inpatient public health centers (puskesmas) in Bantul Regency. A total of 11 puskesmas are used to be sample in this research. Efficiency is a comparison of inputs with outputs where input uses in this research are the number of human resources both health and non health staff, while the output uses in this research are the number of patient visits, the number of dengue cases and the number of diarrhea cases. Data is processed using Input-based Variable Return to Scale Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) where the puskesmas can only control the amount of input. The DEA results show that only 4 puskesmas were declared efficient while the rest were not. The majority of puskesmas in Bantul Regency are considered inefficient in placing human resources so that it is excessive in terms of numbers serving patients and handling cases that occur


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    Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengembangkan Aplikasi Sistem Informasi Buku Besar pada CV.Mitra Usaha Palembang yang masih menggunakan pencatatan ke buku besar secara manual dengan memberikan solusi kepada CV.Mitra Usaha tersebut untuk menggunakan aplikasi yang diusulkan. Metode penelitian yang digunakan dalam penulisan tugas akhir ini meliputi metode analisis yaitu dengan cara melakukan pengumpulan data-data untuk memperoleh informasi terhadap sistem yang sedang berjalan, serta metode perancangan yang menggambarkan sistem DFD, struktur data, diagram hubungan entitas (ERD) dan melakukan perancangan proses, masukan dan keluaran. Hasil analisis dan perancangan yang diharapkan dari perkembangan aplikasi ini yaitu agar CV.Mitra Usaha dapat memanfaatkan aplikasi yang telah penulis buat, serta dapat mempercepat proses pencatatan transaksi-transaksi keuangan perusahaan ke buku besar dan proses penyusunan laporan keuangan perusahaan


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    The aim of this research is to know determinants of reliability of governmental financial reporting such as human resources quality, information technology utilization and internal control system. This research was done in Satuan Kerja Perangkat Daerah (SKPD) Kulon Progo. The data obtained by questionnaires distributed to 123 respondents consisting of the head and staff of the finance / Accounting department. The data analysis method was multiple linear regression. The result shows that the human resource quality is significantly affected to the reliability of Government Financial Reporting, while information technology utilization and internal control system are not affected. Keywords: human resources quality, information technology utilization, internal control system, reliability of Government Financial Reportin


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    This research is aimed to clarify the effectiveness of applying of cooperative learning model send greeting and questions technique toward learning outcome in mathematics class XI IPA SMAN 3 Pariaman.  The design of this research was randomized experiment with control group only design. The populations of the research are all students of class XI IPA SMAN 3 Pariaman academic year 2017/2018. The sample was two of fourth classes; both classes were XI IPA 1 as experimental class and XI IPA 2 as control class. The technique of analyzing data was hypothesis t-test. The result of this research shown that means score of experiments class was 74 and the average math learning outcomes means control class was 66 averages higher than the experiment class. The result of t-test analysis was obtained t = 6.46 and t table = 1.67 on the real level of 0.05 with df = 56 , t-calculate> t-table. The H 0 was rejected and H 1 was accepted, so it is concluded that applying of cooperative learning model send greeting and questions technique provides a significant effect of the learning outcomes in mathematic class XI IPA SMAN 3 Pariaman


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    Reading attitude is how a student feels about reading and what type of reaction he or she has to read. Students with a positive attitude feel that reading is pleasurable, while students with a negative attitude do not. Attitudes influence a student‟s desire to read. Positive and negative attitude toward their reading measured by amount of books with no regard for the length of the books or the actual amount of time spent to read. From that reason, the writer wants to prove whether there is really positive correlation between reading attitude and frequency of reading at junior high school. Therefore the writer is interested in finding out the correlation between reading attitude and frequency of reading. This study was aimed to find out the correlation between reading attitude and frequency of reading. The writer chooses the students of SMP Islamic QON Manyar, Gresik at IX grade and the writer uses questionnaire as an instrument. The research finding showed that: (1) the statistical analysis of reading attitude and frequency of reading showed that the p-value is 0,000. The significant level is smaller than 0,05 it means the null hypothesis (Ho) can be rejected. Based on the result, it could be concluded that there was significant correlation between reading attitude and frequency of reading. (2) There is positive correlation between reading attitude and frequency of reading. It can be seen from the r-value (Spearman Correlation) that is +0,630. It means the correlation in a positive direction that was variable X and variable Y were straight line, if the value of variable X was higher, variable Y will get higher value as well. (3) Based on the data result, there were high correlation between reading attitude and frequency of reading. It was showed from the r-value +0,630 > +0,600. The writer also concludes that most students are still weak not only in their reading attitude, but also time to waste in reading, for example they read indolently, especially reading academic book and also they waste a little time to read every day. For suggestion, reading is one of the important things to increase our knowledge. So, if we want to develop our knowledge, we should increase reading activity. For the explanation above, we know that reading attitude and frequency of reading has relationship each other. If the learner did not have a good reading attitude, of course they would get a poor or low score in learning process. Furthermore, the learners did not have knowledge enough if they still bad in reading attitude


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    Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui strategi meminta dan kesantunan yang muncul dalam tindak tutur meminta. Penelitian ini menggunakan role play sebagai media untuk mendapatkan data. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan ada 17 ujaran yang termasuk ke dalam tindak tutur meminta. Berdasarkan strategi tindak tutur meminta, satu ujaran (5,9%) termasuk ke dalam strategi memberikan isyarat, stategi pernyataan saran, pernyataan akan kebutuhan dan pernyataan akan kewajiban, empat ujaran (23,5%) termasuk ke dalam mempertanyakan kemampuan dan kesediaan pendengar dan meminta izin, dan lima ujaran 29,4%) termasuk ke dalam strategi perintah. Berdasarkan strategi kesantunan, tiga ujaran (17,6%) termasuk ke dalam strategi bald on-record dan strategi positive politeness, sepuluh ujaran (58,8%) termasuk ke dalam strategi negative politeness dan satu ujaran (5,9%) termasuk ke dalam strategi off-record. Hal ini menunjukkan bahwa kecenderungan strategi meminta adalah dalam bentuk perintah. Sementara itu, strategi kesantunan cenderung muncul dalam bentuk strategi negative politeness.This research was to find out request and politeness strategy in EFL interaction. This research employed role play in data elicitation technique in collecting the data. The result showed that there were 17 utterances contained request and politeness strategies were used by participants. Based on request strategy one utterance (5.9%) belonged to hint strategy, statements of need, obligation and suggestory formulae, four utterances (23.5%) belonged to questioning listeners ability and willingness and asking for permission and five utterances (29.4%) belonged to imperative strategy. Based on politeness strategy, there were three utterances (17.6%) belonged to bald on record and positive politeness strategy, ten utterances (58.9%) belonged to negative politeness and one utterance (5.9%) belonged to off record strategy. It showed that the tendency of the request strategy was in the form of imperative strategies. Meanwhile, the politeness strategy tended to appear in the form of negative politeness strategies.Keywords: acts of request, politeness strategy, request strateg

    Managing Public Village Funds: The Impact of Spiritual vs. Nonspiritual Factors

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    The purpose of this research was to determine the spiritual and nonspiritual factors that influence the management of public organization funds, focusing specifically on village funds. Previous research has shown that both types of factors can impact the management of village funds. The nonspirituality aspects are limited to organizational commitment and human resource competencies while the spirituality aspects are focused on spirituality itself. In this study there were 83 respondents who were village officials directly involved in managing village funds, and who were recruited using purposive sampling. Multiple linear regression was used to analyze the data. The results demonstrated that only nonspirituality aspects had a positive impact on the management of village funds, while spirituality had no effect on village fund management. Keywords: organizational commitment, human resource competence, spirituality, village fund managemen
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